Astronomy Letters, Volume 16
Volume 16, 1990, Issue 1
- The deep survey of a selected strip of sky with RATAN-600:
the statistics of radiosources, catalog of objects, some
spectral characteristics
Yu.N.Parijskij, N.N.Bursov, N.M.Lipovka, N.S.Soboleva, and
A.V.Temirova (pp.3-17)
- Astrometry of the optical jet in M87
V.V.Makarov, and V.P.Reshetnikov
- Study of the FU Orionis stars. Photometric behaviour of
V1057 Cyg after 1969-1970 flare
E.A.Kolotilov (pp.24-33)
- Equilibrium of the return current sheet and structure of the
pulsar magnetosphere
Yu.E.Lyubarskij (pp.34-43)
- Radial velocities of R Leo near the maximum of 1984
T.E.Derviz, and V.V.Somikov
- Rotation velocities and metallicities of dwarf stars in the
solar neighbourhood
A.A.Tokovinin (pp.52-60)
- Self-similar expansion of matter in vacuum after emergence of a
shock wave at stellar surface
I.Yu.Litvinova, and D.K.Nadyozhin
- Relaxation of temperatures of matter and radiation in the
case of completely ionized matter and arbitrary degenerated
V.S.Imshennik, and S.V.Molodtsov
Volume 16, 1990, Issue 2
- Are the dwarf galaxy global characteristics influenced by the
V.E.Karachentseva (pp.99-108)
- Studing of the Cepheid's distributions in the LMC by the Meads
G.I.Karimova (pp.109-113)
- High angular resolution investigation of the near-nucleus
NGC1275 region at mount Maidanak
V.N.Dudinov, S.B.Novikov, I.I.Pronik, V.S.Tsvetkova, Yu.A.Shokin,
and V.V.Shulga (pp.114-123)
- X-ray observations of the LMC field by the TTM instrument
on board the KVANT module: November 1988-June 1989
R.Sunyaev, M.Gilfanov, E.Churazov, V.Loznikov, N.Yamburenko,
G.K.Skinner, T.G.Patterson, A.P.Willmore, O.Emam, A.C.Brinkman,
J.Heise, J.J.M. in't Zand, and R.Jager
- New X-ray transient source KS 1731-260
R.Sunyaev, M.Gilfanov, E.Churazov, V.Loznikov, N.Yamburenko,
G.K.Skinner, T.G.Patterson, A.P.Willmore, O.Emam, A.C.Brinkman,
J.Heise, J.J.M. in't Zand, and R.Jager
- Difference in NH3 and CS charts of L183 - chemical
A.M.Sobolev, and S.V.Sumina
- Some properties of the brightness and color variations of R
Coronae Borealis variables during the active state according to
observational data in the visible spectral region
R.I.Goncharova (pp.150-159)
- Stellar angular diameters obtained by the lunar occulation
V.B.Kapkov, V.F.Suleilmanov, and R.R.Shaimuchametov
- The solar wind power in the acceleration region according to
radio occultation data
O.I.Yakovlev, V.I.Shishov, and I.V.Chashei
- On the role of Jupiter in formation of giant planets
V.N.Zharkov, and A.V.Kozenko
- Models of Neptune internal structure with the rotation period
defined from the VOYAGER-2 data
T.V.Gudkova, and V.N.Zharkov
- Liquidation of aerodynamical drag for the Uranian rings
N.N.Gor'kavyj (pp.178-182)
- Dissipative instability of the protoplanetary disk and the
planetary distances' law
N.N.Gor'kavyj, V.L.Polyachenko, and A.M.Fridman
Volume 16, 1990, Issue 3
- A study of the compact group of galaxies Shahbazian 4
G.R.Lynds, E.Ye.Khachikian, and A.S.Amirkhanian
- New data on the unique red variable supergiant in M31
- Electrical conductivity and resistivity in magnetized cores of
neutron stars
D.G.Yakovlev, and D.A.Shalybkov
- Observations of millisecond pulsar PSR 1855+09 at 102 MHz
A.D.Kuzmin, Yu.I.Alekseev, K.A.Lapaev, B.Ya.Losovsky, and
A.A.Salnikov (pp.208-212)
- Overionization of neutral iron in the atmospheres of solar-like
I.F.Bikmaev, S.S.Bobritskij, and N.A.Sakhibullin
- Convection and differential rotation of fast rotating stars
S.I.Vainshtein, and N.A.Plieva
- An analysis of optical observations of R Coronae Borealis
near the light curve minimum
- Oscillation and tidal resonant phenomena in
A.G.Kosovichev, and M.Yu.Skulsky
- Microwave emission of the March 12, 1989 solar flare: superfine
temporal structure
A.V.Stepanov, Yu.F.Yurovsky
- Possibility of the helium ahundance determination based on
helioseismological data
V.A.Baturin, and I.V.Mironova
- Statistical regularities in solar spectrum
R.I.Kostyk, and A.V.Perekhod
- On the wave structures in cometary plasma tail
N.Ya.Kotsarenko, G.V.Lizunov, and K.I.Churyumov
- Shock wave particle acceleration in optical synchrotron
emission sources
G.D.Fleishman (pp.270-278)
- Self-similar solutions for poloidal magnetic field transported
by turbulent jet
S.S.Komissarov, and I.L.Ovchinnikov
- In memory of Martynov Dmitry Yakovlevitch (1906-1989)
Volume 16, 1990, Issue 4
- Short history of the mission to Phobos
R.Z.Sagdeev, and A.V.Zakharov
- Fast variability of cosmic gamma-ray bursts recorded with the
APEX experiment of the international PHOBOS mission
I.G.Mitrofanov, J.-L.Atteia, C.Barat, A.Chernenko, V.Dolidze,
A.Dyachkov, E.Jourdian, S.Khariukova, N.Khavenson, A.Kozlenkov,
R.Kucherova, L.Moskaleva, M.Niel, A.Pozanenko, O.Scheglov,
Yu.Surkov, A.Vilchinskaya, and G.Vedrenne
- First results of the ISM experiment
J.P.Bibring, M.Combes, Y.Langevin,, C.Cara, P.Drossart, Th.Encrenaz,
S.Frard, O.Forni, B.Gindet, L.Ksanfomality, E.Lellouch, P.Masson,
V.Moroz, F.Rocard, J.Rosenquist, C.Sotin, and A.Soufflot A.
- Images of the Sun obtained with X-ray TEREK telescope on board
the spacecraft PHOBOS-1
I.I.Sobel'man, I.A.Zhitnik, B.Valnicek, M.Rybansky, M.Bernas,
S.V.Gaponov, R.Hudec, A.P.Ignatiev, R.V.Isajanjan, V.M.Kiscenko,
M.Klima, J.Kopecky, V.V.Korneev, O.B.Krasnopolsky, M.N.Krmojan,
V.V.Krutov, V.M.Lomkova, A.V.Mitrofanov, S.N.Oparin, R.Peresty,
A.A.Pertsov, N.N.Salaschenko, V.A.Slemzin, A.V.Telegin,
V.O.Timofeev, I.P.Tindo, A.M.Urnov, Yu.N.Fotin, and Yu.M.Khodgajants
- Results of solar brightness oscillations investigation on board
of the PHOBOS-2 spacecraft
A.V.Bruns, R.Bonnet, J.P.Delaboudinier, C.Frohlich, and S.M.Shumko
- EUV-observations of solar flares from the Mars orbit
T.V.Kazachevskaya, L.L.Bukusova, D.A.Gonyukh, A.I.Lomovsky, and
Yu.N.Tsigelnitsky (pp.343-345)
- THERMOSCAN experiment - thermoscanning of the Mars surface from
the spacecraft PHOBOS-2
A.S.Selivanov, M.K.Naraeva, A.S.Panfilov, Yu.M.Gektin,
V.D.Kharlamov, A.V.Romanov, D.A.Fomin, and Ya.Ya.Miroshnichenko
- Determination of elemental composition of martian rocks on board
the spacecraft PHOBOS-2
Yu.A.Surkov, L.P.Moskaleva, V.P.Kharyukova, S.Ye.Zaitseva,
G.G.Smirnov, and O.S.Manvelyan
- Observations of the electron and ion fluxes in the vicinity of
Mars with the HARP spectrometer of the PHOBOS-2 spacecraft
N.Shutte, P.Kiraly, T.Gravens, A.Dyachkov, T.Gombosi, K.Gringaus,
A.Nagy, W.Sharp, S.Sheronova, K.Szego, T.Szemerey, I.Szucs,
M.Tatrallyay, A.Todt, and M.Verigin
- Evidences of the plasmasheet in martian magnetotail based on the
TAUS experiment data on board PHOBOS-2 spacecraft
D.Rosenbauer, N.Shutte, I.Apathy, M.Verigin, M.Witte, A.Galeev,
K.Gringaus, H.Grunwaldt, K.Jockers, P.Kiraly, G.Kotova,
S.Livi, E.Marsch, A.Remizov, A.Richter, W.Riedler, K.Szego,
P.Hemmerich, R.Schwenn, K.Schwingenschuh, and M.Steller
- Television observations of Phobos: first results
G.A.Avanesov, B.I.Bonev, F.Kempe, A.T.Bazilevsky, V.Boycheva,
G.-G.Weide, P.Gromatikov, T.Duxbury, T.Danz, D.Dimitrov,
B.S.Zhukov, Ya.L.Ziman, V.Kolev, V.I.Kostenko, V.A.Kottsov,
V.M.Krasavtsev, V.A.Krasikov, A.Krumov, A.A.Kuzmin, K.D.Losev,
K.Lumme, D.Mohlmann, S.Murchie, D.N.Mushev, K.Muinonen,
V.M.Muraviev, B.Myrray, W.Neumann, L.Paul, W.Possel, D.Petkov,
O.Petukhova, B.Rebel, S.Simeonov, B.Smith, A.Totev, Yu.Uzunov,
V.P.Fedotov, D.Halmann, J.Head, V.N.Heifets, H.Zapfe,
K.N.Chikov, and Yu.G.Shkuratov
- Inhomogeneities of thermal properties and reflectivity of the Phobos
L.V.Ksanfomality, V.I.Moroz, J.-P.Bibring, M.Combes, A.Soufflot,
O.F.Ganapntzerova, N.V.Goroshkova, A.V.Zharkov, G.E.Nikitin, and
E.V.Petrova (pp.389-395)
- Fine corrections to the Phobos gravitational constant obtained on
the basis of the PHOBOS-2 spacecraft trajectory tracing data
Yu.F.Kolyuka, A.E.Ephimov, S.M.Kudryavtsev, O.K.Margorin,
V.P.Tarasov, and V.F.Tikhonov
Volume 16, 1990, Issue 5
- Hard X-ray radiation from Supernova 1987A. The results of
observations with the ROENTGEN observatory on board the KVANT
module in 1987-1989
R.A.Sunyaev, A.S.Kaniovsky, V.V.Efremov, S.A.Grebenev,
A.V.Kuznetsov, J.Englhauser, S.Doebereiner, W.Pietsch, C.Reppin,
J.Truemper, E.Kendziorra, M.Maisack, B.Mony, and R.Staubert
- On the superassociations disposed at the ends of the bars in
spiral Markarian galaxies
A.B.Petrosian, and K.A.Sahakian
- Observations of 36.169 GHz (J = 4-1-30E)
radioline of methanol in molecular clouds OMC-1 and DR-21(OH)
I.I.Berulis, S.V.Kalenskij, and S.V.Logvinenko
- The optical structure of accretion disk in HZ Her/Her X-1
E.A.Antokhina, I.B.Voloshina, and A.M.Cherepashchuk
- The spectroscopic calibration of the absolute magnitudes for
B-stars in the Galactic disk
V.G.Klochkova, and V.E.Panchuk
- Seismic probing of outer regions of the Sun
K.I.Marchenkov, and S.V.Vorontsov
- The 30-Myr extinctions, SNC meteorites, and Earth-approaching
- Temporal harmonics parameters of brightness temperature
of the Moon by high resolution observations with the
M.N.Naugolnaya, and N.S.Soboleva
- On the Mach number of cometary shock wave
A.A.Galeev, and I.Kh.Khabibrachmanov
- The experience of work with the ZEBRA echelle-spectrometer on
the 6-Meter Telescope
E.B.Gazhur, V.G.Klochkova, and V.E.Panchuk
Volume 16, 1990, Issue 6
- Spectral investigation of the quasar TB 0933+733
V.L.Afanasiev, B.Lorenz, I.E.Valtts, and S.A.Levshakov
- On the orientation of galaxies in the selected regions of the
Local Supercluster
P.Flin, and W.Godlowski
- New data on peculiar galaxy MRK 273
A.S.Asatrian, A.R.Petrosian, and F.Borngen
- Interstellar feature
2200 and the nonspherical graphite
N.V.Voshchinnikov (pp.503-511)
- On the role of fast wind in a planetary nebula formation
I.V.Igumenshchev (pp.512-521)
- Estimation of colour indices (
y)0 and absolute magnitudes
MV for blue supergiants from the uvby
A.K.Dambis (pp.522-529)
- The determination of parameters of the eclipsing binary
system V367 Cyg by the light curve synthesis method
E.A.Antokhina, and E.V.Menchenkova
- The importance of blending in formation of singlet helium lines
in atmospheres of Bp-stars
N.A.Sakhibullin, and W.Ja.Schabert
- On magnetic field polarity of quiescent prominences
I.S.Kim, V.Yu.Klepikov, S.Koutchmy, A.I.Stepanov, and G.Stellmacher
- Does the region of atom and ion resonant fluorescence exist
around the Sun
- The FeI Lambda 3969.26 line in the quiescent Sun atmosphere
U.Sh.Bayazitov, and N.A.Sakhibullin
- To the question on turbulent viscosity nature in accretion
A.G.Morozov, and A.V.Hoperskov
Volume 16, 1990, Issue 7
- The structure of quasar 3C345 at 49 cm
L.I.Matveenko, I.I.K.Pauliny-Toth, and V.Sherwood
- On the mutual coherence of the images of the quasar microlensed
by a double star
- SBS0335-052 - the most heavy element deficient blue compact
dwarf galaxy
Yu.I.Izotov, V.A.Lipovetsky, N.G.Guseva, and J.A.Stepanian
- The study of the cepheids distribution in the LMC by the
cluster analysis method
- On the problem of age and spatial variations of helium
abundance in the Galactic disk
V.G.Klochkova, and V.E.Panchuk
- Some features of photometric behaviour of HZ Her/Her X-1.
Effects of twisted disk
I.B.Voloshina, V.I.Luytyi, and E.K.Sheffer
- Intermediate polar V603 Aql
Yu.N.Gnedin, N.V.Borisov, and T.M.Natsvlishvili
- On the correlation of Na and CNO abundances in red giants of
P.A.Denisenkov, and S.N.Denisenkova
- Angular momentum transport by MHD-turbulence and torsional
oscillations of the Sun
- Relativistic beaming of jets with boundary layers
- On the influence of general relativity effects on pulsar
V.S.Beskin (pp.665-672)
Volume 16, 1990, Issue 8
- Spectra of radio emission and surface brightness of radio
- The galaxy evolution: formation of the quasi-exponential
density profile of star disks
- Correlation functions of random magnetic field obtained from
observations of intensity variations of background radiation in
our Galaxy
A.L.Lazaryan, and V.R.Schutenkov
- Radial velocities of stars in the field of the open cluster
A.M.Valitova, A.S.Rastorguev, V.N.Sementsov, and A.A.Tokovinin
- The nucleus of planetary nebula BD +30o3639: the optical
variability and radial velocities study
R.I.Noskova (pp.705-713)
- UBVR-magnitudes of high luminosity stars in Kaptein selected
areas. II
L.N.Berdnikov, M.A.Ibragimov, and E.D.Pavlovskaya
- On the solar activity characteristics during the past 400
G.E.Kocharov, I.V.Zhorzholiani, Z.V.Lomtatidze, A.N.Peristykh,
S.L.Tsereteli, and V.I.Chesnokov
- Discovery of very small dust particles near comet Halley
R.Z.Sagdeev, E.N.Evlanov, B.V.Zubkov, O.F.Prilutskii, and
M.N.Fomenkova (pp.729-736)
- The motion of nearly-parabolic comets under the weak
perturbations of planets
V.V.Emel'yanenko (pp.737-744)
- The properties of shock waves in neutrino-opaque matter of
collapsing stars
V.S.Imshennik, and M.V.Murzina
Volume 16, 1990, Issue 9
- Compact extragalactic objects: a search for 160-minute
periodicity in the X-ray data
V.M.Lyutyi, and V.A.Kotov
- Interpretation of the QSO 1303+308 spectrum
- Registration of the gamma-ray lines from SN1987A during the
experiment on COSMOS-1870
G.A.Efremov, A.F.Titenkov, G.V.Lupenko, N.I.Nazarova,
I.Yu.Postnikov, and V.P.Sukhanov
- Synchrotron self-absorption of radio emission in supernovae
V.I.Slysh (pp.790-798)
- On the supernova explosion 35 ky ago
A.N.Konstantinov, G.E.Kocharov, and V.A.Levchenko
- The new X-ray transient source KS1947+300 in Cygnus
K.Borozdin, M.Gilfanov, R.Sunyaev, E.Churazov, V.Loznikov,
N.Yamburenko, G.K.Skinner, T.G.Patterson, A.P.Willmore, O.Emam,
A.C.Brinkman, J.Heise, J.J.M. in't Zand, and R.Jager
- Multicolor photometry of FG Sagittae in 1985-1989
V.P.Arkhipova, and O.G.Taranova
- Variations of the radial velocity of T Tauri
G.V.Zajtseva, A.G.Shcherbakov, and N.A.Stepanova
- On the magnetic field compression over a sunspot
- The measurements of the Venus atmosphere dynamics by balloons
R.Z.Sagdeev, V.V.Kerzhanovitch, L.R.Kogan, V.I.Kostenko,
V.M.Linkin, L.I.Matveyenko, R.R.Nazirov, S.V.Pogrebenko,
I.A.Strukov, R.Preston, J.Purcel, C.Hildebrand, J.Blamont,
L.Boloh, G.Laurans, R.E.Spencer, J.Golt, V.A.Grishmanovsky,
A.N.Kozlov, E.P.Molotov, J.S.Jatskiv, R.M.Martirosyan,
I.G.Moiseyev, A.E.E.Rogers, F.Biro, F.Biraud, P.Kaufmann, P.Mezger,
R.Shwarts, B.O.Ronang, and G.Nicolson
- Patricle acceleration and gamma-ray generation in the
vicinity of axisymmetric rotator light cylinder
- On the possibility of negative diffusion in a compressible
turbulent medium
Volume 16, 1990, Issue 10
- Rapid brightness and spectrum variations of the nucleus of
Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC7469
K.K.Chuvaev, V.M.Lyutyi, and V.T.Doroshenko
- Optical variability of the M33 nucleus and its resemblance to
the nuclei of Seyfert galaxies
V.M.Lyutyi, and A.S.Sharov
- The profile of [FeXJ line and its variability of the nucleus of
Seyfert galaxy NGC4151
S.G.Sergeev (pp.884-892)
- The cosmological halos as a new test for the intergalactic gas
G.B.Sholomitskij, and A.L.Yaskovitch
- An independent test for the cosmological constant
G.B.Sholomitskij (pp.901-908)
- Some features of the chemical abundance of planetary nebulae
P.R.Amnuel, O.H.Huseyinov, and Yu.S.Rustamov
- Polarimetry of three cepheids
T.A.Polyakova (pp.916-924)
- Models of giant planets with different ratio of ice to rock
T.V.Gudkova, and V.N.Zharkov
- Physical processes in the bright meteor flares
E.N.Kramer, and Yu.M.Gorbanyov
- Extinction and polarization of light due to partially aligned
grains in the interstellar medium
M.I.Mishchenko (pp.946-953)
- Minimal rotation period of strange stars
L.A.Kondratyuk, M.I.Krivoruchenko, and B.V.Martemyanov
Volume 16, 1990, Issue 11
- The conform correspondence and quantization of the scalar
perturbations in the cosmological models with vacuum
M.B.Baibosunov, and V.Ts.Gurovich
- Mutual evolution of the active galactic nucleus and a central
massive black hole
V.I.Dokuchaev (pp.970-978)
- UBV surface photometry of the associations and estimation of the
M51 distance modulus
Ts.B.Georgiev, R.G.Getov, V.I.Zamanova, and G.R.Ivanov
- Photometry and spectrometry of Supernova 1987A: days 558-786
after the explosion
A.E.Rosenbush, and B.K.Rosenbush
- Star cluster distribution in the LMC
G.I.Karimova (pp.993-1000)
- Does the observed radiation of powerful galactic H2O
masers have coherence properties ?
- Variability of the cool component in the CH Cyg system
O.G.Taranova (pp.1011-1019)
- Application of Toeplitz's inequalities to the solution
of the phase problem in astronomical speckle interferometry
- The spectroscopic orbit of Gliese 171.2A
A.A.Tokovinin (pp.1026-1029)
- Formation of disks around hot magnetic stars under the action of
radiation pressure
P.A.Bespalov, and V.V.Zheleznyakov
- On generation of magnetohydrodynamic waves by plasma turbulence
in Solar and stellar loops
L.G.Genkin, O.Yu.Goldshmidt, and L.M.Erukhimov
- On the mechanism of diamond formation in meteorites
V.M.Byakov, G.G.Pimenov, and O.P.Stepanova
Volume 16, 1990, Issue 12
- Dark matter and dynamics of the Local group of galaxies
S.Ninkovic, A.Chernin, and M.Shakenov
- A source of late time emission of type II supernovae:
radioactivity or shock heating
N.N.Chugai (pp.1066-1077)
- A search for HII regions around high galactic latitude
Aqr, HR2142, HR7993 and
L.I.Shestakova, A.A.Semenikin, and V.V.Afonin
- The study of physical variability of planetary nebulae.
The average run of photoelectric UBV-brightness for 7 planetaries
during 1968-1988
- Detection of hot components of double stars
H.M.Tovmassian, R.Kh.Oganessian R. Eh., R.A.Epremian, and D.Yuguenin
- UBVR-photometry of HDE245770 = A0535+26 in 1986-1989
E.V.Berdnik, D.L.Gorshanov, K.L.Maslennikov, and V.V.Somsikov
- H
line variability in the spectra of stars of the lower
part of the instability strip: 5
- Chemical composition of halo carbon star V Ari
T.A.Kipper, and M.A.Kipper
- Scintillation spectra and irregularity velocities in the
transition region of the solar wind
L.M.Erukhimov, N.V.Murav'eva, and E.N.Myasnikov
- Generation of MHD-waves in the interplanetary plasma
by solar cosmic ray streams
Author Index for vol.16, 1990
(pp.1133-1146 )
Subject Index for vol.16, 1990