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INTEGRAL Scheduled Revolution: ()

Russia Science Data Center (RSDC) of INTEGRAL project was founded in Space Research Institute in December 22, 1997. The main objectives of RSDC are receipt, storage, preliminary processing and distribution of data gathered during the experiment, for Russian scientific community.

Reasons for creating RSDC are:

  • "Federal Space Program of Russia for 2000-2005", Section 6.
  • "Agreement between the European Space Agency and Russia's Space Agency on cooperation in the INTEGRAL project" on December 18, 1997 (Article 4 item 12, Article 5 paragraph 4).
  • Council Decision Sciences at the Cosmos No 10310-15 dated 8.X.1995 "On the work of the INTEGRAL project".
  • Russian Federation Government Regulation N 1469-r dated 17 September 1999, signed by Vladimir Putin.

With dedicated funding from Academy of Sciences, RSDC installed and operates the most modern equipment for archiving, storage and processing of scientific data.

INTEGRAL Publications of Russian Scientists:
(maintained by Sergei Grebenev)

117997, Moscow, st. Profsoyuznaya, 84/32
Space Research Institute (IKI)
Division 52, Lab 527 "RSDC"

Grebenev, Sergei, grebenev
Lutovinov, Alexander, aal
Molkov, Sergey, molkov
Chelovekov, Ivan, chelovekov
Krivonos, Roman, krivonos
Tsygankov, Sergey, tsygankov