Volume 42, 2016, Issue 1
- Analysis of the Z Distribution of Young Objects of the Galactic Thin Disk
V.V.Bobylev and A.T.Bajkova (pp.3-12;
AstL: 1-9)
- Structure and Chemical Composition of the Envelope of Nova V339 Del
in the Nebular Phase
T.N.Tarasova and A.Skopal (pp.13-32;
AstL: 10-28)
- Orbital Motions and Light Curves of the Young Binaries XZ Tau and VY Tau
A.V.Dodin, N.V.Emelyanov, A.V.Zharova, S.A.Lamzin, E.V.Malogolovets,
and J.M.Roe (pp.33-45;
AstL: 29-40)
- Photographic Observations of Visual Double Stars at Pulkovo:
Digitization, Measurements, and Calibration
I.S.Izmailov, E.A.Roshchina, [A.A.Kiselev], T.P.Kiseleva, O.A.Kalinichenko,
O.P.Bykov, O.V.Kiyaeva, L.G.Romanenko, N.A.Shakht, K.L.Maslennikov,
and T.A.Vasil'eva (pp.46-59;
AstL: 41-54)
- Periodic Variations of the Ba II
and Ca II 8542
Profiles in Coronal Holes
N.I.Kobanov, S.A.Chupin, and D.Yu.Kolobov
AstL: 55-62)
- Author Index to Vol. 41, 2015
- Subject Index to Vol. 41, 2015
Volume 42, 2016, Issue 2
- Additional Spectroscopic Measurements of the Redshifts for Galaxy Clusters
from the First Catalog of the PLANCK All-Sky Survey
V.S.Vorobyev, R.A.Burenin, I.F.Bikmaev, I.M.Khamitov, S.N.Dodonov,
R.Ya.Zhuchkov, E.N.Irtuganov, A.V.Mescheryakov, S.S.Melnikov, A.N.Semena,
A.Yu.Tkachenko, N.Aghanim, and R.A.Sunyaev
AstL: 63-68)
- X-ray Nova MAXI J1828-249. Evolution of the Broadband Spectrum
during Its 2013-2014 Outburst
S.A.Grebenev, A.V.Prosvetov, R.A.Burenin, R.A.Krivonos, and A.V.Mescheryakov
AstL: 69-81)
- SN 2011ht: A Weak Explosion in a Massive Extended Envelope
N.N.Chugai (pp.102-109;
AstL: 82-89)
- Kinematic Analysis of Stars in the Solar Neighborhood Based on
Data from the RAVE4 Catalog
V.V.Bobylev and A.T.Bajkova (pp.110-119;
AstL: 90-99)
- On One Classical Problem in the Radial Orbit Instability Theory
E.V.Polyachenko and I.G.Shukhman (pp.120-135;
AstL: 100-114)
- On the Chaotic Orbital Dynamics of the Planet in the Binary System 16 Cyg
A.V.Melnikov (pp.136-147;
AstL: 115-125)
- Particle Acceleration and Alfven Wave Generation by an Interplanetary Shock
E.G.Berezhko and S.N.Taneev (pp.148-158;
AstL: 126-135)
Volume 42, 2016, Issue 3
- Estimation of Physical Conditions in the Cold Phase of
the InterstellarMedium in the sub-DLA System at z=2.06 in
the Spectrum of the Quasar J2123-0050
V.V.Klimenko, S.A.Balashev, A.V.Ivanchik, and D.A.Varshalovich
AstL: 137-162)
- Noncircular Outer Disks in Unbarred S0 Galaxies: NGC502
and NGC5485
O.K.Sil'chenko (pp.189-199;
AstL: 163-172)
- Probing the Hot Gas Density Distribution in the Milky
Way's Halo Using the Dispersion Measure of Pulsars
Ya.V.Zhezher, E.Ya.Nugaev, and G.I.Rubtsov
AstL: 173-181)
- z Distribution of Hydrogen Clouds and Masers with
Kinematic Distances
V.V.Bobylev and A.T.Bajkova (pp.210-220;
AstL: 182-192)
- Wind Dynamics and Circumstellar Extinction Variations in
the T Tauri Star RY Tau
E.V.Babina, S.A.Artemenko, and P.P.Petrov
AstL: 193-203)
- Solar Cycle 24 from the Standpoint of Solar
M.G.Ogurtsov (pp.232-234;
AstL: 204-206)
Volume 42, 2016, Issue 4
- Fine Structure of the Nucleus of the Galaxy NGC1275
L.I.Matveyenko and S.V.Seleznev
AstL: 207-214)
- Spectroscopic Study of the Peculiar Galaxy IC883
V.A.Yakovleva, O.A.Merkulova, G.M.Karataeva, L.V.Shalyapina,
N.V.Yablokova, and A.N.Burenkov
AstL: 215-227)
- Hercules and Wolf 630 Star Streams and Kinematics of the
Galactic Bar
V.V.Bobylev and A.T.Bajkova
AstL: 228-239)
- Sample of Cataclysmic Variables Detected in the 400
Square Degree X-ray Survey
R.A.Burenin, M.G.Revnivtsev, A.Yu.Tkachenko, V.S.Vorobyev, A.N.Semena,
A.V.Mescheryakov, S.N.Dodonov, M.V.Eselevich, and M.N.Pavlinsky
AstL: 240-250)
- Active Neutron Sensing of the Martian Surface in the DAN
Experiment Onboard the NASA Curiosity Mars Rover: Two Types of
Soil with Different Water Contents in the Gale Crater
I.G.Mitrofanov, A.S.Kozyrev, D.I.Lisov, A.A.Vostrukhin, D.V.Golovin,
M.L.Litvak, A.V.Malakhov, M.I.Mokrousov, S.Yu.Nikiforov, and A.B.Sanin
AstL: 251-259)
- On Probable Circumbinary Configurations of the Planetary
Systems of Alpha Centauri and EZ Aquarii
AstL: 260-267)
- Expansion of the Principal Functions of Keplerian Motion
Using Complex Variables
D.V.Mikryukov and K.V.Kholshevnikov
AstL: 268-275)
Volume 42, 2016, Issue 5
- Catalog of Candidates for Quasars at 3 < z < 5.5 Selected among X-ray
Sources from the 3XMM-DR4 Survey of the XMM-Newton Observatory
G.A.Khorunzhev, R.A.Burenin, A.V.Mescheryakov, and S.Yu.Sazonov
AstL: 277-294)
- Observational Capabilities of the New Medium- and
Low-Resolution Spectrograph at the 1.6-m Telescope of the
Sayan Solar Observatory
R.A.Burenin, A.L.Amvrosov, M.V.Eselevich, V.M.Grigor'ev, V.A.Aref'ev,
V.S.Vorob'ev, A.A.Lutovinov, M.G.Revnivtsev, S.Yu.Sazonov,
A.Yu.Tkachenko, G.A.Khorunzhev, A.L.Yaskovich,
and M.N.Pavlinsky(pp.333-345;
AstL: 295-306)
- Fractal Properties of Stellar Systems and Random Forces
O.V.Chumak and A.S.Rastorguev
AstL: 307-313)
- T Tauri Stars: Physical Parameters and Evolutionary Status
K.N.Grankin (pp.353-368;
AstL: 314-328)
- XZ Andromedae - a Semidetached Asynchronous Binary
D. Manzoori (pp.369-378;
AstL: 329-338)
- Rotational Shear near the Solar Surface as a Probe for
Subphotospheric Magnetic Fields
L.L.Kitchatinov (pp.379-386;
AstL: 339-345)
Volume 42, 2016, Issue 6
- Dark Matter Density Peaks around Primordial Black Holes
Yu.N.Eroshenko (pp.389-398;
AstL: 347-356)
- Motions inWide Pairs at Various Galactocentric Distances
A.S.Matvienko and V.V.Orlov (pp.399-407;
AstL: 357-365)
- Influence of Inelastic Collisions with Hydrogen Atoms on
the Formation of Al I and Si I Lines in Stellar Spectra
L.I.Mashonkina, A.K.Belyaev, and J.-R.Shi
AstL: 366-378)
- Peculiarities of the Accretion Flow in the System HL CMa
A.N.Semena, M.G.Revnivtsev, D.Buckley, A.A.Lutovinov, and H.Breitenbach
AstL: 379-392)
- Spectroscopic Studies of the Classical
Analysis of the Velocity Field in the Atmosphere and Manifestation of
the Presence of a Circumstellar Envelope
I.A.Usenko (pp.437-457;
AstL: 393-412)
- Secular Influence of Change in the Heliocentric
Gravitation Constant GM
on the
Evolution of Orbits of Meteor Streams
L.-S.Li (pp.458-462;
AstL: 413-416)
Volume 42, 2016, Issue 7
- Analysis of the Activity of the Blazar BL Lacertae over
the Period 1998-2011
K.S.Strigunov and A.V.Zhovtan
AstL: 417-427)
- Stellar Subsystems of the Galaxy NGC 1313
N.A.Tikhonov and O.A.Galazutdinova
AstL: 428-444)
- Extinction Law at a Distance up to 25 kpc toward the Galactic Poles
G.A.Gontcharov (pp.494-509;
AstL: 445-459)
- Evolution and Saturation of Autowaves in Photodissociation Regions
K.V.Krasnobaev, R.R.Tagirova, S.I.Arafailov, and G.Yu.Kotova
AstL: 460-473)
- On the Stability of Circumbinary Planetary Systems
E.A.Popova and I.I.Shevchenko (pp.525-532;
AstL: 474-481)
- Invisible Dynamo in Mean-Field Models
M.Yu.Reshetnyak (pp.533-539;
AstL: 482-487)
- Relationship between the North-South Asymmetry of Sunspot
Formation and the Amplitude of 11-Year Solar Activity Cycles
S.V.Latyshev and S.V.Olemskoy (pp.540-546;
AstL: 488-494)
Volume 42, 2016, Issue 8
- Distribution of Supernovae of Different Types along the
Radius and in z coordinate of Galaxies
N.N.Pavlyuk and D.Yu.Tsvetkov (pp.549-559;
AstL: 495-505)
- Short Variability of the Radio Flux Density from the Blazar J0530+1331
A.G.Gorshkov, A.V.Ipatov, I.A.Ipatova, V.K.Konnikova, V.V.Mardyshkin,
M.G.Mingaliev, M.A.Kharinov, and A.A.Evstigneev
AstL: 506-516)
- X-ray Variability of SS 433: Evidence for Supercritical Accretion
K.E.Atapin and S.N.Fabrika (pp.571-585;
AstL: 517-530)
- X-ray and Microwave Emissions from the July 19, 2012 Solar Flare:
Highly Accurate Observations and Kinetic Models
P.A.Gritsyk and B.V.Somov (pp.586-599;
AstL: 531-543)
- The System of Molecular Clouds in the Gould Belt
V.V.Bobylev (pp.600-610;
AstL: 544-554)
- Expanion of the Hamiltonian for the Planetary Problem
into a Poisson Series in the Heliocentric Reference Frame
D.V.Mikryukov (pp.611-622;
AstL: 555-566)
Volume 42, 2016, Issue 9
- Rotation Curve and Mass Determination in the Galaxy from
the Velocities of Objects at Distances up to 200 kpc
A.T.Bajkova and V.V.Bobylev (pp.625-641;
AstL: 567-582)
- Disk Wind and Magnetospheric Accretion in Emission from
the Herbig Ae Star MWC 480
L.V.Tambovtseva, V.P.Grinin, I.S.Potravnov, and D.E.Mkrtichian
AstL: 583-597)
- Orbital Parameters and Variability of the Emission Spectrum
for the Massive Binary System 103 Tau
A.E.Tarasov (pp.658-666;
AstL: 598-605)
- Influence of Departures from LTE on Calcium, Titanium,
and Iron Abundance Determinations in Cool Giants
of Different Metallicities
L.I.Mashonkina, T.N.Sitnova, and Yu.V.Pakhomov
AstL: 606-615)
- MeteorologicalConditions at the CaucasusObservatory of
the Sternberg Astronomical Institute of the Moscow State
University Based on the 2007-2015 Campaign
V.G.Kornilov, M.V.Kornilov, N.I.Shatsky, O.V.Voziakova, I.A.Gorbunov,
B.S.Safonov, S.A.Potanin, D.V.Cheryasov, and V.A.Senik
AstL: 616-630)
- On the Negative Correlation between Solar Activity and
Solar Rotation Rate
V.N.Obridko and B.D.Shelting (pp.694-700;
AstL: 631-637)
Volume 42, 2016, Issue 10
- Active Region of the Nucleus of the Blazar 3C 454.3
L.I.Matveyenko and S.S.Sivakon'
AstL: 639-651)
- Investigation of OH and H2O Masers in the
Star-Forming Region G 188.946+0.886
N.T.Ashimbaeva, P.Colom, E.E.Lekht, M.I.Pashchenko,
G.M.Rudnitskii, and A.M.Tolmachev
AstL: 652-664)
- Nonlinear Pulsations of Stars with Initial Mass
3 M
on the Asymptotic Giant Branch
Yu.A.Fadeyev (pp.731-740;
AstL: 665-673)
- Orbit and Physical Characteristics of the Components of
the Massive Algol V622 Per, a Member of the Open Star Cluster
A.E.Tarasov, L.V.Malchenko, and K. Yakut
AstL: 674-685)
- Detection of Duplicity of the Star J1158+4239
M.Yu.Khovrichev, A.M.Kulikova, E.N.Sokov, V.V.Dyachenko, D.A.Rastegaev,
A.S.Beskakotov, Yu.Yu.Balega, B.S.Safonov, A.V.Dodin, and O.V.Vozyakova
AstL: 686-692)
- Radial Velocity Curve of the Spectroscopic Binary
HD25639 (ADS 2984A)
S.Yu.Gorda (pp.762-772;
AstL: 693-702)
- Two Populations of Sunspots and Secular Changes of Their
Yu.A.Nagovitsyn, A.A.Pevtsov, A.A.Osipova,
A.G.Tlatov, E.V.Miletskii, and E.Yu.Nagovitsyna
AstL: 703-712)
Volume 42, 2016, Issue 11
- Local Burst Model of CMB Temperature Fluctuations:
Scattering in the Resonance Lines of Primordial Hydrogen and Helium
V.K.Dubrovich and S.I.Grachev (pp.785-792;
AstL: 713-720)
- Kinematics of the Galaxy from Data on Star Clusters from the MWSC Catalog
V.V.Bobylev, A.T.Bajkova, and K.S.Shirokova (pp.793-806;
AstL: 721-733)
- Evolution of the Titanium and Oxygen Abundances from
Observations of FGK Dwarfs in a Wide Metallicity Range
T.M.Sitnova (pp.807-817;
AstL: 734-744)
- Breakdown of the Goldreich-Julian Relation in a Neutron Star
D.N.Sob'yanin (pp.818-825;
AstL: 745-751)
- Oblique MHD Shock near the Surface of Young Stars
A.V.Dodin (pp.826-830;
AstL: 752-755)
- Photometric and Spectroscopic Study of the Supergiant
V1027 Cygni with an Infrared Excess
V.P.Arkhipova, O.G.Taranova, N.P.Ikonnikova, F.F.Esipov, G.V.Komissarova,
V.I.Shenavrin, and M.A.Burlak (pp.831-849;
AstL: 756-773)
- On the Most Typical Structure of Three-Dimensional
Magnetic Reconnection
Yu.V.Dumin and B.V.Somov (pp.850-858;
AstL: 774-781)
Volume 42, 2016, Issue 12
- Counterrotating Gas Disk in the S0 Galaxy IC 560
I.S.Proshina, A.Yu.Kniazev, and O.K.Sil'chenko
AstL: 783-789)
- Spectroscopic and Photometric Characteristics of Stars
in the Field of the Cluster vdB 130
A.A.Tatarnikova, A.M.Tatarnikov, T.G.Sitnik, and O.V.Egorov
AstL: 790-799)
- Neutrino Fluxes from a Core-Collapse Supernova in a
Model with Three Sterile Neutrinos
A.V.Yudin, D.K.Nadyozhin, V.V.Khrushchev, and S.V.Fomichev
AstL: 800-814)
- New in the Optical Spectrum and Kinematic State of the
Atmosphere of the Variable V1027 Cyg (=IRAS 20004+2955)
V.G.Klochkova, V.E.Panchuk, and N.S.Tavolzhanskaya
AstL: 815-824)
- Physical Properties of the Quiet Solar
Chromosphere-Corona Transition Region
O.V.Dunin-Barkovskaya and B.V.Somov
AstL: 825-840)
- Thermal Instability of the Reconnecting Current Layer in
Solar Flares
L.S.Ledentsov and B.V.Somov (pp.925-934;
AstL: 841-849)
- Radar Observations of the Asteroid 2011 UW158
A.V.Ipatov, Yu.S.Bondarenko, Yu.D.Medvedev, N.A.Mishina, D.A.Marshalov, and
L.A.Benner (pp.935-940;
AstL: 850-855)