Astronomy Letters, Volume 19
Volume 19, 1993, Issue 1
- The Lynden-Bell bars as prevailing in the barred ga1axies
I.I.Pasha, and V.L.Polyachenko
- The optical identification and photometry for some strong
radiosources from the Zelentchuk sky survey
O.I.Bugaenko, A.G.Gorshkov, V.F.Esipov, V.K.Konnikova and
S.B.Novikov (pp.13-17)
- On the distribution of M31 novae with the different rate of
A.S.Sharov (pp.18-26)
- Time-dependent radiative cooling of a hot optically thin
interstellar gas
A.B.Kirienko (pp.27-33)
- Excitation of plasma turbulence in pulsar magnetospheres
Yu.E.Lyubarskij (pp.34-44)
- Study of
Lyrae CCD spectra. Characteristics of SiII
6347, 6371 doublet and discovery of the cyclic
variability of equivalent widths of lines of loser's magnetized
M.Yu.Skulskij (pp.45-60)
- On the excitation of acoustic waves due to some processes in the
Solar core
Yu.V.Vandakurov (pp.61-64)
- Electromagnetic UP-pushing force as a possible mechanism for the
equilibrium of prominences
Yu.V.Litvineeko, and B.V.Somov
- On the frequency spectrum of solar microwave bursts associated
with coronal mass ejections
I.M.Chertok, and A.A.Gnezdilov
Volume 19, 1993, Issue 2
- Light curves of the unique M31 red supergiant
A.S.Sharov (pp.83-86)
- On disappearance of eclipses in the eclipsing variable star SS
L.V.Mossakovskaya (pp.87-95)
- A Search for HII regions around high Galaclic latitude B stars:
103 Tau, 105 Tau, FR CMa, varphi Per and v Cyg
V.V.Afonina, and L.I.Shestakova
- The collimated radiation of SS433. The moving line profile
A.A.Panferov, and S.N.Fabrika
- Study of
Lyrae spectrum. Matter transfer and circumstellar
structures in presence of the loser's magnetic field
M.Yu.Skulskij (pp.114-131)
- Blurring of the microwave background spatial fluctuations by
scattering in molecular linels
V.K.Dubrovich (pp.132-135)
- Optical spectra of three objects identified with strong
A.G.Gorshkov, and V.K.Konnikova
- On the Faraday rotation fluctuations in a plasma near the Sun by
the radio occultation
A.I.Efimov, I.V.Chashei, V.I.Shishov, and M.K.Bird
- Models of Jupiter and Saturn with uniform helium
V.N.Zharkov, and T.V.Gudkova
Volume 19, 1993, Issue 3
- GRANAT observations of the delayed 2.2 MeV gamma-ray line emission.
Deuterium synthesis during the solar flare of May 24, 1990
O.V.Terekhov, R.A.Sunyaev, A.V.Kuznetsov, C.Barat, R.Talon,
G.Trottet, and N.Vilmer
- Hard X-ray observations of the LMC field with SIGMA telescope
on board GRANAT. Upper limits on the flux from SN 1987A
A.V.Finogenov, M.R.Gilfanov, S.A.Grebenev, R.A.Sunyaev,
E.M.Churazov, R.S.Kremnev, K.G.Sukhanov, N.G.Kuleshova,
F.Lebrun, A.Claret, A.Goldwurm, P.Laurent, E.Jourdain,
J.P.Rogues, P.Mandrou, and F.Pelaez
- Specrtoscopic-visual orbits of two stars
A.A.Tokovinin (pp.181-192)
- Radial velocity measurements of visual binary stars
M.G.Smekhov, and A.A.Tokovinin
- Orbit orientation of visual binaries from differential measurements
of radial velocities
M.G.Smekhov (pp.202-209)
- Photoelectric observations of cepheids in 1992
L.N.Berdnikov (pp.210-263)
- The kinematics of the Solar active region McM 5395
O.V.Chumak, Z.N.Chumak, G.S.Minasiants, and T.M.Minasiants,
- The evolution analysis of the Solar spot group of March 1989
with the method of integral parameters
O.V.Chumak, Z.N.Chumak, G.S.Minasiants, and T.M.Minasiants,
- Suppression of direct URCA processes by nucleon superfluidity
and neutron star cooling
O.Yu.Gnedin, and D.G.Yakovlev
Volume 19, 1993, Issue 4
- The low frequency variability of the 3C345 quasar
L.I.Matveenko (pp.291-294)
- Average light curves of hard X-ray periodic sources near the
Galactic center as observed by "Prognoz-9"
S.I.Svertilov (pp.295-304)
- Absolute proper motions of the open clusters M39 and
E.V.Glushkova, and A.M.Melnik
- Inclination effect and corrections to fundamental observables of
the spiral galaxies
P.L.Nedialkov (pp.310-328)
- The absence of optical spectra dependence on quasar's
V.S.Troitskij, and T.V.Gorbacheva
- The protoalgols and quasialgols
V.S.Shevchenko, E.A.Vitrichenko, K.N.Grankin, M.A.Ibragimov, and
S.Yu.Melnikov (pp.334-347)
- The structure of near environments of DG Tauri from infrared
Lunar occultation observations
M.B.Bogdanov, and A.M.Cherepashchuk
- A search for radio recombination lines from a fossil HII region
towards SNR Cas A
R.I.Sorochenko, and G.T.Smirnov
- The mean pulse energy measurements at 102 and 61 MHz for weak
V.M.Malofeev (pp.366-374)
- The theory of Neptunian arcs. Multicomponent epiton and
N.N.Gor'kavyj, and T.A.Tajdakova
Volume 19, 1993, Issue 5
- Nova rate in the Local Group galaxies
A.S.Sharov (pp.387-400)
- Peculiarities of the supernova 1983K outburst in NGC4699
E.K.Grasberg (pp.401-416)
- Study of beta Lurae spectrum. Characteristics of SiII
6347, 6371
doublet in 1992 and their variability from season to season
M.Yu.Skulskij (pp.417-435)
- On the variability of four yellow supergiants - possible
protoplanetary objects
V.P.Arkhipova, N.P.Ikonnikova, and R.I.Noskova
- The period -- K-band luminosity dependence for semiregular
pulsating red supergiants in the Galaxy and in M33
A.K.Dambis (pp.443-449)
- On the tidal sizes of open star clusters in nonstationary
gas-stellar complexes in the Galaxy
V.M.Danilov (pp.450-460)
- Influence of spiral galaxies orientation to the line of sight on
their visible diameters and neutral hydrogen mass
P.I.Nedyalkov (pp.461-472)
- Magnetic flux tubes above the surface of accretion disks:
influence of Coriolis force
I.E.Mazets, and A.M.Bykov
Volume 19, 1993, Issue 6
- Hard X-ray observations of binary system 4U1700-377/HD153919
with the SIGMA telescope on board GRANAT
A.Sitdikov, M.Gilfanov, R.Sunyaev, E.Churazov, A.Dyachkov,
R.Kremnev, K.Sukhanov, N.Kuleshova, P.Mandrou, J.P.Roques,
L.Bouchet, G.Vedrenne, P.Laurent, A.Claret, B.Cordier, and
A.Goldwurm (pp.483-499)
- Parameters of the X-ray Nova Muscae 1991 obtained from the
analysis of infrared light curve in quiscent state
E.A.Antokhina, and A.M.Cherepashchuk
- Peculiarities in spatial distribution of rich clusters of
galaxies in Northern and Southern galactic hemispheres
T.S.Fetisova, D.Yu.Kuznetsov, V.A.Lipovetsky, A.A.Starobinsky,
and R.P.Olovin (pp.508-516)
- Measurements of the magnetic field of beta Lurae bright component
in SiII
6347, 6371 lines using Zeeman CCD-spectrograms
M.Yu.Skulskij, and S.I.Plachinda
- Induced scattering and transformation of waves in pulsar
Yu.E.Lyubarskij (pp.527-546)
- Acceleration of ions captured in the isomagnetic stepwise change of
the magnetoacoustic shock wave up to relativistic
G.N.Kichigin (pp.547-556)
- Mean field buoyancy in turbulent fluids
L.L.Kichatinov, and V.V.Pipin
- The averaged elliptical three body problem and its application to
dynamics of stellar systems
T.S.Kozhanov (pp.564-576)
Volume 19, 1993, Issue 7
- The Geminga gamma-ray pulsar light curve obtained with the
GAMMA-1 telescope in the energy range 400-4000 MeV
V.V.Akimov, V.G.Afanasiev, I.D.Blokhintsev, L.F.Kalinkin,
N.G.Leikov, V.E.Nesterov, A.M.Gal'per, Yu.V.Ozerov, K.A.Rudko,
M.F.Runtso, K.M.Zemskov, M.I.Fradkin, L.V.Kurnosova,
M.A.Rusakovitch, N.P.Topchiev, E.I.Chuikin, B.Yu.Tugaenko,
M.Gros, I.Grenier, A.R.Bazer-Bachi, J.M.Lavigne, and J.F.Olive
- Two very fast novae near the centre of M31
A.S.Sharov (pp.583-586)
- Radial velocities of stars in the open clusters NGC 6494, 6694,
6755 and 6819
E.V.Glushkova, Yu.V.Kulagin, and A.S.Rastorgouev
- FG Sge in 1986-1991: the evolution continues
V.P.Arkhipova (pp.593-608)
- Light curves of three-mode RR Lyrae star AC And
L.N.Berdnikov (pp.609-618)
- Colours of double-mode cepheids
L.N.Berdnikov (pp.619-637)
- Unresolved binary stars as a source of errors in precise
astrometric catalogues
A.A.Tokovinin (pp.638-650)
- Compton scattering by Maxwellian electrons: redistribution of
radiation in frequencies and directions
D.I.Nagirner, and Yu.Yu.Poutanen
- Influence of strong gravitation on the electric fields of
neutron stars
A.I.Tsygan (pp.665-672)
Volume 19, 1993, Issue 8
- The results of the X-Ray source 4U1700-37 observations with the WATCH
instrument of the GRANAT observatory
S.Sazonov, I.Lapshov, R.Sunyaev, S.Brandt, N.Lund, and
A.Castro-Tirado (pp.675-685)
- Observations of the GRB 920723 burst by the WATCH instrument of
the GRANAT observatory
O.V.Terekhov, V.A.Lobachev, D.V.Denisenko, I.Yu.Lapshov,
R.A.Sunyaev, N.Lund, A.Castro-Tirado, S.Brandt
- The age of stellar populations in the nuclei of disk
O.K.Sil'chenko (pp.693-700)
- The Mg/Fe ratio in the nuclei of elliptical and disk galaxies
O.K.Sil'chenko (pp.701-707)
- On the internal extinction in spiral galaxies
V.P.Reshetnikov, and L.N.Sazonova
- Molecular ion H2+ in the interstellar medium
D.A.Varshalovich, and A.V.Sannikov
- On the classification, list of transitions and perspectives for
observations of extragalactic methanol masers
A.M.Sobolev (pp.725-736)
- Reference sources for the VLBI pulsar observations
M.V.Popov (pp.737-741)
- A half-hour variability of the Crab Nebula at frequences below
10 MHz
A.F.Tarasov, and Yu.V.Tokarev
- Spectrum of cosmic ray fluctuations intensity during the solar
activity cycle
E.G.Berezhko, I.A.Brevnova, and S.A.Starodubtsev
- Resonances in the distribution of binary stars
A.A.Tokovinin (pp.753-758)
- On the invalidity of the conception of interstellar comets transfer
to the reverse parabolic orbits by the attraction of the inner
V.V.Radzievsky (pp.759-767)
- Elementary acts of collisions in the gravitational three body
problem: dynamical instability and features of chaos
V.A.Antonov, and A.D.Chernin
- Coude-Echelle spectrometer
F.A.Musaev (pp.776-783)
Volume 19, 1993, Issue 9
- Vortex structure in the gaseous disk of the galaxy Mrk1040
V.L.Afanasiev, and A.M.Fridman
- Definition of orbital parameters of the low-mass X-ray system
4U1626-67/KZ TrA
V.M.Losnikov, and G.G.Babalyan
- Luminosity of optically dense material during its spherical
S.A.Wagner (pp.807-810)
- Fast evolutional transformations in the spectrum of the Th4-4
L.N.Kondratjeva (pp.811-815)
- Discovery of the carbon negative ions emission in the
Scorichenko-George comet (1990 VI)
K.I.Churyumov, G.F.Chornyi, and A.I.Shapovalova
- Theory of large-scale stratification in cometary plasma
O.P.Verkhoglyadova, N.Ya.Kotsarenko, V.P.Pas'ko, and
K.I.Churyumov (pp.823-867)
- Control for the space transfer to the halo-orbit near the
libration point L2 (the RELICT-2 project)
M.L.Lidov, V.A.Lyakhova, and N.M.Teslenko
Volume 19, 1993, Issue 10
- Radiative relativistic gasodynamics for nonlimited velocities of
V.S.Imshennik (pp.883-902)
- Observations of the low-mass X-ray binary system 4U1626-67/KZ
TrA on board the GRANAT astrophysical observatory
V.M.Loznikov, G.G.Babalyan, S.A.Grebenev, and R.A.Sunyaev
- Evolution of the Crab Nebula radio emission
E.N.Vinyajkin (pp.912-918)
- Photometry of VV Cep-type stars
A.S.Miroshnichenko, and A.S.Ivanov
- Diagrams of unreddened red giants in photometrical systems UBV and
A.V.Loktin (pp.928-932)
- CNO abundances in the atmospheres of normal and mild barium
G8-K3 giants
S.V.Berdyugina (pp.933-943)
- Relative orientation of angular momenta in multiple stellar
A.A.Tokovinin (pp.944-956)
- Isolines of surface density and Z-coordinates of cepheids
L.N.Berdnikov, and Yu.N.Efremov
- Spectrometry of minor planets. Titanium-containing regolith of
the 71 Niobe ?
D.I.Shestopalov, and L.F.Golubeva
- Positional observations of Pluto in 1969-1970 and
E.V.Dolganova, K.V.Kuimov, and Yu.A.Shokin
- On magnetic levitation heating of solar corona
I.V.Chashei (pp.983-989)
- Chronicle: Conference on the active nuclei of galaxies
I.I.Pronik, and V.I.Pronik
Volume 19, 1993, Issue 11
- Optical variability of Seifert galaxies nuclei NGC3516 and
NGC5548 on time scales from 20 years to 20 minutes
V.M.Lyutyi, and V.T.Doroshenko
- Delayed infrared emission from the nucleus of NGC4151
V.L.Oknyanskij (pp.1021-1031)
- The periodic variability of the radial velocities and light of the
"runaway" O5Vnfp star HD192281
A.A.Barannikov (pp.1032-1044)
- Effect of a random scattering medium on the structure of source
images observed through a gravitational lens
A.A.Minakov (pp.1045-1052)
- Steady flows of plasma in the twisted non-constant cross-section
magnetic flux tube
A.A.Solov'ev, and E.A.Solov'eva
- The Echelle spectrometer with CCD for 6-m telescope
V.E.Panchuk, V.G.Klochkova, G.A.Galasutdinov, V.P.Ryadchenko,
and E.L.Chentsov
Volume 19, 1993, Issue 12
- Localization and spectrum of the X-ray transient source
A.V.Finoguenov, A.A.Vikhlinin, M.R.Gilfanov, R.A.Sunyaev,
E.M.Churazov, A.V.Dyachkov, N.G.Khavenson, I.D.Tserenin.,
M.-C.Schmitz-Fraysse, M.Denis, J.-P.Roques, P.Mandrou, A.Claret,
J.Ballet, B.Cordier, and A.Goldwurm
- Plasma cover of the Halley comet from radiosounding data
V.E.Andreev, and A.L.Gavrik
- Non-linear travelling waves evolution in the interstellar gas with
thermal instability
V.Yu.Tarev (pp.1090-1100)
- Soliton model of the equilibrium sunspot
L.S.Solov'ev (pp.1101-1107)
- Origin of satellite systems: prograde and retrograde satellites of
Jupiter and Saturn
N.N.Gor'kavyj (pp.1108-1127)
- On the synthesis of coded masks for gamma-ray and X-ray
L.E.Kopilovich, and L.G.Sodin
- Subject Index for vol.19, 1993
(pp.1132-1139 )
- Author Index for vol.19, 1993