Volume 50, 2024, Issue 1
- GRB 231115A - a Magnetar Giant Flare in the M82 Galaxy
P.Yu.Minaev, A.S.Pozanenko, S.A.Grebenev, I.V.Chelovekov,
N.S.Pankov, A.A.Khabibullin, R.Ya.Inasaridze, A.O.Novichonok
AstL: 1-24; astro-ph: 2402.08623)
- Deep Hard X-ray Survey of the M81 Field Based on INTEGRAL Data
R.A.Krivonos, I.A.Mereminskiy, S.Yu.Sazonov
AstL: 25-33)
- Estimation of the Accuracy of Stellar Atmosphere
Parameters and Interstellar Extinction from Highly Accurate
Broadband Photometry
Yu.V.Pakhomov (55-72;
AstL: 34-52)
- Study of the Carbon Star T Draconis
A.M.Tatarnikov, S.G.Zheltoukhov, V.I.Shenavrin,
I.V.Sergeenkova, A.A.Vakhonin (73-81;
AstL: 53-61)
- On the Flare Activity of the H2O Maser in DR21OH
A.V.Lapinov, A.M.Tolmachev, A.K.Kiselev, N.I.Lapin,
S.A.Lapinova, I.A.Startseva, A.S.Loginova
AstL: 62-69)
- Methyl Formate Synthesis Pathways at Various Star
Formation Stages
O.V.Kochina, D.S.Wiebe (90-99;
AstL: 70-80)
- Stellar Wind and the Efficiency of Plasma Radio Emission
from Exoplanets
V.V.Zaitsev, V.E.Shaposhnikov, M.L.Khodachenko, M.S.Rumenskikh
AstL: 81-91)
- Radar Images of the Candidate Spacecraft Landing Sites
on the Moon
Yu.S.Bondarenko, D.A.Marshalov, A.G.Mikhailov
AstL: 92-97)
Volume 50, 2024, Issue 2
- Passage of a Gamma-Ray Burst through a Molecular Cloud:
Cloud Ionization Structure
A.V.Nesterenok (121-141;
AstL: 99-119)
- The Method of Periodic Principal Components for the
Dynamic Spectrum of Radio Pulsars and Faraday Rotation of
Nine Pulse Components of PSR B0329+54
V.V.Kocharovsky, V.V.Vdovin, A.S.Gavrilov, E.R.Kocharovskaya,
S.V.Logvinenko, E.M.Loskutov, V.M.Malofeev
AstL: 120-137)
- Study of the Components of the Double Star ADS 15571 by
Speckle Interferometry
E.N.Sokov, D.L.Gorshanov, I.S.Izmailov, N.A.Shakht,
I.A.Sokova, A.S.Beskakotov, V.V.Dyachenko, A.F.Maksimov,
A.A.Mitrofanova, D.A.Rasstegaev (163-171;
AstL: 138-147)
- Magnetic Field Structures of the Stars HD 94660, HD
75049, and HD 154708
Yu.V.Glagolevskij (172-179;
AstL: 148-158)
Volume 50, 2024, Issue 3
- Increase in the Brightness of the Cosmic Radio
Background toward Galaxy Clusters
S.A.Grebenev, R.A.Sunyaev (183-207;
AstL: 159-185)
- Annihilation of Positrons from AGN Jets As a Possible
Source of Cosmic Gamma-Ray Background at Energies below 511 keV
B.A.Nizamov, M.S.Pshirkov (208-215;
AstL: 186-193)
- Clumpy Accretion As a Possible Cause of Prolonged
Eclipses in UX Ori Stars
V.P.Grinin, T.V.Demidova (223-232;
AstL: 194-202)
- Observation of a Helioseismically Active Solar Flare
with a Low Hard X-ray Flux up to 50 keV
I.N.Sharykin, I.V.Zimovets, A.G.Kosovichev, I.I.Myshyakov
AstL: 203-219)
- Erratum to the paper
by V.V.Kocharovsky, V.V.Vdovin, A.S.Gavrilov,
E.R.Kocharovskaya, S.V.Logvinenko, E.M.Loskutov, V.M.Malofeev
The Method of Periodic
Principal Components for the Dynamic Spectrum of Radio
Pulsars and Faraday Rotation of Nine Pulse Components of PSR
B0329+54, Astronomy Letters, 2024, v. 50,
pp. 120-137 (pp.251-251;
AstL: 220-220)
Volume 50, 2024, Issue 4
- Prospects for Measuring the Post-Newtonian
Parameter Using Two Satellites Equipped with Highly Stable
Atomic Clocks
D.A.Litvinov (253-260;
AstL: 221-229)
- Activity of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 7469 in 2016-2021:
Observational Data
B.P.Artamonov, E.V.Shimanovskaya, V.V.Bruevich, O.Burkhonov,
Sh.A.Egamberdiev (261-268;
AstL: 230-237)
- Estimation of the Kinematic Age of the Pictoris Moving
Group from Up-to-date Data
V.V.Bobylev, A.T.Bajkova (269-280;
AstL: 238-248)
- Spectroscopy of B and Be Stars in the Very Young Open
Star Cluster IC 1805
A.E.Tarasov (281-289;
AstL: 249-257)
- Analysis of the Parameters of Pre-Cataclysmic Binaries
with sdB-subdwarfs: V1828 Aql
N.R.Deminova, V.V.Shimansky, N.V.Borisov, M.M.Gabdeev
AstL: 258-268)
- Optical Characteristics of a Magnetocentrifugal Disk
Wind in the Visual, Ultraviolet, and X-ray Spectral Ranges
M.A.Albrant, V.P.Grinin, T.A.Ermolaeva
AstL: 269-278)
Volume 50, 2024, Issue 5
- New Active Galactic Nuclei Detected by the ART-XC and
eROSITA Telescopes during the First Five SRG All-Sky X-ray
Surveys. Part 2
G.S.Uskov, S.Yu.Sazonov, I.A.Zaznobin, M.R.Gilfanov,
R.A.Burenin, E.V.Filippova, P.S.Medvedev, A.V.Moskaleva,
R.A.Sunyaev, R.A.Krivonos, M.V.Eselevich
AstL: 279-301)
- Stripping of a Neutron Star in a Close Binary System in
a Pair with a Black Hole
N.I.Kramarev, A.G.Kuranov, A.V.Yudin, K.A.Postnov
AstL: 302-316)
- The Hybrid Nova V1405 Cas with an Oxygen-Neon or
Carbon-Oxygen White Dwarf?
T.N.Tarasova (361-371;
AstL: 317-328)
- The Ratio of the Areas of a Sunspot and Its Umbra: Two
Populations of Sunspot Groups
Yu.A.Nagovitsyn (372-376;
AstL: 329-334)
- Spectroscopic and Photometric Study of the New Eclipsing
Polar Gaia23cer
A.I.Kolbin, E.P.Pavlenko, V.Yu.Kochkina, A.S.Vinokurov,
S.Yu.Shugarov, A.A.Sosnovskij, K.A.Antonyuk, O.I.Antonyuk,
N.V.Pit', M.V.Suslikov, E.K.Galimova, N.V.Borisov, A.N.Burenkov,
O.I.Spiridonova (313-324;
AstL: 335-349)
Volume 50, 2024, Issue 6
- SRGe J194401.8+284452 - an X-ray Cataclysmic Variable in
the Field of the Gamma-Ray Source 4FGL J1943.9+2841
A.I.Kolbin, A.V.Karpova, M.V.Suslikov, I.F.Bikmaev,
M.R.Gilfanov, I.M.Khamitov, Yu.A.Shibanov, D.A.Zyuzin,
G.M.Beskin, V.L.Plokhotnichenko, A.G.Gutaev, S.V.Karpov,
N.V.Lyapsina, P.S.Medvedev, R.A.Sunyaev, A.Yu.Kirichenko,
M.A.Gorbachev, E.N.Irtuganov, R.I.Gumerov, N.A.Sakhibullin,
E.S.Shablovinskaya, E.A.Malygin (412-432;
AstL: 351-372)
- Revision of the Calcium and Scandium Abundances in Am
Stars Based on Non-LTE Calculations and Comparison with
Diffusion Stellar Evolution Models
L.I.Mashonkina, Yu.A.Fadeyev (379-394;
AstL: 373-389)
- Non-LTE Nitrogen Abundances in the Sun and Selected
A-F-Type Stars
L.I.Mashonkina, T.A.Ryabchikova (395-411;
AstL: 390-407)
- Study of the Solar Wind Plasma Thermodynamics in the
Solar Corona Based on the Charge State of Heavy Ions
F.F.Goryaev, V.A.Slemzin (433-444;
AstL: 408-419)
- Origin of ``Bursts in Absorption'' in the Jovian
Decameter Radio Emission
V.E.Shaposhnikov (445-453;
AstL: 420-429)
Volume 50, 2024, Issue 7
- Mergers of Binary Primordial Black Holes in Evolving
Dark Matter Halos
V.D.Stasenko, Yu.N.Eroshenko (502-509;
AstL: 431-439)
- Investigation of the Spiral Structure of Galaxies in
Compact Groups and in Isolation
M.N.Skryabina, A.D.Panasyuk, A.V.Mosenkov, P.I.Smirnova,
A.A.Marchuk, I.V.Chugunov, V.P.Reshetnikov
AstL: 440-450)
- Puzzle of [Ar II] 7
Line Broad Component of SN 1987A
N.N.Chugai, V.P.Utrobin (457-463;
AstL: 451-456)
- The Influence of a Shock on the Nucleosynthesis
Developing during the Explosion of a Low-Mass Neutron Star
I.V.Panov, A.Yu.Ignatovskiy, A.V.Yudin
AstL: 457-467)
- Statistical Issues of Multichannel Reception and
Processing of Pulsed Radio-Astronomical Signals
V.A.Fedorova, A.E.Rodin (464-477;
AstL: 468-480)
Volume 50, 2024, Issue 8
- Humps on the Profiles of the Radial-Velocity
Distribution and the Age of the Galactic Bar
A.M.Melnik, E.N.Podzolkova (513-533;
AstL: 481-501)
- Superluminous Supernova SN 2018ibb: Circumstellar Shell
and Spectral Effects
N.N.Chugai (534-541;
AstL: 502-509)
- Passage of a Gamma-Ray Burst through a Molecular Cloud:
The Absorption of Its Afterglow in the X-ray Range
A.V.Nesterenok (542-554;
AstL: 510-522)
- Electrostatic Energy of Multicomponent Crystal Mixtures
in the Interiors of Degenerate Stars
A.A.Kozhberov (555-560;
AstL: 523-528)
- Confirmation of the ``Lost'' Cycle and the Gnevyshev-Ohl
Rule in a Series of Sunspot Areas Spanning 410 Years
Yu.A.Nagovitsyn (561-566;
AstL: 529-535)
Volume 50, 2024, Issue 9
- Prospects for Measuring the Post-Newtonian
Using Two Satellites Equipped with Highly Stable Atomic
Clocks and a Doppler Compensation System
D.A.Litvinov (569-582;
AstL: 537-549)
- Parameters of the Possible Companion of the Neutron Star
toward the Supernova Remnant G315.4-2.30
Yu.V.Pakhomov (583-593;
AstL: 550-560)
- Models of Mira Variables of the Large Magellanic Cloud
Yu.A.Fadeyev (594-603;
AstL: 561-570)
- Radial Velocities of Narrow Emission Line Components in
the Spectra of T Tauri Stars
V.A.Kiryukhina, A.V.Dodin (604-615;
AstL: 571-583)
- Magnetic Flux Ropes with a Current Shell As Flaring
Solar Structures
A.A.Solov'ev, E.A.Kirichek (616-624;
AstL: 584-592)