Volume 46, 2020, Issue 1
- Redshift Measurements of Galaxies in Clusters by the
Multi-Split Spectroscopy Method at the RTT-150 1.5-m Telescope
I.M.Khamitov, I.F.Bikmaev, R.A.Burenin, M.V.Glushkov,
S.S.Mel'nikov, A.R.Lyapin (pp.3-14;
AstL: 1-11)
- On Lynden-Bell's Mechanism for the Galactic Disk Bar Formation
E.V.Polyachenko, I.G.Shuhman (pp.15-26;
AstL: 12-23)
- Determination of Physical Parameters of the V1413 Aql
Sysytem in Quiscent and Active States of 2012-2017
A.A.Tatarnikova, A.M.Tatarnikov, T.N.Tarasova
AstL: 24-37)
- Model of the Dust Envelope of the Carbon Mirid V
CrB According to Data of Photometry, IR-Spectroscopy and
A.A.Fedot'eva, A.M.Tatarnikov, B.S.Safonov V.I.Shenavrin,
G.V.Komissarova (pp.41-60;
AstL: 38-57)
- Study of Star Kinematics in the GAIA Data Release 2
with Radial Velocities Catalogue using scalar and
Vector Spherical Functions
A.S.Tsvetkov, F.A.Amosov, D.A.Trofimov, S.D.Petrov
AstL: 58-71)
- Study on Electron Density Diagnostics of Silicon VIII
Ion for non-Maxwellian Distribution in Solar Transition Region
J.He, Q.Zhang (pp.76-76;
AstL: 72-82)
Volume 46, 2020, Issue 2
- Spectroscopic Redshift Measurements for Galaxy Clusters
Detected in the PLANCK All-Sky Survey Authors
I.A.Zaznobin, R.A.Burenin, I.F.Bikmaev, I.M.Khamitov,
G.A.Khorunzhev, A.R.Lyapin, M.V.Eselevich, V.L.Afanasiev,
S.N.Dodonov, R.A.Sunyaev (pp.79-91;
AstL: 79-91)
- The 7Be Abundance in Nova V5668 Sgr Is
Consistent with the Theory
N.N.Chugai and A.D.Kudryashov (pp.92-99;
AstL: 92-99)
- Surprising Variability of the Planetary Nebula IC 4997 = QV Sge
V.P.Arkhipova, M.A.Burlak, N.P.Ikonnikova, G.V.Komissarova,
V.F.Esipov, V.I.Shenavrin (pp.100-121;
AstL: 100-119)
- Influence of Collisions with Hydrogen on Titanium
Abundance Determinations in Cool Stars
T.M.Sitnova, S.A.Yakovleva, A.K.Belyaev, L.I.Mashonkina
AstL: 120-130)
- Kinematics of T Tauri Stars Close to the Sun from the
Gaia DR2 Catalogue Authors
V.V.Bobylev (pp.133-146;
AstL: 131-143)
- On the Evolution of Bands in the Dynamic Spectra of
Solar Type II Radio Bursts
Yu.T.Tsap, E.A.Isaeva, Yu.G.Kopylova
AstL: 144-148)
Volume 46, 2020, Issue 3
- The First Distant X-ray Quasars (z~4) among the Sources
Discovered by the eROSITA Telescope of the SRG Orbital
Observatory during a Deep Lockman Hole Survey
G.A.Khorunzhev, A.V.Meshcheryakov, R.A.Burenin,
A.R.Lyapin, P.S.Medvedev, S.Yu.Sazonov, M.V.Eselevich,
R.A.Sunyaev, M.R.Gilfanov (pp.155-162;
AstL: 149-155)
- BVIcg'r'i' Observations and Search for Evolutionary
Changes in the Period of the Cepheid V1467 Cyg
L.N.Berdnikov, A.A.Belinskii, E.N.Pastukhova,
M.A.Burlak, N.P.Ikonnikova, E.O.Mishin
AstL: 156-167)
- Superfast Line Profile Variability in the Spectra
Leo: New Results
A.F.Kholtygin, N.P.Ikonnikova, A.V.Dodin, O.A.Tsiopa
AstL: 168-176)
- Activity of a Young Solar Analog - the Star with an
Exoplanet DS Tuc
I.S.Savanov, E.S.Dmitrienko (pp.184-192;
AstL: 177-184)
- Controlled Motion of a Solar Sail in the Vicinity of a
Collinear Libration Point
D.V.Shymanchuk, A.S.Shmyrov, V.A.Shmyrov
AstL: 185-192)
- Characterization of the ASTRONIRCAM Spectral Mode
S.G.Zheltoukhov, A.M.Tatarnikov, N.I.Shatsky
AstL: 193-203)
- Subject Index to Volume 45, 2019
- Rules to the Authors
Volume 46, 2020, Issue 4
- Morphology of the Light Curves for the X-ray Novae
H 1743-322 and GX 339-4 during Their Outbursts in
A.S.Grebenev, Yu.A.Dvorkovich, V.S.Knyazeva, K.D.Ostashenko,
S.A.Grebenev, I.A.Mereminskiy, A.V.Prosvetov
AstL: 205-223)
- Influence of Radiative Pumping on the HD Rotational
Level Populations in Diffuse Molecular Clouds of the
Interstellar Medium
V.V.Klimenko, A.V.Ivanchik (pp.252-262;
AstL: 224-234)
- Search for Evolutionary Changes in the Period the
Cepheid ET Vul
L.N.Berdnikov, E.N.Pastukhova (pp.263-273;
AstL: 235-244)
- Analysis of Close Stellar Encounters with the Solar System
V.V.Bobylev, A.T.Bajkova (pp.274-284;
AstL: 245-255)
- Surface and Fundamental Modes of Oscillations in Thin
Coronal Loops
Yu.D.Zhugzhda (pp.285-291;
AstL: 256-262)
- Orbital Motion and Attitude Control of the
Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma Space Observatory
N.A.Eismont, I.D.Kovalenko, V.N.Nazarov, R.R.Nazirov,
F.V.Korotkov, A.V.Pogodin, P.V.Mzhelskii, E.A.Mikhailov,
A.V.Ditrikh, A.I.Tregubov (pp.292-303;
AstL: 263-274)
- Generalized Elliptic Restricted Four-Body Problem with
Variable Mass
A.A.Ansari, S.N.Prasad
AstL: 275-288)
Volume 46, 2020, Issue 5
- Extended Gaseous Disk in the S0 Galaxy NGC 4143
O.K. Sil'chenko, A.V.Moiseev, D.V.Oparin
AstL: 289-297)
- Estimates of Extragalactic Background and Confusion
Noise Parameters for the MILLIMETRON Telescope
A.A.Ermash, S.V.Pilipenko, V.N.Lukash
AstL: 298-311)
- Study of the Dependence of the Plateau Shape for Type II
Supernovae on Metallicity
A.A.Goldshtein, S.I.Blinnikov (pp.333-339;
AstL: 312-318)
- First Day of Type IIP Supernova SN 2013fs:
from Preshock Accelerated Gas
N.N.Chugai (pp.340-344;
AstL: 319-323)
- Evolutionary and Hydrodynamic Models of Short-Period
Yu.A.Fadeyev (pp.345-352;
AstL: 324-330)
- Evolutionary Status of the Ap Stars HD 110066 and
HD 153882
A.M.Romanovskaya, T.A.Ryabchikova, D.V.Shulyak
AstL: 331-343)
- Analysis of the Stability of a Planetary System on
Cosmogonic Time Scales
D.V.Mikryukov (pp.366-380;
AstL: 344-358)
Volume 46, 2020, Issue 6
- The Lyman-Alpha Forest as an Indicator of Large-Scale
Structure Elements
M.I.Demianski, A.G.Doroshkevich, T.I.Larchenkova
AstL: 359-369)
- Galactic Rotation Parameters Based on Stars from Active
Star-Forming Regions with Data from the Gaia DR2 Catalogue
O.I.Krisanova, V.V.Bobylev, A.T.Bajkova
AstL: 370-378)
- Deuterated Isotopologues of Water and Methanol in
Star-Forming Regions
O.V.Kochina, D.S.Wiebe (pp.405-414;
AstL: 379-387)
- Search for Evolutionary Changes in the Period of the
Classical Cepheid EV Aql
L.N.Berdnikov (pp.415-426;
AstL: 388-399)
- Modeling the Atmospheres of Tidally Locked Super-Earths
Orbiting Low-Mass Host Stars Using a Nonhydrostatic General
Circulation Model
M.V.Razumovskiy, A.V.Rodin (pp.427-434;
AstL: 400-406)
- Ice Permafrost ''Oases" Close to Martian Equator:
Planet Neutron Mapping Based on Data of FREND Instrument
Onboard TGO Orbiter of Russian-European ExoMars Mission
A.V.Malakhov, I.G.Mitrofanov, M.L.Litvak, A.B.Sanin,
D.V.Golovin, M.V.Djachkova, S.Yu.Nikiforov, A.A.Anikin,
D.I.Lisov, N.V.Lukyanov,
M.I.Mokrousov (pp.435-450;
AstL: 407-421)
- Ion Acceleration at the Front of Nonlinear Whistlers
G.N.Kichigin (pp.451-456;
AstL: 422-427)
Volume 46, 2020, Issue 7
- Optical Spectroscopy of SRG/eROSITA Objects with 2.5-m
Telescope at the Caucasus Mountain Observatory of the SAI MSU
A.V.Dodin, S.A.Potanin, N.I.Shatsky, A.A.Belinski, K.E.Atapin,
M.A.Burlak, O.V.Egorov, A.M.Tatarnikov, K.A.Postnov,
M.I.Belvedersky, R.A.Burenin, M.R.Gilfanov, P.S.Medvedev,
A.V.Meshcheryakov, S.Yu.Sazonov, G.A.Khorunzhev, R.A.Sunyaev
AstL: 429-438)
- Study of the Galactic Rotation Based on Masers and Radio
Stars with VLBI Measurements of Their Parallaxes
V.V.Bobylev, O.I.Krisanova, A.T.Bajkova
AstL: 439-448)
- Collisional Pumping of OH Masers near Supernova Remnants
A.V.Nesterenok (pp.480-493;
AstL: 449-461)
- Internal Structure of the Jets from Young Stars
Simulated at Plasma Focus Facilities
V.S.Beskin, I.Yu.Kalashnikov (pp.494-504;
AstL: 462-472)
- Spectroscopy of B and Be Stars in the Young Open Star
Cluster NGC 581 (M 103)
A.E.Tarasov (pp.505-513;
AstL: 473-481)
- Results of the First Year of the 3BS Polar Search Program
M.M.Gabdeev, T.A.Fatkhullin, N.V.Borisov, V.V.Shimansky, A.I.Kolbin,
A.S.Moskvitin, V.N.Aitov, G.Sh.Mitiani
AstL: 482-487)
- Graph Dynamics of Solar Active Regions: Morse-Smale
Complexes and Multiscale Graphs of Magnetograms
V.V.Alekseev, N.G.Makarenko, I.S.Knyazeva
AstL: 488-500)
Volume 46, 2020, Issue 8
- Active Galactic Nuclei among Polar-Ring Galaxies
D.V.Smirnov, V.P.Reshetnikov (pp.535-542;
AstL: 501-508)
- Using Spherical Harmonics in the Galactocentric
Coordinate System to Study the Kinematics of Globular Star Clusters
A.S.Tsvetkov, F.A.Amosov (pp.543-551;
AstL: 509-517)
- Production of Heavy Elements during the Explosion of a
Low-Mass Neutron Star in a Close Binary
I.V.Panov, A.V.Yudin (pp.552-561;
AstL: 518-527)
- High-Resolution Optical Spectroscopy of the Post-AGB
Supergiant V340 Ser (= IRAS 17279-1119)
V.G.Klochkova, V.E.Panchuk, N.S.Tavolzhanskaya, M.V.Yushkin
AstL: 528-540)
- Non-LTE Effects in Rubidium Lines in Cool Stars
S.A.Korotin (pp.575-583;
AstL: 541-549)
- Evolutionary Status and Fundamental Parameters of the
Cepheid V1033 Cyg
Yu.A.Fadeyev (pp.584-589;
AstL: 550-554)
- The First Orbits of Six Wide Double Stars in the Solar
Neighborhood Based on Gaia DR2 Observations
O.V.Kiyaeva, L.G.Romanenko (pp.590-606;
AstL: 555-571)
Volume 46, 2020, Issue 9
- GRB 200415A: Magnetar Giant Flare or Short Gamma-Ray Burst?
P.Yu.Minaev, A.S.Pozanenko (pp.611-623;
AstL: 573-585)
- Distance to the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 1672 and Its Stellar
N.A.Tikhonov, O.A.Galazutdinova (pp.624-632;
AstL: 586-594)
- Early Bolometric Luminosity of SN 2013fs without Photometry
N.N.Chugai (pp.633-639;
AstL: 595-600)
- H 3-75: The Planetary Nebula with the Binary Central
Star NSV 16624
V.P.Arkhipova, N.P.Ikonnikova, M.A.Burlak, A.V.Dodin
AstL: 601-611)
- Orbits and Structure of the Quadruple Systems GJ 225.1 and FIN 332
A.Tokovinin (pp.651-659;
AstL: 612-620)
- Influence of Collisions with Hydrogen Atoms on Non-LTE
Effects for K I and Ca II in Stellar Atmospheres
M.D.Neretina, L.I.Mashonkina, T.M.Sitnova, S.A.Yakovleva, A.K.Belyaev
AstL: 621-629)
- Changes in the Period of the Population II Cepheid CC Lyr
L.N.Berdnikov, A.M.Yacob, E.N.Pastukhova
AstL: 630-644)
Volume 46, 2020, Issue 10
- Spectroscopic Redshift Determination for a Sample of
Distant Quasars Detected by the SRG Observatory Based on
RTT-150 Observations. I
I.F.Bikmaev, E.N.Irtuganov, E.A.Nikolaeva, N.A.Sakhibullin,
R.I.Gumerov, A.S.Sklyanov, M.V.Glushkov, V.D.Borisov, R.A.Burenin,
I.A.Zaznobin, R.A.Krivonos, A.R.Lyapin, P.S.Medvedev, A.V.Meshcheryakov,
S.Yu.Sazonov, R.A.Sunyaev, G.A.Khorunzhev, M.R.Gilfanov
AstL: 645-657)
- Population Synthesis of Ultraluminous X-ray Sources with
Magnetized Neutron Stars
A.G.Kuranov, K.A.Postnov, L.R.Yungelson
AstL: 658-676)
- The Long-Period Dwarf Nova V2466 Cyg: The 2003 and 2019
S.V.Antipin, A.M.Zubareva, A.A.Belinski, M.A.Burlak,
N.P.Ikonnikova, K.V.Sokolovsky (pp.721-734;
AstL: 677-690)
- RRab Variable T Men: The Period Variability and the Blazhko Effect
L.N.Berdnikov, A.Yu.Kniazev, A.K.Dambis, V.V.Kravtsov
AstL: 691-701)
- On the Existence of Long-Period Comet Families of the Giant Planets
A.S.Guliyev, R.A.Guliyev (pp.747-749;
AstL: 702-704)
- Spatial Structures of the North-South Asymmetry in the
Green Coronal Line and Magnetic Fields
O.G.Badalyan (pp.750-760;
AstL: 705-714)
Volume 46, 2020, Issue 11
- Estimation of the Cosmic Microwave Background
Temperature from Atomic C I and Molecular CO Lines in the
Interstellar Medium of Early Galaxies
V.V.Klimenko, A.V.Ivanchik, P.Petitjean, P.Noterdaeme, R.Srianand
AstL: 715-725)
- Measurement of the Supermassive Black Hole Masses in Two
Active Galactic Nuclei by the Photometric Reverberation
Mapping Method
E.A.Malygin, E.S.Shablovinskaya, R.I.Uklein, A.A.Grokhovskaya
AstL: 726-733)
- Evolutionary Status of W Vir Pulsating Variables
Yu.A.Fadeyev (pp.783-791;
AstL: 734-740)
- Solitary Facular Knot: Fountain Magnetic Structure and
Temperature Profile
A.A.Solov'ev (pp.792-801;
AstL: 741-750)
- Influence of Polar Coronal Holes on Solar Wind
Characteristics at the Activity Minimum between Solar
Cycles 24 and 25
A.V.Borisenko, S.A.Bogachev
AstL: 751-761)
- Possibility of the Existence of Trapped Radiation near
A.T.Lukashenko, A.S.Lavrukhin, I.I.Alexeev, E.S.Belenkaya
AstL: 762-773)
- Long-Term Dynamics of Planetesimals in Planetary Chaotic Zones
T.V.Demidova, I.I.Shevchenko
AstL: 774-782)
Volume 46, 2020, Issue 12
- Multiwavelength Observations of GRB 181201A and Detection
of Its Associated Supernova
S.O.Belkin, A.S.Pozanenko, E.D.Mazaeva, A.A.Volnova,
P.Yu.Minaev, N.Tominaga, S.A.Grebenev, I.V.Chelovekov,
D.Buckley, S.I.Blinnikov, A.E.Volvach, L.N.Volvach,
R.Ya.Inasaridze, E.V.Klunko, I.E.Molotov, I.V.Reva,
V.V.Rumyantsev, D.N.Chestnov
AstL: 783-811)
- Mapping of White Dwarfs in AM Her Systems
A.I.Kolbin, N.V.Borisov (pp.868-882;
AstL: 812-825)
- Dispersion Measure toward the Pulsar PSR B1530+27 from
Observations at 111 MHz
A.A.Ershov (pp.883-887;
AstL: 826-830)
- On the Properties of Coronal Mass Ejections on Late-Type Stars
I.S.Savanov (pp.888-893;
AstL: 831-835)
- Transient Double-Beam Spectrograph for the 2.5-m
Telescope of the Caucasus Mountain Observatory of SAI MSU
S.A.Potanin, A.A.Belinski, A.V.Dodin, S.G.Zheltoukhov,
V.Yu.Lander, K.A.Postnov, A.D.Savvin, A.M.Tatarnikov,
A.M.Cherepashchuk, D.V.Cheryasov, I.V.Chilingarian,
N.I.Shatsky (pp.894-912;
AstL: 836-854)