Volume 29, 2003, Issue 1
- New Properties of Scalar-Field Dynamics in an Isotropic
Cosmological Model on the Bran
A.V.Toporensky, P.V.Tret'yakov, and V.O.Ustiansky
- Observational Manifestations of Prerecombination Protoobjects
V.K.Dubrovich (pp.9-12)
- Effects of Boundary Conditions and Viscous Energy
Dissipation on Carbon Burning in Thermonuclear Supernova
N.V.Dunina-Barkovskaya, and V.S.Imshennik
- Possibilities for Detecting Extinct Radio Pulsars
V.S.Beskin, and S.A.Eliseeva
- Triplet Structure of the H2O Spectra in S255
M.I.Pashchenko, E.E.Lekht, and A.M.Tolmachev
- Spectroscopic and Photometric Studies of the Magnetic
Cataclysmic Variable EU UMa (= RE1149+28)
T.A.Somova, N.N.Somov, J.M.Bonnet-Bidaud, and M.Mouchet
- Determining the Minimum Sum of the Component Masses for
a Binary with a Known Parallax from Observations of a
Short Arc of Its Apparent Motion
A.A.Kiselev, and O.V.Kiyaeva
- Dynamics of Rotating Triple Systems
M.J.Valtonen, A.A.Mullari, V.V.Orlov, and A.V.Rubinov
- Natural Superrotation of a Rarefied Planetary Atmosphere
P.A.Bespalov, and O.N.Savina
- A Model for the Tail Region of the Heliospheric Interface
V.V.Izmodenov, and D.B.Alexashov
- Author Index for Vol. 28, 2002
(pp. 76-80 )
Volume 29, 2003, Issue 2
- Delay of Emission from Extragalactic Gamma-Ray Burst Sources as a
Test for Selecting a Model of the Universe
E.G.Vertogradova, Yu.S.Grishkan, and V.B.Petkov
- Density Distribution in Massive Galactic Disks with Central Black
N.R.Sibgatullin, A.Garcia, and V.S.Manko
- Detailed Kinematic Study of Ionized and Neutral Gas in the
Star-Forming Complex in the Galaxy IC1613
T.A.Lozinskaya, A.V.Moiseev, and N.Yu.Podorvanyuk
- Detection of Giant Pulses from the Pulsar PSR B1112+50
A.A.Ershov, and A.D.Kuz'min
- Reduction of VLBI Observations of Pulsars
K.V.Semenkov, M.V.Popov, V.A.Soglasnov, and H.Hirabayashi
- Variability of the
and NaI D Line Profiles in the
Spectrum of FU Ori
L.Errico, A.Vittone, and S.A.Lamzin
- Role of Anisotropy of the Initial Particle Distribution in
the Acceleration in Collapsing Solar-Flare Traps
V.A.Kovalev, and B.V.Somov
- Parametric Generation of Magnetoacoustic-Gravity Waves in
the Solar Atmosphere
M.Yu.Petukhov, and Yu.V.Petukhov
- Region of Stable Motions Around Periodic Figure-of-Eight
Orbit in the General Three-Body Problem
V.V.Orlov, A.V.Rubinov, and A.D.Chernin
- Instruction for Authors
(pp. 156-160 )
Volume 29, 2003, Issue 3
- Observational Study of UGC4892 - a Candidate Polar-Ring Galaxy
V.A. Hagen-Thorn, L.V.Shalyapina, G.M.Karataeva, and V.A.Yakovleva
- Study of Anisotropy in Cosmic rays with E0 >1016
eV using the Yakutsk EAS Facility
A.V.Glushkov (pp.172-183)
- Unipolar Induction of a Magnetized Accretion Disk Around
a Black Hole
A.A.Shatskii (pp.184-189)
- Exchange and Correlation Interactions in Electron-Positron
A.V.Yudin, and D.K.Nadyozhin
- What Path the r Process Takes: Limiting Cases and Comparison
with Observations
I.V.Panov (pp.195-201)
- Radiation of Magnetoacoustic Waves in the Interstellar Medium
by Physical VariabIe Stars
V.P.Dokuchaev (pp.202-207)
- Fast Line Profile Variability in the Spectra of O Stars
A.F.Kholtygin, D.N.Monin, A.E.Surkov, and S.N.Fabrika
- Optical Brightness Variability of LSI+61o303:
Improving the Photometric Period
G.V.Zaitseva, and G.V.Borisov
- The Orbital Period of Nova Aquilae 1999 No. 2 (V1494 Aql)
E.A.Barsukova, and V.P.Goranskii
- Parameters of the Intense X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Radiation from the
Solar Flare of May 20, 2002, as Observed from Coronas-F
A.V.Bogomolov, A.P.Ignat'ev, K.Kudela, S.N.Kuznetsov, Yu.I.Logachev,
O.V.Morozov, I.N.Myagkova, S.N.Oparin, A.A.Pertsov, S.I.Svertilov,
B.Yu.Yushkov (pp.234-240)
Volume 29, 2003, Issue 4
- X-Ray Emission Lines in Early Afterglows of Gamma-Ray Bursts
D.I.Kosenko, S.I.Blinnikov, K.A.Postnov, P.Lundqvist, and E.I.Sorokina
- Globular Clusters as Candidates for Gravitational Lenses to
Explain Quasar-Galaxy Associations
- Search for Groupings of Extragalactic Radio Sources
A.G.Gubanov, A.I.Kopylov, and A.S.Potapov
- Observations of the Gamma-Ray Flux from the X-Ray Source Cyg X-3
in 1994-1995
Yu.I.Neshpor, O.R.Kalekin, A.A.Stepanyan, V.P.Fomin, and N.N.Chalenko
- Timing Results for the Binary Millisecond Pulsar J1640+2224 on the
RT-64 Radio Telescope in Kalyazin
V.A.Potapov, Yu.P.Ilyasov, V.V.Oreshko, and A.E.Rodin
- Dissipative-Acoustic InstabiIity in Accretion Disks at Nonlinear
A.V.Khoperskov, S.S.Khrapov, and E.A.Nedugova
- Measurement of the Longitudinal Magnetic-Field Component
for FU Ori
D.A.Smirnov, S.A.Lamzin, and S.N.Fabrika
- Microwave Radiation from Active Regions Generating Strong Solar
V.M.Bogod, and S.Kh.Tokhchukova
- Hill stability in the Many-Body Problem
L.G.Luk'yanov, L.P.Nasonova, and G.I.Shirmin
Volume 29, 2003, Issue 5
- Observations of Soft Gamma-Ray or Hard X-Ray Bursts in
the GRIF Experiment on the MIR Orbiting Station
M.I.Kudryavtsev, S.I.Svertilov, and O.V.Morozov
- Correlation Properties of Galaxies in the Local Supercluster
A.V.Tikhonov, and D.I.Makarov
- Soft X-Ray Sources at the Centers of the Elliptical Galaxies NGC 4472
and NGC 4649
D.A.Soldatenkov, A.A.Vikhlinin, and M.N.Pavlinsky
- Peculiar Features of the Velocity Fields of OB Associations
and the Spiral Structure of the Galaxy
- Radial Velocities of OB Associations and Molecular Clouds in
a Wide Solar Neighborhood: Streaming Motions of Stars and Gas in
the Perseus Arm
- Mechanisms of the Secular Heating of a Stellar Disk in the Vertical
N.Ya.Sotnikova, and S.A.Rodionov
- A Study of the B[e] Star AS 160
A.S.Miroshnichenko, V.G.Klochkova, and K.S.Bjorkman
- Some IntegrabIe Cases of the Two-Body Problem with Mass Depending
both on Time and Distance
- A Basic System of Equations in the Field of a Rotationally Symmetric
T.A.Agekyan (pp.397-400)
Volume 29, 2003, Issue 6
- Spectra and Light Curves of GRB Afterglows
A.G.Tolstov, and S.I.Blinnikov
- The coincidence of Friedmann Integrals
O.B.Karpov (pp.412-413)
- Photometry of the Low-Luminosity Spiral Galaxy NGC 4136
A.S.Gusev, A.V.Zasov, and S.S.Kaisin
- The Universal Luminosity Function of Binary X-ray Sources
in Galaxies
K.A.Postnov (pp.424-425)
- The Generation of a Large-Scale Galactic Magnetic Field by Electric
Currents of Energetic Particles
A.Z.Dolginov, and I.N.Toptygin
- A Weak Burst from the Milisecond X-ray Pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658
in October 1996 as Detected from Data Obtained during RXTE
M.G.Revnivtsev (pp.436-439)
- Peculiarities of Giant Pulses from the Crab Pulsar at Frequencies
of 594 and 2228 MHz
S.V.Kostyuk, V.I.Kondrat'ev, A.D.Kuz'min, M.V.Popov, and V.A.Soglasnov
- A Dissipative Model of Colliding Winds for WR 140: Comparison with
S.A.Zhekov, and A.V.Myasnikov
- Eight New Magnetic Stars with Large Continuum Depressions
V.G.El'kin, D.O.Kudryavtsev, and I.I.Romanyuk
- Detection of Lithium in the Spectrum of the Symblotic Mira
Star V407 Cygnii
A.A.Tatarnikova, P.M.Marrese, U.Munari, T.Tomov, and B.F.Yudin
- The Role of Collisions in the Particle Acceleration in Solar-Flare
Magnetic Traps
V.A.Kovalev, and B.V.Somov
- A Method for Averaging the Perturbing Function in Hill's
Volume 29, 2003, Issue 7
- A Possible Shock Wave in the Intergalactic Medium of the Galaxy
Cluster A754
R.A.Krivonos, A.A.Vikhlinin, M.L.Markevitch, and M.N.Pavlinsky
- The Structure and Evolution of M51-type Galaxies
V.P.Reshetnikov, and S.A.Klimanov
- The Shape of the Rotation Curves of Edge-On Galaxies
A.V.Zasov, and A.V.Khoperskov
- A Unified Theory of the Formation of Galactic Bars
V.L.Polyachenko, and E.V.Polyachenko
- Estimating the Interstellar Extinction and the Contribution
from an Accretion Shock to the Formation of Continuum Emission
in DS TAU and DG TAU
A.S.Kravtsova (pp.526-531)
- An Electronic Version of the Second Volume of the General Catalogue
of Variable Stars with Improved Coordinates
N.N.Samus', V.P.Goranskii, O.V.Durlevich, A.V.Zharova, E.V.Kazarovets,
N.N.Kireeva, E.N.Pastukhova, D.B.Williams, and M.L.Hazen
- The Candidate Protoplanetary Object IRAS 22223+4327 Is a Pulsating
Variable Star
V.P.Arkhipova, R.I.Noskova, N.P.Ikonnikova, and G.V.Komissarova
- Resonant Excitation of Transverse Oscillations of Coronal Loops
A.M.Uralov (pp.552-559)
- The Contour of an Orbit and a Stable Periodic Orbit
N.Yu.Kretser, and T.A.Agekyan
Volume 29, 2003, Issue 8
- The Role of a Magnetic Field in the Formation of Jet-like Features in
the Crab Nebula
D.V.Khangulyan, and S.V.Bogovalov
- On the Mechanism of X-ray Emission from Radio Pulsars
I.F.Malov (pp.571-579)
- Fission and the r-Process: The Rates of Induced and Delayed Fission
I.V.Panov, and F.-K.Thielemann
- Radial Pulsations of Helium Stars with Masses from 1 to 10 M
Yu.A.Fadeyev, and M.F.Novikova
- Shock Acceleration of Solar Cosmic Rays
E.G.Berezhko, and S.N.Taneev (pp.601-615)
- Using Wavelet Approximation to Study the Influence of Jupiter on the Orbital
Evolution of a Distant Satellite of Saturn
M.A.Vashkov'yak (pp.616-624)
- An Efficient Method for Studying the Stability and Dynamics of the Rotation of
Celestial Bodies
A.I.Pavlov, and A.J.Maciejewski
Volume 29, 2003, Issue 9
- A Difference Method of Searching for Spectral-Spatial Fluctuations of
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
V.K.Dubropich, and A.T.Baikava (pp.643-648)
- The First Hours of the Optical Afterglow from the Cosmic Gamma-Ray Burst
R.A.Burenin, R.A.Sunyaev, M.N.Pavlinsky, D.V.Denisenko, O.V.Terekhov,
A.Yu.Tkachenko, Z.Aslan, I.Khamitov, K.Uluch, A.Alpar, U.Kiziloglu, A.Baikal,
I.F.Bikmaev, N.R.Sakhibullin, and V.F.Suleymanov
- Optical and Radio Studies of Radio Sources
V.L.Afanasiev, S.N.Dodonov, A.V.Moiseev, V.Chavushyan, R.Mujica, J.Juarez,
A.G.Gorshkov, V.K.Konnikova, and M.G.Mingaliev
- IGR JI6318-4848: An X-ray Source in a Dense Envelope?
M.G.Revnivtsev, S.Yu.Sazonov, M.R.Gilfanov, and R.A.Sunyaev
- Long-Term Modulation of the Galactic Cosmic-Ray Fluctuation Spectrum
S.A.Starodubtsev, and I.G.Usoskin
- Monitoring of the Central Region of the Globular Cluster M 15 = NGC 7078:
New Variable Stars
A.P.Zheleznyak, and V.V.Kravtsov (pp.678-691)
- Peculiarities of the UV Continuum Energy Distribution for T Tauri Stars
A.S.Kravtsova, and S.A.Lamzin (pp.692-700)
- The Betatron Effect in Collapsing Magnetic Traps
B.V.Somov, and S.A.Bogachev (pp.701-708)
- Slow Solar Wind: Sources and Components of the Stream Structure at Maximum Solar
K.V.Vladimirskii, N.A.Lotova, and V.N.Obridko
- The Lagrange-Jacobi Equation in the Finite-Size Many-Body Problem
L.G.Luk'yanov, L.P.Nasonova, and G.I.Shirmin
- Errata to the paper by M.Yu.Petukhov and Yu.V.Petukhov,
2002, v. 28, p. 382 (pp. 720-720)
Volume 29, 2003, Issue 10
- The Star-Forming Region in Orion KL
L.I.Matveenko, K.M.Zakharin, P.J.Diamond, and D.A.Graham
- RXTE Observations of the Stronly Absorbed Sources IGR J16318-4848 and
IGR J16358-4726
M.G.Revnivtsev (pp.727-731)
- A Massive Circumstellar Envelope around the Type-IIn Supernova SN 1995G
N.N.Chugai, and I.J.Danziger (pp.732-741)
- Diffusive Propagation of Fast Particles in the Presence of a Moving Shock
I.S.Petukhov, S.I.Petukhov, S.A.Starodubtsev, and V.E.Timofeev
- Highly Accurate Determination of the Coordinates and the Earth's Rotation
Parameters Involving the Svetloe VLBI Observatory
A.M.Finkel'shtein, A.V.Ipatov, S.G.Smolentsev, V.G.Grachev, I.A.Rakhimov,
and Z.M.Malkin (pp.752-759)
- Models and Theoretical Spectrum for the Free Oscillations of Saturn
T.V.Gudkova, and V.N.Zharkov (pp.760-781)
- Orbital Evolution of New Distant Neptunian Satellites and
-Librators in the Satellite Systems of Saturn and Jupiter
M.A.Vashkov'yak (pp.782-791)
- Periodic Solutions Near a Central Libration Point in the Problem of the
Motion of a Star inside an Elliptical Galaxy
S.A.Gasanov (pp.792-800)
Volume 29, 2003, Issue 11
- The First Results of Observations of the Transient Pulsar SAX J21O3.5+4545
by the Integral Observatory
A.A.Lutovinov, S.V.Molkov, and M.G.Revnivtsev
- RXTE Observations of the Transient Sources IGR J17091-3624 and
IGR J18539+0727
A.A.Lutovinov, and M.G.Revnivtsev
- Gravitational Collapse and Equilibrium Conditions of a Toroidal Vortex
with Thermal Pressure
K.Yu.Bliokh, and V.M.Kontorovich
- The H2O Maser Toward IRAS 06308+0402
M.I.Pashchenko, E.E.Lekht, and A.M.Tolmachev
- Magnetic Fields and Rotation of the White Dwarfs 40 Eri B and
S.N.Fabrika, G.G.Valyavin, and T.E.Burlakova
- Spectroscopy of the Virginis Star V1 (K307) in the Globular
Cluster M12
V.G.Klochkova, V.E.Panchuk, N.S.Tavolzhanskaya, and V.V.Kovtyukh
- FG Sge: New Observations in the R CrB-Type Photometric Stage
V.P.Arkhipova, N.P.Ikonnikova, G.V.Komissarova, R.I.Noskova, S.Yu.Shugarov,
and V.F.Esipov (pp.858-870)
- The Hydrogen Emission Spectrum of a Shock Wave in a Stellar
Yu.A.Fadeyev (pp.871-879)
- Errata to the paper by R.A.Krivonos, A.A.Vikhlinin,
M.L.Markevich, and M.N.Pavlinskii, 2003, v. 29, p. 483
(pp. 880-880)
Volume 29, 2003, Issue 12
- On the Detectability of Turbulence and Bulk Flows in X-ray Clusters
R.A.Sunyaev, M.L.Norman, and G.L.Bryan
- Turbulence in Clusters of Galaxies and X-ray Line Profiles
N.A.Inogamov, and R.A.Sunyaev (pp.892-926)
- Rotation Curve and Mass Distribution in Flat Self-Gravitating Disks
N.R.Sibgatullin, A.A.Garcia, and V.S.Manko
- A Toroidal Iron Atmosphere of a Protoneutron Star: Numerical Solution
V.S.Imshennik, K.V.Manukovskii, and M.S.Popov
- Subject Index for Vol. 29, 2003
(pp. 951-960 )