Volume 27, 2001, Issue 1
- Studies of the Fine Structure of the Object 1803+784
S.Britzen, A.Witzel, T.P.Krichbaum, T.MacSlow, and L.I.Matveyenko
- A Chemically Decoupled Nucleus and Structure of the Nuclear
Region in the S0 Galaxy NGC4036
O.K.Sil'chenko, and V.V.Vlasyuk
- Infrared Photometry of the X-ray Binary XTE J1118+480 in April
O.G.Taranova, and V.I.Shenavrin
- Flare Activity and an Optical Superflare of the X-ray Object
1RXS J220111+281849
V.M.Batyrshinova, and M.A.Ibragimov
- The H
and H
Lines in the Spectrum of V1057 Cyg
B.N.Rustamov (pp.42-46)
- Long-Term Cyclicity of the Herbig Ae Star BF Ori:
Giant Protocomets and Accretion from a Protoplanetary Disk
V.S.Shevchenko+, and O.V.Ezhkova
- Minimum on the Light Curve of the Classical Symbiotic Star
AS338 in 1999
E.A.Kolotilov, I.Mikolajewska, P.M.Marrese, U.Munari,
S.I.Shugarov, and B.F.Yudin
- Trigonometric Parallaxes and a Kinematically Adjusted Distance
Scale for OB Associations
A.K.Dambis, A.M.Mel'nik, and A.S.Rastorguev
- Author index for Vol. 26, 2000
(pp. 76-80 )
Volume 27, 2001, Issue 2
- Nuclear Activity of NGC 4151 as Inferred from UBVRI Observations
in 1989-2000
V.T.Doroshenko, V.M.Lyuty, N.G.Bochkarev, V.V.Vlasyuk,
V.P.Mikhailov, O.I.Spiridonova, K.N.Grankin, O.V.Ezhkova, and
S.Yu.Mel'nikov (pp.83-93)
- A Photometric Study of the Polar Ring Galaxy UGC 5600
G.M.Karataeva, V.A.Yakovleva, V.A.Hagen-Thorn, and
O.V.Mikolaichuk (pp.94-100)
- Supersonic Steady Accretion of a Rotating Cold "Iron Gas" onto a
Neutron Star after Gravitational Collapse
V.S.Imshennik, and M.S.Popov
- Oscillatory Propagation of an Ionization-Shock Front
K.V.Krasnobaev (pp.112-116)
- Infrared Speckle Interferometry of Eleven Binaries Using a
Bispectral Analysis
I.I.Balega, Yu.Yu.Balega, K.-H.Hofmann, and G.Weigelt
- Spectrum Identification and Photometric Observations of the
Future Planetary Nebula IRAS 18062+2410 = V886 Her in 1997-1999
V.P.Arkhipova, V.G.Klochkova, and G.V.Sokol
- Absolute Magnitudes and Kinematic Parameters of the Subsystem of
RR Lyrae Variables
A.K.Dambis, and A.S.Rastorguev
- Oscillations of Magnetic Flux Tube Bundles and Sunspot Magnetic
Field Structure
E.Yu.Nagovitsyna, and Yu.A.Nagovitsyn
- On the Motion of a Mass Point Inside a Rotating Inhomogeneous
Ellipsoidal Body
S.A.Gasanov (pp.150-160)
Volume 27, 2001, Issue 3
- A Scaling Relation between the SZ Decrement and the Thomson
Depth in Clusters of Galaxies
C.K.Cramphorn (pp.163-169)
- The Ursa Major Supercluster of Galaxies: The Luminosity
A.I.Kopylov, and F.G.Kopylova
- Caustic Crossing in the Gravitational Lens Q2237+0305
V.N.Shalyapin (pp.180-186)
- Light Variations in the Candidate for Protoplanetary Objects
HD179821 = V1427 Aql in 1899-1999
V.P.Arkhipova, N.P.Ikonnikova, R.I.Noskova, G.V.Sokol, and
S.Yu.Shugarov (pp.187-193)
- Expulsion of Magnetic Flux from the Core and its Dissipation in
the Crust of a Neutron Star
D.Yu.Konenkov, and U.Heppert
- On the Transport of a Passive Scalar in a Rotating Medium with
Anisotropic Turbulence
V.V.Pipin (pp.203-208)
- Propeller Effect during Magnetocentrifugal Plasma
S.V.Bogovalov (pp.209-214)
- Observations of Bright Coronal Points at Wavelengths of 5.2 and
1.76 cm
V.P.Maksimov, D.V.Prosovetskii, and B.B.Krissinel
- Parametric Generation of Acoustic-Gravity Waves in the Solar
M.Yu.Petukhov, and Yu.V.Petukhov
- Photometric Observations of Mutual Events in Saturn's System of
Regular Satellites in 1995
A.V.Devyatkin, and A.S.Miroshnichenko
- Stability of Periodic Solutions for Hill's Averaged Problem with
Allowance for a Planet's Oblateness
M.A.Vashkov'yak, and N.M.Teslenko
Volume 27, 2001, Issue 4
- Formation Mechanisms of "Negative"-Intensity Spots in the Cosmic
Microwave Background Radiation and Distant Objects
V.K.Dubrovich (pp.243-249)
- Rotation Curves for 135 Edge-on Galaxies
D.I.Makarov, A.N.Burenkov, and N.V.Tyurina
- Combined Color Indices and Photometric Structure of the Galaxies
NGC834 and NGC1134
D.V.Bizyaev, A.V.Zasov, and S.S.Kaisin
- Ultrahigh-Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from the Geminga
Yu.I.Neshpor, A.A.Stepanyan, Yu.L.Zyskin, O.R.Kalekin, V.P.Fomin,
N.N.Chalenko, and V.G.Shitov
- Neutral-Hydrogen Distribution in the Region of the Supernova
Remnant G78.2+2.1
I.V.Gosachinskii (pp.272-278)
- Nucleosynthesis of Heavy Elements: Computational
I.V.Panov, S.I.Blinnikov, and F.-K.Thielemann
- Photographic Observations of Comet Hale-Bopp at Pulkovo Observatory:
The Detection of Dust Envelopes
Yu.N.Gnedin, A.A.Kiselev, T.P.Kiseleva, and K.L.Maslennikov
- Generation of Resonance Transition Radiation in the Solar
G.D.Fleishman (pp.296-301)
- Does the Solar Magnetic Field Increase?
V.A.Kotov, and I.V.Kotova
- Small-Scale High-Temperature Structures in Flare Regions
V.A.Kovalev, G.P.Chernov, and I.Hanaoka
Volume 27, 2001, Issue 5
- First Observations with the 64-m Telescope in Kalyazin within
the Ground-Based-Space-Borne Interferometer: The Quasar 3C 147
V.I.Slysh, M.V.Popov, B.Z.Kanevskii, A.I.Smirnov, A.V.Kovalenko,
Yu.P.Ilyasov, V.V.Oreshko, B.A.Poperechenko, H.Hirabayashi,
K.M.Shibata, and E.B.Fomalont
- Optical Studies of Extragalactic Infrared Sources
S.K.Balayan, S.A.Akopyan, A.M.Mikaelyan, and A.N.Burenkov
- Cosmic-Ray Energetics in the Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A
K.S.Stankevich, and V.P.Ivanov
- The Source SLX1732-304 in the Globular Cluster Terzan 1:
The Spectral States and an X-ray Burst
M.N.Pavlinsky, S.A.Grebenev, A.A.Lutovinov, R.A.Sunyaev, and
- General-Relativistic Curvature of Pulsar Vortex Structure
A.A.Shatskii (pp.353-362)
- Analysis of HST and IUE Ultraviolet Spectra for T Tauri Stars:
DF Tau
S.A.Lamzin, A.A.Vittone, and L.Errico
- Infrared Observations of the Star R Cas
A.E.Nadzhip, A.M.Tatarnikov, V.I.Shenavrin, G.Weigelt, and
B.F.Yudin (pp.376-380)
- A Spectroscopic Study of the Secondary Star of BM Ori:
Preliminary Results
E.A.Vitrichenko, and V.G.Klochkova
- Infrared Photometry of Five Long-Period Binaries
O.G.Taranova, and V.I.Shenavrin
Volume 27, 2001, Issue 6
- The Ursa Major Supercluster of Galaxies. The Structure and
Peculiar Velocities
F.G.Kopylova, and A.I.Kopylov
- Type Ia Supernovae: An Explosion in the Regime of a Convergent
Delayed Detonation Wave
N.V.Dunina-Barkovskaya, V.S.Imshennik, and S.I.Blinnikov
- Low State of the X-ray Burster SLX1732-304 in the Globular
Cluster Terzan 1 according to the RXTE data
S.V.Molkov, S.A.Grebenev, and A.A.Lutovinov
- Relativistic Gravitational Collapse of a Cool White Dwarf with
the Kinetics of Matter Neutronization
A.I.Voropinov, and M.A.Podurets
- Detection of Optical Circular Polarization in the Herbig Ae
Star WW Vul
D.N.Shakhovskoi, O.S.Shulov, and E.N.Kopatskaya
- Close Binary Systems in Star-Forming Regions: EQ Ori in the
Ori I Association
M.M.Zakirov (pp.442-449)
- HIPPARCOS Trigonometric Parallaxes and the Distance Scale for
Open Star Clusters
A.V.Loktin, and G.V.Beshenov
- An Astrometric Study of the Triple Star ADS 48
O.V.Kiyaeva, A.A.Kiselev, å.V.Polyakov, and V.÷.Rafal'skii
- Preliminary Results of Alignment and Investigation of the AZT-22
telescope by Hartmann's Method
Z.Aslan, I.F.Bikmaev, å.A.Vitrichenko, R.I.Gumerov, L.A.Dembo,
S.F.Kamus, V.Keskin, U.Kiziloglu, M.N.Pavlinsky, L.N.Panteleev,
N.A.Sakhibullin, S.O.Selam, R.A.Sunyaev, I.Khamitov, and
A.L.Yaskovich (pp.464-469)
- Orbital Evolution of Uranus's New Outer Satellites
M.A.Vashkov'yak (pp.470-475)
- Instruction to Authors
(pp. 476-480 )
Volume 27, 2001, Issue 7
- Radial Distributions of Gamma-Ray Bursts and Type Ib/c Supernovae
in Galaxies
D.Yu.Tsvetkov, S.I.Blinnikov, and N.N.Pavlyuk
- Anisotropy in the Sky Distribution of Short Gamma-Ray
V.F.Litvin, S.A.Matveev, S.V.Mamedov, and V.V.Orlov
- Formation of the Spiral Structure in SB Galaxies
V.L.Polyachenko, and E.V.Polyachenko
- An Iterative Method for Simultaneously Computing the Synthesis
of Light and Heavy Elements
D.K.Nadyozhin, and I.V.Panov
- A Polarization-Intensity Anticorrelation Diagram for the Solar
Coronal Green Line
O.G.Badalyan, and J.Sykora
- Effects of Activity Complexes and Active Longitudes on
Variations in Total Solar Irradiance
A.V.Mordvinov, and R.C.Willson
- Orbital Evolution of Saturn's New Outer Satellites and Their
M.A.Vashkov'yak (pp.533-542)
- Celestial-Mechanical Peculiarities of Uranus's System of
M.A.Vashkov'yak (pp.543-548)
- Approach-Ejection Correlation in the General Three-Body Problem
V.V.Orlov, A.V.Petrova, and A.I.Martynova
- Dynamical Causes of Asymmetry in the Distribution of Gaps in the
Asteroid Belt
A.P.Markeev (pp.554-559)
- Errata
(pp. 560-560 )
Volume 27, 2001, Issue 8
- Gas Heating Inside Radio Sources to Mildly Relativistic
Temperatures via Induced Compton Scattering
S.Y.Sazonov, and R.A.Sunyaev
- Small-Scale Anisotropy of Cosmic Rays with Energy above
3 x 10^{18} eV as Observed with the Yakutsk EAS Facility
A.V.Glushkov, and M.I.Pravdin
- X-Ray Bursts from the Source A1742-294 in the Galactic-Center
A.A.Lutovinov, S.A.Grebenev, M.N.Pavlinsky, and R.A.Sunyaev
- New Mechanisms for the Generation of X-ray Quasi-Periodic
Oscillations in Accreting Neutron Stars
Yu.N.Gnedin, and S.O.Kiikov
- A Photometric Study of BQ Camelopardalis, an Optical Counterpart
of the X-Ray Source V0332+53
V.P.Goranskii (pp.605-610)
- Periodic Pattern in the Residual-Velocity Field of OB
A.M.Mel'nik, A.K.Dambis, and A.S.Rastorguev
- Infrared Photometry of Sakurai's Object (V4334 Sgr) in 2000
A.M.Tatarnikov, V.I.Shenavrin, P.A.Whitelock, M.W.Feast, and
B.F.Yudin (pp.625-631)
- Close Binary Systems in Star-Forming Regions: BZ Mon in the OB
Association Mon OB2
M.M.Zakirov (pp.632-640)
Volume 27, 2001, Issue 9
- Cosmological Variations in the Spatial-Temporal Distribution
of Absorption Systems in Quasar Spectra
A.I.Ryabinkov, A.D.Kaminker, and D.A.Varshalovich
- Photometric Observations of Distant Galaxy Clusters from a New
X-ray Survey
R.A.Burenin, A.A.Vikhlinin, and M.N.Pavlinsky
- Background-Field Effects in Astrometric Microlensing
V.I.Zhdanov, S.A.Salata, and E.V.Fedorova
- Interaction of a Nonstationary Ionization-Shock Front
with an Inhomogeneous Interstellar Medium
K.V.Krasnobaev (pp.667-673)
- A Spectroscopic Study of the Envelope of the Recurrent Nova
CI Aquilae
M.A.Burlak, and V.F.Esipov
- Masses and Radii of the Components of V1016 Ori
E.A.Vitrichenko, and S.I.Plachinda
- On the Stationary Configuration of the Heliospheric Sheet
M.M.Molodensky (pp.693-699)
- Self-Excitation of Motions in Near-Convection Zones and the
Generation of Solar Magnetic Field
Yu.V.Vandakurov (pp.700-713)
- Heterogeneity of Interstellar Diamond in the Efremovka CV3
A.V.Fisenko, A.B.Verehovsky, L.F.Semjonova, and C.T.Pillinger
- Errata to the paper by Yu.I.Neshpor et
al., v. 27, p. 266 (pp. 720-720)
Volume 27, 2001, Issue 10
- Effects of Possible Deviations of Fundamental Physical Constants
on Primordial Nucleosynthesis
A.V.Ivanchik, A.V.Orlov, and D.A.Varshalovich
- A Model of Particle Acceleration to High Energies by Multiple
Supernova Explosions in OB Associations
A.M.Bykov, and I.N.Toptygin
- Atmospheric Iron Abundance in the Primary Component of
V.V.Leushin (pp.746-757)
- Why Do We See So Few Black Holes in Massive Binaries ?
S.V.Karpov, and V.M.Lipunov
- Observations of the X-ray Binaries 4U1700-37 and GRO J1655-40
during the GRIF Experiment onboard the MIR Orbiting Station
M.I.Kudryavtsev, S.I.Svertilov, and V.V.Bogomolov
- On the Excitation of Free Oscillations on the Moon
T.V.Gudkova, and V.N.Zharkov
- Orbital Evolution of Jupiter's New Outer Satellites
M.A.Vashkov'yak (pp.788-794)
- Triple Approaches in the Plane Isosceles Equal-Mass Three-Body
V.V.Orlov, A.V.Petrova, and A.I.Martynova
Volume 27, 2001, Issue 11
- HD Molecular Lines in an Absorption System with Redshift
D.A.Varshalovich, A.V.Ivanchik, P.Petitjean, and C.Ledoux
- HII Regions and Radio Visibility of Quasar Nuclei
L.I.Matveyenko (pp.807-811)
- Nuclear Activity of NGC5548 from UBVRI Observations during
V.T.Doroshenko, V.M.Lyuty, N.G.Bochkarev, N.I.Merkulova,
S.G.Sergeev, V.V.Vlasyuk, V.P.Mikhailov, O.I.Spiridonova,
O.V.Ezhkova, K.N.Grankin, and S.Yu.Mel'nikov
- Photometric and Spectrophotometric Observations of the Classical
Symbiotic Star YY Her during its Return to Quiescence
A.A.Tatarnikova, V.F.Esipov, E.A.Kolotilov, J.Mikolajewska,
U.Munari, and S.Yu.Shugarov
- Apsidal Rotation in the Close Binary IT Cassiopeia
V.S.Kozyreva, and A.I.Zakharova
- Photometric Variability and Spectral Features of the
Protoplanetary Nebula LS II +34o26=V 1853 Cyg
V.P.Arkhipova, N.P.Ikonnikova, R.I.Noskova, G.V.Komissarova,
V.G.Klochkova, and V.F.Esipov
- Estimated Errors in the Distances to Intrinsically Reddened
R.M.Raznik, and O.V.Agafonova
- Diffusion Tensor for Galactic Cosmic Rays in the Interplanetary
Medium with a Magnetic Field
E.K.Kazkenov (pp.854-858)
- An Acoustic Damping Mechanism for Fast Flexural Oscillations of
Coronal Loops
Yu.T.Tsap, and Yu.G.Kopylova
- A Study of Regularities in Solar Magnetic Activity by Singular
Spectral Analysis
A.Yu.Loskutov, I.A.Istomin, O.L.Kotlyarov, and K.M.Kuzanyan
- Unstable Periodic Orbits in a Rotationally Symmetric Potential
T.A.Agekyan, V.V.Orlov, and N.Yu.Kretser
Volume 27, 2001, Issue 12
- A Stochastic Model for Correlations between Central Black Hole
Masses and Galactic Bulge Velocity Dispersions
V.I.Dokuchaev, and Yu.N.Eroshenko
- Collective Motion of Flat Galaxies on 100-Mpc Scale Lengths in
the Quadrupole and Octupole Approximations
S.L.Parnovskii, Yu.N.Kudrya, V.E.Karachentseva, and
I.D.Karachentsev (pp.890-900)
- Extremely High Energy Cosmic Ray Acceleration in Seyfert
Galactic Nuclei
A.V.Uryson (pp.901-907)
- A Deficit of Type I X-ray Bursts from Binaries with Low
Accretion Rates: Data from the TTM/COMIS Telescope onboard the
MIR-KVANT Observatory
A.N.Emelyanov, V.A.Aref'ev, E.M.Churazov, M.R.Gilfanov, and
- Correlation between Break Frequency and Power-Spectrum Slope
for the X-ray Source Cygnus X-2: RXTE/PCA Data
S.I.Kuznetsov (pp.919-922)
- A 59-s Period in the Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from
the Geminga Pulsar
Yu.I.Neshpor, and A.A.Stepanyan
- Precession of the Line of Nodes and Periastron of Inclined
Orbits in the Field of a Rotating Black Hole
N.R.Sibgatullin (pp.929-939)
- Analysis of IUE spectra for the Star V1016 Ori
E.A.Vitrichenko (pp.940-947)
- Surfaces of Zero Kinetic Energy in a General Three-Body Problem
L.G.Luk'yanov, and G.I.Shirmin
- Author index for Vol. 27, 2001
(pp. 952-960)