Astronomy Letters, Volume 18
Volume 18, 1992, Issue 1
- Observations of Nova Muscae with the WATCH instrument
I.Lapshov, V.Dremin, R.Sunyaev, S.Brandt, N.Lund, and
A.Castro-Tirado (pp.3-10)
- Observations of Musca X-ray Nova with the ART-P telescope on
board GRANAT: precise localization and spectral variability
S.A.Grebenev, R.A.Sunyaev, and M.N.Pavlinsky
- Discovery and preliminary results of observations of the
transient X-ray source GRS0834-43 with the WATCH instrument of
the GRANAT observatory
I.Lapshov, V.Dremin, R.Sunyaev, S.Brandt, and N.Lund
- Two years of observations of the X-ray pulsar Vela X-1 with the WATCH
instrument of the GRANAT observatory
I.Lapshov, R.Sunyaev, M.Chichkov, V.Dremin, S.Brandt, and
N.Lund (pp.37-45)
- Galactic complicated spiral patterns as a result of hydrodynamic
modes superposition
A.G.Morozov, V.V.Mustsevoj, and A.E.Prosvirov
- The spectral investigation of the dwarf galaxy Markarian
A.R.Petrosian, and V.O.Chavushian
- Interstellar scintillations of the Crab pulsar
V.I.Shishov (pp.62-67)
- Cosmic rays propagation under their strong and moderate
modulation conditions
E.G.Berezhko, and L.T.Ksenofontov
- On the effect of the radio waves group delay in the solar
A.B.Eremin (pp.74-80)
- Plasma-beam instabilities in cometary ionospheres
O.P.Verkhoglyadova, N.Ya.Kotsarenko, G.V.Lizunov, and
K.I.Churyumov (pp.81-86)
- Some aspects of the polarized radiation scattering theory in a
random magnetoplasma
A.V.Kukushkin, and M.B.Olyak
Volume 18, 1992, Issue 2
- Photoelectric photometry of globular clusters in the Andromeda
nebula. XIII
A.S.Sharov, V.M.Lyutyi, and N.P.Ikonnikova
- Model of supernova 1979c with radiative transfer in the
O.S.Bartunov, and S.I.Blinnikov
- High-velocity clump of Ni-56 in the SN1987A envelope and
the early emergence of gamma-rays
N.N.Chugai (pp.119-127)
- Analytical models for the late stages of SN1987A in the
D.V.Popov (pp.128-138)
- On the possible nature of the periodic variability of light and
radial velocities of the "runaway" Of star HD188001 (9 Sge)
A.A.Aslanov, and A.A.Barannikov
- Study of vertical stratification of Cr abundance in the
atmosphere of CP-star
V.L.Khokhlova, and G.P.Topil'skaja
- Empirical light curve of the star with the R Coronae Borealis
- Registration of high energy gamma-rays with the GAMMA-1
telescope from the solar flares on March 26 and June 15, 1991
V.V.Akimov, V.G.Afanasyev, A.S.Belousov, I.D.Blokhintsev,
V.A.Volzhenskaya, L.F.Kalinkin, N.G.Leikov, V.E.Nesterov, A.M.Galper,
S.A.Voronov, V.M.Zemskov, V.G.Kirillov-Ugrymov, B.I.Lutchkov,
Yu.V.Ozerov, A.V.Popov, V.A.Rudko, M.F.Runtso, V.Yu.Chesnokov,
L.V.Kurnosova, M.A.Rusakovich, N.P.Topchiev, N.I.Fradkin,
E.I.Chuikin, V.Yu.Tugaenko, T.N.Tian, V.N.Ishkov, M.Gros,
I.Grenier, E.Barouch, P.Wallin, A.R.Baser-Bachi, J.-M.Lavigne,
J.-F.Olive, and J.Juchniewicz
- Some characteristics of S-component and outbursts of solar
emission at millimeter wavelengths
I.G.Moiseev, N.S.Nesterov, and P.S.Nikitin
- On the possibility of the existence of two transplutonian
A.S.Guliev (pp.183-189)
Volume 18, 1992, Issue 3
- Supernova 1987A and formation of rotating neutron stars
V.S.Imshennik, and D.K.Nadyozhin
- New X-ray sources, GRS1734-292, GRS1736-297 and GRS1747-312,
discovered in the Galactic Center field with the telescope ART-P
telescope of the GRANAT observatory
M.N.Pavlinsky, S.A.Grebenev, and R.A.Sunyaev
- The dynamics of wind driven shell in the steady state accretion.
The self-similar case
B.I.Hnatyk, and V.A.Krol'
- Particle acceleration and nonthermal electromagnetic radiation
in OB-associations
A.M.Bykov, and G.D.Fleishman
- The fine structure of
line emission in the Orion
I.V.Gosuchinskij, S.R.Zhelenkov, and V.A.Prozorov
- The modeling of the accretion disks and spectra of their radiation in
the cataclysmic variable stars. I. V603 Aql
V.F.Suleymanov (pp.255-265)
- Sign reversal of the high latitude solar magnetic field
E.E.Benevolenskaya, and V.I.Makarov
- An experience of the Mars normal albedo photometric map
V.G.Tejfel, N.V.Sinyaeva, A.N.Aksenov, and G.A.Kharitonova
- Diagnostic abilities of polarization for atmosphereless
V.S.Degtyarev, L.O.Kolokolova, A.V.Morozhenco, and M.F.Tsurul
Volume 18, 1992, Issue 4
- An X-ray map of the Galactic center region obtained with the
telescope ART-P on board GRANAT
M.N.Pavlinsky, S.A.Grebenev, and R.A.Sunyaev
- Observations of X-ray pulsar X-Per (4U0352+30) by the
GRANAT observatory
G.G.Babalyan, V.M.Loznikov, M.N.Pavlinsky, R.A.Sunyaev, and L.Filipov
- Features of the gamma-ray pulsar PSR0833-45 pulse profile based
on the GAMMA-1 telescope observations
V.V.Akimov, V.G.Afanasyev, A.S.Belousov, I.D.Blokhintsev,
V.A.Volzhenskaya, L.F.Kalinkin, N.G.Leikov, V.E.Nesterov,
A.M.Galper, V.M.Zemskov, V.G.Kirillov-Ugryumov, B.I.Luchkov,
Yu.V.Ozerov, V.A.Rudko, M.F.Runtso, L.V.Kurnosova,
M.A.Rusakovitch, N.P.Topchiev, M.I.Fradkin, V.Yu.Tugaenko,
E.I.Chuikin, M.Gros, I.Grenier, E.Barouch, P.Wallyn, A.R.Bazer-Bachi,
J.-M.Lavigne, J.-F.Olive, and J.Juchniewicz
- A search for HCN line at 22 cm wavelength in IRC+10216
A.P.Venger, I.V.Gosachinskij, I.I.Zinchenko, and A.V.Lapinov
- Photoelectric observations of cepheids in 1991
L.N.Berdnikov (pp.325-374)
- Periodicity in radial velocities of R Coronae Borealis during
normal light stage in 1990-1991
N.A.Gorynya, A.S.Rastorguev, and N.N.Samus'
- On the acceleration and heating of the charged particles in the
Jovian ionosphere
V.V.Zaitsev, and V.E.Shaposhnikov
- RT10 (10-meter radiotelescope) as a VLBI network element
V.Dhavan, N.V.G.Sarma, R.Ganesas, L.I.Matveyenko, L.R.Kogan,
A.P.Molodjanu, and D.Graham
Volume 18, 1992, Issue 5
- Anisotropy of the microwave background radiation
I.A.Strukov, A.A.Bryukhanov, D.P.Skulachev, and M.V.Sazhin
- The survey to the polar region at 3900 MHz
V.R.Amirkhanyan, A.G.Gorshhov, A.A.Kapustkin, V.K.Konnikova,
and A.N.Lazutkin (pp.396-403)
- The fractal dimension of spatial distribution of quasars
N.G.Nakarenko, and O.A.Pushkarev
- Polarimetry of southern early type objects with circumstellar
envelopes. Supernova 1987A in 1988-1989
Yu.N.Gnedin, K.L.Maslennikov, A.E.Rozenbush, V.K.Rozenbush, and
R.F.Zalles (pp.409-420)
- Polarization of SN1987A light as a result of asymmetry of Ni-56
- Optical variability of the X-ray source 1E1615.0+31134
S.Yu.Shugarov (pp.431-435)
- The light variations and spectrum of the possible protoplanetary
object V1027 Cyg
V.P.Arkhipova, N.P.Ikonnikova, R.I.Noskova, and S.Yu.Shugarov
- Influence of the Faraday rotation on the polarization spectrum
for Be stars with the dipole magnetic fields
M.A.Pogodin (pp.442-453)
- Polarimetry of southern early type objects with circumstellar
envelopes. Classical and peculiar Be stars
Yu.N.Gnedin, N.N.Kiselev, M.A.Pogodin, A.E.Rozenbush, and
V.K.Rozenbush (pp.454-466)
- The Sun radio image at the wavelengths 3.5, 2.8, 2.25 and 1.95
cm at the period previous to the solar eclipse on July 11,
N.V.Baranov, and L.I.Tsvetkov
Volume 18, 1992, Issue 6
- A search for recombination lines at 42 MHz toward S140
G.T.Smirnov, R.L.Sorochenko, and V.V.Kitaev
- The probable scenario of a supernova explosion as a result of
massive stellar core gravitational collapse
V.S.Imshennik (pp.489-504)
- The photometry of recurrent nova U Sco
I.A.Budzinovskaya, E.P.Pavlenko, and S.Yu.Shugarov
- Polarimetry of southern early type objects with circumstellar
envelopes. X-ray binary system Vela X-1
N.G.Beskrovnaya, Yu.N.Gnedin, N.N.Kiselev, M.A.Pogodin,
A.E.Rozenbush, V.K.Rozenbush, and R.F.Zalles
- Study of cepheid periods variability. The method
L.N.Berdnikov (pp.519-527)
- The stochastic motion of nearly-porabolic comets under
perturbations by planets
V.V.Emel'yanenko (pp.528-536)
- The space coronograph for the sattelite KORONAS-I
Ya.Buzashy, L.Klostok, and M.Rubansky
- Highly excited level population of carbon
V.O.Ponomarev, and R.L.Sorochenko
- MHD instabilities in stratified atmosphere with anizotropic
V.D.Kuznetsov, and V.N.Oraevskij
Volume 18, 1992, Issue 7
- On the possibility to registrate the microwave background
radiation temperature fluctuations caused by the Great attractor
scale disturbations
B.I.Hnatyk, V.N.Lukash, and B.S.Novosyadlyj
- X-ray pulsar twins, 1E1145.1-6141 and 2S1145-619, according to
observations with the telescope ART-P aboard GRANAT
S.A.Grebenev, M.N.Pavlinsky, and R.A.Sunyaev
- Observations of the X-ray pulsar Vela X-1 by the PULSAR_X-2
instrument on board the GAMMA module
V.M.Loznikov, E.E.Konorkina, and A.S.Melioransky
- Analysis of the spasmodic pulse profile variations of the X-ray
pulsar Vela X-1
V.M.Loznikov, E.E.Konorkina, and A.S.Melioransky
- Hard X-ray periodic sources in hour's range of periods near the
Galactic center observed by PROGNOZ-9
M.I.Kudryavtsev, and S.I.Svertilov
- The [OI] doublet and clumpiness of the oxigen distribution
in type II supernovae
- The origin of type Ib supernovae
A.V.Tutukov, and N.N.Chugai
- Study of variable stars V54, V102 and V103 in the central
region of the globular cluster M5
- The spectral observations of subfuor V1143 Ori in 1989
E.S.Parsamian, and L.G.Gasparian
- The photometrical behavior of subfuor V1118 Ori
E.S.Parsamian, M.A.Ibragimov, G.B.Ohanian, and L.G.Gasparian
- Evolution of sunspots. The cluster model
L.M.Zelenyi, and A.V.Milovanov
- Periodical errors in the Hipparcos star abscissae caused
by oscillations of the basic angle
Volume 18, 1992, Issue 8
- Axial symmetry of bulges in spiral galaxies
O.K.Sil'chenko, and V.V.Vlasiuk
- Light curves of double-mode cepheids
- The radial velocity curve and the two-dimensional spectral
classification of the
Sct variable HD18878
- Study of
Lyrae CCD spectra. Absorbtion lines, orbital
elements and disk structure of the gainer
- Spectral observations of the solar white light flare of June 15,
A.N.Babin, and A.N.Koval
- On the classic thermal conductivity in solar flares
S.O.Obashev (pp.731-734)
Volume 18, 1992, Issue 9
- Multi-dimensional approach to the problem of peculiar velocity
estimations for galaxies
- GGD34 - the collimated outflow in the NGG7129 region
- On secular decrease of the Cassiopeia A flux density at the
frequency 38 MHz
E.N.Vinyajkin, A.G.Volodin, and O.M.Koval'chuk
- Star formation in spiral arms of the M31 galaxy
S.A.Kolotovkina (pp.760-766)
- A study of stellar population in
Oph dark clouds
S.D.Yakubov (pp.767-776)
- The catalogue of radial velocities for northern cepheids
measured with the correlational spectrometer
N.A.Gorynya, T.R.Irsmambetova, A.S.Rastorguev, and N.N.Samus'
- The mean integral UBV-magnitudes of 7 planetary nebula for
E.B.Kostyakova (pp.802-806)
- Stochastic analysis of single sunspots motion
O.V.Chumak, and V.S.Ivanovsky
- Improvement of martian satellites' positional series derived
from the observations during the 1988 opposition
N.M.Yevstigneeva, S.M.Kudryavtsev, and Yu.A.Shokin
- Photometry of the comet P/Halley at the O-O CN band. Jet structure
of the inner cyan coma
B.Komitov, V.Shkodrov, V.Ivanova, S.Vladimirov, and S.Stoyanova
- The structure of the poloidal field of an axisymmetric rotator
ejecting plasma
S.V.Bogovalov (pp.823-831)
- The poloidal field of rotating axisymmetric rotator
S.V.Bogovalov (pp.832-840)
- Influence of pressure anisotropy on propagation of magnetosonic
waves in a plasma slab
E.M.Gromov, V.M.Nakaryakov, and V.N.Oraevskij
Volume 18, 1992, Issue 10
- The sphericity effects on the shock wave passage through the
stellar envelope and the following gas expansion into vacuum
Ya.M.Kazhdan, and M.V.Murzina
- Energy release in the strongly magnetized relativistic outflows
Yu.E.Lyubarskij (pp.878-886)
- The theoretical profiles of the [OI]
6300, 6364 doublet, and
oxygen distribution in the envelope of SN1987A
A.A.Andronova (pp.887-890)
- Radiointerferometry observations on the Eastern hemisphere
L.I.Matveyenko, G.D.Kopeljansky,
A.V.Shevchenko, D.A.Graham, W.A.Sherwood, Yu.N.Gorshenkov,
S.P.Ignatov, N.S.Nesterov, and R.L.Sorochenko
- Position instability of some optical counterparts of radio
sources as a manifestation of their optical structure
Yu.A.Shokin, and N.M.Evstigneeva
- On the
Car star and its dust envelope
H.M.Tovmassian, R.Kh.Hoghannessian, and R.A.Epremian
- The application of Hartley bispectrum to the analysis of
astronomical speckle interferometric data
M.B.Bogdanov (pp.913-921)
- The light curve of the short-period comet Tempel 2 and the new
criterion of selection of comet outburst activity mechanism
K.I.Churyumov, and V.S.Filonenko
- Erratum to the paper "The [OI] doublet ..." (vol.18,
p.598) by N.N.Chugai
Volume 18, 1992, Issue 11
- The structure of the quasar 3C345
L.I.Matveyenko, D.A.Graham, I.I.K.Pauliny-Toth, W.A.Sherwood,
L.B.Baath, and A.Kus
- A spatial separation of the emission regions in pulsars using
interstellar scintillations
T.V.Smirnova (pp.959-974)
- Amplitudes of light curves of double-mode cepheids
L.N.Berdnikov (pp.975-990)
- Study of variable stars in the vicinity of the Large Magellanic
Cloud stellar cluster NGC1854
N.E.Kurochkin (pp.991-1001)
- Study of variable stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud region
with the center of 05h37m-70d.2
N.E.Kurochkin (pp.1002-1017)
- Photometry and spectrum of OY Gem (HD51585) -- the star in
preplanetary stage?
V.P.Arkhipova, and N.P.Ikonnikova
- The topology of solar activity phase trajectory derived from the
sunspot data
M.N.Kremlyovskij, A.V.Blinov, and T.B.Chervyakov
- Erratum to the paper "Hard X-ray periodic sources ..."
(vol.18, p.588) by M.I.Kudryavtsev, and S.I.Svertilov
Volume 18, 1992, Issue 12
- Some data on the galaxy IC5283, neighbour of NGC7469
A.R.Petrosian, J.Boulesteix, E.LeCoarer, and M.Marcelin
- Instability of rotating stellar systems with elongated orbits
V.L.Polyachenko (pp.1052-1058)
- Geminga as a possible source of very high energy gamma-rays
S.V.Bogovalov, and Yu.D.Kotov
- A character of spectral variability of the Ae Herbig star
AB Aur in the frame of the circumstellar envelope model with the
variable latitude distribution of the matter ejection
M.A.Pogodin (pp.1066-1079)
- A seach for variability of TiO bands in the spectrum of the T Tau star
V410 Tau
S.V.Berdyugina, P.P.Petrov, and V.A.Shcherbakov
- Magnetic field in the chromosphere and corona of the sport group
SGD26825 (1991 June)
N.S.Nesterov, A.N.Babin, A.N.Koval, and I.G.Moiseev
- Numerical model of interaction of strong spherical shocks in
intergalactic gas
D.I.Barausov, P.A.Vojnovich, and
A.D.Chernin (pp.1095-1107)
- Workshop on the physics of neutron stars
D.A.Varshaloich, A.D.Kaminker, and D.G.Yakovlev
- Subject index for vol.18, 1992
(pp. 1116-1128 )
- Author index for vol.18, 1992
(pp. 1129-1136 )