Astronomy Letters, Volume 20
Volume 20, 1994, Issue 1
- The Discovery of the Short-Lived GRS1724+21 X-ray Source by the
WATCH Instrument onboard the GRANAT Observatory
S.Yu.Sazonov, I.Yu.Lapshov, R.A.Sunyaev, S.Brandt, N.Lund, and
A.Castro-Tirado (pp.5-6)
- The Search for Variable Quasars and Galaxies Suitable for
Cosmological Radio Measurements: Quasar 0235+16
Yu.Yu.Kovalev, and G.M.Larionov
- The Peak Apparent and True Flattenings of Flat Galaxies
Yu.N.Kudrya, I.D.Karachentsev, V.E.Karachentseva,
S.L.Parnovskii (pp.13-17)
- Slow-Down of the Secular Decrease of the Flux of Cassiopeia A
in the Meter-Wavelength Range
M.I.Agafonov (pp.18-21)
- The Diameter-Galactocentric Distance Relation for Globular
Clusters: Primordial or Evolutional ?
V.G.Surdin (pp.22-25)
- Nova 1992 in the Disc of M31
A.S.Sharov (pp.26-27)
- Reflection Effects in Cataclysmic Variable Stars. V603 Aquilae
V.F.Suleimanov, and N.I.Shakura
- A Numerical Study of the Stability of a Rapidly Rotating Neutron
Star: Axially Symmetric Model
A.G.Aksenov, and V.S.Imshennik
- Convection in the Cores of Neutron Stars
O.Yu.Gnedin, and D.G.Yakovlev
- Suppression of Neutrino Energy Losses in Reactions of Direct
URCA Processes by Superfluidity in Neutron Star Nuclei
K.P.Levenfish, and D.G.Yakovlev
- On the Influence of Corpuscular Evaporation on the Concentration
Distribution of Dust Grains in Solar System
L.I.Shestakova (pp.64-68)
- The Possibility of a Radiative and Chemical Process of the Formation
of Nanometric Diamond Grains in Meteorites
A.V.Fisenko, L.F.Semenova, A.B.Verkhovskii, and Yu.A.Shukolyukov
- Determination of the Gravitational Constant G by Particle Motion
Inside a Satellite in the Vicinity of a Libration Point
P.N.Antonyuk, K.A.Bronnikov, and V.N.Mel'nikov
- On the Use of Lunar Gravitation in Space Flights to Asteroids
Approaching the Earth Orbit
M.L.Lidov, and N.M.Teslenko
Volume 20, 1994, Issue 2
- Radio Source Counts for Deep Survey of the Region of Southern
V.I.Zhuravlev, and M.G.Larionov
- Observations of Cold IRAS Sources in the 18 cm OH Lines
M.I.Pashchenko, and A.M.Le Skeren
- Decay of Arions in the Magnetic Field of the Stars as an
Additional Source of X-ray Emission
Yu.N.Gnedin, and S.V.Krasnikov
- Generation of Ultrahigh-energy Cosmic Rays in the Surroundings
of Pulsars
E.G.Berezhko (pp.93-98)
- Optical Identifications of X-ray Sources in the Region of Open
Cluster M67
E.G.Zhilinskii, and V.N.Frolov
- NGC1569 and UGCA92: A Nearby Pair of Galaxies in the Milky Way
I.D.Karachentsev, N.A.Tikhonov, and L.N.Sazonova
- On the Significance of Stark Line Shifts for Element Abundance
Determinations by the Model Atmosphere Method
V.L.Khokhlova (pp.110-112)
- The Determination of Methanol Column Density and Abundance in
Molecular Clouds from Observations in the 1o-0oA+ Line
S.V.Kalenskii, and A.M.Sobolev
- Observations of Nova Aql 1993
V.P.Arkhipova, V.P.Esipov, and M.V.Kozin
- The Study of Photometric Variability of Seven Planetary Nebulae
in 1989-1993
V.P.Arkhipova, E.B.Kostyakova, and R.I.Noskova
- UX URSAE Majoris: UBVRI Photometry in 1985-1991
E.S.Dmitrienko (pp.128-139)
- Long-term Monitoring of the Long-period Variable Star U Ori in
the 1.35-cm Water-vapor Line
I.I.Berulis, E.E.Lekht, and M.I.Pashchenko
- On the Variability of Linear Polarization of BW Vulpeculae
T.A.Polyakova (pp.145-149)
- A Recurrent Model of Dynamics of the 11-year Solar Activity
M.N.Kremlevskii, and A.V.Blinov
- A Mechanism of Formation of Solar Chromospheric Spicules and
Generalized Ohm's Law
Yu.T.Tsap (pp.155-162)
Volume 20, 1994, Issue 3
- Hidden Masses and Characteristic Scales in the Cosmogony of
A.D.Chernin (pp.163-167)
- On Fractal Properties of Light Curves of Gamma-Ray Bursts
N.N.Shakura, M.E.Prokhorov, and N.I.Shakura
- Observations of the Radio Galaxies NGC315 and 3C219 at 102 MHz
V.S.Artyukh, M.A.Ogannisyan, and S.A.Tyul'bashev
- Interpretation of the Maser Recombination Radio Lines
V.0.Ponomarev (pp.184-190)
- Synchrotron Emission from Type I Supernova Remnants
A.E.Ammosov, L.T.Ksenofontov, V.S.Nikolaev, and S.I.Petukhov,
- Possible Giant Quantum Generators in Space
D.Ishankuliev (pp.198-203)
- OH Clouds in the Sources W44 and W51 in the 1665 and 1667 MHz
Absorption Lines
A.P.Venger, I.V.Gosachinskii, and I.V.Shaikin
- Low-Resolution Spectrophotometric Studies of Water Vapor in
Circumstellar Envelopes
G.A.Alekseeva, V.D.Galkin, and V.V.Novikov
- Abundance of Helium and Other Chemical Elements in the
Atmospheres of Classical Cepheides
V.V.Kovtyukh, N.S.Komarov, and E.A.Depenchuk
- The Dust Abundance in HI High-Velocity Clouds from a Large-Scale
Sky Survey
A.A.Bryukhanov, and I.A.Trifalenkov
- The Effect of Direct URCA Processes on the Ohmic Decay of the
Magnetic Field
D.A.Shalybkov (pp.221-224)
- On Magnetic Reconnection in the Temperature Minimum Region on
the Sun
Yu.E.Litvinenko, and B.V.Somov
- On Quasi-Satellite Orbits for Experiments on Refinement of the
Gravitational Constant
M.L.Lidov, and M.A.Vashkov'yak
Volume 20, 1994, Issue 4
- The Anisotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation on
the Great Attractor and on Similar Structures
A.A.Bryukhanov, A.B.Gol'din, and M.V.Sazhin
- Discovery and Observations of the Hard X-Ray Transient Source
GRS1009-45 by the WATCH Instrument of the GRANAT Observatory
I.Yu.Lapshov, S.Yu.Sazonov, R.A.Sunyaev, S.Brandt,
A.Castro-Tirado, and N.Lund
- Observations of the Transient X-ray Pulsar GRS0834-43 in its Low
State with the Instruments of the ROENTGEN Observatory on
Board the MIR-KVANT Module in November 1992
A.S.Kaniovskii, V.A.Aref'ev, K.N.Borozdin, V.V.Efremov, R.A.Sunyaev,
M.Maisack, W.Pietsch, and C.Reppin
- The Observations of the Radio Galaxy 3C31 at 102 MHz
V.S.Artyukh, M.A.Ogannisyan, and C.A.Tyul'bashev
- Dust Abundance in the Early-Type Galaxy ESO422-G028
I.A.Trifalenkov (pp.263-265)
- Photographic Astrometry and Photometry of BL Lac
Yu.A.Shokin, N.P.Gorbatko, and V.V.Kravtsov
- Dust Envelope Parameters of the Carbon Star T Cancri from the
Data on Energy and Brightness Distributions
M.B.Bogdanov (pp.271-275)
- Possibility to Estimate Photospheric Extensions for Red Giants
from Broad Band Photometry
M.B.Bogdanov (pp.276-278)
- Chemical Composition of the Atmosphere of the Active Giant
I.S.Savanov, and S.V.Berdyugina
- A Study of Pulsation Stability of Seven Northern Cepheids with
the Longest Periods
L.N.Berdnikov (pp.285-298)
- Fourier Analysis of Simultaneous BVR Observations of the
Asteroid 87 Sylvia and Its Duplicity
V.V.Prokof'eva, and M.I.Demchik
- A Comet Model for Cosmic Gamma-Bursts
B.I.Luchkov (pp.308-310)
- A Generalization of Kompaneets's Equation for the Anisotropic
Photon Distribution in Slowly Moving Gas with Arbitrary
S.V.Molodtsov (pp.311-318)
- Conference News. Violent Star Formation: from 30 Doradus to
V.G.Surdin (pp.319-320)
Volume 20, 1994, Issue 5
- A Catalog of Cosmic Gamma-ray Bursts Registered by the PHEBUS
Instrument of the GRANAT Observatory, December 1989 - May
O.V.Terekhov, D.V.Denisenko, V.A.Lobachev, R.A.Sunyaev, A.V.Kovtun,
A.V.Kuznetsov, C.Barat, J.-P.Desalay, and R.Talon
- On the Observational Test of Quasar Variability Caused by
A.F.Zakharov (pp.359-363)
- Optical Variability of the Seyfert Galaxy IV Zw 29 = Zw
A.S.Sharov (pp.364-367)
- Spectroscopic Components in Multiple Systems. Kuiper 84.
A.A.Tokovinin (pp.368-373)
- Spectroscopic Components in Multiple Systems. Two Optical
A.A.Tokovinin (pp.374-377)
- Mutually Stimulated Formation of Interstellar Clouds and Stellar
V.G.Surdin (pp.378-382)
- Toward a Mechanism of Spicule Formation by Shock Waves in
Magnetic Tubes
A.S.Andreev, and A.G.Kosovichev
- Pulsations in Microwave Bursts from Two Sources during Solar
Flares of July 11, 1991
N.V.Baranov, and L.I.Tsvetkov
- Harmonics of the 25-Day Periodicity in Sequences of Solar X-ray
M.M.Alibegov (pp.393-398)
- In memory of Lidov Mikhail L'vovich (1926-1993)
Volume 20, 1994, Issue 6
- New Variable Stars in the Globular Cluster M22 = NGC6656
V.V.Kravtsov, N.N.Samus, G.Alcaino, and W.Liller
- Third Component in the Visual Double Star ADS 12040
M.G.Smekhov (pp.407-410)
- UBVRJHKLMN Photometry of the Symbiotic Star V 433 Her in
E.A.Kolotilov, and B.F.Yudin
- Abundance Analysis of Iron and Light Lanthanides in the
Atmospheres of Arcturus and Aldeberan
V.F.Gopka, and A.V.Yushchenko
- Compton Scattering of Polarized Radiation: Relativistic Kinetic
Equation with Induced Scattering
D.I.Nagirner (pp.423-430)
- Parametric Modulation of Magneto-Acoustic Waves in Magnetic
Force Tube by the External Wave
V.M.Nakaryakov, and N.S.Petrukhin
- On the Scattering of Polarized Radioemission in Random Magnetic
M.R.Ol'yak (pp.435-440)
- Observations of Supernovae 1992G, 1992H, and 1993G
D.Yu.Tsvetkov (pp.441-444)
- Instability of the Detonation Wave in a Thermonuclear Supernova
A.V.Koldoba, E.V.Tarasova, and V.M.Chechetkin
- Measurements of the Microwave Anisotropy at 8-mm Wavelength with
a 3.5 deg Antenna
A.A.Bryukhanov, A.A.Klypin, D.P.Skulachev, I.A.Strukov, and
I.A.Trifalenkov (pp.450-455)
- Polarization of Supermaser H2O Emission in Orion KL
L.I.Matveenko (pp.456-463)
- Total-Flux Variability of the H2O-Maser Emission in W75N
E.E.Lekht (pp.464-466)
- How Many Globular Clusters Are in the Galaxy?
V.G.Surdin (pp.467-472)
- The Inclination Effect and Corrections to the Observed
Properties of Sc galaxies in the I band
P.L.Nedyalkov (pp.473-480)
Volume 20, 1994, Issue 7
- Neutron and Proton Superfluidity in Cooling Neutron Stars
O.Yu.Gnedin, D.G.Yakovlev, and Yu.A.Shibanov
- The Galactic Slow Bar as an Unstable Mode of Stellar Disk
V.L.Polyachenko, and E.V.Polyachenko
- Spherical Star Clusters with Massive Cores: Fractal Structures
at the Homological Stage of Evolution
A.V.Milovanov (pp.501-506)
- Steady-State Phase Density in Central Parts of
Axially-Symmetrical Galaxies with Biaxial Velocity
L.P.Osipkov (pp.507-509)
- The Variability of the Quasar IO And in 1967-1993
A.S.Sharov (pp.510-512)
- Spectroscopic Components in Multiple Systems. Couteau 327 and
A.A.Tokovinin (pp.513-520)
- New Radial-Velocity Observations and BVR Brightness of the B4V
star HD161573: A Study of Periodic Variability
A.A.Barannikov (pp.521-524)
- Identification of the Variable Component of ADS 8347 (DN UMa)
S.Yu.Gorda (pp.525-528)
- Iron and Titanium Abundances in the Atmospheres of M dwarfs
I.S.Savanov (pp.529-533)
- On the Thorium Abundance in the Atmosphere of Procyon
A.V.Yushchenko, and V.F.Gopka
- Physical Parameters of the Neutral Gas Coma of Halley's Comet
(1986 III) on May 8, 9, and 10, 1986
K.I.Churyumov, V.V.Kleshchenok, and F.I.Kravtsov
- On the Origin of Hot Magnetic Loops in the Solar
V.V.Zaitsev, and M.L.Khodachenko
- The Structure of the Solar Magnetic Cycle
- Atmospheric Conditions of Mount Kumbel for the Observations of
Global Solar Oscillations
S.P.Il'yasov, and Sh.A.Egamberdiev
Volume 20, 1994, Issue 8
- Pleione: A New Shell Outburst ?
A.S.Sharov, V.M.Lyutyi, and V.F.Esipov
- A Study of Period Changes of Small Amplitude Cepheids in Aquila,
Canis Major, Carina, and Cassiopeja
L.N.Berdnikov, and E.N.Pastukhova
- Neutrino Radiation during Conversion of Neutron Star into
Strange Star
B.V.Martemyanov (pp.588-592)
- Nonthermal Particles in HI Shells and Supershells
S.V.Bozhokin, and A.M.Bykov
- Observations of Magnetic Fields in the Upper Chromosphere in the
He I line
10830 A
A.N.Babin, A.N.Koval', and Z.A.Shcherbakova
- On the Thermal Balance and Radio Emission of Cold Filaments on
the Sun
V.A.Kovalev (pp.603-606)
- Fractal Clusters in Sunspot Penumbrae and Solar Active Regions
E.I.Mogilevskii (pp.607-612)
Volume 20, 1994, Issue 9
- Gravitational Microlensing by Double and Multiple Stars
M.V.Sazhin, and A.M.Cherepashchuk
- Evolution of Eccentric Orbits of Neutron Star Binaries Emitting
Gravitational Waves
V.S.Imshennik, and D.V.Popov
- Timing of X-Ray Pulsars Using the Data from the ART-P Telescope
of the GRANAT Observatory in 1990-1992
A.A.Lutovinov, S.A.Grebenev, R.A.Sunyaev, and M.N.Pavlinskii
- Observations of the X-Ray Pulsar GX301-2 with the TTM Telescope
of the KVANT Module on board the MIR Orbital Station
N.L.Aleksandrovich, V.A.Aref'ev, K.N.Borozdin, A.S.Kaniovskii, and
R.A.Sunyaev (pp.660-663)
- UBVR Monitoring of HZ Her = Her X-1. On Shape Variability of the
Accretion Region and of the Hot Spot in the Subgiant
N.N.Kilyachkov, V.S.Shevchenko, S.D.Yakubov, O.V.Ezhkova,
V.B.Kondrat'ev, and D.L.Portnov
- On the Nature of Binary Radiopulsar PSR B0042-73 in the SMC
V.M.Lipunov, K.A.Postnov, and M.E.Prokhorov
- The Determination of Galactocentric Distance of the Sun on the
Base of Space Distribution of Globular Clusters by the Maximum
Likelihood Method
A.S.Rastorgouev, E.D.Pavlovskaya, O.V.Durlevich, and
A.A.Filippova (pp.688-692)
- Identifications and Coordinates of Variable Stars in the
Globular Cluster M3 = NGC5272
N.M.Evstigneeva, N.N.Samus', T.M.Tsvetkova, and Yu.A.Shokin
- Photometry and Spectroscopy of the Candidate for Protoplanetary
Objects IRAS 20572+4919
V.P.Arkhipova, and N.P.Ikonnikova
- Is Choloniewski's Method Applicable to Photometric Studies of
Active Galactic Nuclei?
V.T.Doroshenko, and V.M.Lyutyi
- Neutrino Capture Cross-Sections for Neutron-Rich Heavy
I.V.Panov (pp.714-718)
- Spectroscopic Observations of Comet II/Schaumasse (1992x)
on March 14-15, 1993
K.I.Churyumov, V.V.Kleshchenok, and V.V.Vlasyuk
Volume 20, 1994, Issue 10
- UBV Observations of the Symbiotic Nova HM Sagittae
V.P.Arkhipova, O.D.Dokuchaeva, R.I.Noskova
- Li and CNO Abundances in the Atmospheres of Stars Evolving
to the Red-Giant Branch
S.V.Berdyugina (pp.731-739)
- CNO Abundances and C12/C13 Ratios in the Atmospheres
of Lithium-Rich Giants
S.V.Berdyugina, I.S.Savanov
- Spectra of the Central Stars of Low-Excitation Planetary
- Spectroscopy of RNO43S
T.Yu.Magakyan, T.A.Movsesyan
- Singular Mixing in Stars
- Generation of Neutrons during the Solar Flare of May 24,
G.A.Koval'tsov, G.E.Kocharov, L.G.Kocharov, I.G.Usoskin
- The Fine Structure of the Chromosphere in the Vicinity of
B.P.Filippov (pp.770-775)
- On Refinement of Radiosurveys and Radiocatalogs Completeness
by Statistical Simulation Modelling of Survey Process
V.L.Gorokhov, O.V.Verkhodanov
- On Quasi-Satellite Orbits in Finite Elliptic Three-Body
M.L.Lidov, M.A.Vashkov'yak
- Solution of the Phase Problem in Astronomical Speckle
Interferometry Based on the Use of the Hartley Transformation
M.B.Bogdanov (pp.796-800)
Volume 20, 1994, Issue 11
- Effect of Polarization on Photon Propagation in Ionized Gas
B.L.Ioffe (pp.803-819)
- Novae in M31 in 1993
A.S.Sharov, A.Alksnis
- Unusual Radiation of C18O in Direction to S201
A.G.Kislyakov, B.E.Terner
- Spectroscopic Orbit of HD92855
A.A.Tokovinin (pp.826-828)
- The Study of Period Variability in Small-Amplitude Cepheids in
Centaurus, Crux, Cygnus, Gemini, Vulpecula, Lyra, Monoceros,
Norma, and Ophiuchus
L.N.Berdnikov, E.N.Pastukhova
- New Surface-Gravity Calibration for G-K Giants and Subgiants
S.V.Berdyugina, I.S.Savanov
- On Evolution of the Mass Spectrum of the Ensemble of
Interstellar Clouds
A.B.Kirienko (pp.868-872)
- Superreflection of Fast Magnetosonic Waves from a Tangential
Discontinuity of Velocity
V.M.Nakaryakov, Yu.A.Stepanyants
- On Solar Acoustic Modes Penetrating into the Chromosphere
Yu.V.Vandakurov (pp.877-880)
Volume 20, 1994, Issue 12
- Testing the Fine-Structure Constant for a Possible Cosmological
Variation from Analysis of Quasar Spectra
D.A.Varshalovich, A.Yu.Potekhin
- Observations of X-Ray Novae in Vela (1993), Ophiuchus (1993),
and Perseus (1992) with Detectors of the Mir-Kvant Module
R.A.Sunyaev, K.N.Borozdin, N.L.Aleksandrovich, V.A.Aref'ev,
A.S.Kaniovskii, V.V.Efremov, M.Maisak, K.Reppin, J.K.Skinner
- Two Years of Observations of the Transient X-ray Source
GRS1915+105 by WATCH Instrument on board the GRANAT
S.Yu.Sazonov, R.A.Sunyaev, I.Yu.Lapshov, N.Lund, S.Brandt,
A.Castro-Tirado (pp.901-905)
- UBVR Photometry of Stars in the Vicinity of M82 and SA68
V.A.Doroshenko (pp.906-909)
- CNO and s-Element Abundances in the Atmospheres of the Binaries
AY Cet and RD Dra with Active Chromospheres: Testing the
Hypothesis for the Formation of Barium Stars
S.V.Berdyugina (pp.910-915)
- UBV Observations of FG Sagittae in 1992-1993
V.P.Arkhipova, G.V.Zaitseva, N.P.Ikonnikova, R.I.Noskova,
S.Yu.Shugarov (pp.916-918)
- FG Sge in 1992-1993: a Deep Brightness Minimum
V.P.Arkhipova (pp.919-927)
- Deterministic Chaos from the Light Curve of the Geostationary
N.K.Bektasova, A.V.Didenko, L.M.Karimova, N.G.Makarenko
- Optical Synthesis of Images Using a Pair of Aperture Masks
V.A.Pluzhnik, Yu.Yu.Balega, V.A.Vasyuk
- Subject index for vol.20, 1994,
(pp. 940-948 )
- Author index for vol.20, 1994,
(pp. 949-960 )