Том 25, 1999 год, номер 1
- Некоторые свойства плоских галактик из каталога FGC
И.Д.Караченцев, В.Е.Караченцева, Ю.Н.Кудря
AstL: ??-??)
- Пространственно-возрастное распределение молодых
рассеянных скоплений и наблюдательная селекция
А.К.Дамбис (pp.10-17;
AstL: ??-??)
- Спектроскопия голубых звезд с H-эмиссией в галактике M33
О.Н.Шолухова, С.Н.Фабрика, В.В.Власюк
AstL: ??-??)
- IRAS 18062+2410 - ранняя стадия образьвания планетарной
В.П.Архипова, Н.П.Иконникова, Р.И.Носкова, Г.В.Сокол, В.Ф.Есипов,
В.Г.Клочкова (pp.30-39;
AstL: ??-??)
- Об устойчивости сильных бесстолкновительных ударных волн
с релятивистскими ускоренными частицами
И.Н.Топтыгин (pp.40-48;
AstL: ??-??)
- Происхождение мягкого рентгеновского излучения после
импульсной фазы солнечной вспышки 26 марта 1991 г.
В.В.Акимов, Г.Гарсия, К.В.Гетман, Виктория Г. Курт, М.А.Лившиц
AstL: ??-??)
- Исследование движений в разнотемпературных областях
солнечной короны и поиски слабой эмиссии в линии H
А.Б.Делоне, М.И.Дивлекеев, О.Б.Смирнова, Г.В.Якунина
AstL: ??-??)
- К семидесятилетию В.С Имшенника
(pp. 61-62 )
- Предметный указатель тома 24,
1998 г.
(pp. 63-69 )
- Авторский указатель тома 24,
1998 г.
(pp. 70-75 )
- Правила для авторов (pp. 76-80 )
Том 25, 1999 год, номер 2
- Наблюдения рентгеновского пульсара Центавр Х-3
телескопом АРТ-П обсерватории "Гранат"
А.А.Лутовинов, С.А.Гребенев, Р.А.Сюняев
AstL: ??-??)
- Звездные дуги и вспышки гамма-излучения
Ю.Н.Ефремов (pp.100-107)
- Геминга как радиопульсар
А.Д.Кузьмин, Б.Я.Лосовский
AstL: ??-??)
- Исследование рассеянного звездного скопления NGC 6811
Е.В.Глушкова, В.М. Батыршинова, М.А.Ибрагимов
AstL: ??-??)
- Гидродинамические модели взрыва быстро вращающихся и
коллапсирующих сверхновых с учетом процессов
диссоциации-рекомбинации железа
В.С.Имшенн-ик, Е.А.3абродина
AstL: ??-??)
- К теории солнечной магнитной трубки
Ю.В.Вандакуров (pp.143-149;
AstL: ??-??)
- Наблюдение болида и падение первого крупного метеорита в
С.Мухамедназаров (pp.150-152;
AstL: ??-??)
- Астрономические условия падения и орбита метеорита
В.А.Бронштэн (pp.153-155;
AstL: ??-??)
- Измерение качества ночного изобажения на горе Майданак с
помощью монитора дифференциальных дрожаний Европейской
южной обсерватории
С.П.Ильясов, А.К.Байжуманов, М.Сарацин, Х.Б.Султанов, Ш.А.Эгамбердиев
AstL: ??-??)
Volume 25, 1999, Issue 3
- Гравитационное излучение при фрагментации вращающейся
нейтронной звезды
А.Г.Аксенов (pp.163-171;
AstL: ??-??)
- Возможность обнаружения перехода в линии сверхтонкой
структуры основного состояния позитрония
В.В.Бурдюжа , Ф.Дюрошу, В.Л. Кауц
AstL: ??-??)
- Химически выделенное ядро и структура ядерной области
спиральной галактики NGC 488
О.К.Сильченко (pp.176-185;
AstL: ??-??)
- Модификация метода Монте-Карло для моделирования
переноса излучения в молекулярных облаках
М.А.Воронков (pp.186-193;
AstL: ??-??)
- Волновая природа рукава Лебедя-Ориона
Т.Г.Ситник, А.М.Мельник
AstL: ??-??)
- Долговременная спектральная и фотоэлектрическая
переменность пекулярной 071 fp "убегающей" звезды HD108
А.А.Баранников (pp.209-219;
AstL: ??-??)
- Непрерывный спектр V1016 Ori
Э.А.Витриченко (pp.220-225;
AstL: ??-??)
- Численное решение уравнения Пуассона для трехмерного
моделирования эволюции звезд
А.Г.Аксенов (pp.226-232;
AstL: ??-??)
- Поляриметрические наблюдения кометы Хейла-Боппа
Ю.Н.Гнедин, Т.М.Нацвлишвили, В.Д.Бычков, В.П.Романенко
AstL: ??-??)
Volume 25, 1999, Issue 4
- Scattering of X-Ray Emission Lines by Molecular Hydrogen
R.A.Sunyaev, D.B.Uskov, and E.M.Churazov
- Is the Detonation Burning in a Degenerate Carbon-Oxygen Core of
a Presupernova Possible ?
V.S.Imshennik, N.L.Kal'yanova, A.V.Koldoba, and V.M.Chechetkin
- Shock Waves in Astrophysical Gaseous Disks: Effects of Finite
Disk Thickness and of Vertical Motions
I.G.Kovalenko, and D.V.Lukin
- Formation of the Structure of Interstellar Molecular
V.G.Gorbatskii, and P.A.Tarakanov
- Close Binary Systems in Star-Forming Regions: KV Cyg, V435 Cyg,
and V699 Cyg in the OB Association Cyg OB1
M.M.Zakirov (pp.276-290)
- Cyclic Variability of UX Ori Stars: UX Ori, SV Cep, and RZ
A.N.Rostopchina, V.P.Grinin, and D.N.Shakhovskoi
- First Measurements of the Magnetic Field in a Coronal Hole
from RATAN-600 Radio Observations of the Sun
V.N.Borovik, V.G.Medar', and A.N.Korzhavin
- Steady-State Configuration of the Heliospheric Sheet
S.L.Koutchmy, M.M.Molodensky, O.T.Matsuura, and E.Picazzio
- Fundamental Discrepancy Between Experimental Data on the Solar
Cyclicity and Modern Theoretical Models Used for its
Yu.R.Rivin (pp.314-320)
Volume 25, 1999, Issue 5
- Spread of Matter Over a Neutron-Star Surface During Disk
N.A.Inogamov, and R.A.Sunyaev
- X-Ray Outburst of the Symbiotic Star CI Cam/XTE J0421+560:
RXTE Observations
M.G.Revnivtsev, A.N.Emel'yanov, and K.N.Borozdin
- Computing the Collapse of Iron-Oxygen Stellar Cores with
Allowance for the Absorption and Emission of Electron Neutrinos
and Antineutrinos
A.G.Aksenov (pp.364-375)
- Frequency of Occurrence of Thin Edge-On Galaxies
I.D.Karachentsev (pp.376-379)
- Distances to Eight Nearby Isolated Low-Luminosity Galaxies
M.E.Sharina, I.D.Karachentsev, and N.A.Tikhonov
- Distances to Two New Companions of M31
N.A.Tikhonov, and I.D.Karachentsev
- On the Plasma Theory of Reflection of a Radar Signal from the
V.N.Mel'nik (pp.395-400)
Volume 25, 1999, Issue 6
- A New Activity Cycle of NGC 4151: Evidence for the Existence of
an Accretion Disk
V.M.Lyuty, and V.T.Doroshenko
- Long-Term Variability of the Hard X-ray Source GRS1758-258:
GRANAT/SIGMA Observations
S.I.Kuznetsov, M.R.Gilfanov, E.M.Churazov, R.A.Sunyaev, A.V.D'yachkov,
N.G.Khavenson, B.S.Novikov, R.S.Kremnev, P.Goldoni, A.Goldwurm,
P.Laurent, J.Paul, J.-P.Roques, E.Jourdain, L.Bouchet, and
G.Vedrenne (pp.414-423)
- Modeling of the Light Curve and Parameters of the Supernova
S.I.Blinnikov (pp.424-434)
- The Role of Protons and Particles in Rapid
Nucleosynthesis in the Envelope of a Collapsing Supernova
I.V.Panov, and D.K.Nadyozhin
- The Difference of the Frequency Dependences of the Mean-Profile
Widths of Millisecond and "Normal" Pulsars
A.D.Kuz'min, and B.Ya.Losovskii
- Identification of Radio Sources in Clusters of Galaxies
A.G.Gubanov, and V.P.Reshetnikov
- Spectroscopic Variability of the Planetary Nebula IC4997 over 25
Years (1972-1996)
E.B.Kostyakova (pp.457-466)
- Long-Term Monitoring of the Long-Period Variable W Hydrae
in the 1.35-cm Water-Vapor Radio Line
G.M.Rudnitskii, E.E.Lekht, and I.I.Berulis
Volume 25, 1999, Issue 7
- Afterglow of the Gamma-Ray Burst of July 23, 1992 as Observed by
the SIGMA/GRANAT Telescope
R.A.Burenin, A.A.Vikhlinin, O.V.Terekhov, A.Yu.Tkachenko, S.Yu.Sazonov,
M.R.Gilfanov, E.M.Churazov, R.A.Sunyaev, P.Goldoni, A.Claret, A.Goldwurm,
J.Paul, J.-P.Rogues, E.Jourdain, G.Vedrenne, and P.Mandrou
- A Simple Cooling Model for Neutron Stars with Superfluid Cores:
Comparison with Observations
K.P.Levenfish, Yu.A.Shibanov, and D.G.Yakovlev
- X-ray Emission from T Tauri Stars Attributable to an Accretion Shock Wave
S.A.Lamzin (pp.505-512)
- Electron-Proton Collisions in Plasma on Magnetic White Dwarfs
V.V.Zheleznyakov, S.A.Koryagin, A.V.Serber
- Critical Temperature of White Dwarfs with Strong Magnetic Field
V.V.Zheleznyakov, S.A.Koryagin, A.V.Serber
- Atmospheric Chemical Composition of the "Twin" Components of Equal Mass
in the CP SB2 System 66 Eri
A.V.Yushchenko, V.F.Gopka, V.L.Khokhlova, F.A.Musaev, and I.F.Bikmaev
- Is Asynchronism in Semidetached Binary Systems Real ?
L.V.Glazunuva (pp.545-548)
- Magnetic Field Escape from a Stellar Convection Zone and the
Activity Cycle Period
L.L.Kitchutinuv, and M.V.Mazur
- Evolution of the Orbits of Distant Uranus' Satellites
M.A.Vashkov'yak (pp.554-560)
Volume 25, 1999, Issue 8
- Correlation between the Infrared and Optical Variations of
NGC4151 in 30 Years: Change in the Sizes of the Infrared Source
V.L.Oknyanskij, V.M.Lyuty, O.G.Taranova, and V.I.Shenavrin
- GRANAT and RXTE Observations of the X-ray Nova XTE J1755-324
M.G.Revnivtsev, M.R.Gilfanov, E.M.Churazov, S.P.Trudolyubov,
R.A.Sunyaev, A.V.D'yachkov, N.G.Khavenson, I.D.Tserenin,
P.Goldoni, M.Vargas, A.Goldwurm, J.Paul, V.Barrel, E.Jourdain,
L.Bouchet, and J.-P. Roque
- Fifty Years of Radio Observations of the Discrete Source
Cassiopeia A
K.S.Stankevich, V.P.Ivanov, and S.P.Stolyarov
- Supercritical Disk Accretion with Mass Loss
G.V.Lipunova (pp.591-601)
- Periodic Pattern in the Cepheid Space Velocity Field and the
Spiral Arms of our Galaxy
A.M. Mel'nik, A.K.Dambis, and A.S.Rastorguev
- Evolution of the Light Curve of V410 Tau during 1986-1997
K.N.Grankin (pp.611-621)
- Spectroscopic Components in the Multiple Systems ADS 4200 and
ADS 12656
M.G.Smekhov (pp.622-625)
- Small-Scale Turbulence of the Solar Wind during the 11-year
Solar Cycle
S.A.Starodubtsev (pp.626-630)
- On the Periodic and Asymptotic Solutions in the Neighborhood of
Equilibrium Positions in the Double-Averaged Hill Problem with
Allowance for the Oblateness of a Central Planet
M.A.Vashkov'yak (pp.631-638)
- In Memory of A.S.Sharov (1929-1999)
(pp. 639-640)
Volume 25, 1999, Issue 9
- Jet Structure in the Quasars 3C345 and 1803+784
L.I.Matveyenko, and A.I.Witzel
- H and Continuum Variability in the Seyfert Galaxy
Akn 120 from Crimean Observations during 1974-1990
V.T.Doroshenko, S.G.Sergeev, V.I.Pronik, and K.K.Chuvaev+
- Parameters of Bulges and Disks of Interacting Galaxies
E.A.Evstigneeva, and V.P.Reshetnikov
- Geometry of the Carina-Sagittarius Spiral Arm
L.N.Berdnikov, and A.D.Chernin
- Statistical Parallaxes and Kinematical Parameters of Classical
Cepheids and Young Star Clusters
A.S.Rastorguev, E.V.Glushkova, A.K.Dambis, and M.V.Zabolotskikh
- A Phenomenological Picture of the Variability of the Spotted
roAp star HD 83368 (HR 3831)
N.Polosukhina, V.Khalak, A.Shavrina, and P.North
- Sakurai's Object (V4334 Sgr) in 1998: The RCrB Phase Has Set
V.P.Arkhipova, R.I.Noskova, V.F.Esipov, and G.V.Sokol
Volume 25, 1999, Issue 10
- CO Molecules in the Quasars 1556+3517 and 0840+3633
V.K.Dubrovich, and A.A.Lipovka
- Activity of the Soft Gamma Repeater SGR1900+14 in 1998 from
KONUS-WIND Observations: 1. Short Recurrent Bursts
E.P.Mazets, T.L.Cline, R.L.Aptekar', P.S.Butterworth,
S.V.Golenetskii, V.N.Il'inskii, V.D.Pal'shin, and D.D.Frederiks
- Activity of the Soft Gamma Repeater SGR1900+14 in 1998 from
KONUS-WIND Observations: 2. The Giant August 27 Outburst
E.P.Mazets, T.L.Cline, R.L.Aptekar', P.S.Butterworth,
S.V.Golenetskii, V.N.Il'inskii, V.D.Pal'shin, and D.D.Frederiks
- Propagation of Shock Waves in Type II Presupernovae
A.Yu.Deputovich, and D.K.Nadyozhin
- Variability of Diffuse Interstellar Bands in the Spectrum of
G.A.Galazutdinov, J.Krelowski, F.A.Musaev, and A.I.Galeev
- Parameters of the Peculiar Binary RY Sct as Inferred from an
Analysis of New Multicolor Photometry
E.A.Antokhina, and M.I.Kumsiashvili
- The Visual Orbit of HD98800
A.A.Tokovinin (pp.771-774)
- Flare Activity of the Long-Period Variable Star R Leonis
V.F.Esipov, M.I.Pashchenko, G.M.Rudnitskii, and S.V.Fomin
- Local 5-min Oscillations above Solar Granules and Intergranular
R.I.Kostyk, and N.G.Shchukina
- Symmetric Periodic Solutions Generated by Stationary Equilibrium
States of the Averaged Hill Problem with Allowance for the
Planet's Oblateness
M.A.Vashkov'yak (pp.792-799)
- Dear Authors and Readers of Journal
(pp. 800-800)
Volume 25, 1999, Issue 11
- Large-Scale Polarimetry of Large Optical Galaxies
G.B.Sholomitskii, I.A.Maslov, and E.A.Vitrichenko
- Edge-on Galaxies: A Survey of Rotation Curves
D.I.Makarov, A.N.Burenkov, and N.V.Tyurina
- The Structure of the Galactic Gas at High Latitudes: Results of
I.V.Gosachinskii, G.N.Il'in, A.S.Morozov, and V.A.Prozorov
- The X-ray Source GRS1915+105: The Low-Luminosity State and
Transitions between the States during 1996-1997 (RXTE
S.P.Trudolyubov, E.M.Churazov, and M.R.Cilfanov
- The Deep Photometric Minimum of FG Sagittae in 1998 as a Typical
Manifestation of the RCrB Phase in the Post-AGB Stellar
V.P.Arkhipova, V.F.Esipov, G.V.Sokol, and S.Yu.Shugarov
- IR Photometry of Three Carbon Stars
O.G.Taranova, and V.I.Shenavrin
- Rotation of the Solar Convection Zone
- In Memory of G.B.Sholomitskii
(February 6, 1939 - June 17, 1999) (pp. 879-880)
Volume 25, 1999, Issue 12
- UBV Photometry of the Seyfert Galaxy Akn 120 in 1974-1999
V.T.Doroshenko, and V.M.Lyuty
- Spectral Slopes of the Emission in "Fast" and "Slow" Optical
Outbursts of the Blazar 3C345
E.T.Belokon, and M.K.Babadzhanyants
- Autocorrelation Function of Microlensed Radio Emission
V.I.Zhdanov (pp.906-909)
- Parameters of Four Multiple Systems from Speckle Interferometry
I.I.Balega, Yu.Yu.Balega, K.-H.Hofmann, A.A.Tokovinin, and
G.P.Weigelt (pp.910-915)
- Radial-Velocity Variations in Pulsating Ap Stars: PrIII and
NdIII Lines in the Spectrum of Equ
I.S.Savanov, V.P.Malanushenko, and T.A.Ryabchikova
- BD+40o175: A Visual Binary with Two Magnetic Components
V.G.El'kin (pp.924-929)
- Joint Particle Acceleration by Turbulence and a Shock Front in a
Steady-State Stellar Wind
I.N.Toptygin (pp.930-934)
- Shock Acceleration of Iron with Allowance for Its Stripping
in Gradual Solar-Energetic-Particle Events
V.M.Ostryakov, and M.F.Stovpyuk
- Influence of the Densities of the Components of Local
Interstellar Medium on the Magnetic-Field Structure
at the Heliospheric Interface
E.V.Barsky (pp.942-950)
- Dispersion Properties and Excitation Efficiency of a Surface Wave
in the Solar Atmosphere
L.A.Gasilova, and Yu.V.Petukhov