Volume 48, 2022, Issue 1
- Estimation of the Mass of the Very Massive Galaxy
Cluster SRGe CL2305.2-2248 from Strong Lensing
I.M.Khamitov, I.F.Bikmaev, N.S.Lyskova, A.A.Kruglov,
R.A.Burenin, M.R.Gilfanov, A.A.Grokhovskaya, S.N.Dodonov,
S.Yu.Sazonov, A.A.Starobinsky, R.A.Sunyaev, I.I.Khabibullin,
E.M.Churazov (pp.3-11;
AstL: 1-8)
- Kinematics of the Galaxy from Young Open Star Clusters
with Data from the Gaia EDR3 Catalogue
V.V.Bobylev, A.T.Bajkova
AstL: 9-19)
- On the Modeling of Type IIP Supernovae in the
Gray-Opacity Approximation and Properties of Their Light
E.M.Urvachev, S.I.Blinnikov, S.I.Glazyrin, P.V.Baklanov
AstL: 20-28)
- Models of Magnetospheric Accretion onto Young Stars in
the Absence of Ionization Equilibrium
D.V.Dmitriev, V.P.Grinin
AstL: 29-37)
- Symbiotic Nature of the Zirconium Star CSS 1102
N.A.Maslennikova, A.A.Tatarnikova, A.M.Tatarnikov,
N.P.Ikonnikova, A.V.Dodin
AstL: 38-46)
- Difference in the Characteristics of Solar Macrospicules
at Low and High Latitudes
S.A.Bogachev, I.P.Loboda, A.A.Reva, A.S.Ulyanov, A.S.Kirichenko
AstL: 47-54)
- Methodology of Parameters Calculation for a Series of
``Major'' Trajectory Corrections of the SPEKTR-RG Spacecraft
to Improve Its Radio Visibility
E. A. Mikhailov, S.A.Aksenov, G.S.Zaslavskii, P.V.Mzhelskiy,
A.V.Poghodin (pp.61-74;
AstL: 55-68)
Volume 48, 2022, Issue 2
- Search for Distant and X-ray Luminous Quasars during the
SRG/eROSITA Sky Survey (the DaLeQo Program). The First
Results from Observations at the BTA Telescope
G.A.Khorunzhev, S.N.Dodonov, A.V.Meshcheryakov, A.V.Moiseev,
A.A.Grokhovskaya, S.S.Kotov, E.A.Malygin, R.I.Uklein,
E.S.Shablovinskaya, P.S.Medvedev, V.D.Borisov, R.A.Burenin,
R.A.Krivonos, G.S.Uskov, I.A.Zaznobin, R.A.Sunyaev,
S.Yu.Sazonov, M.R.Gilfanov
AstL: 69-86)
- New Active Galactic Nuclei Detected by the ART-èó and
eROSITA Telescopes Onboard the SRG Observatory during an All-Sky
X-ray Survey
G.S.Uskov, I.A.Zaznobin, S.Yu.Sazonov, A.N.Semena,
M.R.Gilfanov, R.A.Burenin, M.V.Eselevich, R.A.Krivonos,
A.R.Lyapin, P.S.Medvedev, G.A.Khorunzhev, R.A.Sunyaev
AstL: 87-108)
- SRGz: Building an Optical Cross-Match Model for the
X-ray SRG/eROSITA Sources Using the Lockman Hole Data
M.I.Belvedersky, A.V.Meshcheryakov, P.S.Medvedev, M.R.Gilfanov
AstL: 109-125)
- Estimation of the Parameters of the Spiral Pattern in
the Galaxy Based on a Sample of Classical Cepheids
V.V.Bobylev (pp.138-150;
AstL: 126-137)
Volume 48, 2022, Issue 3
- Young Star-Forming Complexes in the Ring of the S0
Galaxy NGC 4324
I.S.Proshina, A.V.Moiseev, O.K.Sil'chenko
AstL: 139-152)
- Forced Photometry for Pan-STARRS1 Objects Based on WISE Data
R.A.Burenin (pp.167-176;
AstL: 153-162)
- Type Ibn Supernova SN 2010al: Powerful Mass Loss Half
Year Prior to the Explosion
N.N.Chugai (pp.177-183;
AstL: 163-168)
- Estimation of Galactic Spiral Density Wave Parameters
Based on the Velocities of OB2 Stars from the Gaia EDR3
V.V.Bobylev, A.T.Bajkova (pp.184-193;
AstL: 169-177)
- Atomic Data on Inelastic Processes in Boron-Hydrogen Collisions
A.K.Belyaev, Ya.V.Voronov (pp.194-201;
AstL: 178-184)
- Toroidal Magnetic Chamber ``Tokamak'' in the Solar
Atmosphere: Confinement and Flare Magnetic Energy Release
A.A.Solov'ev (pp.202-211;
AstL: 185-193)
- Application of the Hori-Deprit Method to the Analysis of
the Cosmogonic Evolution of Weakly Perturbed Planetary
D.V.Mikryukov, I.A.Balyaev (pp.212-226;
AstL: 194-208)
Volume 48, 2022, Issue 4
- SN 2019edo: A Type II-P Supernova with a Fast Brightness
Rise and a Short Plateau Phase
D.Yu.Tsvetkov, A.A.Belinsky, N.P.Ikonnikova, M.A.Burlak, I.M.Volkov,
N.N.Pavlyuk, P.V.Baklanov, S.I.Blinnikov, M.G.Ushakova,
V.A.Echeistov (pp.229-242;
AstL: 209-221)
- All-Sky Monitor for High-Accuracy Measurement of the
Cosmic X-ray Background Onboard the International Space Station
D.V.Serbinov, N.P.Semena, A.N.Semena, A.A.Lutovinov,
V.V.Levin, S.V.Molkov, A.V.Krivchenko, A.A.Rotin,
M.V.Kuznetsova (pp.243-264;
AstL: 222-242)
- Kinematics of OB Stars with Data from the LAMOST and
Gaia Catalogues
V.V.Bobylev, A.T.Bajkova, G.M.Karelin
AstL: 243-255)
- Changes in the Nature of the Spectral Continuum and
Stability of the Cyclotron Line in the X-ray Pulsar GRO J2058+42
A.S.Gorban, S.V.Molkov, S.S.Tsygankov, A.A.Mushtukov,
A.A.Lutovinov (pp.279-289;
AstL: 256-266)
- Activity of the Young Star with an Exoplanet Kepler-1627
I.S.Savanov (pp.290-298;
AstL: 267-274)
Volume 48, 2022, Issue 5
- Circumstellar Shell and Emission of the SN 2020tlf Progenitor
N.N.Chugai, V.P.Utrobin (pp.403-412;
AstL: 275-283)
- Broadband Analysis of the Wind System X1908+075 Based on
A.E.Shtykovsky, V.A.Arefiev, A.A.Lutovinov
AstL: 284-292)
- Spatial Structure of the Dusty Wind from RW Aur A
B.S.Safonov, A.V.Dodin (pp.445-454;
AstL: 293-302)
- Non-LTE Analysis of the Si II Lines
Her with Various
Atomic Data Sets
L.Mashonkina, T.Sitnova, S.Korotin
AstL: 303-310)
Volume 48, 2022, Issue 6
- Explosion of a Minimum-Mass Neutron Star within
Relativistic Hydrodynamics
A.V.Yudin (pp.393-402;
AstL: 311-320)
- Generalized Three-Cornered Hat Method and Its
Application for the Construction of an Ensemble Pulsar Time Scale
A.E.Rodin, V.A.Fedorova (pp.422-429;
AstL: 321-328)
- FG Sge: New Multicolor Photometry and Short-Term Dust
Shell Clearing in 2019
V.P.Arkhipova, N.P.Ikonnikova, V.I.Shenavrin, M.A.Burlak, A.M.Tatarnikov,
D.Yu.Tsvetkov, A.A.Belinskii, N.N.Pavlyuk, S.Yu.Shugarov
AstL: 329-344)
- Collisional Pumping of î2ï and
óî3ïî Masers in C-Type Shock Waves
A.V.Nesterenok (pp.457-472;
AstL: 345-359)
Volume 48, 2022, Issue 7
- The Lyman-Alpha Forest and the Ultraviolet Background
M.I.Demian'ski, A.G.Doroshkevich, T.I.Larchenkova
AstL: 361-369)
- Search for Pre-burst Emission from Binary Neutron
Star Mergers with Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma
I.A.Mereminskiy, A.A.Lutovinov, K.A.Postnov, V.A.Arefiev, I.Yu.Lapshov,
S.V.Molkov, S.Yu.Sazonov, A.N.Semena, A.Yu.Tkachenko, A.E.Shtykovsky,
Z.Liu, J.Wilms, A.Rau, T.Dauser, I.Kreykenbohm
AstL: 370-375)
- Parameters of the Galactic Spiral Density Wave from
Masers with Parallax Errors Less Than 10%
V.V.Bobylev, A.T.Bajkova (pp.492-505;
AstL: 376-388)
- The X-ray Jets of SS 433 in the Period of Flaring
Activity in the Summer of 2018
P.S.Medvedev, I.I.Khabibullin, A.N.Semena, I.A.Mereminskiy,
S.A.Trushkin, A.V.Shevchenko, S.Yu.Sazonov
AstL: 389-405)
- Influence of Active Regions on Solar Wind
Characteristics at the Cycle Maximum
S.A.Bogachev, A.A.Reva, A.S.Kirichenko, A.S.Ulyanov, I.P.Loboda
AstL: 406-415)
Volume 48, 2022, Issue 8
- Catalog of Quasars Produced from the Results of a
Medium-Band Photometric Survey at a 1-m Schmidt Telescope
S.S.Kotov, S.N.Dodonov, T.A.Movsessian, A.A.Grokhovskaya
AstL: 417-433)
- Parameters of the Radcliffe Wave from Masers, Radio
Stars, and T Tauri Stars
V.V.Bobylev, A.T.Bajkova, Yu.N.Mishurov
AstL: 434-441)
- Supernova 2009ip Outbursts in 2012: From Scenario to Model
N.N.Chugai (pp.562-567;
AstL: 442-446)
- Simulations of Burning and Nucleosynthesis in a
Thermonuclear Supernova
S.I.Glazyrin, I.V.Panov (pp.568-576;
AstL: 447-454)
- Scandium Abundance in F-G-K Stars in a Wide Metallicity Range
L.I.Mashonkina, A.M.Romanovskaya
AstL: 455-468)
- Stabilization of the Orbital Motion of a Solar Sail in
the Vicinity of a Collinear Libration Point through a Change
in Reflectivity
D.V.Shymanchuk, A.S.Shmyrov, V.A.Shmyrov
AstL: 469-477)
Volume 48, 2022, Issue 9
- An Extended Catalog of Sunyaev-Zeldovich Objects from
Planck Data with Deep Learning
A.V.Meshcheryakov, A.Nemeshaeva, R.A.Burenin, M.R.Gilfanov,
R.A.Sunyaev (pp.603-621;
AstL: 479-496)
- Thermal Neutrinos from the Explosion of a Minimum-Mass
Neutron Star
A.V.Yudin, N.V.Dunina-Barkovskaya, S.I.Blinnikov
AstL: 497-502)
- Interstellar Extinction in Galactic Cirri in SDSS Stripe 82
G.A.Gontcharov, A.V.Mosenkov, S.S.Savchenko, V.B.Il'in,
A.A.Marchuk, A.A.Smirnov, P.A.Usachev, D.M.Polyakov, Z.Shakespear
AstL: 503-516)
- DR21(OH) SUB-CORES: Inferring an Evolutionary Status
Using the Prestaline Tool
G.Van Looveren, O.V.Kochina, D.S.Wiebe, A.I.Buslaeva
AstL: 517-529)
- SRGe J214919.3+673634 - a Candidate for AM Her Variables
Discovered by the eROSITA Telescope onboard the
Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma Orbital Observatory
I.F.Bikmaev, A.I.Kolbin, V.V.Shimansky, I.M.Khamitov, E.N.Irtuganov,
E.A.Nikolaeva, N.A.Sakhibullin, R.I.Gumerov, R.A.Burenin, M.R.Gilfanov,
I.A.Zaznobin, R.A.Krivonos, P.S.Medvedev, A.V.Meshcheryakov,
S.Yu.Sazonov, R.A.Sunyaev, G.A.Khorunzhev, A.V.Moiseev, E.A.Malygin,
E.S.Shablovinskaya, S.G.Zheltoukhov
AstL: 530-541)
- Search for Close Stellar Encounters with the Solar
System Based on Data from the Gaia DR3 Catalogue
V.V.Bobylev, A.T.Bajkova (pp.657-664;
AstL: 542-549)
- Method of Searching for Nanoflares and Their Spatial
Distribution in the Solar Corona
D.I.Zavershinskii, S.A.Bogachev, S.A.Belov, L.S.Ledentsov
AstL: 550-560)
- Erratum to the paper by I.S.Proshina, A.V.Moiseev,
``Young Star-Forming Complexes in the Ring of the S0
Galaxy NGC 4324'', Astronomy Letters, 2022, v. 48, pp. 139-152
AstL: 560-560)
Volume 48, 2022, Issue 10
- New Estimates of the Merger Rate of Primordial Black
Holes with Allowance for Clustering Dark Matter
M.V.Tkachev, S.V.Pilipenko (pp.679-685;
AstL: 561-567)
- Redetermination of the Parameters of the Galactic Spiral
Pattern from Classical Cepheids
V.V.Bobylev, A.T.Bajkova (pp.686-695;
AstL: 568-577)
- A Three-Dimensional Analytical Model of the Interstellar
Extinction within the Nearest Kiloparsec
G.A.Gontcharov, A.V.Mosenkov, S.S.Savchenko, V.B.Il'in, A.A.Marchuk,
A.A.Smirnov, P.A.Usachev, D.M.Polyakov, N.Hebdon
AstL: 578-600)
- On a Theory of the Origin of Quasi-Harmonic Bursts on
the Crab Pulsar
V.V.Zheleznyakov, V.E.Shaposhnikov
AstL: 601-613)
- The Nature of Anomalous Period Increase in the Pulsating
Variable V725 Sgr
Yu.A.Fadeyev (pp.733-740;
AstL: 614-621)
Volume 48, 2022, Issue 11
- The First Detection of an Orphan Burst at the Rise
V.M.Lipunov, V.G.Kornilov, V.V.Topolev, N.V.Tyurina,
E.S.Gorbovskoy, S.G.Simakov, K.K.Zhirkov, D.S.Vlasenko,
C.Francile, R.Podesta, F.Podesta, D.S.Svinkin, N.M.Budnev,
P.V.Balanutsa, D.V.Cheryasov, A.R.Chasovnikov, R.Rebolo,
M.Serra-Ricart, O.A.Gress, O.A.Ershova, V.V.Yurkov,
A.S.Gabovich, A.G.Tlatov, E.M.Minkina, V.V.Vladimirov,
A.S.Kuznetsov, G.A.Antipov, S.I.Svertilov, Yu.Tselik, Ya.Kechin
AstL: 623-635)
- Search for Nonthermal X-ray Emission in the Ophiuchus
Galaxy Cluster
R.A.Krivonos (pp. [vol. 49, issue 1,
pp. 26-34];
AstL: 636-643)
- Evolution of the Spiral Structure of Galaxies from HST
COSMOS Field Data
V.P.Reshetnikov, A.A.Marchuk, I.V.Chugunov, P.A.Usachev,
A.V.Mosenkov (pp.756-764;
AstL: 644-652)
- Optical Cross-Match of SRG/eROSITA X-ray Sources Using
the Deep Lockman Hole Survey as an Example
S.D.Bykov, M.I.Belvedersky, M.R.Gilfanov
AstL: 653-664)
- Improving Photometric Redshifts by Merging Probability
Density Functions from Template-Based and Machine Learning
I.Y.K.Alshuaili, J.Y.H.Soo, M.Zubir Mat Jafri, Y.Rafid
AstL: 665-675)
- Activity of TRAPPIST-1 Analogs
E.S.Dmitrienko, I.S.Savanov
AstL: 676-681)
- Differential Rotation of Large Long-Lived Sunspot Groups
and Their Morphological Structure
A.A.Osipova, Yu.A.Nagovitsyn (pp.786-791;
AstL: 682-687)
Volume 48, 2022, Issue 12
- The Influence of the Effective Number of Active and
Sterile Neutrinos on the Determination of the Values of
Cosmological Parameters
P.A.Chernikov, A.V.Ivanchik (pp.815-827;
AstL: 689-701)
- Observations of Massive Galaxy Clusters from the All-Sky
Survey with the eROSITA Telescope Onboard the SRG Space
R.A.Burenin, I.A.Zaznobin, P.S.Medvedev, M.R.Gilfanov,
S.S.Kotov, R.I.Uklein, S.N.Dodonov, A.V.Moiseev,
M.V.Eselevich, I.F.Bikmaev, N.S.Lyskova, A.V.Meshcheryakov,
K.A.Postnov, S.Yu.Sazonov, A.A.Starobinsky, R.A.Sunyaev,
E.M.Churazov (pp. [volume 49, issue 1,
pp. 3-25];
AstL: 702-723)
- Detection of AGNs and Quasars with Significant Proper
Motions Based on Gaia Data in the SRG/eROSITA Catalog of
X-ray Sources
I.M.Khamitov, I.F.Bikmaev, M.R.Gilfanov, R.A.Sunyaev,
P.S.Medvedev, M.A.Gorbachev, E.N.Irtuganov
AstL: 724-734)
- Highly Variable Active Galactic Nuclei in the
SRG/eROSITA Sky Survey: I. The Constriction of a Sample and
the Catalog of Objects Detected in a Low State
P.S.Medvedev, M.R.Gilfanov, S.Yu.Sazonov, R.A.Sunyaev,
G.A.Khorunzhev (pp. [volume 49, issue 1,
pp. 35-55];
AstL: 735-754)
- SRG/eROSITA Survey in the Lockman Hole: Classification
of X-ray Sources
M.I.Belvedersky, S.D.Bykov, M.R.Gilfanov
AstL: 755-766)
- Search for Tidal Disruption Events Based on the
SRG/eROSITA Survey with Subsequent Optical Spectroscopy
G.A.Khorunzhev, S.Yu.Sazonov, P.S.Medvedev, M.R.Gilfanov,
K.E.Atapin, A.A.Belinski, O.V.Vozyakova, A.V.Dodin,
B.S.Safonov, A.M.Tatarnikov, I.F.Bikmaev, R.A.Burenin,
S.N.Dodonov, M.V.Eselevich, I.A.Zaznobin, R.A.Krivonos,
R.I.Uklein, K.A.Postnov, R.A.Sunyaev
(pp. [volume 49, issue 1,
pp. 65-87];
AstL: 767-789)
- Link between the Optical and Radio Frames from Gaia DR3
Data and VLBI Measurements
V.V.Bobylev (pp.852-860;
AstL: 790-797)
- Study of the X-ray Pulsar IGR J21343+4738 Based on
NuSTAR, Swift, and SRG Data
A.S.Gorban, S.V.Molkov, A.A.Lutovinov, A.N.Semena
AstL: 798-805)
- Possible Flight Trajectories to Venus with Landing in a
Given Region
V.A.Zubko (pp.869-882;
AstL: 806-819)