Astronomy Letters, Volume 17
Volume 17, 1991, Issue 1
- High helium abundance in the HII region DR-21 ?
A.P.Tsivilev (pp.3-15)
- Recombination lines of highly excited carbon near the
nebulousities DR-21 and S140
A.A.Golynkin, and A.A.Konovalenko
- Detection of carbon recombination lines in the dust cloud L1407
at decameter wavelengths
A.A.Golynkin, and A.A.Konovalenko
- Radial velocities of stars in open clusters
E.V.Glushkova, and A.S.Rastorguev
- Magnetic field measurements of white dwarfs
V.D.Bychkov, S.N.Fabrika, and V.G.Shtol'
- The discovery of rotation modulation of T Tauri stars in the
Oph dark cloud
L.N.Berdnikov, E.N.Grankin, A.V.Chernyshev, V.S.Shevchenko, and
S.D.Yakubov (pp.50-59)
- The distribution of silicon over the surfase of CP-star eta-UMa
(HD 112185)
A.G.Totochava, and V.L.Khokhlova
- Solar convective zone model according to five-minute oscillation
V.A.Baturin (pp.67-74)
- Investigation of nonthermal hydrogen excitation and ionization
in the low temperature flare plasma. II. Computational method
V.V.Zharkova, and V.A.Kobylinsky
- Thermal instability excited in plasma in the presence of
magnetic field
Volume 17, 1991, Issue 2
- Observations of one degree neighborhood of the Galactic Center
in the 4-30 keV X-ray band by the ART-P telescope
R.Sunyaev, M.Pavlinsky, M.Gilfanov, E.Churazov, S.Grebenev,
M.Markevich, I.Dekhanov, N.Yamburenko, and G.Babalyan
- First results of X-ray pulsar observations with the ART-P
telescope on board GRANAT
R.Sunyaev, M.Gilfanov, E.Churazov, G.Babalyan, M.Pavlinsky,
N.Yamburenko, and N.Khavenson
- Two hard X-ray sources in the field of Galactic Center: the well
known 1E1740.7-2942 and discovered GRS1758-258
R.Sunyaev, M.Gilfanov, E.Churszov, M.Pavlinsky, G.Babalyan,
I.Dekhanov, A.Kuznetsov, S.Grebenev, S.Yunin, N.Yamburenko,
B.Cordier, F.Lebrun, P.Laurent, J.Ballet, P.Mandrou,
J.-P.Roques, G.Vedrenne, and L.Bouchet
- MIR-KVANT observations of extremely hard X-ray source
R.Sunyaev, K.Borozdin, M.Gilfanov, V.Efremov, A.Kaniovsky,
E.Churazov, G.K.Skinner, O.Al-Emam, T.G.Patterson, A.P.Willmore,
A.C.Brinkman, J.Heise, J.M. in't Zand, R.Jager, W.Voges,
W.Pietsch, S.Doebereiner, J.Engelhauser, J.Truemper, C.Reppin,
E.Kendziorra, B.Mony, M.Maisack, and R.Staubert
- The first results of the charged particles flux measurements on
board the Granat satellite
E.A.Chuchkov, S.I.Ermakov, V.B.Kadobnov, N.N.Kontor,
G.P.Lyubimov, T.I.Morozova, Ya.A.Rozental', T.I.Stepina,
V.V.Tochilina, V.I.Tulupuv, and S.A.Filippychev
- The age distribution of stars and stellar groups in the
large-scale star-gas complexes of the Galaxy
T.G.Sitnik (pp.141-148)
- The proper motion and radial velocity measurements of stars in
the open cluster NGC6939
E.V.Glushkova, and A.S.Rastorgouev
- The measurement of interstellar magnetic field using a time
modulation of the pulse radioemission
T.V.Smirnova (pp.159-163)
- On the frequency of supernova outbursts
O.S.Bartunov, I.N.Makarova, and D.Yu.Tsvetkov
- On instabilities of n-component homogeneous gravitating system
A.M.Fridman, and Yu.A.Fridman
- Heavy ions acceleration on shock-wave front with account of
charge change
I.G.Kurganov, and V.M.Ostryakov
- Determination of Simeiz-Puschino interferometer baseline
M.V.Golovnya, D.A.Graham, L.I.Matveenko, and A.V.Shevchenko
Volume 17, 1991, Issue 3
- Gamma-ray burst observations with KONUS-B on the GRANAT
S.V.Golenetskii, R.L.Aptekar', Yu.A.Guriyan, I.V.Dementyev,
V.N.Il'inskii, E.P.Mazets, V.N.Panov, Z.Ya.Sokolova,
D.D.Frederiks, T.V.Kharitonova, and L.O.Sheshin
- The Great Attractor as a large scale peak of density
perturbation in the Universe
B.I.Hnatyk, V.N.Lukash, and B.S.Novosyadlyi
- Luminosity function of quasars in a merge model
A.V.Kats, and V.M.Kontorovich
- NGC4151 after a deep minimum of 1984
V.L.Oknyansky, V.M.Lyuty, and K.K.Chuvaev
- The correlation between the scattering angle and emission
measure in interstellar medium
A.V.Pynzar' (pp.249-252)
- The dust shell in the CH Cygni system
O.G.Taranova (pp.253-260)
- The investigation of the variability of the primary standard
stars group for the WBVR photometric system
A.V.Kusakin, A.V.Mironov, and V.G.Moshkalev
- Orbital evolution of growing giant planet embryos moving
initially in highly eccentric orbits
- The linear analysis of stability of the double-flow accretion
V.V.Mustsevoj, and A.V.Hoperskov
Volume 17, 1991, Issue 4
- Observations of the X-ray nova GS2023+338 by the ROENTGEN
observatory on board MIR-KVANT
R.A.Sunyaev, A.S.Kaniovskiy, V.V.Efremov, V.A.Aref'ev, K.N.Borosdin,
M.R.Gilfanov, E.M.Churazov, A.V.Kuznetsov, A.S.Melioranskiy, N.S.Yamburenko,
W.Pietsch, S.Doebereiner, J.Englhauser, C.Reppin, J.Truemper,
W.Voges, E.Kendziorra, M.Maisack, B.Mony, R.Staubert,
G.K.Skinner, M.R.Nottingham, H.Pan, A.P.Willmore, A.C.Brinkman,
J.Heise, J.M. in't Zand, and R.Jager
- X-ray images of the Supernova 1987A field. Observations with
ART-P/GRANAT in 1990
S.A.Grebenev, R.A.Sunyaev, M.N.Pavlinsky, I.A.Dekhanov,
M.L.Markevich, and N.S.Yamburenko
- Optical rotation curves for thin spiral galaxies
I.D.Karachentsev, and Zhou Xu
- An estimation of the gravitational lens 2237+0305 parameters
A.A.Minakov, and V.N.Shalyapin
- The light curve of the variable Z Canis Majoris - a possible
member of the group of eruptive young FU Orionis type stars
E.A.Kolotilov (pp.341-346)
- Active phenomena in the AB Aur envelope in 1989
V.S.Shevchenko (pp.347-358)
- The photographic observations of V1329 Cyg
V.P.Arkhipova, and O.E.Mandel
- The abundance of elements of r-, s-processes in atmospheres of
V.F.Gopka, E.S.Komarov, T.V.Mishenina, and A.V.Yushchenko
- Iron lines fluorescence in solar flares
U.Sh.Bayazitov, and N.A.Sakhibullin
Volume 17, 1991, Issue 5
- The brightest globular cluster candidates of the galaxy M81
Ts.B.Georgiev, N.A.Tikhonov, and I.D.Karachentsev
- Morphology of the M84 galactic bulge
Ts.B.Georgiev, and R.G.Getov
- The host star cluster of the Supernova 1987A in the LMC
- Observations of 4U1700-37 in the X-ray experiment on the
PROGNOZ-9 spacecraft
M.I.Kudryavtsev, and S.I.Svertilov
- On the mass loss by magnetic degenerate stars
V.V.Zheleznyakov, and A.V.Serber
- The 11-ms pulsar in the globular cluster Ter 5 as a possible test
for determination of a millisecond pulsars progenitor
E.V.Ergma, and A.V.Fedorova
- The spectrophotometry of HM Sagittae in 1984-1989
V.P.Arkhipova, and R.I.Noskova
- On the problem of S-asteroids matter
D.I.Shestopalov, and L.F.Golubeva
- On the problem of matter and radiation relaxation to the
thermodynamic equilibrium
- Large-scale stability of collisionless elliptical discs
E.A.Malkov, T.N.Nuzhnova, and B.S.Sagintaev
- On the adiabatic invariant conservation in an accretion column
G.Z.Machabeli, P.G.Jincharadze, and D.M.Sakhokia
Volume 17, 1991, Issue 6
- Rotation curves for 10 thin spiral edge-on galaxies
- The determination of the radiohalo size on the basis of
fluctuations of diffuse radiation
A.L.Lazaryan, and G.V.Chibisov.
- Duration of the plateau stage of type II supernovae
N.N.Chugai (pp.495-500)
- Observation of the pulsar PSR 0833-45 by GAMMA-1 telescope
V.V.Akimov, V.G.Afanasyev, V.M.Balebanov, I.D.Blokhintsev,
M.M.Boyarsky, V.A.Volzhenskaya, E.A.Gavrilova, L.F.Kalinkin,
I.M.Kizenkov, V.D.Kozlov, N.G.Leikov, G.A.Mersov, V.E.Nesterov,
N.V.Plyusnina, V.L.Prokhin, S.V.Repin, V.G.Rodin, A.A.Sukhanov,
A.A.Tikhonov, V.N.Chuprov, A.S.Belousov, D.A.Burgeyev,
M.B.Dobriyan, R.I.Kanuper, B.T.Karimov, T.I.Kirillova,
E.A.Kornev, A.Ch.Kurmangaliev, N.K.Mordvov, L.G.Mosevnina,
S.R.Tabaldyev, D.G.Shevtchenko, V.S.Shmelev, S.I.Yampol'skiy,
S.A.Voronov, A.M.Galper, V.A.Grigoriev, V.G.Zverev, V.M.Zemskov,
V.G.Kirillov-Ugryumov, M.G.Korotkov, B.I.Luchkov, A.A.Moiseyev,
Yu.V.Ozerov, A.V.Popov, V.A.Rud'ko, M.F.Runtso, V.Yu.Chesnokov,
Yu.T.Yurkin, V.L.Ginzburg, L.V.Kurnosova, L.A.Razorenov,
M.A.Rusakovich, N.P.Topchiev, M.I.Fradkin, I.F.Bugakov,
E.I.Chuikin, I.A.Gerasimov, P.N.Polezhaev, V.P.Poluektov,
A.B.Serov, V.Yu.Tugaenko, T.N.Tyan, E.Burouch, I.Grenier, M.Gros,
J.Ducros, J.P.Leray, B.Parlier, A.Raviart, F.Soroka,
A.R.Buzer-Bachi, J.M.Lavigne, J.F.Olive, J.Durand, J.C.Kosik,
A.Buchkowska, I.Grigorchuk, K.Kossatsky, S.Makal, G.Czajkowski,
R.Jozwicki, and J.Juscniewicz
- The study of interstellar absorption in the galactic longitude
range 65-165 deg
L.N.Berdnikov, and E.D.Pavlovskaya
- The proper motions of stars in the open cluster Tr 37
E.V.Glushkova (pp.513-520)
- Ambipolar diffusion in atmospheres of cool stars
- Speckle-interferometric observations of stars from Gliese catalogue
I.I.Balega, Yu.Yu.Balega, V.V.Vasyuk, and A.A.Tokovinin
- On the possibility of determining the palladium abundance in
stellar atmospheres
M.Ya.Orlov, and A.V.Shavrina
- Spectroscopic study of cepheids metallicity
V.G.Klochkova, and V.E.Panchuk
- An interesting young star LkH
324: investigation is
E.A.Kolotilov (pp.544-547)
- Aerosols phenomena in martian atmosphere from the data of the
KRFM experiment
V.I.Moroz, E.V.Petrova, L.V.Ksanfomality, L.Esposito,
J.-P.Bibring, M.Combes, A.Soufflot, O.F.Canpantzerova,
N.V.Goroshkova, A.B.Zharkov, and G.E.Nikitin
Volume 17, 1991, Issue 7
- Dynamics of "clouds" of protogalactic medium in the
gravitational potential of dark matter
A.D.Chernin, and M.B.Shakenov
- The signs of stochasticity in the dynamics of model triplets of
A.V.Ivanov, and A.D.Chernin
- On the possible nature of X-ray radiation source in quasars
- IO Andromedae is a quasar, but not a cataclysmic variable
N.V.Borisov, N.F.Vojkhanskaya, and S.N.Fabrika
- Flaring H20 masers as a manifestation of a se]f-induced
phase transition in the non-equilibrium interstellar medium
D.Ishankuliev (pp.586-594)
- The distribution of emitting regions in pulsars magnetospheres
I.F.Malov (pp.595-604)
- The periodicites in the photometric variability of SS433
A.M.Cherepashchuk, and S.F.Yarikov
- On the problem of the heavy-element synthesis in barium stars
L.Zacs (pp.613-618)
- The secondary component lines in the
Lyr spectrum
M.Yu.Skulsky, and G.P.Topilskaya
- Beta-Cas: the variation of the light curve shape
A.N.Rudenko, A.I.Movchan, and Yu.S.Romanov
- Some properties of the narrow bandwidth millisecond
pulsations in Solar radio bursts at frequencies 2.5-2.85 GHz
- Estimation of the composition of comet Halley dust grains
L.M.Mukhin, G.G.Dolnikov, E.N.Evlanov, O.F.Prilutsky, and M.N.Fomenkova
- Autocollimation echelle spectrometer of the 6-m telescope
V.G.Klochkova, V.E.Panchuk, and V.P.Ryadchenko
Volume 17, 1991, Issue 8
- Large-scale inhomogeneities in the Universe and the spectra of
B.I.Hnatyk, V.N.Lukash, and B.S.Novosyadlyj
- Flat edge-on galaxies on the Tully-Fischer diagram. I
- The connection between radio emission spectra and interaction
signs in powerful radiogalaxies
- Nature of the universal structure of elliptical galaxies
- The three component dynamical model of the Galaxy
A.A.Sumin, A.M.Fridman, and U.A.Haud
- The distribution of the shock accelerated electrons inside a
supernova remnant
A.I.Asvarov, and O.H.Guseinov
- Precession of the rotation axis of the pulsar 1913+16
- Correlation in distribution of spectroscopic binaries over the
mass ratio of components with eccentricities of their orbits
E.I.Popova, A.V.Tutukov, and L.R.Yungelson
- Calibration of color indices (b-y)0 and absolute magnitudes
Mv for A4-F3 supergiants from the uvby
- The chemical composition of the atmospheres of the type 1
population cepheids
- Differential rotation and isorotation surfaces in a convective
slowly rotating Sun's envelope
- New strellar spectrometer on the CCD-line
A.G.Zuev, G.V.Kiryan, V.S.Korepanov, M.I.Rybakov, and N.A.Sokolov
Volume 17, 1991, Issue 9
- Gas velocity field in the central parts of the spiral galaxies
NGC23, NGC1134, NGC4536
V.L.Afanasyev, A.V.Zasov, G.V.Popravko, and O.K.Sil'chenko
- On the dynamical role of the central molecular ring in the
sevencomponent model of the Galaxy
A.A.Sumin, A.M.Fridman, and U.A.Haud
- A zenith survey of 1988 with Ratan-600 at 8.0 cm
M.G.Mingaliev, O.V.Verkhodanov, A.R.Khabrakhamanov
- Spectra and positions of three sources from Zelenchuk
M.G.Larionov, N.S.Nesterov
- Difference of the magnetic field in PSR 1133+16 from
the dipole one
- On a possible quadrupole structure of the magnetic field near
the neutron star surface in Hercules X-1
N.I.Shakura, K.A.Postnov, and M.E.Prokhorov
- The shape of dense structures in plasma envelopes of slowly
rotating hot magnetic stars
P.A.Bespalov, and S.S.Davydenko
- The mass distribution of the secondary components of K and M
- Study of spectral and polarimetric variability of the Ae Herbig star
AB Aur
N.G.Beskrovnaya, M.A.Pogodin, A.E.Tarasov, and A.G.Scherbakov
- On electron acceleration in current sheets of solar flares
Yu.E.Litvinenko, and B.V.Somov
- A diffusion current sheet with a big transverse component of the
magnetic field in the Sun
- The interpretation on minor planet's lightcurves
A.Yu.Kogan, and K.Yu.Pimenov
- An expansion for the secular and resonant parts of the
disturbing function in the theory for motion of long-period
Volume 17, 1991, Issue 10
- Scattering of Sc galaxies on the Tully-Fisher diagram and a dark
matter problem
- Collective instabilities in stellar environments of galactic
nuclei as the source of their activity and the cause of
V.L.Polyachenko (pp.877-883)
- The thickness of thin stellar disks and the dark halo mass
A.V.Zasov, D.A.Makarov, and E.A.Mikhailova
- Intrinsically weak active galactic nuclei
V.S.Artyukh, and M.A.Ogannisyan
- Can interstellar scintillations explain short-term flux
variability of extra-galactic radiosources ?
- Photographic photometry and distance modulus of the dwarf
galaxy Garland near NGC3077
- On the nova discovered in M31 in 1991
- Velocity dispersions of stars and masses of globular
clusters M4, M5, M10, M12 and M71
A.S.Rastorgouev, and N.N.Samus
- On wave motions and turbulence spectrum in HII regions
K.V.Krasnobayev, and N.E.Sysoev
- Search for optical counterpart of the X-ray source KS1947+300
V.P.Goranskij, V.F.Esipov, V.M.Lutyi, and S.Yu.Shugarov
- Jet-like ejecta of Ni-56 in Supernova 1987A ?
- A new CCD-camera for astronomical observations
V.Yu.Berezin, A.G.Zuyev, G.V.Kiryan, M.I.Rybakov,
A.T.Khvilivitsky, I.V.Ilyin, P.P.Petrov, I.S.Savanov, and A.G.Scherbakov
Volume 17, 1991, Issue 11
- Three spectral states of 1E1740.7-2942: from standard Cyg X-1 type
spectrum to the evidence of electron-positron annihilation feature
R.A.Sunyaev, M.R.Gilfanov, E.M.Churazov, M.N.Pavlinsky,
S.A.Grebenev, G.G.Babalyan, I.A.Dekhanov, N.G.Khavenson,
L.Bouchet, P.Mandrou, J.-P.Roques, G.Vedrenne, B.Cordier,
A.Goldwurm, P.Lebrun, and J.Paul
- Broad-band X-ray spectra of black hole candidates, X-ray
pulsars, and low-mass X-ray binaries. Results of KVANT observatory
R.A.Sunyaev, V.A.Aref'ev, K.N.Borozdin, M.R.Gilfanov,
V.V.Efremov, A.S.Kaniovsky, E.M.Churazov, E.Kendziorra, B.Mony,
P.Kretschmar, M.Maisack, R.Staubert, S.Doebereiner,
J.Englhauser, W.Pietsch, C.Reppin, J.Truemper, G.K.Skinner,
M.R.Nottingham, H.Pan, and A.P.Willmore
- Detection of 0.8 Hz Quasi Periodic Oscillations from the black
hole candidate GX339-4
S.A.Grebenev, R.A.Sunyaev, M.N.Pavlinsky, and I.A.Dekhanov
- Optical indentification of the transient source KS1947+300
K.N.Grankin, V.S.Shevchenko, and S.D.Yakubov
- Estimations of the B and V magnitudes of the globular cluster
candidates in M81
Ts.B.Georgiev, N.A.Tikhonov, and I.D.Karachentsev
- Binary evolution with millisecond pulsar in period gap
A.V.Fedorova, and E.V.Ergma
- On generation of low-frequency pulsations in magnetic waveguides
in Sun's atmosphere
V.M.Nakariakov, N.S.Petrukhin, and S.M.Feinstein
- Fractal properties of sunspots
L.M.Zelenyi, and A.V.Milovanov
- The Neptunian arcs as chains of epitons in the complete
transparent ring
- The thermal instability in two-component magnetic plasma
Yu.V.Vandakurov (pp.1031-1038)
Volume 17, 1991, Issue 12
- Observations of Musca Nova with GRANAT/SIGMA: hard X-ray
spectral properties and discovery of narrow annihilation line in
the spectrum
M.Gilfanov, R.Sunyaev, E.Churazov, M.Pavlinsky, S.Grebenev,
R.Kremnev, K.Sukhanov, N.Kuleshova, A.Goldwurm, J.Ballet, B.Coldier,
J.Paul, M.Denis, L.Bouchet, D.Barret, and J.-P.Roques
- On superassociations (SA) on the Bars of spiral Markarian
A.P.Magtesian, and A.E.Khachikian
- Observations of the 85-90 GHz molecular lines with a maser
receiver at the CrAO 22-meter radio telescope
V.M.Shulga, I.I.Zinchenko, N.S.Nesterov, V.V.Myshenko,
A.F.Andriyanov, V.F.Isaev, L.B.Knyaz'kov, A.V.Lapinov,
L.N.Litvinenko, V.A.Mal'tsev, L.E.Pirogov, V.N.Shanin, and A.M.Shtanyuk
- Synchrotron emission of neutrino pairs in neutron stars
A.D.Kaminker, K.P.Levenfish, and D.G.Yakovlev
- Two new variables in the central region of the globular cluster M5
- The theory of Neptunian arcs. I. Stability of a single epiton
N.N.Gor'kavyj, T.A.Tajdakova, and N.M.Gaftonyuk
- The theory of Neptunian arcs. II. Dynamics of epitons in the ring
N.N.Gor'kavyj, and T.A.Tajdahova
- Studing the trajectories of transfer to the halo-orbit near the
libration point L2 in the Earth-Sun system by using the Moon's
M.L.Lidov, V.A.Lyakhova, and N.M.Teslenko
- Solar activity influence upon the brightness curves of comet
Churyumov-Gerasimenko (1982 VIII) and Halley (l986 III) comets
K.I.Churyumov, and V.S.Filonenko
- Author Index for vol.17, 1991
(pp.1143-1159 )
- Subject Index for vol.17, 1991