A. Aksenov |
Structure of Pair Winds from Hot Bare Strange Stars |
poster B1 |
G. Alaverdyan |
R. Aptekar |
10 years observations of GRBs in the Russian-American KONUS-WIND experiment: results and perspectives.  |
talk |
V. Arefiev |
Long-term behavior peculiar X-ray Novae XTE J1550-564 |
poster C11 |
O.V. Babourova |
D. Barsukov |
Gamma radiation of radio pulsar polar caps with non-dipolar magnetic field (D.P. Barsukov and E.M. Kantor) |
poster B2 |
S. Bastrukov |
V.B. Belyaev |
I. Bikmaev |
N. Bochkarev |
Cyg X-1 (V1357 Cyg) and Its Interstellar Environment |
poster C13 |
A. Bogomazov |
Mass evolution of binary neutron stars. |
poster C2 |
V. Bogomolov |
Dynamics of binary x-ray pulsar fluxes from long-term data bases of "Prognoz 9" and "Mir GRIF" missions. |
poster D1 |
S. Bogovalov |
R. Burenin |
400 square degrees ROSAT/PSPC galaxy cluster survey |
poster A1 |
A. Bykov |
Shock Waves and Nonthermal Processes in Clusters of Galaxies and Supernova Remnants |
talk |
I. Chelovekov |
1) X-ray bursts detected with the IBIS/ISGRI telescope onboard INTEGRAL in 2003. 2) Broadband X-ray spectrum and bursting behavior of MX 0836-42 |
poster D2,D3 |
A. Cherepashchuk |
Search for Black Holes: from Zeldovich and Salpeter to present days  |
talk |
S. L Cherkas |
A. Chernenko |
A. D. Chernin |
M. Chernyakova |
1) XMM observations of PSR B1259-63 2004 periastron passage. 2) INTEGRAL Science Data Center |
poster D4,D5 |
E. Churazov |
Positrons annihilation in the Galaxy  |
talk |
E. Derishev |
Off-axis emission from relativistic jets  |
talk |
A. Dolgov |
Gerstein-Zeldovich bound and cosmological restrictions on neutirino mass.  |
talk |
E. Drobyshevski |
A. Dudorov |
Dynamics of Rarefaction Waves in Presupernovae Core Collapse A.E. Dudorov, A.G. Zhilkin |
poster B3 |
F. Durret |
Clusters of galaxies seen in X-rays: war and peace. |
talk |
S.A. Dyadechkin |
Relativistic jet simulation from a Kerr black hole. |
poster C3 |
S. Fabrika |
D. I. Nagirner, A. A. Fetisova |
The Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect in Elliptic Galaxies |
poster A2 |
V. Fidelis |
Observations of blazar 1ES 2344 + 514 in synchrotron/inverse compton regimes |
poster D6 |
L. Filipov |
E. Filippova |
Broadband observations of transient X-ray pulsar SAX J2103.5 4545 |
poster D7 |
A. Finogenov |
XMM-Newton pilot study of cluster appearence in Sunyaev-Zeldovich sky.  |
talk |
A. Finoguenov |
XMM-Newton pilot study of cluster appearence in Sunyaev-Zeldovich sky. |
talk |
W. Forman |
Chandra X-ray Observations of Clusters/Groups/Galaxies  |
talk |
B. N. Frolov |
Hubble flow and de Sitter universe |
poster A3 |
M. Gilfanov |
X-ray variability, viscous time scale and Lindblad resonances in LMXBs  |
talk |
I. V. Glazyrin |
N. Gnedin |
Cosmological Reionization  |
talk |
Y. N. Gnedin |
Perspective of Future X-Ray Astronomocal Polarimetry |
talk |
G. Golitsyn |
An explanation of the shape of cosmic rays spectrum for 10 |
talk |
K. M. Gorski |
Exploiting CMB Measurements from Space - Looking Forward to Planck and Beyond  |
talk |
S. A. Grebenev |
Overview of the INTEGRAL results (hard X-ray view to our Galaxy) |
talk |
L. Grishchuk |
Relic Gravitational Waves and Cosmology  |
talk |
A. Gromov |
D. A. Gryaznykh |
Application of $K\epsilon$ model of turbulence to simulations of thermonuclear bursts of neutron stars in LMXB |
poster B4 |
M. Gusakov |
Suprathermal radial pulsations of neutron stars (authors: M.E. Gusakov, D.G. Yakovlev, O.Yu. Gnedin) |
poster B5 |
G. Hajyan |
E. van den Heuvel |
Formation and evolution of double neutron stars |
talk |
A. Ibragimov |
Behaviour of SAX J1808.4-3658 X-ray millisecond pulsar during 2002 outburst |
poster C1 |
M. Ibrahimov |
N. Ikhsanov |
Signs of the subsonic propeller state of neutron stars in recurrent transient pulsars. |
poster C4 |
A. Illarionov |
V.S. Imshennik |
C. Jones |
Chandra Survey of Early Type Galaxies  |
talk |
A. Kamenshchik |
Chaplygin gas and tachyon models and cosmology  |
talk |
A.D. Kaminker |
M. Kamionkowski |
Self-Consistent Theory of Halo Mergers  |
talk |
E. Karitskaya |
The High-Resolution Optical Spectroscopy As A Method Of X-RAY Binary CYG X-1 Investigation. The First Results Fulfilled On Peak Terskol Observatory. |
poster C12 |
S. Kelner |
B. Khrenov |
D. I. Nagirner, S. L. Kirusheva |
Point-source of Radiation in the Early Universe |
poster A4 |
M. van der Klis |
Common timing features in neutron stars and black holes  |
talk |
R. Kneissl |
Searching for SZ clusters  |
talk |
V. Kocharovsky |
Neutrino emission from neutron-rich relativistic jets |
talk |
D. Kosenko |
Y. Kotov |
K. V. Krasnobaev |
A. Kravtsov |
High-resolution simulations of cluster formation  |
talk |
R. Krivonos |
Extragalactic source counts in the 17--50 keV energy range from the deep observation of the Coma region by INTEGRAL  |
poster A5 |
C. R. Lawrence |
The QUIET Experiment: Measuring CMB Polarization with Massive Arrays of Coherent Detectors  |
talk |
V. Lipunov |
G. V. Lipunova |
A. Lobanov |
Supermassive binary black hole systems in powerful AGN  |
talk |
A. Loeb |
Acceleration of High-Energy Particles in Cosmological Shocks  |
talk |
A. Lutovinov |
INTEGRAL observations of high mass X-ray binaries in the inner parts of the Galaxy.  |
talk |
V. Malofeev |
Radio emission of two anomalous x-ray pulsars |
poster B8 |
I. Malov |
M. Markevitch |
Bow shock in the merging cluster 1E0657-56 |
talk |
V. Martianov |
Peculiar features of Weibel instability in ultrarelativistic jets |
poster C5 |
C. Martin |
talk |
K. Martiyanov |
Self-similar solutions for relativistic shock waves with losses |
poster C6 |
L.I. Matveenko |
P. Mazzotta |
Comparing the temperatures of clusters of galaxies from hydro-N-body simulations to Chandra and XMM-Newton observations  |
talk |
M. Medvedev |
How the Universe got magnetized? (The origin of cosmological magnetic fields and beyond.)  |
talk |
N. R. Minkova |
S. Molkov |
poster D8 |
A. Mourao |
SNLS-The Supernova Legacy Survey: first year data |
poster A11 |
V. Musakhanyan |
S. Peng Oh |
3 sigma peaks: Observational Signatures of High Redshift Galaxies and Low Redshift Clusters  |
talk |
L. Page |
Recent Results from WMAP  |
talk |
Y. Parijskij |
Ya. Zeldovich and "Cosmological Gene" Project  |
talk |
R. Pasechnik |
1) Invariant dynamics of scalar perturbations in inflationary universe 2) Structure of the supersymmetric Dark Matter: new possibilities for the theory and experiment |
poster A6,A7 |
F. Perrotta |
Dark Energy in Extended Gravity theories  |
talk |
D. Podolsky |
Kinetic equation of state  |
talk |
S. Popov |
New test for cooling curves: Population synthesis of close-by neutron stars (by S. Popov, H. Grigorian, R. Turolla, and D. Blaschke) |
poster B6 |
K. Postnov |
X-ray luminosity function of low-mass X-ray binaries in galaxies  |
talk |
J. Poutanen |
Accretion-powered millisecond pulsars  |
talk |
D. Prohorov |
In-situ acceleratioon of subrelativistic electrons in the Coma halo and its influence on the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect |
poster A8 |
M. Prokhorov |
Formation of very massive neutron stars |
poster B7 |
R. Rafikov |
Properties of Extrasolar Planets  |
talk |
A. Readhead |
Two-year total intensity and one-year polarization microwave background observations with the Cosmic Background Imager  |
talk |
M. Revnivtsev |
Hard X-ray view of the past activity of Sgr A* in a natural Compton mirror  |
talk |
A. Romanov |
A. A. Sadoyan |
N. Sakhibullin |
E. Sergio Santini |
M. Sazhin |
S. Sazonov |
INTEGRAL observations of gamma-ray bursts  |
talk |
E. Seifina |
Analysis of "local minima"-effect in Multifrequency Observations of SS433 (E.Seifina* and T.Irsmambetova** * Sternberg Astronomical Institute ** SAI Crimean observatory) |
poster D9 |
V.S. Semenov |
Relativistic jet as a result of a magnetic flux tube falling onto a Kerr black hole. |
poster C7 |
N. Shakura |
Theory of the disk accretion: origin and development. |
talk |
E. Sheffer |
Y. Shibanov |
Optical observations of radiopulsars of different ages with large groundbased telescopes and HST  |
talk |
P. Shtykovskiy |
High mass X-ray binaries in LMC: dependence on the stellar population age and the ``propeller'' effect |
poster C8 |
I.N. Sibgatullin |
Magnetic field of a magnetized neutron star surrounded by a thin accretion disk of finite extension. |
poster C9 |
V. A. Simonenko |
Propagation of thermonuclear burning along the surface of neutron star for high-frequency oscillating bursts  |
talk |
B. T. Soifer |
Early Extragalactic Results from Spitzer Space Telescope  |
talk |
S.V. Starikova |
A. Starobinsky |
The primordial perturbation spectrum  |
talk |
A. Sudarikov |
V. Suleimanov |
RXTE broadband X-ray spectra of intermediate polars and white dwarf mass estimates by V.Suleimanov, M.Revnivtsev and H. Ritter |
poster D10 |
R. Sunyaev |
talk |
Y. Tanaka |
X-ray Astronomy with High Spectral Resolution  |
talk |
A. Timokhin |
L. Titarchuck |
How To Distinguish a X-ray Neutron Star (NS) Source From a Black Hole Source?  |
talk |
L. Tkachev |
Preparation of the TUS Space Experiment for UHECR Study |
poster D11 |
I. Toptygin |
J. E. Truemper |
Progress and puzzles in neutron star physics  |
talk |
S. Trushkin |
S. Tsygankov |
Study of transient X-ray pulsar KS 1947 300 with INTEGRAL and RXTE observatories |
poster D12 |
A. Tuntsov |
3-dimensional approach to propagation of intensity correlations due to gravitational lensing over cosmological distances. |
poster A12 |
A.V. Uryson |
E. Vasiliev |
Initial star formation phases behind shockwaves in early universe |
poster A9 |
A. Vikhlinin |
Baryon content of galaxy clusters and cosmology  |
talk |
A. Voevodkin |
Constraining amplitude and slope of the mass fluctuation spectrum. |
poster A10 |
I. Voloshina |
Results of Optical Monitoring of Cataclysmic Variable GK Per During the Campaign of Coordinated Observations with INTEGRAL (Voloshina, I.; Sementsov, V.; Metlova, N.) |
poster D13 |
R. A.M.J. Wijers |
High-energy phenomena from gamma-ray bursts  |
talk |
D. Yakovlev |
Five regimes of nuclear burning in dense stellar matter  |
talk |
L. Yungelson |
V. Zakharov |
Hydrodynamics |
talk |
A. Zakharov |
Massive Black Holes: Theory vs. observations |
poster C10 |
V.V. Zheleznyakov |
V. Zirakashvili |
Acceleration of energetic particles in the galactic wind |
poster D14 |