Astronomy Letters, Volume 13
Volume 13, 1987, Issue 1
- New quasi-stellar objects
[B.E.Markarian], L.K.Erastova, J.A.Stepanian, V.A.Lipovetsky, and A.I.Shapovalova
(pp.PAZh: 3-6;
AstL: ??-??)
- X-ray resonance lines surface brightness distribution in the clusters of galaxies
M.R.Gilfanov, R.A.Syunyaev, and E.M.Churazov
(pp.PAZh: 7-18;
AstL: ??-??)
- Highly excited carbon level population and nature of the
low-frequency radio-line forming regions toward Cassiopeia A
A.A.Ershov, E.E.Lekht, G.T.Smirnov, and R.L.Sorochenko
(pp.PAZh: 19-26;
AstL: ??-??)
- Simultaneous two frequency observations of radiopulsars
M.V.Popov and V.A.Soglasnov (pp.PAZh: 27-31;
AstL: ??-??)
- On the plasma mechanizm of infrared emission generation of X-ray pulsars
G.Z.Machabeli, D.M.Sakhokia, and A.B.Taktakishvili
(pp.PAZh: 32-38;
AstL: ??-??)
- Photoelectric UBV-photometry of the young star In(YY)
type DR Tauri in 1982-1986
E.A.Kolotilov (pp.PAZh: 39-50;
AstL: ??-??)
- H
observations in the spectrum of RY Tauri at epoch of high star brightness
Z.A.Ismailov and B.N.Rustamov (pp.PAZh: 51-55;
AstL: ??-??)
- Helium abundance in the atmospheres of stars in the clusters NGC 869, 884 and 2264
V.G.Klochkova and V.E.Panchuk (pp.PAZh: 56-62;
AstL: ??-??)
- Physical parameters of visual binaries based on results of the statistical study
S.V.Vereshchagin, Z.T.Krajcheva, E.I.Popova, A.V.Tutukov, and L.R.Yungelson
(pp.PAZh: 63-68;
AstL: ??-??)
- An investigation of the magnetic field strength variation in RR Lyrae
Yu.S.Romanov, S.N.Udovichenko, and M.S.Frolov
(pp.PAZh: 69-74;
AstL: ??-??)
- Electrodynamic model of multidimensional world
V.F.Dyachenko (pp.PAZh: 75-80;
AstL: ??-??)
Volume 13, 1987, Issue 2
- The spatial correlation function of nearby Zwicky clusters
E.Tago (pp.PAZh: 83-87;
AstL: ??-??)
- Search for the short-time optical light variability of BL Lac object
A.A.Aslanov and N.A.Lipunova (pp.PAZh: 88-94;
AstL: ??-??)
- Orbital angular momenta of binary galaxies. The dependence on morphological type
D.A.Verner (pp.PAZh: 95-100;
AstL: ??-??)
- PSR0809+74: multipole magnetic fields or frequency dependent profile?
M.V.Popov (pp.PAZh: 101-104;
AstL: ??-??)
- New methods of a search for a hot gas in globular clusters
Yu.N.Gnedin and T.M.Natsvlishvi (pp.PAZh: 105-109;
AstL: ??-??)
- The distribution of cepheids in the Galaxy
L.N.Berdnikov (pp.PAZh: 110-117;
AstL: ??-??)
- An effect of a hot plasma on radio emission in envelopes of young supernova remnants
K.S.Stankevich (pp.PAZh: 118-123;
AstL: ??-??)
- Study of the site of supernova SN1961v in the galaxy NGC1058
V.P.Utrobin (pp.PAZh: 124-131;
AstL: ??-??)
- An investigation of rapid variations of HD200775 Be Herbig star
N.Kh.Minikulov, M.A.Pogodin, and A.E.Tarasov
(pp.PAZh: 132-141;
AstL: ??-??)
- On the proton spectrum determination using solar flares gamma-lines data
V.I.Abramov and Yu.D.Kotov (pp.PAZh: 142-148;
AstL: ??-??)
- Comet Halley: preperihelion infrared observations
O.G.Taranova (pp.PAZh: 149-154;
AstL: ??-??)
- The stable circular geodesics with the minimum energy in the extreme Kerr metric
A.F.Zakharov (pp.PAZh: 155-157;
AstL: ??-??)
Volume 13, 1987, Issue 3
- The background radiation dipole component on the RELICT experiment data
I.A.Strukov, D.P.Skulachev, M.N.Boyarsky, and A.N.Tkachev
(pp.PAZh: 163-166;
AstL: ??-??)
- Nonequilibrium ionization of pregalactic plasma and the diminishing of relict
radiation anisotropy
P.D.Nasel'skii and A.G.Polnarev (pp.PAZh: 167-173;
AstL: ??-??)
- A relation between diameter and rotational velocity for disk galaxies
A.V.Zasov and T.A.Osipova (pp.PAZh: 174-181;
AstL: ??-??)
- Radio backgroud intensity variations and the structure of the galactic magnetic field
R.D.Dagkesamansky and V.R.Shoutenkov (pp.PAZh: 182-190;
AstL: ??-??)
- Very low-frequency recombination radio-lines and new method for estimation of the
soft cosmic rays intensity
R.L.Sorochenko and G.T.Smirnov (pp.PAZh: 191-198;
AstL: ??-??)
- Pulsar flux slow variations and the shape of the spectrum of the interstellar medium
V.I.Shishov (pp.PAZh: 199-203;
AstL: ??-??)
- The neutron star of Her X-1 does not precess with the 35-day period
E.K.Sheffer (pp.PAZh: 204-207;
AstL: ??-??)
- Polarimentry of T Tau and Ae/Be Herbig stars
Yu.K.Bergner, A.S.Miroshnichenko, R.V.Yudin, N.Yu.Yutanov, K.G.Dzhakusheva,
and D.V.Mukanov (pp.PAZh: 208-213;
AstL: ??-??)
- Estimation of upper mass limit for possible secondaries of CP stars
V.L.Khokhlova (pp.PAZh: 214-217;
AstL: ??-??)
- Revision of the elements of photometrical orbit and of the apsidal motion rate in the
eclipsing system DI Herculis
D.Ya.Martynov and M.I.Lavrov (pp.PAZh: 218-222;
AstL: ??-??)
- To the question on spectral duplicity of the Cygnus 68
S.K.Zejnalov, F.A.Musaev, and E.L.Chentsov (pp.PAZh: 223-227;
AstL: ??-??)
- Comparative analysis of the ultraviolet observations of Halley comet on board the
astrophysical station ASTRON before and after perihelium
A.A.Boyarchuk, V.P.Grinin, A.M.Zvereva, and A.I.Sheikhet
(pp.PAZh: 228-236;
AstL: ??-??)
- On the discovery by VOYAGER-2 of the predicted satellites which determine the
resonant nature of Uranus' rings
N.N.Gor' kavyj and A.M.Fridman (pp.PAZh: 237-244;
AstL: ??-??)
- On the geodetics in the Kerr metric
N.I.Shakura (pp.PAZh: 245-254;
AstL: ??-??)
Volume 13, 1987, Issue 4
- Anisotropy of the relic background radiation from the data of the RELIóT experiment
A.A.Klypin, M.V.Sazhin, I.A.Strukov and D.P.Skulachev
(pp.PAZh: 259-267;
AstL: ??-??)
- The connection of the radio spectra of scintillating radio sources with the morphological
type of active galaxies
V.S.Artuykh (pp.PAZh: 268-274;
AstL: ??-??)
- Resonant induction of the spirals in galaxies with satellites
I.I.Pasha and V.L.Polyachenko (pp.PAZh: 275-284;
AstL: ??-??)
- On the possibility of detection of fine structure lines of atomic hydrogen in HlI regions
A.A.Ershov (pp.PAZh: 285-295;
AstL: ??-??)
- K3-26 - unusial planetary nebulae
A.Yu.Shchelkanova (pp.PAZh: 296-299;
AstL: ??-??)
- Doppler effect as the cause of X-ray flux modulation from an ultra-short period binary
K.A.Postnov and N.I.Shakura (pp.PAZh: 300-304;
AstL: ??-??)
- An H2O maser outburst in semi-regular variable RT Vir
I.I.Berulis, E.E.Lekht and M.I.Pashchenko (pp.PAZh: 305-311;
AstL: ??-??)
- X Persei: the optical 13.9-minutes periodicity
I.D.Latysheva and V.M.Lyutyi (pp.PAZh: 312-320;
AstL: ??-??)
- Variability of
line in spectra of the
Scuti-type star
G.A.Garbusov, S.M.Andrievsky, and V.P.Malanushenko
(pp.PAZh: 321-325;
AstL: ??-??)
- Axisymmetric flow of dusty gas from a comet nucleus
M.A.Vergazov (pp.PAZh: 326-332;
AstL: ??-??)
- How to model a collective relaxation processes in a stellar disk by numerial experiments?
V.M.Zotov and A.G.Morozov (pp.PAZh: 333-337;
AstL: ??-??)
- On the stability of triangular libration points in photogravitational three-body problem
A.A.Perezhogin and A.T.Tureshbaev (pp.PAZh: 338-344;
AstL: ??-??)
- Parameters of a gas with allowance for pairs behind the front of relativistic radiative shock
Yu.I.Morozov (pp.PAZh: 345-351;
AstL: ??-??)
Volume 13, 1987, Issue 5
- The creation of the anisotropy of the microwave background radiation on the stationary
objects in expanding Universe
Ya.B.Zeldovich and M.V.Sazhin (pp.PAZh: 355-361;
AstL: ??-??)
- On comet-like galaxies in the Virgo cluster
I.D.Karachentsev and V.E.Karachentseva (pp.PAZh: 362-366;
AstL: ??-??)
- Rotational moments of galaxies in the Turner's pairs
V.A.Mineva (pp.PAZh: 367-375;
AstL: ??-??)
- Interplanetary scintillation observations of the flat-spectrum radio sources at 102.5 MHz
Yu.N.Vetukhnovskaya (pp.PAZh: 376-380;
AstL: ??-??)
- Observations of faint radio galaxies from the Bologna survey with RATAN-600 at
frequencies 3.95 GHz and 7.69 GHz
V.H.Malumian (pp.PAZh: 381-384;
AstL: ??-??)
- On the determination of the interstellar extinction from the star color excess
N.V.Voshchinnikov and V.B.Il'in (pp.PAZh: 385-392;
AstL: ??-??)
- Metal abundance gradient in the direction of the North Galactic pole
S.Bartasiute (pp.PAZh: 393-398;
AstL: ??-??)
- VLBI-studies of OH-maser in W33
V.E.Velichov, D.Graham and Ph.Diamond (pp.PAZh: 399-405;
AstL: ??-??)
- Observation of gamma-ray bursts from GBS0526-66
S.V.Golenetskij, R.L.Aptekar, Yu.A.Guryan, V.N.Ilyinskij, and E.P.Mazets
(pp.PAZh: 406-413;
AstL: ??-??)
- The variability of H
line in spectra of
Cygni - the
Scuti-type star
S.M.Andrievskij and G.A.Garbusov (pp.PAZh: 414-416;
AstL: ??-??)
- Period change of the eclipsing binary CQ Cep
E.A.Antokhina, J.Kreiner, J.Tremko, and A.M.Cherepashchuk
(pp.PAZh: 417-422;
AstL: ??-??)
- On the nature of the infrared variability of CI Cygni
O.G.Taranova (pp.PAZh: 423-426;
AstL: ??-??)
- AS Piscium (S 10828) - a variable of U Geminorum type in the region of M33
A.S.Sharov (pp.PAZh: 427-430;
AstL: ??-??)
- Two-phase model of star formation with variable infall rate
V.I.Korchagin and A.D.Ryabtsev (pp.PAZh: 431-437;
AstL: ??-??)
- On the asymptotic technique of the inversion of helioseismological data
M.A.Brodsky and S.V.Vorontsov (pp.PAZh: 438-443;
AstL: ??-??)
- Interpretation of spectral dependence of negative polarization parameters of light
scattered by solid surfaces of celestial bodies
Yu.G.Shkuratov (pp.PAZh: 444-448;
AstL: ??-??)
Volume 13, 1987, Issue 6
- On the optical spectra of NGC6677 galaxy and the adjacent "bright compact object"
K.K.Chuvaev (pp.PAZh: 451-454;
AstL: ??-??)
- The rotation of inner parts of spiral galaxies NGC4357, 4814, 5371
A.V.Zasov and O.K.Sil'chenko (pp.PAZh: 455-463;
AstL: ??-??)
- Nonuniformity of a halo and stability of the bar-like mode in the galactic disks
S.V.Chalov (pp.PAZh: 464-468;
AstL: ??-??)
- The measurements of Galactic radioemission at the frequency of 37 GHz from the
board of a spacecraft
I.A.Strukov and D.P.Skulachev (pp.PAZh: 469-473;
AstL: ??-??)
- On a structure of the neutral hydrogen subsystem in the Galaxy
I.V.Petrovskaya (pp.PAZh: 474-480;
AstL: ??-??)
- Classification of star clusters by taxonomical analysis
A.M.Ejgenson and O.S.Yatsyk (pp.PAZh: 481-486;
AstL: ??-??)
- Parameters of the SS433 jets. Modelling of the moving line profiles
N.V.Borisov and S.N.Fabrika (pp.PAZh: 487-494;
AstL: ??-??)
- Emission lines behaviour in the spectrum of the polar CW1103+254
N.F.Voikhanskaya, Yu.N.Gnedin, N.V.Borisov, T.M.Natsvlishvili, and S.N.Fabrika
(pp.PAZh: 495-501;
AstL: ??-??)
- On the mass ratio of the components of RX Cas
O.G.Taranova (pp.PAZh: 502-507;
AstL: ??-??)
- Binary star measurements with a digital speckle interferometer of the 6-m Telescope
I.I.Balega and Yu.Yu.Balega (pp.PAZh: 508-514;
AstL: ??-??)
- The surface magnetic field strength and iron abundance in the atmosphere of the
Ap star 52 Her
T.N.Kuznetsova (pp.PAZh: 515-519;
AstL: ??-??)
- Sodium synthesis in hydrogen-burning stars
P.A.Denisenkov and V.V.Ivanov (pp.PAZh: 520-525;
AstL: ??-??)
- A search for millimeter wave emission of H2O and HC3N
from comet Halley
J.J.Berulis, I.G.Zinchenko, B.J.Losovski, R.L.Sorochenko, and A.M.Tolmachev
(pp.PAZh: 526-529;
AstL: ??-??)
- Spectral dependence of negative polarization of some asteroids
I.N.Belskaya, D.F.Lupishko, and N.M.Shakhovskoj
(pp.PAZh: 530-534;
AstL: ??-??)
- On the gravitational instability in the presence of the reflecting boundary
V.A.Antonov and A.S.Baranov (pp.PAZh: 535-538;
AstL: ??-??)
- Riemann's S-ellipsoids with magnetic field
M.G.Abramyan (pp.PAZh: 539-544;
AstL: ??-??)
Volume 13, 1987, Issue 7
- The hydrodynamical models of supernova SN1987A in the LMC
E.K.Grasberg, V.S.Imshennik, D.K.Nadyozhin, and V.P.Utrobin
(pp.PAZh: 547-553;
AstL: ??-??)
- Limitation on the initial inhomogenety based on the COLD experimental data
P.D.Nasel'skiy (pp.PAZh: 554-559;
AstL: ??-??)
- Powerful radiosources in clusters of galaxies: the origin of jet-like structures
M.R.Gilfanov, R.A.Syunyaev, and E.M.Churazov
(pp.PAZh: 560-574;
AstL: ??-??)
- Internal motions in three dwarf irregular galaxies
V.P.Arkhipova, R.I.Noskova, O.K.Sil'chenko, and A.V.Zasov
(pp.PAZh: 575-581;
AstL: ??-??)
- Spectral radio astronomical observations in the 2-4 mm wavelength range
I.I.Zinchenko, A.B.Burov, V.F.Vdovin, V.N.Voronov, V.M.Demkin, A.G.Kislyakov,
A.A.Krasil'nikov, A.V.Lapinov, L.E.Pirogov, V.N.Shanin, and V.M.Yurkov
(pp.PAZh: 582-588;
AstL: ??-??)
- Energy distribution in emission spectra of planetary nebulae nucleus beyond Lyman limit
V.V.Golovaty (pp.PAZh: 589-596;
AstL: ??-??)
- A comparison of characteristics of dwarf novae, novalike stars and polars. A new criterion
of search for polars
N.F.Vojkhanskaya (pp.PAZh: 597-602;
AstL: ??-??)
- Model light curves of close binary systems with circumstellar envelopes
I.Pustylnik and L.Einasto (pp.PAZh: 603-609;
AstL: ??-??)
- The line
10830 Hel as a probe of coronal holes: theoretical aspect
Zh.A.Pozhalova (pp.PAZh: 610-615;
AstL: ??-??)
- On the rotational period of the asteroid (4) Vesta
A.N.Aksenov, Yu.A.Egorov, V.G.Tejfel, and G.A.Kharitonova
(pp.PAZh: 616-620;
AstL: ??-??)
- An estimate of the mass and density of the nucleus of comet Halley
R.Z.Sagdeev , P.E.El'aysberg, and V.I.Moroz
(pp.PAZh: 621-629;
AstL: ??-??)
- The use of the Halley comet observations of the current appearance
for providing space projects (pp.PAZh: 630-637;
AstL: ??-??)
- [Severnyj Andrej Borisivich (1913-1987)]
(pp.PAZh: 638-640;
AstL: ??-??)
Volume 13, 1987, Issue 8
Volume 13, 1987, Issue 9
Volume 13, 1987, Issue 10
- Radiosources of the deep sky survey of experiment COLD in the right ascension
intervals 16h <
< 17h, 4h <
< 5h, 0h <
< 1h
Yu.N.Parijskij, N.N.Bursov, R.Wielebinski, V.V.Vitkovskij, U.Klein, N.M.Lipovka, V.N.L'vov,
N.S.Soboleva, and A.V.Temirova (pp.PAZh: 835-842;
AstL: ??-??)
- Effects of hidden mass and intergalactic medium on the structure of hot galactic coronae
V.G.Berman and A.A.Suchkov (pp.PAZh: 843-849;
AstL: ??-??)
- The spiral structure of our Galaxy from observations of the interstellar extinction
L.A.Urasin (pp.PAZh: 850-854;
AstL: ??-??)
- Quasar as a superstar' with magnetic monopoles
G.S.Bisnovatyj-Kogan (pp.PAZh: 855-861;
AstL: ??-??)
- On the induced star formation
Yu.A.Shchekinov (pp.PAZh: 862-867;
AstL: ??-??)
- The stage of spontaneous flame propagation in supernovae
S.I.Blinnikov and A.M.Khokhlov (pp.PAZh: 868-878;
AstL: ??-??)
- WBVR and H
-photometry of SS433
A.A.Aslanov, V.G.Kornilov, N.A.Lipunova, and A.M.Cherepashchuk
(pp.PAZh: 879-885;
AstL: ??-??)
- The nova PW Vulpecula: the spectra and UBV-magnitudes in 1986
E.A.Kolotilov and R.I.Noskova (pp.PAZh: 886-890;
AstL: ??-??)
- The infrared variability of FG Sagittae in 1985-1986
O.G.Taranova (pp.PAZh: 891-893;
AstL: ??-??)
- The light curves of type Ib supernovae: SN19841 in NGC991
D.Yu.Tsvetkov (pp.PAZh: 894-899;
AstL: ??-??)
- Stellar angular dimensions obtained by the Lunar occultation technique
E.M.Trunkovskij (pp.PAZh: 900-906;
AstL: ??-??)
- Physical processes near the cometopause according to in-sito plasma, magnetic
field and waves measurements on board the VEGA-2 spacecraft
M.I.Verigin, A.A.Galeev, R.Grar, K.I.Gringauz, E.G.Eroshenko, S.I.Klimov, M.E.Mogilevsky,
E.P.Remizov, W.Riedler, R.Z.Sagdeev, S.P.Savin, K.Szego, A.Yu.Sokolov, M.Tatrallyay,
and K.Schwingenshuh (pp.PAZh: 907-916;
AstL: ??-??)
- Nonlinear selfsimilar problems of the non-stationary disc accretion
Yu.E.Lyubarskij and N.I.Shakura (pp.PAZh: 917-928;
AstL: ??-??)
Volume 13, 1987, Issue 11
Volume 13, 1987, Issue 12