Volume 44, 2018, Issue 1
- Relative Contribution of the Hydrogen 2s Two-Photon Decay and
During the Epoch of Cosmological Recombination
J.A.Rubino-Martin and R.A.Sunyaev (pp.3-3;
AstL: 1-7)
- Stellar Mass - Halo Mass Relation and Star Formation
Efficiency in Galaxy Clusters
A.V.Kravtsov, A.A.Vikhlinin, and A.V.Meshcheryakov
AstL: 8-34)
- Spotted Surface Structure of the Active Giant PZ Mon
Yu.V.Pakhomov, K.A.Antonyuk, N.I.Bondar', N.V.Pit',
I.V.Reva, and A.V.Kusakin
AstL: 35-48)
- On the Dynamical Foundations of the Lidov-Kozai Theory
V.I.Prokhorenko (pp.52-70;
AstL: 49-66)
- Author Index to Volume 43, 2017
- Subject Index to Volume 43, 2017
Volume 44, 2018, Issue 2
- Deep Extragalactic Survey with the ART-XC Telescope of
the Spectrum-RG Observatory: Simulations and Expected Results
I.A.Mereminskiy, E.V.Filippova, R.A.Burenin, S.Yu.Sazonov, M.N.Pavlinsky,
A.Yu.Tkachenko, I.Yu.Lapshov, A.I.Shytovskiy, and
R.A.Krivonos (pp.87-102;
AstL: 67-80)
- Geometrical Aspects and Testing of the Determination of
the Distance to the Galactic Center from Spiral Arm Segments
I.I.Nikiforov and A.V.Veselova (pp.103-124;
AstL: 81-102)
- Searching for Binary Systems Among Nearby Dwarfs Based
on Pulkovo Observations and SDSS Data
M.Yu.Khovrichev, A.A.Apetyan, E.A.Roshchina, I.S.Izmailov, D.A.Bikulova,
A.P.Ershova, I.A.Balyaev, A.M.Kulikova, V.V.Petyur,
A.A.Shumilov, K.I.Os`kina, and L.A.Maksimova
AstL: 103-118)
- Modeling the Dynamics of the Debris Disks in the Systems
Kepler-16, Kepler-34, and Kepler-35
T.V.Demidova and I.I.Shevchenko (pp.141-148;
AstL: 119-125)
- Tropospheric Delay from VLBI and GNSS Measurements
V.S.Gubanov (pp.149-15?;
AstL: 126-138)
Volume 44, 2018, Issue 3
- Two-Component Structure of the Radio Source 0014+813
from VLBI Observations as Part of the CONT14 Program
O.A.Titov and Yu.R.Lopez (pp.163-172;
AstL: 139-148)
- Peculiarities of Super-Eddington Flares from the X-Ray
Pulsar LMC X-4 Based on NuSTAR Data
A.E.Shtykovsky, V.A.Arefiev, A.A.Lutovinov, and S.V.Molkov
AstL: 149-161)
- Very-High-Energy Emission from the Binary System Cyg X-3
V.G.Sinitsyna and V.Yu.Sinitsyna (pp.187-209;
AstL: 162-183)
- Testing the Distance Scale of the Gaia TGAS Catalogue by
the Kinematic Method
V.V.Bobylev and A.T.Bajkova (pp.210-218;
AstL: 184-192)
- Searching for Star Streams Based on Data from the RAVE5
and Gaia TGAS Catalogues
A.T.Bajkova and V.V.Bobylev (pp.219-228;
AstL: 193-201)
- Two Populations of Sunspots: Differential Rotation
Yu.A.Nagovitsyn, A.A.Pevtsov, and A.A.Osipova
AstL: 202-211)
Volume 44, 2018, Issue 4
- Luminescence in Primordial Helium Lines at the
Pre-Recombination Epoch
V.K.Dubrovich and S.I.Grachev (pp.241-247;
AstL: 213-219)
- Determining the Absolute Magnitudes of Galactic-Bulge
Red-Clump Giants in the Z and Y Filters of the VISTA Sky
Surveys and the IRAC filters of the Spitzer Sky Surveys
D.I.Karasev and A.A.Lutovinov (pp.248-264;
AstL: 220-235)
- Kinematics of Stars from the TGAS (Gaia DR1) Catalogue
V.V.Vityazev, A.V.Popov, A.S.Tsvetkov, S.D.Petrov,
D.A.Trofimov, and V.I.Kiyaev (pp.265-276;
AstL: 236-247)
- Kinematics of B-F Stars as a Function of Their
Dereddened Color from Gaia and PCRV Data
G.A.Gontcharov (pp.277-293;
AstL: 248-264)
- Dust around the Cool Component of D-Type Symbiotic Binaries
T.Jurkic and D.Kotnik-Karuza (pp.294-294;
AstL: 265-277)
- Solar Activity during the Maunder Minimum: Comparison
with the Dalton Minimum
M.G.Ogurtsov (pp.295-306;
AstL: 278-288)
- Gravity-Assist Maneuver near the Moon as a Way of
Reducting the Amplitude in the Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma Project
I.D.Kovalenko and N.A.Eismont (pp.307-31?;
AstL: 289-295)
Volume 44, 2018, Issue 5
- Optical Identifications of High-Redshift Galaxy Clusters
from the Planck Sunyaev-Zeldovich Survey
R.A.Burenin, I.F.Bikmaev, I.M.Khamitov, I.A.Zaznobin, G.A.Khorunzhev,
M.V.Eselevich, V.L.Afanasiev, S.N.Dodonov,
J.-A.Rubino-Martin, N.Aghanim, and R.A.Sunyaev
AstL: 297-308)
- Nucleosynthesis during a Thermonuclear Supernova Explosion
I.V.Panov, S.I.Glazyrin, F.K.Roepke, and S.I.Blinnikov
AstL: 309-314)
- Light Curves of the type II-P Supernova SN 2017eaw: The
First 200 Days
D.Yu.Tsvetkov, S.Yu.Shugarov, I.M.Volkov, N.N.Pavlyuk, O.V.Vozyakova,
N.I.Shatsky, A.A.Nikiforova, I.S.Troitsky, Yu.V.Troitskaya,
and P.V.Baklanov (pp.338-346;
AstL: 315-323)
- Cosmic Rays near Proxima Centauri B
A.M.Sadovski, A.B.Struminsky, and A.Belov
AstL: 324-330)
- Subphotospheric Resonator and Local Oscillations in
Yu.D.Zhugzhda (pp.354-360;
AstL: 331-336)
- Averaging the Equations of a Planetary Problem in an
Astrocentric Reference Frame
D.V.Mikryukov (pp.361-375;
AstL: 337-350)
- Rules to the Authors
Volume 44, 2018, Issue 6
- Study and Classification of SDSS Spectra for
Byurakan-IRAS Galaxies
A.M.Mickaelian, G.S.Harutyutyan, and A.Sarkissian
AstL: 351-361)
- Determination of Supermassive Black Hole Spins Based
on a Standard Shakura-Sunyaev Accretion Disk Model and
Polarimetric Observations
V.L.Afanasiev, Yu.N.Gnedin+, M.Yu.Piotrovich,
S.D.Buliga, and T.M.Natsvlishvili (pp.395-403; AstL: 362-369)
- Extraordinary Supernova iPTF14hls: An Attempt of Interpretation
N.N.Chugai (pp.404-412;
AstL: 370-377)
- Low-Fequency Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in the X-ray
Nova MAXI J1535-571 at the Initial Stage of the 2017 Outburst
I.A.Mereminskiy, S.A.Grebenev, A.V.Prosvetov, and A.N.Semena
AstL: 378-389)
- Upper Limit on the Nickel Excess in the Supercritical
Accretion Disk Wind of SS 433 from X-ray Spectroscopy
P.S.Medvedev, I.I.Khabibullin, S.Yu.Sazonov, E.M.Churazov, and S.S.Tsygankov
AstL: 390-410)
- Influence of Inelastic Collisions with Hydrogen Atoms on
Non-LTE Oxygen Abundance Determinations
T.M.Sitnova and L.I.Mashonkina (pp.450-4??;
AstL: 411-419)
Volume 44, 2018, Issue 7
- Fine Structure of the Core of the Blazar OJ
287. II. Wavelength 2 cm
L.I.Matveyenko and S.S.Sivakon` (pp.461-482;
AstL: 421-441)
- A Model for the Source of Quasi-Harmonic Bursts on the
Crab Pulsar
V.V.Zheleznyakov and P.A.Bespalov
AstL: 442-456)
- Multicolor Photometry and Spectroscopy of the Yellow
Supergiant with a Dust Envelope HD 179821 = V1427 Aquilae
N.P.Ikonnikova, O.G.Taranova+, V.P.Arkhipova,
G.V.Komissarova, V.I.Shenavrin, V.F.Esipov, M.A.Burlak, and
V.G.Metlov (pp.499-516;
AstL: 457-473)
- Estimating the Parameters of Collisions between Fractal
Dust Clusters in a Gas-Dust Protoplanetary Disk
M.Ya.Marov and A.V.Rusol (pp.517-524;
AstL: 474-481)
- Data Processing Results for the Active Neutron
Measurements by the DAN Instrument on the CURIOSITY Mars Rover
D.I.Lisov, M.L.Litvak, A.S.Kozyrev, I.G.Mitrofanov, and A.B.Sanin
AstL: 482-489)
Volume 44, 2018, Issue 8-9
- A Black Hole in a Radiation-Dominated Universe
E.O.Babichev, V.I.Dokuchaev, and Yu.N.Eroshenko
AstL: 491-499)
- X-ray Luminosity Function of Quasars at 3 < z < 5 Based
on Data from the XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalog
G.A.Khorunzhev, S.Yu.Sazonov, and R.A.Burenin
AstL: 500-521)
- Optical Identification of X-ray Sources from the 14-Year
INTEGRAL All-Sky Survey
D.I.Karasev, A.A.Lutovinov, A.Yu.Tkachenko, G.A.Khorunzhev, R.A.Krivonos,
P.S.Medvedev, M.N.Pavlinsky, and M.V.Eselevich
AstL: 522-540)
- Contribution of Cosmic Rays from Sources with a
Monoenergetic Proton Spectrum to the Extragalactic Diffuse
Gamma-Ray Emission
A.V.Uryson (pp.589-594;
AstL: 541-545)
- A Model of the Mira-Type Star T UMi
Yu.A.Fadeyev (pp.595-603;
AstL: 546-553)
- Masses of the Main Asteroid Belt and the Kuiper Belt
from the Motions of Planets and Spacecrafts
E.V.Pitjeva and N.P.Pitjev (pp.604-617;
AstL: 554-566)
- On the Evolution of the Motions of a Balloon Satellite
in a Plane Restricted Three-Body Problem with Light Pressure
A.V.Dobroslavskiy and P.S.Krasilnikov
AstL: 567-578)
Volume 44, 2018, Issue 10
- Absorption of Photons from Distant Gamma-Ray Sources
A.N.Popov, D.P.Barsukov, and A.V.Ivanchik
AstL: 579-587)
- Composition of Cosmic Rays with E0 > 1017
eV Based on Data from the Ground-Based Scintillation Detectors
of the Yakutsk EAS Array
A.V.Glushkov, M.I.Pravdin, and A.V.Saburov
AstL: 588-592)
- Broadband Spectrum of the X-ray Binary M33 X-6 from
NuSTAR and Swift-XRT Data: A Z-Type Extragalactic Source?
S.M.Nikolaeva, R.A.Krivonos, and S.Yu.Sazonov
AstL: 593-602)
- Searching for the Young Kinematical Group Associated
with HD 166191
I.S.Potravnov, M.V.Eselevich, T.E.Kondratieva, and I.V.Sokolov
AstL: 603-615)
- Evolution and Change of the Periods of RR Lyr Variables
in the Globular Cluster M 3
AstL: 616-620)
- Non-LTE Effects of Helium Lines in Late B and A Stars
S.A.Korotin and T.A.Ryabchikova (pp.679-687;
AstL: 621-628)
- New Details of the Parenago Effect from GAIA DR1 Data
V.V.Vityazev, A.V.Popov, A.S.Tsvetkov, S.D.Petrov,
D.A.Trofimov, and V.I.Kiyaev
AstL: 629-644)
- Solar Cycles Asymmetry as a Consequence of Fluctuations
in Dynamo Parameters
L.L.Kitchatinov and A.A.Nepomnyashchikh
AstL: 645-651)
Volume 44, 2018, Issue 11
- Measurements of the Matter Density Perturbation
Amplitude from Cosmological Data
R.A.Burenin (pp.715-726;
AstL: 653-663)
- On the Interaction of Spiral Density Waves with Stars
near the Inner Lindblad Resonance in Galactic Disks
E.V.Polyachenko and I.G.Shukhman
AstL: 664-675)
- Kinematics of the Galaxy from OB Stars with Data from
the Gaia DSR2 Catalog
V.V.Bobylev and A.T.Bajkova (pp.739-750;
AstL: 676-687)
- Kinematics and Dynamics of the Galactic Halo from Data
on RR Lyrae Variable Stars
N.D.Utkin, A.K.Dambis, A.S.Rastorguev, A.D.Klinichev,
I.Ablimit, and G.Zhao (pp.751-762;
AstL: 688-698)
- Numerical Study of Statistical Properties of the
Galactic Center Distance Estimate from the Geometry of Spiral
Arm Segments
I.I.Nikiforov and A.V.Veselova (pp.763-783;
AstL: 699-719)
- Analysis of the Systematic Differences of the TGAS and
Hipparcos Stellar Parallaxes Using Spherical Harmonics
A.S.Tsvetkov and F.A.Amosov (pp.784-790;
AstL: 720-726)
- Differential Rotation of the Solar Corona from Magnetic
Field Data
O.G.Badalyan and V.N.Obridko (pp.791-798;
AstL: 727-733)
Volume 44, 2018, Issue 12
- Measurement of Probabilistic Photometric Redshifts for
X-ray Quasars Based on Quantile Regression of Decision Tree
A.V.Meshcheryakov, V.V.Glazkova, S.V.Gerasimov, and I.V.Mashechkin
AstL: 735-753)
- Fine Structure of the Core of the Blazar
QJ 287. Polarized Emission
L.I.Matveyenko and S.S.Sivakon
AstL: 754-768)
- Cosmic Rays and Nonthermal Radiation in Middle-Aged
Supernova Remnants
V.N.Zirakashvili and V.S.Ptuskin (pp.836-844;
AstL: 769-776)
- Single X-ray Bursts and the Model of a Spreading Layer
of Accreting Matter over the Neutron Star Surface
S.A.Grebenev and I.V.Chelovekov (pp.845-850;
AstL: 777-781)
- Secular Period Changes and Fundamental Parameters of
Long-Period Cepheids
Yu.A.Fadeyev (pp.851-856;
AstL: 782-786)
- Astrometric Study of Two Multiple Stars: ADS 2668
and ADS 8236
O.V.Kiyaeva and I.S.Izmailov (pp.857-867;
AstL: 787-797)
- Results of Photometric and Spectroscopic Observations of
the Young Variable Star V730 Cep
V.P.Grinin, K.A.Antonyuk, I.S.Potravnov, and D.Mrktichian
AstL: 798-802)
- Quescent and Active States of V1413 Aql I:
Photometric Activity Criterion and the Decection of a
Secondary Minimum
A.A.Tatarnikova, A.M.Tatarnikov, E.A.Kolotilov, V.I.Shenavrin,
and G.V.Komissarova (pp.874-882;
AstL: 803-810)