Volume 38, 2012, Issue 1
- Optical Identification of Six Hard X-ray Sources from
the INTEGRAL and SWIFT All-Sky Surveys
A.A.Lutovinov, R.A.Burenin, M.G.Revnivtsev, and I.F.Bikmaev
(pp. 3-14;
AstL: 1-11)
- Variations of the Interstellar Extinction Law within the
Nearest Kiloparsec
G.A.Gontcharov (pp. 15-27;
AstL: 12-24)
- Electrical Conductivity of the Neutron Star Crust at Low
A.I.Chugunov (pp. 28-47;
AstL: 25-44)
- Resonant Character of the Hall Instability in Protoplanetary Disks
V.V.Prudskikh (pp. 48-53;
AstL: 45-50)
- Spatial Distribution of the N-S Asymmetry of Solar
Activity and Its Time Variations
O.G.Badalyan (pp. 54-64;
AstL: 51-61)
- Rules to Authors
(pp. 65-69)
- Author Index for Vol. 37, 2011
(pp. 70-75)
- Subject Index for Vol. 37, 2011
(pp. 76-80)
Volume 38, 2012, Issue 2
- Atomic and Molecular Gas Components in Spiral Galaxies
of the Virgo Cluster
A.V.Kasparova (pp. 83-94;
AstL: 63-73)
- Investigation of the Open Star Cluster NGC 2323 (M50)
Based on the Proper Motions and Photometry of Its Constituent Stars
V.N.Frolov, Yu.K.Ananjevskaja, and E.V.Polyakov
(pp. 95-107;
AstL: 74-86)
- 3D Interstellar Extinction Map within the Nearest Kiloparsec
G.A.Gontcharov (pp. 108-121;
AstL: 87-100)
- Chemical Composition of the Atmospheres of Red Giants
with High Space Velocities
Yu.V.Pakhomov (pp. 122-137;
AstL: 101-116)
- Optimal Growth of Small Perturbations in Thin Gaseous Disks
D.N.Razdoburdin and V.V.Zhuravlev
(pp. 138-148;
AstL: 117-127)
- On the Magnetic Reconnection of Electric Currents in Solar Flares
B.V.Somov (pp. 149-160;
AstL: 128-138)
Volume 38, 2012, Issue 3
- On the Mass and Density of the Stellar Disk of M33
A.S.Saburova and A.V.Zasov (pp. 163-171;
AstL: 139-146)
- Stellar Subsystems of Different Ages in Spiral and Irregular Galaxies
N.A.Tikhonov and O.A.Galazutdinova
(pp. 172-182;
AstL: 147-156)
- Variability of Hot Supergiant IRAS 19336-0400 in the
Early Phase of Planetary Nebula Ionization
V.P.Arkhipova, M.A.Burlak, V.F.Esipov, N.P.Ikonnikova, and G.V.Komissarova
(pp. 183-193;
AstL: 157-166)
- Magnetic Field of the Young Star RW Aur
A.V.Dodin, S.A.Lamzin, and G.A.Chuntonov
(pp. 194-207;
AstL: 167-179)
- Observations of Extrasolar Planet Transits with the
Automated Telescopes of the Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory
E.N.Sokov, I.A.Vereshchagina, Yu.N.Gnedin, A.V.Devyatkin, D.L.Gorshanov,
V.Yu.Slesarenko, A.V.Ivanov, K.N.Naumov, S.V.Zinov'ev, A.S.Bekhteva,
E.S.Romas, S.V.Karashevich, and V.V.Kupriyanov
(pp. 208-218;
AstL: 180-190)
- Influence of Large-Scale Variations in the Magnetic
Field Direction on the Acceleration of Interstellar Pickup
Protons at the Heliospheric Termination Shock
S.V.Chalov (pp. 219-229;
AstL: 191-200)
- Conditionally Periodic Solutions near the Libration
Points of the Restricted Circular Three-Body Problem
L.G.Luk'yanov (pp. 230-240;
AstL: 201-211)
Volume 38, 2012, Issue 4
- The Environmental Dependence of u-, g-, r-, i-,
and z-Band Luminosities for Galaxies Above and Below
the Value of Mr*
Xin-Fa Deng, Jun Song, Yi-Qing Chen, Peng Jiang, and Ying-Ping Ding
(pp. 243-252;
AstL: 213-221)
- Radial H I Profiles at the Periphery of Galactic
Disks: The Role of Ionizing Background Radiation
O.V.Abramova (pp. 253-262;
AstL: 222-230)
- Mechanism of Thermonuclear Burning Propagation in a
Helium Layer on a Neutron Star Surface: A Simplified Adiabatic Model
V.A.Simonenko, D.A.Gryaznykh, I.A.Litvinenko, V.A.Lykov, and A.N.Shushlebin
(pp. 263-270;
AstL: 231-237)
- On the Change of the Inner Boundary of an Optically
Thick Accretion Disk around White Dwarfs Using the Dwarf
Nova SS Cyg as an Example
M.G.Revnivtsev, R.A.Burenin, A.Yu.Tkachenko, I.M.Khamitov, T.Ak, A.Merloni,
M.N.Pavlinsky, and R.A.Sunyaev (pp. 271-282;
AstL: 238-248)
- Cataclysmic Variables from the USNO-B1.0 Catalog: Stars
with Outbursts on Infrared Palomar Plates
D.V.Denisenko (pp. 283-294;
AstL: 249-259)
- Nonlinear Pulsations of Red Supergiants
Yu.A.Fadeyev (pp. 295-306;
AstL: 260-270)
- Atmospheric Transparency over Mount Shatdzhatmaz in the
Optical and Near-Infrared Ranges
O.V.Voziakova (pp. 307-315;
AstL: 271-279)
- Rules to Authors
(pp. 316-320)
Volume 38, 2012, Issue 5
- Optical Identification of Four Hard X-ray Sources from
the SWIFT All-Sky Survey
A.A.Lutovinov, R.A.Burenin, M.G.Revnivtsev, S.Yu.Sazonov,
O.N.Sholukhova, A.F.Valeev (pp. 323-332;
AstL: 281-289)
- Study of the Structure and Kinematics of the
NGC 7465/64/63 Triplet Galaxies
G.M.Karataeva, V.A.Yakovleva, and
A.N.Burenkov (pp. 333-347;
AstL: 290-304)
- Mechanism of Thermonuclear Burning Propagation in a
Helium Layer on a Neutron Star Surface: A Refined Model with
Heat Conduction and Subgrid Turbulence
V.A.Simonenko, D.A.Gryaznykh, I.A.Litvinenko, V.A.Lykov, and A.N.Shushlebin
(pp. 348-363;
AstL: 305-320)
- Estimation of Plasma Parameters in an Accretion Column
near the Surface of Accreting White Dwarfs from Their Flux Variability
A.N.Semena and M.G.Revnivtsev (pp. 364-373;
AstL: 321-330)
- XHIP: An Extended HIPPARCOS Compilation
E.Anderson and Ch.Francis (pp. 374-392;
AstL: 331-346)
Volume 38, 2012, Issue 6
- Cosmological Parameters Constraints from Galaxy Cluster
Mass Function Measurements in Combination with Other
Cosmological Data
R.A.Burenin and A.A.Vikhlinin (pp. 395-413;
AstL: 347-363)
- Influence of Gamma-Ray Emission on the Isotopic
Composition of Clouds in the Interstellar Medium
V.V.Klimenko, A.V.Ivanchik, D.A.Varshalovich, and A.G.Pavlov
(pp. 414-430;
AstL: 364-379)
- Comparison of the Magnetic Fields in Active Prominences
Measured from the He I D3 and
V.G.Lozitsky and O.A.Botygina (pp. 431-438;
AstL: 380-387)
- Reflectionless Propagation of Acoustic Waves in the Solar Atmosphere
N.S.Petrukhin, E.N.Pelinovsky, and E.K.Batsyna
(pp. 439-445;
AstL: 388-393)
- Geodynamic Observations on the Quasar VLBI Network in 2009-2011
A.M.Finkelstein+, A.V.Ipatov, E.A.Skurikhina, I.F.Surkis,
S.G.Smolentsev, and L.V.Fedotov (pp. 446-451;
AstL: 394-398)
- Tidal Deformations of the Earth from VLBI Observations
V.S.Gubanov and S.L.Kurdubov (pp. 452-464;
AstL: 399-410)
Volume 38, 2012, Issue 7
- Kinematics of Stars in the Northern and Southern
Galactic Hemispheres
V.V.Vityazev and A.S.Tsvetkov (pp. 467-485;
AstL: 411-427)
- Relative Content of Be Stars in Young Open Star Clusters
A.E.Tarasov and S.L.Malchenko (pp. 486-494;
AstL: 428-435)
- Pulsar Natal Kick Via Neutrino-Triggered Magnetorotational Asymmetry
A.V.Kuznetsov and N.V.Mikheev (pp. 495-502;
AstL: 436-442)
- X-ray Line Formation in the Spectrum of SS 433
I.I.Khabibullin and S.Yu.Sazonov (pp. 503-529;
AstL: 443-467)
- New Activity Cycle of the Classical Symbiotic Star V1413 Aql
E.A.Kolotilov, G.V.Komissarova, A.A.Tatarnikova,
A.M.Tatarnikov, and V.I.Shenavrin (pp. 530-536;
AstL: 468-473)
Volume 38, 2012, Issue 8
- Masses and Accretion Rates of Supermassive Black Holes
in Active Galactic Nuclei from the INTEGRAL Survey
G.A.Khorunzhev, S.Yu.Sazonov, R.A.Burenin, and
A.Yu.Tkachenko (pp. 539-556;
AstL: 475-491)
- Luminosity Function of High-Mass X-ray Binaries and
Anisotropy in the Distribution of Active Galactic Nuclei
toward the Large Magellanic Cloud
A.A.Lutovinov, S.A.Grebenev, and S.S.Tsygankov
(pp. 557-561;
AstL: 492-496)
- Expansion of the Stellar Subsystems of Disk Galaxies
N.A.Tikhonov (pp. 562-570;
AstL: 497-505)
- Heterogeneity of the Population of Open Star Clusters in
the Galaxy
M.L.Gozha, T.V.Borkova, and V.A.Marsakov
(pp. 571-583;
AstL: 506-518)
- Two Populations of Open Star Clusters in the Galaxy
M.L.Gozha, V.V.Koval', and V.A.Marsakov
(pp. 584-596;
AstL: 519-530)
- Magnetic Field Topology by MDI Data: Active Region
N.G.Makarenko, I.S.Knyazeva, and L.M.Karimova
(pp. 597-608;
AstL: 531-542)
Volume 38, 2012, Issue 9
- Star Formation Rate and Magnetic Fields in Spiral Galaxies
E.A.Mikhailov, D.D.Sokoloff, and Yu.N.Efremov
(pp. 611-616;
AstL: 543-548)
- Redetermination of Galactic Spiral Density Wave
Parameters Based on Spectral Analysis of Masers Radial Velocities
A.T.Bajkova and V.V.Bobylev (pp. 617-630;
AstL: 549-561)
- On the Possibility of Investigating the Galactic Center
Region with the INTEGRAL Observatory by the Method of Lunar
and Terrestrial Occultations
N.A.Eismont, A.A.Ledkov, S.A.Grebenev, and R.A.Sunyaev
(pp. 631-644;
AstL: 562-574)
- Polarization of the H2O Maser Emission from
Orion KL at Epoch 2011.7
L.I.Matveyenko, V.A.Demichev, A.V.Ipatov, A.E.Melnikov, and I.F.Surkis
(pp. 645-651;
AstL: 575-580)
- Planetary Dynamics in the System
Centauri: The Stability Diagrams
E.A.Popova and I.I.Shevchenko(pp. 652-659;
AstL: 581-588)
- On the Analogy between the Zebra Patterns in Radio
Emission from the Sun and the Crab Pulsar
V.V.Zheleznyakov, V.V.Zaitsev, and E.Ya.Zlotnik
(pp. 660-676;
AstL: 589-604)
- Cosmic-Ray Anisotropy and Density Near the Neutral Sheet
of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field
G.F.Krymsky, P.A.Krivoshapkin, S.K.Gerasimova, and P.Yu.Gololobov
(pp. 677-680;
AstL: 605-608)
- Heliospheric Modulation of Cosmic Rays in Solar Cycles 19-23
G.F.Krymsky, P.A.Krivoshapkin, S.K.Gerasimova,
P.Yu.Gololobov, V.G.Grigor'ev, and S.A.Starodubtsev
(pp. 681-684;
AstL: 609-612)
Volume 38, 2012, Issue 10
- GRB 070912 - A Gamma-Ray Burst Recorded from the
Direction to the Galactic Center
P.Yu.Minaev, S.A.Grebenev, A.S.Pozanenko, S.V.Molkov,
D.D.Frederiks, and S.V.Golenetskii
(pp. 687-703;
AstL: 613-628)
- Accurate Localization and Identification of Six Hard
X-ray Sources from Chandra and XMM-Newton Data
D.I.Karasev, A.A.Lutovinov, M.G.Revnivtsev, and R.A.Krivonos
(pp. 704-714;
AstL: 629-637)
- Estimation of the Galactic Spiral Pattern Speed from Cepheids
V.V.Bobylev and A.T.Bajkova (pp. 715-726;
AstL: 638-648)
- Interpretation of the Veiling of the Photospheric
Spectrum for T Tauri Stars in Terms of an Accretion Model
A.V.Dodin and S.A.Lamzin (pp. 727-745;
AstL: 649-666)
- Radial Oscillations of Current-Carrying Coronal Loops
B.B.Mikhalyaev and O.V.Khongorova
(pp. 746-750;
AstL: 667-671)
- Energetics and Morphology of Powerful Impulsive Solar
I.N.Sharykin, A.B.Struminsky, and I.V.Zimovetz
(pp. 751-760;
AstL: 672-680)
Volume 38, 2012, Issue 11
- XHIP-II: Clusters and Associations
Ch.Francis and E.Anderson (pp. 763-775;
AstL: 681-693)
- Spatial Distribution and Kinematics of OB Stars
G.A.Gontcharov (pp. 776-789;
AstL: 694-706)
- Spectroscopy of Planetary Nebulae in the Region of Canis Major
A.Yu.Kniazev (pp. 790-804;
AstL: 707-720)
- Chemical Composition and Stratification of Chemical
Elements in the Atmosphere of the Ap Star HD 8441
A.R.Titarenko, E.A.Semenko, and T.A.Ryabchikova
(pp. 805-815;
AstL: 721-730)
- A Search for Small-Scale Anisotropy of PeV Cosmic Rays
M.Yu.Zotov and G.V.Kulikov (pp. 816-830;
AstL: 731-743)
- On Continuous Transitions between Discontinuous MHD
Solutions in the Magnetic Reconnection Problem
L.S.Ledentsov and B.V.Somov (pp. 831-840;
AstL: 744-753)
Volume 38, 2012, Issue 12
- Star Formation Efficiency in Low-Density Regions in Galactic Disks
O.V.Abramova and A.V.Zasov (pp. 843-852;
AstL: 755-763)
- Active Star-Forming Region in Orion KL, Epoch 2012
L.I.Matveyenko, V.A.Demichev, A.V.Ipatov, A.E.Melnikov, and I.F.Surkis
(pp. 853-859;
AstL: 764-770)
- Dependence of Kinematics on the Age of Stars in the
Solar Neighborhood
G.A.Gontcharov (pp. 869-871;
AstL: 771-782)
- Rotation Effects in Classical T Tauri Stars
S.A.Artemenko, K.N.Grankin, and P.P.Petrov
(pp. 872-882;
AstL: 783-792)
- Fast Spectrophotometry of the Flare Star EV Lacertae
B.E.Zhilyaev, M.V.Andreev, A.V.Sergeev, V.N.Reshetnik, and N.A.Parakhin
(pp. 883-891;
AstL: 793-800)
- On the Nature of the Transition Region between the Solar
Corona and Chromosphere
O.V.Ptitsyna and B.V.Somov (pp. 892-903;
AstL: 801-812)
- Nonlinear Theory of Secular Perturbations of Satellites
of an Oblate Planet
D.V.Nikonchuk (pp. 904-920;
AstL: 813-828)