Volume 30, 2004, Issue 1
- The Phenomenon of the Galaxy NGC6286: a Forming Polar Ring or a Superwind?
L.V.Shalyapina, A.V.Moiseev, V.A.Yakovleva, V.A.Hagen-Thorn, and A.N.Burenkov
- A Rotating Collapsar and Possible Interpretation of the LSD Neutrino Signal
from SN1987A
V.S.Imshennik, and O.G.Ryazhskaya
- Observations of Supernovae in 1997-1999
D.Yu.Tsvetkov, and N.N.Pavlyuk (pp.37-46)
- Dependence of the Position of the Knee in the Galactic Cosmic-Ray Spectrum on
the Explosion Energy Distribution of Supemovae
L.G.Sveshnikova (pp.47-57)
- Two-Year Observations of the X-Ray Pulsar SMC X-I with the ART-P Telescope of
the GRANAT Observatory
A.A.Lutovinov, S.S.Tsygankov, S.A.Grebenev, M.N.Pavlinsky, and R.A.Sunyaev
- Anomalous Fe II Spectral Effects and High HI Ly
Temperature in Gaseous Condensations
S.Johansson, and V.S.Letokhov
- In memory of Vera L'vovna Khokhlova
(1927-2003) (pp. 74-75)
- Author Index for Vol. 29, 2003
(pp. 76-80 )
Volume 30, 2004, Issue 2
- Type-Ia Supernovae in Dense Circumstellar Gas
N.N.Chugai, and L.R.Yungelson (pp.83-91)
- Type-Ia Supernovae in Semidetached Binaries
A.V.Fedorova, A.V.Tutukov, and L.R.Yungelson
- Type-I X-Ray Bursts from Voids: Indicators of Weakly Accreting Bursters?
V.A.Aref'ev and N.L.Aleksandrovich (pp.105-114)
- Polarization Observations of Giant Radio Pulses from the Millisecond Pulsar
B1937+21 at Frequency 600 MHz
M.V.Popov, V.A.Soglasnov, V.I.Kondrat'ev, and S.V.Kostyuk
- Evolution of the Structure of the H2O Supermaser
Outburst Region in Orion KL
L.I.Matveyenko, K.M.Zakharin, P.J.Diamond, and D.A.Graham
- Pre- and Post-Outburst Parameters for the Components of the Symbiotic Star VI329 Cyg
V.P.Arkhipova, and N.P.Ikonnikova (pp.139-145)
- Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of a Nonstationary Gravitating N-Body
System with Gas
V.N.Snytnikov, V.A.Vshivkov, E.A.Kuksheva, E.V.Neupokoev, S.A.Nikitin, and A.V.Snytnikov
Volume 30, 2004, Issue 3
- Congratulations (pp. 163-163)
- The Origin of Intergalactic Thermonuclear Supernovae
A.G.Kuranov, and K.A.Postnov
- Stars of Extragalactic Origin in the Solar Neighborhood
T.V.Borkova, and V.A.Marsakov
- Determination of the Rotation Curve for Stars of Gould's Belt
Using Bottlinger's Formulas
V.V.Bobylev (pp.185-195)
- Magnetic-Field Rearrangement by Accelerated Particles Near a Shock Front
A.Z.Dolginov, N.I.Podol'skaya, and I.N.Toptygin
- Possible Crossing of the Termination Shock in the Solar Corona by VOYAGER 1
V.B.Baranov, and E.A. Pushkar' (pp.207-215)
- Characteristics of Weak Bursts of the Soft Component of Solar X-ray Radiation
I.K.Mirzoeva, and O.B.Likin (pp.216-223)
- Influence of a Finite Conductivity on the Spectrum of Solar p-Modes
V.I.Zhukov (pp.224-230)
- A Wide-Angle Field Corrector at the Prime Focus of a Ritchey-Chretien Telescope
V.Yu.Terebizh (pp.231-240)
Volume 30, 2004, Issue 4
- Optical and Infrared Monitoring of BL Lac in 1999-2001
V.A.Hagen-Thorn, V.M.Larionov, E.G.Larionova, N.A.Kudryavtseva,
A.V.Tikhonov, A.V.Hagen-Thorn, A.A.Arkharov, A.Di Paola, and F.d'Alessio
- Phaseless VLBI Mapping of Compact Extragalactic Radio Sources
A.T.Bajkova (pp.253-267)
- Structure of the Galactic Gas at High Latitudes. The Southern Polar Cap
I.V.Gosachinskij, G.N.Il'in, and V.A.Prozorov
- Non-stationarity of the Radio Luminosity of the Remnant of Supernova 1181 (3C58)
V. P.Ivanov, I.A.Rakhimov, S.G.Smolentsev, K.S.Stankevich, and A.M.Finkelstein
- Detection of Giant Pulses from the Pulsar PSR B0031-07
A.D.Kuzmin, A.A.Ershov, and B.Ya.Losovsky
- Kinematic Control of the Inertiality of the ICRS Catalogs
V.V.Bobylev (pp.289-296)
- Spectral and Photometric Evolution of the Symbiotic Nova HM Sagittae in 1986-2002
V.P.Arkhipova, V.F.Esipov, N.P.Ikonnikova, and R.I.Noskova
- MHD Waves in Coronal Loops with a Shell
B.B.Mikhalyaev, and A.A.Solov'ev (pp.307-314)
- A High-Resolution Study of Jupiter at a Frequency of 30 GHz
Yu.N.Parijskij, N.N.Bursov, A.B.Berlin, N.A.Nizhelskii, M.G.Mingaliev, P.A.Tsybulev,
A.V.Bogdantsov, E.K.Maiorova, O.M.Pilipenko, A.A.Balanovskii, and G.V.Zhekanis
Volume 30, 2004, Issue 5
- A Photometric Study of Faint Galaxies in the Field of GRB 000926
T.A.Fatkhullin, A.A.Vasil'ev, and V.P.Reshetnikov
- The Light Curve of Supernova 1987A: The Structure of the Presupernova and Radioactive
Nickel Mixing
V.P.Utrobin (pp.334-350)
- Dynamics of the Flows Accreted onto a Magnetized Neutron Star
A.M.Bykov, and A.M.Krasil'shchikov (pp.351-361)
- Pulsating Microwave Emission from the Star AD Leo
V.V.Zaitsev, A.G.Kislyakov, A.V.Stepanov, B.Kliem, and E.Fuerst
- HD 183143 - A Hypergiant
E.L.Chentsov (pp.368-375)
- Line Variability in the Spectrum of the Supergiant
A.Kh.Rzaev, and V.E.Panchuk (pp.376-386)
- Reproducible Characteristics of the Solar-Wind Acceleration
N.A.Lotova, K.V.Vladimirsky, V.N.Obridko, and I.A.Subaev
- Periodic Orbits in the General Three-Body Problem and the Relationship between Them
V.V.Orlov, A.V.Petrova, A.V.Rubinov, and A.I.Martynova
- Errata to the paper by S.Johansson, and V.S.Letokhov,
2004, v. 30, p. 67 (pp. 400-400)
Volume 30, 2004, Issue 6
- Bulk Motions of Flat Galaxies on a 100-Mpc Scale Using New Data
S.L.Parnovsky, and A.V.Tugai
- Observations of Radio Emission from the Cosmic Gamma-Ray Burst
A.M.Finkelstein, A.V.Ipatov, Yu.N.Gnedin, D.V.Ivanov, M.A.Kharinov,
and M.A.Rakhimov
- Plasma Instability in Relativistic Jets
S.L.Ginzburg, V.F.D'yachenko, V.V.Paleichik, A.L.Sudarikov,
and V.M.Chechetkin (pp.423-429)
- A Hard X-ray Survey of the Galactic-Center Region with the IBIS Telescope
of the INTEGRAL Observatory: A Catalog of Sources
M.G.Revnivtsev, R.A.Sunyaev, D.A.Varshalovich, V.V.Zheleznyakov,
A.M.Cherepashchuk, A.A.Lutovinov, E.M.Churazov, S.A.Grebenev,
and M.R.Gilfanov
- Spatial Correlation of Unidentified Gamma-Ray Sources with Flare
and Wolf-Rayet Stars
A.M.Galper, and B.I.Luchkov
- Influence of Accelerated Particles on the Large-Scale Magnetic Field
in Young Supernova Remnants
I.N.Toptygin (pp.439-450)
- The Role of Epithermal Neutrons in AGB Stars: Boron Synthesis
A.I.Shapiro (pp.451-459)
- Kinematics and Parameters of Gas in the Vicinity of TW Hya
S.A.Lamzin, A.S.Kravtsova, M.M.Romanova, and C.Batalha
- Instructions to authors (pp. 476-480)
Volume 30, 2004, Issue 7
- Search for Short Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts Using Data from the APEX and LILAS
Experiments Onboard the PHOBOS-2 Interplanetary Spacecraft
A.S.Kozyrev, I.G.Mitrofanov, A.B.Sanin, C.Barat
- The Method of a Two-Point Conditional Column Density Jor Estimating the
Fractal Dimension of the Galaxy Distribution
Yu.V.Baryshev, and Yu.L.Bukhmastova
- Instability of a Thin Photoevaporated Circumstellar Envelope
K.V.Krasnobaev (pp.500-505)
- Possible Variability of the Magnetic Field of T Tau
D.A.Smirnov, S.A.Lamzin, S.N.Fabrika, and G.A.Chuntonov
- Spatial Closeness of the White Hypergiants HD 168607 and HD 168625
E.L.Chentsov, and E.S.Gorda (pp.511-518)
- Proper Motions of 59 766 Stars Absolutized Using Galaxies in 149 Sky
Fields (PUL2)
V.V.Bobylev, N.M.Bronnikova, and N.A.Shakht
- Pulsations of Microwave Emission and Flare Plasma Diagnostics
A.V.Stepanov, Yu.G.Kopylova, Yu.T.Tsap, K.Shibasaki, V.F.Melnikov, and T.B.Goldvarg
- Variations of Microwave Emission from Solar Active Regions
G.B.Gelfreikh, Yu.T.Tsap, Yu.G.Kopylova, T.B.Goldvarg, Yu.A.Nagovitsyn, and L.I.Tsvetkov
- Theory of the Equilibrium Figure and Gravitational Field of the Galilean
Satellite Io: The Second Approximation
V.N.Zharkov (pp.548-560)
Volume 30, 2004, Issue 8
- Hydrogen Absorption Lines in the Cosmic Microwave Background Spectrum
V.K.Dubrovich, and N.N.Shakhvorostova
- Galactic Bars and Spirals as Slow Modes of Stellar Disks
E.V.Polyachenko (pp.568-573)
- UGC 5119: A Galaxy with a Stellar Polar Ring?
V.A.Yakovleva, and G.M.Karataeva
- A Hard X-Ray Sky Survey with the SIGMA Telescope of the GRANAT Observatory
M.G.Revnivtsev, R.A.Sunyaev, M.R.Gilfanov, E.M.Churazov, A.Goldwurm, J.Paul,
P.Mandrou, and J.P.Roque (pp.582-588)
- A Hard X-ray Survey of the Region Tangential to the Galactic Spiral Arm in
Sagittarius with the IBIS Telescope of the INTEGRAL Observatory: A Catalog
of Sources
S.V.Molkov, A.M.Cherepashchuk, A.A.Lutovinov, M.G.Revnivtsev, K.A.Postnov,
and R.A.Sunyaev (pp.589-595)
- Observations of the X-ray Pulsar GX301-2 with the ART-P Telescope of
the GRANAT Observatory
S.S.Tsygankov, A.A.Lutovinov, S.A.Grebenev, M.R.Gilfanov, and R.A.Sunyaev
- JHKLM Photometry for Carbon Stars
O.G.Taranova, and V.I.Shenavrin (pp.605-622)
- Influence of Inaccuracies in the Rate Constants of Chemical Reactions on
Astrochemical Modeling
A.I.Vasyunin, A.M.Sobolev, D.Z.Wiebe, and D.A.Semenov
- Variations in the Parameters of High-Degree Acoustic Modes with Solar Cycle
Sh.S.Kholikov, O.S.Burtseva, A.V.Serebryanskii, and Sh.A.Ehgamberdiev
Volume 30, 2004, Issue 9
- NGC 7468: a Galaxy with an Inner Polar Disk
L.V.Shalyapina, A.V.Moiseev, V.A.Yakovleva, V.A.Hagen-Thorn,
and O.Yu.Barsunova (pp.643-652)
- Stellar Velocity Dispersion and Mass Estimation for Galactic Disks
A.V.Zasov, A.V.Khoperskov, and N.V.Tyurina
- Natural Width of the Cyclotron Maser Emission Line
G.D.Fleishman (pp.663-675)
- Disk Precession and Quasi-Periodic Brightness Oscillations of V603 Aql
in 2001-2002
V.Suleimanov, I.Bikmaev, K.Belyakov, N.Sakhibullin, G.Zhukov, Z.Aslan,
U.Kiziloglu, and I.Khamitov
- Occultations of Stars Brighter than 15m by the Largest
Trans-Neptunian Objects in 2004-2014
D.V.Denisenko (pp.692-696)
- Equation of State under Nuclear Statistical Equilibrium Conditions
D.K.Nadezhin, and A.V.Yudin (pp.697-710)
- The Fission Problem and the r-Process: Competition between Neutron-Induced and
Beta-Delayed Fission
I.V.Panov, and F.-K.Thielemann
Volume 30, 2004, Issue 10
- CMB Recombination Lines of Hydrogen: The Differential Spectrum
V.K.Dubrovich, and S.I.Grachev (pp.723-728)
- A Semianalytical Method for Calculating the Parameters of the Electromagnetic
Halo Around Extragalactic Gamma-Ray Sources
S.R.Kel'ner, D.V.Khangulyan, and F.A.Aharonian
- Broadband X-Ray Spectrum of XTE J1550-564 During the Outburst of 2003
V.A.Arefev, M.G.Revnivtsev, A.A.Lutovinov, and R.A.Sunyaev
- A White Dwarf in the State of an Ejector
N.R.Ikshanov, V.V.Neustroev, and N.G.Beskrovnaya
- Weakly Radiating Radio Pulsars
V.S.Beskin, and E.E.Nokhrina (pp.754-763)
- Disk Wind in Young Binaries and the Origin of the Cyclic Activity of Young
V.P.Grinin, L.V.Tambovtseva, and N.Ya.Sotnikova
- Radial Pulsations of Helium Stars with Masses from 10 to 50
Yu.A.Fadeev, and M.F.Novikova (pp.778-786)
- Synchronous Microwave Brightenings of Solar Active Regions from RATAN-600 Spectral
O.A.Golubchina, S.Kh.Tokhchukova, V.M.Bogod, H.A.Garcia, and V.I.Garaimov
Volume 30, 2004, Issue 11
- A SAI Catalog of Supernovae and Radial Distributions of Supernovae of Various Types
in Galaxies
D.Yu.Tsvetkov, N.N.Pavlyuk, and O.S.Bartunov
- Dynamics and Radiation of Young Type-Ia Supernova Remnants: Important Physical
E.I.Sorokina, S.I.Blinnikov, D.I.Kosenko, and P.Lundqvist
- Optical and X-ray Observations of Thermonuclear Bursts from GS 1826-24 during
September-October 2003
A.V.Meshcheryakov, I.M.Khamitov, M.G.Revnivtsev, R.A.Burenin, M.R.Gilfanov,
M.N.Pavlinsky, R.A.Sunyaev, Z.Asian, and E.Gogush
- Symmetry of Effects of Neutron and Proton Superfluidity in Cooling Neutron
M.E.Gusakov, A.D.Kaminker, D.G.Yakovlev, and O.Yu.Gnedin
- Broadband X-ray Spectrum of the Intermediate Polar V2400 Oph
M.G.Revnivtsev, A.A.Lutovinov, B.F.Suleimanov, S.V.Molkov, and R.A.Sunyaev
- Photometric Variability and Spectrum of the Post-AGB Candidate IRAS 19200+3457
V.P.Arkhipova, N.P.Ikonnikova, R.I.Noskova, G.V.Komissarova, and V.F.Esipov
- Kinematic Peculiarities of Gould Belt Stars
V.V.Bobylev (pp.861-873)
- Photon Excitation of Sodium Emission in Comets
E.A.Baranovskii, and V.P.Tarashchuk
Volume 30, 2004, Issue 12
- Hydrodynamic Model for Asymmetric Explosions of Rapidly Rotating Collapsing
Supernovae with a Toroidal Atmosphere
V.S.Imshennik, and K.V.Manukovskii (pp.883-896)
- Maximum Energy and Spectra of Cosmic Rays Accelerated in Active Galactic Nuclei
A.V.Uryson (pp.897-904)
- Broadband Observations of the Transient X-ray Pulsar SAX J2103.5+4545
E.V.Filippova, A.A.Lutovinov, P.E.Shtykovsky, M.G.Revnivtseu, R.A.Burenin,
V.A.Aref'ev, M.N.Pavlinsky, and R.A.Sunyaev
- Optical Spectra and Redshifts of Radio Sources from the Zelenchuk Survey
V.R.Amirkhanyan, V.L.Afanas'ev, S.N.Dodonov, A.V.Moiseev, and V.P.Mikhailov
- Study of the Weakly Magnetic Star HD 116656
Yu.V.Glagolevskij, V.V.Leushin, and G.A.Chuntonov
- Astrometric Control of the Inertiality of the Hipparcos Catalog
V.V.Bobylev (pp.930-935)
- Effects of Stellar Wind, Dynamical Friction, and Star Mergers on the Dynamical
Evolution of Multiple Stars
A.V.Rubinov, A.V.Petrova, and V.V.Orlov
- Unidentified Cometary Emissions as the Photoluminescence of Frozen Hydrocarbon
I.A.Simonia (pp.946-952)
- Subject Index for Vol. 30, 2004
(pp. 953-960 )