Volume 49, 2023, Issue 1
- Search for AGNs in Dwarf Galaxies in the the M81 Field
with INTEGRAL Data
I.A.Mereminskiy, S.Yu.Sazonov, R.A.Krivonos, I.D.Karachentsev
AstL: 1-8)
- Can Observations of 511 keV Line from the M31 Galaxy
Shed Light on the AGN Jet Composition?
B.A.Nizamov, M.S.Pshirkov
([Volume 49, issue 5, pp.322-323];
AstL: 9-17)
- Morphology and Spectra of the Galactic Supernova Remnant
G18.1-0.1 from SRG/eROSITA Data
A.M.Bykov, Yu.A.Uvarov, M.R.Gilfanov, P.S.Medvedev
AstL: 18-23)
Volume 49, 2023, Issue 2
- New Active Galactic Nuclei Detected by the ART-Xó and
eROSITA Telescopes during the First Five SRG All-Sky X-ray
G.S.Uskov, S.Yu.Sazonov, I.A.Zaznobin, R.A.Burenin,
M.R.Gilfanov, P.S.Medvedev, R.A.Sunyaev, R.A.Krivonos,
E.V.Filippova, G.A.Khorunzhev, M.V.Eselevich
AstL: 25-48)
- Second Maximum of SN 2019stc: Collision with a
Circumstellar Shell?
N.N.Chugai, V.P.Utrobin (pp.122-129;
AstL: 49-55)
- On the Nature of the Bar-Shaped X-ray Feature in the Lee
Jet of the Vela Pulsar Wind Nebula
S.S.Fateeva, K.P.Levenfish, G.A.Ponomaryov, A.E.Petrov,
A.N.Fursov (pp.130-139;
AstL: 56-64)
- On the Origin of Knots in the Vela Nebula
G.A.Ponomaryov, A.N.Fursov, S.S.Fateeva, K.P.Levenfish,
A.E.Petrov, A.M.Krassilchtchikov
AstL: 65-79)
Volume 49, 2023, Issue 3
- Chromatic Afterglow of GRB 200829A
N.S.Pankov, A.S.Pozanenko, P.Yu.Minaev, S.O.Belkin,
A.A.Volnova, I.V.Reva, A.V.Serebryanskii, M.A.Krugov,
S.A.Naroenkov, A.O.Novichonok, A.A.Zhornichenko,
V.V.Rumyantsev, K.A.Antonyuk, Sh.A.Egamberdiev,
O.A.Burkhonov, E.V.Klunko, A.S.Moskvitin, I.E.Molotov,
R.Ya.Inasaridze (pp.157-186;
AstL: 81-109)
- Determination of the Spiral Pattern Speed in the Galaxy
from Three Samples of Stars
V.V.Bobylev, A.T.Bajkova (pp.187-196;
AstL: 110-118)
- First Adiabatic Invariant and the Brightness Temperature
of Relativistic Jets
V.S.Beskin, T.I.Khalilov, V.I.Pariev
AstL: 119-128)
- Optical Study of the Polar BM CrB in a Low State
A.I.Kolbin, N.V.Borisov, A.N.Burenkov, O.I.Spiridonova, I.F.Bikmaev,
M.V.Suslikov (pp.208-220;
AstL: 129-140)
- High-precision Astrometric Observations of the SRG Space
Observatory with RTT-150 for Orbit Correction Control
I.M.Khamitov, I.F.Bikmaev (pp.221-231;
AstL: 141-150)
Volume 49, 2023, Issue 4
- SDSS-IV MaNGA: Ionization Sources of the Extra-planar
Diffuse Ionized Gas
V.K.Postnikova, D.Bizyaev (pp.237-254;
AstL: 151-166)
- Theoretical Mass Estimates for the Mira-Type Variable R
Yu.A.Fadeyev (pp.255-263;
AstL: 167-174)
- The Cepheids V371 Per and OGLE-LMC-CEP-2132: The First
Crossing of the Instability Strip
L.N.Berdnikov, E.N.Pastukhova (pp.264-279;
AstL: 175-190)
- Secular Dynamics of a Number of Planets from the TESS
Catalog Detected in Binary Star Systems
A.V.Mel'nikov, Yu.G.Kopylova (pp.280-288;
AstL: 191-199)
- Collisional Plasma Temperature and Betatron Acceleration
of Quasi-thermal Electrons in Solar Flares
Yu.T.Tsap, V.F.Melnikov (pp.289-298;
AstL: 200-208)
Volume 49, 2023, Issue 5
- Cosmic Abundance of Iron
N.N.Chugai (pp.301-307;
AstL: 209-215)
- Investigation of the Flaring Activity of BL Lac in
July-November 2021
L.S.Ugol'kova, M.S.Pshirkov, V.P.Goranskij, N.P.Ikonnikova,
B.S.Safonov, A.M.Tatarnikov, E.V.Shimanovskaya, M.A.Burlak, M.D.Afonina
AstL: 216-228)
- Counter-Rotating Gaseous Disk and Star Formation in the
S0 Galaxy NGC 934
O.K.Sil'chenko, A.V.Moiseev, D.V.Oparin, D.V.Zlydneva, D.V.Kozlova
AstL: 229-239)
- X-ray Halo of the Pulsar 4U 1538-52 from SRG Data
A.E.Shtykovsky, A.A.Lutovinov, R.A.Krivonos, M.R.Gilfanov,
P.S.Medvedev, I.A.Mereminskiy, V.A.Arefiev, S.V.Molkov,
R.A.Sunyaev (pp.335-344;
AstL: 240-248)
- Spectral and Temporal Analysis of the Supergiant Fast
X-ray Transient IGR J16195-4945 with SRG/ART-XC
M.N.Satybaldiev, I.A.Mereminskiy, A.A.Lutovinov,
D.I.Karasev, A.N.Semena, A.E.Shtykovsky
AstL: 249-256)
- Properties of the Flare Energy Release in Force-Free
Magnetic Flux Ropes
A.A.Solov'ev, E.A.Kirichek (pp.353-366;
AstL: 257-269)
Volume 49, 2023, Issue 6
- Transient Events in the Circumnuclear Regions of AGNs
and Quasars As Sources of Imitations of Proper Motions
I.M.Khamitov, I.F.Bikmaev, M.R.Gilfanov, R.A.Sunyaev,
P.S.Medvedev, M.A.Gorbachev (pp.369-398;
AstL: 271-300)
- What Can We Learn about Compton-Thin AGN Tori from Their
X-ray Spectra?
F.Melazzini, S.Sazonov (pp.399-400;
AstL: 301-319)
- Determination of the Spiral Pattern Speed in the Milky
Way from Young Open Star Clusters
V.V.Bobylev, A.T.Bajkova (pp.401-411;
AstL: 320-330)
- Determination of the Parameters of a Nonlinear Kinematic
Galactic Rotation Model Based on the Proper Motions and
Radial Velocities of Stars from the Gaia DR3 Catalogue
A.S.Tsvetkov, F.A.Amosov (pp.412-425;
AstL: 331-344)
- Azimuthal Patterns in Planetesimal Circumstellar Disks
T.V.Demidova, I.I.Shevchenko (pp.426-438;
AstL: 345-357)
Volume 49, 2023, Issue 7
- SRGz: Machine Learning Methods and Properties of the
Catalog of SRG/eROSITA Point X-ray Source Optical
Counterparts in the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys Footprint
A.V.Meshcheryakov, V.D.Borisov, G.A.Khorunzhev, P.A.Medvedev,
M.R.Gilfanov, M.I.Belvedersky, S.Yu.Sazonov, R.A.Burenin,
R.A.Krivonos, I.F.Bikmaev, I.M.Khamitov, S.V.Gerasimov,
I.V.Mashechkin, R.A.Sunyaev (pp.441-494;
AstL: 359-409)
- Peculiarities of Open Star Clusters with High Vertical
Velocities from the Region of the Sco-Cen OB Association
V.V.Bobylev, A.T.Bajkova (pp.495-505;
AstL: 410-420)
- Extreme Values of Sunspot Activity on a Long Time Scale
Yu.A.Nagovitsyn, A.A.Osipova
AstL: 421-429)
Volume 49, 2023, Issue 8
- Optical Identification of Galaxy Clusters among
SRG/eROSITA X-ray Sources Based on Photometric Redshift
Estimates for Galaxies
I.A.Zaznobin, R.A.Burenin, A.V.Meshcheryakov, M.R.Gilfanov,
N.S.Lyskova, P.S.Medvedev, S.Yu.Sazonov, R.A.Sunyaev
AstL: 431-444)
- Strong Scattering Effects in the Emission of Soft
Gamma-Ray Bursts
E.M.Urvachev, D.S.Shidlovski, S.I.Blinnikov, S.I.Glazyrin
AstL: 445-453)
- Comparative Modeling of the 2012b Outburst of Supernova 2009ip
E.M.Urvachev, S.I.Blinnikov, S.I.Glazyrin, D.S.Shidlovski
AstL: 454-464)
- On the Nature of the Rapid Color Changes of the UX Ori
Star RY Lupi at Deep Minima
D.V.Dmitriev, V.P.Grinin (pp.552-561;
AstL: 465-474)
- SDSS J085414.02+390537.3 - A New Asynchronous Polar
A.I.Kolbin, M.V.Suslikov, V.Yu.Kochkina, N.V.Borisov,
A.N.Burenkov, D.V.Oparin (pp.562-572;
AstL: 475-485)
- Explanation of the Anomalous Outburst Activity of
Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1: The Hypothesis about the
Existence of Large Satellites
Yu.D.Medvedev, S.R.Pavlov (pp.573-578;
AstL: 486-491)
Volume 49, 2023, Issue 9
- Estimation of the Galactocentric Distance of the Sun
from Cepheids Close to the Solar Circle
V.V.Bobylev (pp.581-588;
AstL: 493-500)
- Recurrent Symbiotic Nova T Coronae Borealis before
N.A.Maslennikova, A.M.Tatarnikov, A.A.Tatarnikova,
A.V.Dodin, V.I.Shenavrin, M.A.Burlak, S.G.Zheltoukhov,
I.A.Strakhov (pp.589-604;
AstL: 501-515)
- Activity of the Young Solar Analog HD109833 and
Estimates of the Mass Loss Rate from the Atmospheres of Its
Two Planets
I.S.Savanov (pp.605-611;
AstL: 516-521)
- A Maneuver of Escape from the Vicinity of a Collinear
Libration Point Using Light Pressure Forces
D.V.Shymanchuk, A.S.Shmyrov, V.A.Shmyrov
AstL: 522-532)
Volume 49, 2023, Issue 10
- Search for Rotating Radio Transients in the Pushchino
Multibeam Survey
S.A.Tyul'bashev, M.A.Kitaeva, E.A.Brylyakova,
V.S.Tyul'bashev, G.E.Tyul'basheva
AstL: 533-539)
- Detection of Radio Emission from the Geminga-Like
Gamma-Ray Pulsar J1836+5925
V.M.Malofeev, O.I.Malov, D.A.Teplykh, M.A.Timirkeeva
AstL: 540-546)
- Testing the Hypothesis about the Existence of a Planet
Orbiting the Pulsar B0329+54 (J0332+5434)
V.A.Potapov, S.A.Andrianov (pp.641-646;
AstL: 547-552)
- Evolutionary Status of Long-Period Radio Pulsars
M.D.Afonina, A.V.Biryukov, S.B.Popov
AstL: 553-559)
- Influence of Space Curvature on the Moment of Inertia of
a Pulsar Magnetic Field
A.A.Matevosyan, D.P.Barsukov
AstL: 560-566)
- Maximal Mass Neutron Star as a Key to Superdense Matter Physics
D.D.Ofengeim, P.S.Shternin, T.Piran
AstL: 567-574)
- Induced Magnetic Field in Accretion Disks around Neutron Stars
A.V.Kuzin (pp.669-676;
AstL: 575-582)
- Hydrodynamical Simulation of the Structure of the X-ray
Pulsar Accretion Channel: Accounting for Resonant Scattering
I.D.Markozov, A.D.Kaminker, A.Yu.Potekhin
AstL: 583-590)
- On the Influence of Magnetic Turbulence on the Spectra
of Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows
Yu.A.Uvarov, A.M.Bykov (pp.686-692;
AstL: 591-597)
Volume 49, 2023, Issue 11
- Optical Identification and Spectroscopic Redshift
Measurements of 216 Galaxy Clusters from the SRG/eROSITA
All-Sky Survey
I.A.Zaznobin, R.A.Burenin, A.A.Belinski, I.F.Bikmaev,
M.R.Gilfanov, A.V.Dodin, S.N.Dodonov, M.V.Eselevich,
S.F.Zheltoukhov, E.N.Irtuganov, S.S.Kotov, R.A.Krivonos,
N.S.Lyskova, E.A.Malygin, N.A.Maslennikova, P.S.Medvedev,
A.V.Meshcheryakov, A.V.Moiseev, D.V.Oparin, S.A.Potanin,
K.A.Postnov, S.Yu.Sazonov, B.S.Safonov, N.A.Sakhibullin,
N.I.Shatsky (pp.695-716;
AstL: 599-620)
- X-ray Properties of the Luminous Quasar PG 1634+706 at
z=1.337 from SRG and XMM-Newton Data
G.S.Uskov, S.Yu.Sazonov, M.R.Gilfanov, I.Yu.Lapshov,
R.A.Sunyaev (pp.717-734;
AstL: 621-638)
- Origin of Broad He II 4686 A Emission in Early Spectra
of SNe IIP
N.N.Chugai, V.P.Utrobin
([Volume 50, issue 3, pp.???-???];
AstL: 639-645)
- SRGz: Classification of eROSITA Point X-ray Sources in
the 1% DESI Region and Calibration of Photometric Redshifts
A.V.Meshcheryakov, G.A.Khorunzhev, S.A.Voskresenskaya,
P.S.Medvedev, M.R.Gilfanov, R.A.Sunyaev
([Volume 50, issue 1, pp.38-54];
AstL: 646-661)
- SRG/ART-XC Galactic Plane Survey near Galactic Longitude
l~20o: Catalog of Sources
D.I.Karasev, A.N.Semena, I.A.Mereminskiy, A.A.Lutovinov,
R.A.Burenin, R.A.Krivonos, S.Yu.Sazonov, V.A.Arefiev,
M.V.Buntov, I.Yu.Lapshov, V.V.Levin, M.N.Pavlinsky,
A.Yu.Tkachenko, A.E.Shtykovsky
AstL: 662-672)
- New Interstellar Extinction Maps Based on Gaia and
Other Sky Surveys
G.A.Gontcharov, A.A.Marchuk, M.Yu.Khovrichev, A.V.Mosenkov,
S.S.Savchenko, V.B.Il'in, D.M.Poliakov, A.A.Smirnov
AstL: 673-696)
- Investigation of the Disk of the Be Star in the
High-Mass X-ray Binary IGR J21343+4738
E.A.Nikolaeva, I.F.Bikmaev, E.N.Irtuganov, M.A.Gorbachev,
M.V.Suslikov, R.I.Gumerov, N.A.Sakhibullin
AstL: 697-705)
- Nature of the Eclipsing Polar 1RXS J184542.4+483134
V.Yu.Kochkina, A.I.Kolbin, N.V.Borisov, I.F.Bikmaev
AstL: 706-721)
- Theoretical Period-Radius and Period-Luminosity
Relations for Mira Variables with Solar Metallicity
Yu.A.Fadeyev (pp.796-805;
AstL: 722-730)
- Expansion of the Soft X-ray Source and ``Magnetic
Detonation'' in Solar Flares
A.B.Struminsky, A.M.Sadovski, I.Yu.Grigorieva
AstL: 731-743)
- A Method for Estimating the Spatial Period of Energy
Release in Solar Flares
L.S.Ledentsov (pp.819-828;
AstL: 744-753)
- Origin of the Near-Surface Shear Layer of Solar Rotation
L.L.Kitchatinov (pp.829-836;
AstL: 754-761)
- Calculation of the Flux and Charge Ratio of High-Energy
Atmospheric Muons at Sea Level
A.B.Bouasla, R.Attallah
([Volume 50, issue 2, pp.???-???];
AstL: 762-766)
- The Thermonuclear Rate
of 9Be(p,
Reaction by Using the Modified Potential Model
L.Asgari, H.Sadeghi, H.Khalili
([Volume 50, issue 2, pp.???-???];
AstL: 767-776)
Volume 49, 2023, Issue 12
- Reverberation of the Vela Pulsar Wind Nebula
A.E.Petrov, K.P.Levenfish, G.A.Ponomaryov
AstL: 777-786)
- Investigation of the Ultraluminous X-ray Source VII Zw
403 ULX in the X-ray and Optical Ranges
A.S.Vinokurov, K.E.Atapin, A.E.Kostenkov, Yu.N.Solovyeva
AstL: 787-795)
- Angles between the Magnetic Moment and the Rotation Axis
in Radio Pulsars with Hard Emission
M.A.Timirkeeva, I.F.Malov (pp.859-868; AstL: 796-805)
- Influence of a Small-Scale Magnetic Field on the Heating
of the Polar Cap of the Radio Pulsar J0901-4046
D.P.Barsukov, I.K.Morozov, A.N.Popov
AstL: 806-810)
- Current Sheet as an Optimal Synchrotron Maser on a Radio
S.A.Koryagin (pp.875-881;
AstL: 811-817)
- Flute Instability Effects for Disk Accretion onto
Neutron Stars with Strong Magnetic Fields
D.D.Lisitsin, N.I.Shakura (pp.882-887;
AstL: 818-823)
- Neutrino Emission of Neutron-Star Superbursts
A.D.Kaminker, A.Yu.Potekhin, D.G.Yakovlev
AstL: 824-832)