Volume 24, 1998, Issue 1
- Distribution of Radio Sources and the Epoch of Formation of
Large-Scale Structure
M.G.Larionov (pp.3-9)
- TTM/MIR-KVANT Observations of the X-ray Transient Bursting
Pulsar GRO J1744-28
N.L.Aleksandrovich, K.N.Borozdin, V.A.Aref'ev, R.A.Sunyaev, and
G.K.Skinner (pp.10-18)
- Multi-Frequency Monitoring of Galactic X-ray Sources: Cygnus
S.A.Trushkin (pp.19-25)
- Formation of Hydrogen Balmer Lines in the Spectra of X-ray
N.A.Sakhibullin, V.F.Suleimanov, V.V.Shimanskii, and
S.L.Suleimanova (pp.26-38)
- UV Spectrophotometry and UBVJHKL Photometry of the Symbiotic
Nova V443 Her
E.A.Kolotilov, U.Munari, A.A.Popova, and B.F.Yudin
- History of the Chemical Evolution of the Primary Component of
the Binary System
V.V.Leushin, L.I.Snezhko, and V.V.Chuvenkov
- Optical Variability of HBC 379 and HBC 426 in 1990-1995
K.N.Grankin (pp.54-57)
- Acoustic Gravity Waves near the Temperature Discontinuity
in the Solar Atmosphere
O.N.Savina, and P.A.Bespalov
- A New Coronal Index as an Indicator of the Temperature Inhomogeneity
in the Inner Solar Corona
V.L.Merzlyakov (pp.63-66)
- Subject index for Vol. 23, 1997
(pp. 67-73 )
- Author index for Vol. 23, 1997
(pp. 74-79 )
- Information (pp. 80-80 )
Volume 24, 1998, Issue 2
- Properties of the Pulsar GX301-2 in the Hard X-ray Range
V.V.Borkus, A.S.Kaniovsky, R.A.Sunyaev, V.V.Efremov,
P.Kretschmar, R.Staubert, J.Englhauser, and W.Pietsch
- A Reference Catalog for Accurate Position Determination in the
Region of M31
Yu.A.Shokin, and N.B.Kulagina
- Star Formation in the Northern Component of the Interacting
NGC 4676 System (The Mice)
N.Ya.Sotnikova, and V.P.Reshetnikov
- UBVI Photometry and Polarimetry of V373 Cas
A.V.Berdyugin (pp.109-115)
- Chemical Composition of the CP Hg-Mn Components of Approximately
Equal Mass in the SB2 System 46 Draconis
V.V.Tsymbal, O.P.Kotchukhov, V.L.Khokhlova, and D.L.Lambert
(pp.116-132 )
- On the Evolutionary Status of the Variable Ae Star V351 Ori
G.U.Koval'chuk, and A.F.Pugach
(pp.133-138 )
- HD187399. A Massive Interacting Binary System with an Eccentric
Orbit and Intense Mass Transfer. Polarimetric Observations
A.V.Berdyugin, and A.E.Tarasov
(pp.139-144 )
- Close Binary Systems in the Regions of Open Clusters. V1481 Cyg
in NGC7128
M.M.Zakirov (pp.145-150 )
- Regular Acceleration of Particles at the Fronts of
Interplanetary Shock Waves
E.G.Berezhko, S.I.Petukhov, and S.N.Taneev
(pp.151-160 )
Volume 24, 1998, Issue 3
- Acceleration of Binary X-ray Sources by Their Radiation
V.D.Pal'shin, and A.I.Tsygan
(pp.163-166 )
- Blazar 3C 66A: Another Extragalactic Source of Ultra High Energy
Gamma-Ray Photons
Yu.I.Neshpor, A.A.Stepanyan, O.R.Kalekin, V.P.Fomin,
N.N.Chalenko, and V.G.Shitov
(pp.167-171 )
- Propagation of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays in Galactic
Magnetic Fields
V.N.Zirakashvili, D.N.Pochepkin, V.S.Ptuskin, and S.I.Rogovaya
(pp.172-177 )
- Vela X: A Plerion or Part of a Shell ?
V.V.Gvaramadze (pp.178-188 )
- On the Integrated Color Indices of Interacting Galaxies
V.P.Reshetnikov (pp.189-196 )
- Surface Brightness Distributions of Four Seyfert Galaxies Based
on Multi-Aperture UBV Photometry
V.T.Doroshenko, V.M.Lyutyi, and V.I.Shenavrin
(pp.197-208 )
- Period-Luminosity Relation in the K Band (2.2
m) for RR
Lyrae Stars and the System of Distance Moduli of Globular
M.S.Frolov, and N.N.Samus'
(pp.209-216 )
- On the Distribution of Orbital Eccentricities for Wide Visual
Binary Stars
A.A.Tokovinin (pp.217-219 )
- BTA Observations of Objects from the Kuiper Belt
K.L.Maslennikov, O.P.Bykov, Yu.N.Gnedin, S.V.Zharikov,
I.N.L'vov, and N.A.Tikhonov
(pp.220-225 )
- On the Families of Periodically Evolving Orbits in Hill's
Averaged Problem with Allowance for Oblateness of the Central
M.A.Vashkov'yak (pp.226-233 )
- North-South Asymmetry in the Rotation of the Solar Magnetic Fields
as a Result of Rossby Cyclone and Anticyclone Excitation in the
Different Solar Hemispheres
E.M.Tikhomolov (pp.234-240 )
Volume 24, 1998, Issue 4
- Nuclear Variability of NGC4151 in UBV and JHKL: A New Cycle of
V.M.Lyutyi, O.G.Taranova, and V.I.Shenavrin
(pp.243-250 )
- An Analytic Model for the Evolution of a Close Binary System of
Neutron (Degenerate) Stars
V.S.Imshennik, and D.V.Popov
(pp.251-267 )
- Groups of Space Velocities in the Reactive Model of Pulsar
Yu.P.Pskovskii, and O.F.Dorofeev
(pp.268-274 )
- The Astronomical Timescale Based on the Orbital Motion of a
Pulsar in a Binary System
Yu.P.Ilyasov, S.M.Kopeikin, and A.E.Rodin
(pp.275-284 )
- On the Nature of the Two-Component Kinematics of Supershells around OB
Associations: The Set of Shells in the Cyg OB1, Cyg OB3 Region
T.A.Lozinskaya (pp.285-296 )
- Observations of Sakurai's Object (V4334 Sgr) in 1997 and Its
Evolution in 1996-1997
V.P.Arkhipova, V.F.Esipov, R.I.Noskova, G.V.Sokol, A.M.Tatarnikov,
V.I.Shenavrin, B.F.Yudin, U.Munari, and M.Rejkuba
(pp.297-306 )
- The Nature of Visual Components in 82 Multiple Systems
N.I.Shatskii (pp.306-320 )
Volume 24, 1998, Issue 5
- Scattering of X-Ray Emission Lines by Atomic Helium
L.A.Vainshtein, R.A.Sunyaev, and E.M.Churazov
(pp.323-329 )
- Interpretation of the Optical Flare in Cyg X-1 on May 14,
N.G.Bochkarev, and V.M.Lyutyi
(pp.330-336 )
- Diffraction-Limited Speckle Masking Interferometry of Binary
Stars with the SAO 6-m Telescope
M.Schoeller, I.I.Balega, Yu.Yu.Balega, K.-H.Hofmann,
T.Reinheimer, and G.Weigelt
(pp.337-342 )
- New Spectroscopic Components in Six Multiple Systems
(pp.343-351 )
- A Study of the Radial Velocity of V1016 Ori
E.A.Vitrichenko, V.G.Klochkova, and S.I.Plachinda
(pp.352-358 )
- The Origin of the Blue Emission during Profound Visual Dimmings
of FG Sge
A.M.Tatarnikov, and B.F.Yudin
(pp.359-366 )
- New Photometric and Polarimetric Observations of the Massive
Interacting Binary KX And
A.V.Berdyugin, S.V.Berdyugina, and A.E.Tarasov
(pp.367-374 )
- The Massive Interacting Binary KX And: The Orbit and Physical
Parameters of the Secondary Component
A.E.Tarasov, S.V.Berdyugina, and A.V.Berdyugin
(pp.375-380 )
- Magnetic Collimation of Astrophysical Winds
S.V.Bogovalov (pp.381-392 )
- Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Data on the
Solar Wind Interaction with the Ionosphere of Comet
E.V.Barskii, M.G.Lebedev, and A.V.Myasnikov
(pp.393-399 )
- Information (pp.400-400 )
Volume 24, 1998, Issue 6
- CMB Polarization During the Secondary Ionization of Matter
M.V.Sazhin, and A.V.Toporenskii
(pp.403-406 )
- Dissipation and Dynamical Friction Effect on the Number of Star
Clusters in a Galaxy
V.G.Surdin, and N.A.Arkhipova
(pp.407-414 )
- Hard X-ray Observations of the X-ray Pulsar A0535+26
V.V.Borkus, A.S.Kaniovsky, R.A.Sunyaev, V.V.Efremov, P.Kretschmar,
R.Staubert, J.Englhauser, and W.Pietsch
(pp.415-426 )
- UBV Observations of FG Sagittae in 1996-1997
V.P.Arkhipova, G.V.Zaitseva, N.P.Ikonnikova, R.I.Noskova,
G.V.Sokol, and S.Yu.Shugarov
(pp.427-430 )
- UBV Photometry and the Spectrum of FG Sagittae in 1996-1997
V.P.Arkhipova, V.F.Esipov, and G.V.Sokol
(pp.431-437 )
- Determining the Effective Temperature of F-G Supergiants from
Spectroscopic Criteria
V.V.Kovtykh, N.I.Gorlova, and V.G.Klochkova
(pp.438-442 )
- The Radii of 62 Classical Cepheids
M.E.Sachkov, A.S.Rastorguev, N.N.Samus', and N.A.Gorynya
(pp.443-449 )
- Oscillations of a Slowly Rotating Star
Yu.V.Vandakurov (pp.450-460 )
- Collision of an Alfven Discontinuity of the Solar Wind with the
Circumterrestrial Bow Shock
(pp.461-473 )
- Construction of Periodically Evolving Orbits of an Oblate Planet
Satellite in the Averaged Hill's Problem with Allowance
for the Perturbing Point Orbit Precession
M.A.Vashkov'yak, and N.M.Teslenko
(pp.474-480 )
Volume 24, 1998, Issue 7
- Formation of Black Holes in Phase Transitions of the First Kind
in the Universe
R.V.Konoplich, S.G.Rubin, A.S.Sakharov, and M.Yu.Khlopov
(pp.483-487 )
- The Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Matter in the Redshift
Interval Z=1.2-3.2
A.I.Ryabinkov, D.A.Varshalovich, and A.D.Kaminker
(pp.488-497 )
- Search for a Correlation of Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts with Quasars
and Active Galactic Nuclei
R.A.Burenin, A.A.Vikhlinin, O.V.Terekhov, and S.Yu.Sazonov
(pp.498-506 )
- The X-ray Nova GRS 1739-278 Near the Galactic Center
K.N.Borozdin, M.G.Revnivtsev, S.P.Trudolyubov, N.L.Aleksandrovich,
R.A.Sunyaev, and G.K.Skinner
(pp.507-518 )
- Three Remarkable Novae in M31
A.S.Sharov, A.Alksnis, P.L.Nedialkov, Yu.A.Shokin, R.G.Kurtev,
and V.D.Ivanov (pp.519-525)
- UBVJHKLMN Photometry and Optical Spectrophotometry of the
Symbiotic Mira V407 Cygni
E.A.Kolotilov, U.Munari, A.A.Popova, A.M.Tatarnikov,
V.I.Shenavrin, and B.F.Yudin
(pp.526-535 )
- Dynamics of the Scintillation Diffraction Pattern of the Pulsar
PSR 0329+54 at 927 MHz
K.V.Semenkov, M.V.Popov, and V.A.Soglasnov
(pp.536-540 )
- Frequency Structure of Scintillations of the
Pulsar PSR 1508+55 Radio Emission
V.I.Kondrat'ev, M.V.Popov, A.D.Skulachev, and V.A.Soglasnov
(pp.541-545 )
- Unidentified Interstellar Infrared Bands: a-C:H - Amorphous
Hydrogenated Carbon as a Carrier ?
I.N.Kapitonov, and O.I.Konakov
(pp.546-553 )
- Observations of Coherent Magnetic Structures in Sunspot
E.Yu.Nagovitsyna, and Yu.A.Nagovitsyn
(pp.554-559 )
- To Authors and Readers of Our Journal
(pp.560-560 )
Volume 24, 1998, Issue 8
- Statement of the Problem of Gravitational Collapse of a Stellar
Iron-Oxygen Core and a Numerical Method of Its Solution
A.G.Aksenov (pp.563-572 )
- Structure and Dynamic State of the Corona Borealis
F.G.Kopylova, and A.I.Kopylov
(pp.573-579 )
- Analysis of Long-Term Observations of Four Weak-Line T Tauri
K.N.Grankin (pp.580-590 )
- Spectroscopy of Stars in the Galaxy M81
O.N.Sholukhova, S.N.Fabrika, V.V.Vlasyuk, and S.N.Dodonov
(pp.591-560 )
- Vertical Stratification of Cr in the Atmospheres of CP Stars
I.S.Savanov, and O.P.Kochukhov
(pp.601-613 )
- The Quasi-Algol GW Ori: The Nature of Eclipses and Estimation of
the Component Masses
V.S.Shevchenko, K.N.Grankin, S.Yu.Mel'nikov, and S.A.Lamzin
(pp.614-621 )
- Instability of an Ionization-Shock Layer
N.E.Sysoev (pp.622-630 )
- On the Velocity of a Hard X-ray Source in the Solar Corona
S.A.Bogachev, B.V.Somov, and S.Masuda
(pp.631-637 )
- On the Possibility of Diagnosing Plasma Turbulence in the Solar
N.S.Petrukhin, S.M.Fainshtein, and V.V.Fomichev
(pp.638-640 )
Volume 24, 1998, Issue 9
- Spectral Distortions of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
Due to Interaction with the Hot Gas in a Moving Cluster.
Inclusion of Relativistic Effects
S.Yu.Sazonov, and R.A.Sunyaev
(pp.643-658 )
- Possible Spin-up of Young Neutron Stars during Asymmetric
Supernova Explosions
K.A.Postnov, and M.E.Prokhorov
(pp.659-662 )
- Characteristics of the Periodic Hard X-ray Sources Discovered
during the PROGNOZ-9 Experiment. The Results of a Further
M.I.Kudryavtsev, S.I.Svertilov, and V.V.Bogomolov
(pp.663-676 )
- Surface VRI Photometry and the Structure of the Dusty Galaxy NGC
A.V.Zasov, and A.V.Moiseev
(pp.677-688 )
- Kinematic Evidence for the Wave Nature of the Carina-Sagittarius
A.M.Mel'nik, T.G.Sitnik, A.K.Dambis, Yu.N.Efremov, and A.S.Rastorguev
(pp.689-698 )
- Spectroscopy of Stars in the Galaxy NGC 2403
O.N.Sholukhova, S.N.Fabrika, and V.V.Vlasyuk
(pp.699-707 )
- Dust Envelopes around the Secondary Components of BM Ori and
V1016 Ori
E.A.Vitrichenko (pp.708-720 )
Volume 24, 1998, Issue 10
- Discovery of a Jet in the Region of H2O Supermaser
Emission in Orion KL
L.I.Matveyenko, P.J.Diamond, and D.A.Graham
(pp.723-732 )
- Resonance Scattering in an Optically Thick Expanding Medium with
Selective Absorption
N.N.Chugai (pp.733-735 )
- Optical Studies of Infrared Sources
A.M.Mikaelian, S.A.Akopian, S.K.Balaian, and A.N.Burenkov
(pp.736-742 )
- Novae in M31 in 1997
A.S.Sharov, and A.Alksnis
(pp.743-747 )
- A Triaxial Model for the Mass Distribution in a Galaxy with
Fourth-Order Equipotentials
S.A.Kutuzov (pp.748-753 )
- A Spectroscopic Study of Supergiants with Infrared Excesses:
Pulsating RV Tau Stars
V.G.Klochkova, and V.E.Panchuk
(pp.754-767 )
- A New Method of Measuring Atmospheric Seeing
A.A.Tokovinin (pp.768-771 )
- Using a CCD Camera in Pulkovo Programs of Observations of Binary
and Multiple Stars and Satellites of Major Planets with the
26-inch Refractor
I.S.Izmailov, A.A.Kiselev, T.P.Kiseleva, and E.V.Khrutskaya
(pp.772-779 )
- A Test of Hipparcos Parallaxes on Multiple Stars
N.I.Shatskii, and A.A.Tokovinin
(pp.780-784 )
- On the Relation Between the Millimeter and Soft X-ray
Luminosities of Solar Flares
N.S.Nesterov, I.G.Moiseev, and A.A.Stepanov
(pp.785-790 )
- On the Stability of Stationary Solutions of the Double-Averaged
Hill's Problem with an Oblate Central Planet
M.A.Vashkov'yak (pp.791-800 )
Volume 24, 1998, Issue 11
- Quasars in a Merging Model: Comparison with the Observed
Luminosity Function
D.S.Krivitskii, and V.M.Kontorovich
(pp.803-812 )
- Calculations of the Collapse of an Iron-Oxygen Stellar Core in
the Single-Group Approximation in Energy
A.G.Aksenov, and D.K.Nadyozhin
(pp.813-826 )
- Starquakes on SGR 1806-20 and Other Neutron Stars
G.S.Golitsyn (pp.827-832 )
- A Catalog of Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts Recorded by PHEBUS/GRANAT:
January 1993 - September 1994
A.Yu.Tkachenko, O.V.Terekhov, D.V.Denisenko, R.A.Sunyaev,
A.V.Kuznetsov, C.Barat, J.-P.Dezalay, G.Vedrenne, and R.Talon
(pp.833-854 )
- Upper Limits on the Fluxes from X-ray Transients of the
Galactic Center Region in the Off State
N.L.Aleksandrovich, K.N.Borozdin, A.N.Emel'yanov, R.A.Sunyaev,
and G.K.Skinner (pp.855-861 )
- Relative Intensities of Intercombination Lines in the
Ultraviolet Spectra of T Tauri Stars
S.A.Lamzin, A.I.Gomez de Castro
(pp.862-867 )
- The Triple System ADS 9167
O.V.Kiyaeva, A.A.Tokovinin, and O.A.Kalinichenko
(pp.868-873 )
- Collisions and Reflections of Shock Waves:
Numerical Simulation and Laboratory Experiment
V.A.Rybakov, V.I.Artem'ev, S.A.Medvedyuk, and A.D.Chernin
(pp.874-880 )
Volume 24, 1998, Issue 12
- Vertical Motions in the Gaseous Disk of the Spiral Galaxy
NGC 3631
A.M.Fridman, O.V.Khoruzhii, A.V.Zasov, O.K.Sil'chenko,
A.V.Moiseev, A.N.Burlak, V.L.Afanas'ev, S.N.Dodonov, and J.Knapen
(pp.883-893 )
- Disk Accretion in the Gravitational Field of a Rapidly
Rotating Neutron Star with a Rotationally Induced Quadrupole
Mass Distribution
N.R.Sibgatullin, and R.A.Sunyaev
(pp.894-909 )
- The Unusual Methanol Maser 345.01+1.79
I.E.Val'ts (pp.910-917 )
- ADS 9731: A New Sextuple System
A.A.Tokovinin, N.I.Shatskii, and A.K.Magnitskii
(pp.918-924 )
- On the Nature of Cyclic Light Variations in UX Ori Stars
V.P.Grinin, A.N.Rostopchina, and D.N.Shakhovskoi
(pp.925-930 )
- Close Binary Systems in Star-Forming Regions: EY Ori in the
Ori I Association
M.M.Zakirov (pp.931-938 )
- A Catalog of Cepheid Radial Velocities Measured in 1995-1998
with the Correlation Spectrometer
N.A.Gorynya, N.N.Samus', M.E.Sachkov, A.S.Rastorguev,
E.V.Glushkova, and S.V.Antipin
(pp.939-942 )
- A Spectral Analysis of Solar Images in the Range 180-210 A
with the RES-K Spectroheliograph on Board the KORONAS-I
I.A.Zhitnik, S.V.Kuzin, V.N.Oraevskii, A.A.Pertsov, I.I.Sobel'man,
and A.M.Urnov (pp.943-950 )
- Inflection Points on the Light Curves of Type Ia Supernovae
N.N.Pavlyuk, D.Yu.Tsvetkov, Yu.P.Pskovskii, and O.S.Bartunov
(pp.951-960 )
- Subject and Author Indices for vol.24, 1998
are published in issue 1 of vol.25