Volume 26, 2000, Issue 1
- ART-P/GRANAT Observations of the X-ray Pulsar 4U 0115+634
during the Outburst in February 1990
A.A.Lutovinov, S.A.Grebenev, and R.A.Sunyaev
- One Hundred Years of Observations of the Be Star HDE 245770
(the X-ray Binary A0535+26/V725 Tau): The End of an Active
Phase ?
V.M.Lyuty, and G.V.Zaitseva
- Variability of Cyg X-1 (V1357 Cyg) in 1995-1996 during the Hard
and Soft X-ray Spectral States
E.A.Karitskaya, V.P.Goransky, K.N.Grankin, and S.Yu.Mel'nikov
- A Flare of the H2O Maser in the Source Orion KL
A.M.Tolmachev (pp.41-44)
- Determining the Period of the Long-Period Activity of the
Water-Vapor Maser in W75N
E.E.Lekht, and V.V.Krasnov
- Stability of the Phase Problem
V.Yu.Terebizh (pp.57-69)
- Author index for Vol. 25, 1999
(pp. 70-74 )
- Subject index for Vol. 25, 1999
(pp. 75-80 )
Volume 26, 2000, Issue 2
- Tidal Structures of z ~ 1 Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field
V.P.Reshetnikov (pp.83-89)
- Burning Regimes for Thermonuclear Supernovae and Cosmological
Applications of SNIa
E.I.Sorokina, S.I.Blinnikov, and O.S.Bartunov
- The Supernova Remnant G78.2+2.1: New Optical and X-ray Observations
T.A.Lozinskaya, V.V.Pravdikova, and A.V.Finoguenov
- Optical Spectrum of the Infrared Source IRAS 23304+6147
V.G.Klochkova, R.Szczerha, and V.E.Panchuk
- A Spectroscopic Study of V1016 Ori
E.A.Vitrichenko, and V.G.Klochkova
- The Triple System HR7272
A.A.Tokovinin, R.F.Griffin, Yu.Yu.Balega, E.A.Pluzhnik, and
S.Udry (pp.146-152)
- Formation of SCR Energy Spectra During Stochastic Acceleration
with Allowance for Coulomb Losses
V.M.Ostryakov, Yu.Yu.Kartavykh, and G.A.Koval'tsov
Volume 26, 2000, Issue 3
- Spectroscopy of Candidates for Metal-Deficient Galaxies with the
6-m Telescope
A.Yu.Kniazev, S.A.Pustilnik, A.V.Ugryumov, and T.F.Kniazeva
- A Model for the Molecular Accretion Disk and H2O Maser
in the Nucleus of the Galaxy NGC4258
N.S.Babkovskaya, and D.A.Varshalovich
- The Giant Bipolar Shell around a WO star in the Galaxy IC1613:
Structure and Kinematics
V.L.Afanas'ev, T.A.Lozinskaya, A.V.Moiseev, and E.Blanton
- Evolution of the Symbiotic Star AS338 after a Strong Outburst in
V.F.Esipov, E.A.Kolotilov, I.Mikolajewska, U.Munari, A.A.Taturnikova,
A.M.Tatarnikov, T.Tomov, and B.F.Yudin
- Doppler-Zeeman Mapping of the Rapidly Rotating Magnetic CP Star
V.L.Khokhlova, D.V.Vasilchenko, V.V.Stepanov, and I.I.Romanyuk
- Mesostructure of the Solar Granulation
Kh.I.Abdusamatov (pp.234-240)
Volume 26, 2000, Issue 4
- Observations of the Flux of Gamma-Ray Photons from the Galaxy
N.A.Andreeva, Yu.L.Zyskin, O.R.Kalekin, Yu.I.Neshpor,
A.A.Stepanyan, V.P.Fomin, N.N.Chalenko, and V.G.Shitov
- Observations of Variable Extragalactic Radio Sources at 36 GHz
N.S.Nesterov, A.E.Volvach, and I.D.Strepka
- On the Internal Structure of Relativistic Jets
V.S.Beskin, and L.M.Malyshkin
- Photometric Deprojection of Edge-on Galaxies
D.V.Bizyaev (pp.266-272)
- Analysis of the HST Ultraviolet Spectra for T Tauri Stars: RU Lup
S.A.Lamzin (pp.273-281)
- A Photometric and Spectroscopic Study of the Herbig Ae/Be Star XY Per
S.Yu.Mel'nikov, and O.V.Ezhkova
- Continuum Spectrum of the Star
1 Ori C
E.A.Vitrichenko (pp.294-300)
- Dynamical Stability of Triple Stars
V.V.Orlov, and A.V.Petrova
- Internal Rotation of the Sun as Inferred from GONG
E.A.Gavryuseva, V.G.Guvryusev, and M.P.Di Mauro
Volume 26, 2000, Issue 5
- Early Afterglows of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts
R.A.Burenin (pp.323-332)
- The Polar Stellar Ring and Dark Halo of NGC5907
V.P.Reshetnikov, and N.Ya.Sotnikova
- Vorontsov-Velyaminov Rows: Straight Segments in the Spiral Arms
of Galaxies
A.D.Chernin, A.V.Zasov, V.P.Arkhipova, and A.S.Kravtsova
- A Catalog of X-ray Sources as Observed by the TTM/COMIS
Telescope of the MIR-KVANT Observatory in 1988-1998
A.N.Emelyanov, N.L.Aleksandrovich, and R.A.Sunyaev
- Non-LTE Effects for NaI Lines in X-ray Illuminated Stellar
N.A.Sakhibullin, and V.V.Shimansky
- Linear Polarization of Precataclysmic Variables
N.F.Voikhanskaya (pp.380-383)
- Prominence Height and Vertical Gradient in the Magnetic Field
B.P.Filippov, and O.G.Den
- Minicomets in the Solar System and in the Earth's Atmosphere and
Related Phenomena
V.A.Bronshten (pp.391-393)
- Asymmetric Periodic Solutions of the Averaged Hill Problem
with Allowance for a Planet's Oblateness
M.A.Vashkov'yak, and N.M.Teslenko
Volume 26, 2000, Issue 6
- Optical Spectra of Four Objects Identified with Variable Radio
V.Chavushyan, R.Mujica, A.G.Gorshkov, V.K.Konnikova, and
M.G.Mingaliev (pp.403-407)
- A Self-Similar Solution for Spherically Symmetric Gravitational
R.N.Antonova, and Ya.M.Kazhdan
- A Self-Similar Solution for a Supernova Explosion with Allowance
for Accelerated Relativistic Particles
I.N.Toptygin (pp.421-426)
- Super-Alfven Expansion of a Nova Shell in the Magnetic Field of
its Core
S.A.Nikitin, V.A.Vshivkov, and V.N.Snytnikov
- Radiation from the Shell of Nova V705 Cas
V.P.Arkhipova, M.A.Burlak, and V.F.Esipov
- Porous Dust Grains in the Shells of Herbig Ae/Be Stars
V.B.Il'in, and N.A.Krivova
- Spectrum of the Star BM Ori at Minimum Light
E.A.Vitrichenko, and S.I.Plachinda
- Optical Spectrum of the Infrared Source IRAS 20004+2955 (V1027
V.G.Klochkova, T.V.Mishenina, and V.E.Panchuk
- Infrared Photometry for Variable Stars of Selected Types in
O.G.Taranova (pp.472-480)
Volume 26, 2000, Issue 7
- Observations of Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts with the Main Detector
of the SIGMA Telescope onboard the GRANAT Observatory
R.A.Burenin, O.V.Terekhov, R.A.Sunyaev, A.V.D'yachkov, N.G.Khavenson,
B.S.Novikov, I.D.Tserenin, K.M.Sukhanov, P.Goldoni, A.Claret,
A.Goldwurm, J.Paul, F.Pelaez, E.Jourdain, J.-P.Roques, and
G.Vedrenne (pp.483-492)
- The Radio Galaxy RC J1148+0455
Yu.N.Pariiskii, N.S.Soboleva, A.I.Kopylov, O.V.Verkhodanov,
A.V.Temirova, O.P.Zhelenkova, J.Winn, A.Fletcher, and
B.Burke (pp.493-498)
- Prospects for Detecting Light Echoes of Galactic Supernovae by
Wide-Angle Polarimetry
I.A.Maslov (pp.499-503)
- Novae in M31 in 1998
A.S.Sharov+, A.Alksnis, A.V.Zharova, and Yu.A.Shokin
- Optical Spectrum of the Bipolar Nebula AFGL 2688
V.G.Klochkova, R.Szczerba, and V.E.Panchuk
- A Photometric Study of the Star V1016 Ori
N.I.Bandar', E.A.Vitrichenko, and M.M.Zakirov
- UV Cas: Photometry, Polarization, and Spectrum near Maximum
V.T.Doroshenko, Yu.S.Efimov, and A.E.Rosenbush
- The Composition of Very Fine Dust in the Dust Shell of Comet
E.N.Evlanov, O.F.Prilutskii, B.V.Zubkov, and M.I.Voiskovskii
Volume 26, 2000, Issue 8
- Large-Scale Structure of Galaxy Disks
V.P.Reshetnikov (pp.563-573)
- Asymmetry of Compton Scattering by Relativistic Electrons with
an Isotropic Velocity Distribution: Astrophysical Implications
S.Y.Sazonov, and R.A.Sunyaev
- Low-Frequency Flux-Density Measurements and Spectral Features of
Millisecond Pulsars
A.D.Kuz'min, and B.Ya.Losovskii
- Infrared Photometry of Sakurai's Object (V4334 Sgr) in
A.M.Tatarnikov, V.I.Shenavrin, B.F.Yudin, P.A.Whitelock, and
M.W.Feast (pp.587-602)
- UBVRI Photometry of the Eclipsing Symbiotic System CI Cygni in
E.S.Dmitrienko (pp.603-612)
- Solving Wolf's uvbyRI Light Curves for the Star BM Ori
A.S.Vasileiskii, and E.A.Vitrichenko
- Penetration of Coronal Magnetic Fields into Solar Wind Streams
N.A.Lotova, V.N.Obridko, K.V.Vladimirskii, and V.Rushin
- Quasi-Harmonic Faraday-Rotation Fluctuations of Radio Waves When
Sounding the Outer Solar Corona
A.I.Efimov, L.N.Samoznaev, V.E.Andreev, I.V.Chashei, and
M.K.Bird (pp.630-640)
Volume 26, 2000, Issue 9
- Anisotropy of the Hectometer Cosmic Radio Background
Yu.V.Tokarev, M.L.Kaiser, G.N.Boiko, and P.V.Gustov
- Dense Star Clusters as the Sources of Objects Producing
Gamma-Ray Bursts
Yu.N.Efremov (pp.649-656)
- The Effect of Projection on the Observed Gas Velocity Fields in
Barred Galaxies
A.V.Moiseev, and V.V.Mustsevoi
- A Hydrodynamic Model for Asymmetric Weak Explosion of Collapsing
Supernovae with Rapid Initial Rotation
E.A.Zabrodina, and V.S.Imshennik
- Shock Waves with Large Energy Losses by Direct Radiation from
the Front
E.K.Grasberg (pp.676-682)
- Analysis of HST Ultraviolet Spectra for T Tauri Stars: RY Tau
and HD115043
S.A.Lamzin (pp.683-694)
- Infrared Photometry of the Symbiotic Novae V1016 Cyg and HM Sge
in 1978-1999
O.G.Taranova, and V.I.Shenavrin
- UBV Observations of Post-AGB Supergiants and Peculiarities of
Their Photometric Variability
V.P.Arkhipova, N.P.Ikonnikova, R.I.Noskova, and G.V.Sokol
- Effects of a Micrometeorite Stream on the Accuracy of
Astrometric Measurements by Scanning Space-Borne Instruments
A.M.Mikisha, L.V.Rykhlova, and M.A.Smirnov
- In Memory of Valerii Sergeevich
Shevchenko (1939-2000) (pp. 719-720)
Volume 26, 2000, Issue 10
- RC J0105+0501: A Radio Galaxy with Redshift z = 3.5
N.S.Soboleva, W.M.Goss, O.V.Verkhodanov, O.P.Zhelenkova,
A.V.Temirova, A.I.Kopylov, and Yu.N.Pariiskii
- Effect of Microlensing on Parameters of the Images Seen
near the Critical Curves of Gravitational Lens - Galaxies
A.A.Minakov, and V.G.Vakulik
- Cosmic Rays, Radio and Gamma-Ray Emission from the Remnant of
Supernova 1987A
E.G. Berezhko, and L.T.Ksenofontov
- The Praesepe Open Cluster and the Galactic Distance Scale
A.V.Loktin (pp.761-764)
- Unsteady Mass Outflow from Wolf-Rayet Stars
Kh.F.Khaliullin, and A.I.Khaliullina
- The Orbit of the Nearby Low-Mass Binary Gliese 600
A.A.Tokovinin, Yu.Yu.Balega, K.-H.Hofmann, and G.Weigelt
- Test for Spatial Isotropy of Three Thousand Gamma-Ray Bursts Found
in the BATSE Archival Data
Yu.Yu.Tikhomirova, and B.E.Stern
- The Temperature of Nonspherical Circumstellar Dust Grains
N.V.Voshchinnikov, and D.A.Semenov
Volume 26, 2000, Issue 11
- Spectral Variability of the X-ray Pulsar Hercules X-1
A.A.Lutovinov, S.A.Grebenev, M.N.Pavlinsky, and R.A.Sunyaev
- Energy Release During Disk Accretion onto a Rapidly Rotating
Neutron Star
N.R.Sibgatullin, and R.A.Sunyaev
- A Preliminary Version of a Catalog of High- and Low-Mass X-ray
O.H.Guseinov, A.T.Sayagac, A.Allakhverdiev, H.Caliskan,
S.Ozdemir, S.K.Yerli, and A.Ankay
- Oscillation Structure of Gamma-Ray Bursts and Their Possible
S.S.Gershtein (pp.848-854)
- Peculiarities of the Plasma Mechanism of Radio Emission from
Late-Type Stars
V.V.Zaitsev, E.G.Kupriyanova, and A.V.Stepanov
- An Axisymmetric Magnetohydrodynamic Model for the Interaction
between the Solar Wind and the Local Interstellar Medium
D.B.Aleksashov, V.B.Baranov, E.V.Barsky, and A.V.Myasnikov
- A Simple Analytic Model of Reconnection in a High-Temperature
Turbulent Sheet
A.V.Oreshina, and B.V.Somov
- Instruction to Authors (pp. 876-880 )
Volume 26, 2000, Issue 12
- A Study of the Object ZGC 2315+03: A Candidate Polar Ring
G.M.Karataeva, V.A.Hagen-Thorn, and V.A.Yakovleva
- A 23.2-day Period in the Ultrahigh-Energy Gamma-Ray Flux from
the Active Galactic Nucleus Mk501
Yu.I.Neshpor (pp.889-891)
- X-ray Variability of the Pulsar Vela X-1 as Observed by
A.A.Lutovinov, S.A.Grebenev, M.N.Pavlinsky, and R.A.Sunyaev
- Energy Release on the Surface of a Rapidly Rotating Neutron Star
during Disk Accretion: A Thermodynamic Approach
N.R.Sibgatullin, and R.A.Sunyaev
- The SPIN-X Wide-Field X-ray Monitor of the SPECTRUM-X-GAMMA
Astrophysical Observatory
M.N.Pavlinsky, S.A.Grebenev, P.A.Mazov, I.A.Dekhanov,
D.B.Ryvkin, R.A.Sunyaev, V.I.Surtaev, N.V.Mokrousov,
A.G.Glushenko, S.I.Yampol'skii, and A.D.Novikov
- A Two-Dimensional Hydrostatically Equilibrium Atmosphere of a
Neutron Star with Given Differential Rotation
V.S.Imshennik, and K.V.Manukovskii
- Monte-Carlo Simulations of Supernova Light Curves and the
Hypernova SN1998bw
N.N.Chugai (pp.927-932)
- Correlations between Parameters of Massive Cores in Interstellar
Molecular Clouds
I.I.Zinchenko (pp.933-937)
- Investigation of Dynamical Chaotization in Stellar Systems with
Double Massive Centers Using the Ricci Curvature Criterion
K.M.Bekaryan, and A.A.Melkonyan
- Effects of Data Sampling on the Results of Fourier Analysis of Gas
Radial Velocity Fields in the Disks of Spiral Galaxies
A.N.Burluk, A.V.Zasov, A.M.Fridman, and O.V.Khoruzhii
- Subject Index for Vol. 26, 2000
(pp. 954-959)
- In Memory of Kopylov Ivan Mikheevich
(14.12.1928 - 29.07.2000) (pp. 960-960)