Astronomy Letters, Volume 12
Volume 12, 1986, Issue 1
- The first stage of the VEGA project
R.Z.Sagdeev and V.I.Moroz (pp.PAZh: 5-9;
AstL: 1-2)
- VEGA balloon experiment
R.Z.Sagdeev, R.S.Kremnev, V.M.Linkin, J.Blamont, R.Preston, and A.S.Selivanov
(pp.PAZh: 10-15;
AstL: 3-5)
- VEGA balloon experiment: the ground network
R.Z.Sagdeev, L.I.Matveenko, V.M.Linkin, and V.V.Kerzhanovich
(pp.PAZh: 16-18;
AstL: 6-7)
- VEGA balloon as a tool to study the dynamics of the Venus atmosphere
R.S.Kremnev, A.S.Selivanov, V.M.Linkin, J.Blamont, R.V.Bakit'ko, A.N.Lipatov,
I.Ya.Tarnoruder, V.I.Puchkov, V.D.Kustodiev, A.A.Shurupov, S.P.Ignatova,
V.V.Kerzhanovich, L.I.Hklyustova, G.A.Frank, A.I.Turkova, V.P.Karyagin,
A.V.Kostin, V.I.Mashkov, K.M.Pichkhadze, A.V.Terterashvili, C.Malique,
B.Ragent, and R.Preston (pp.PAZh: 19-24;
AstL: 7-9)
- VEGA balloon experiment: the global network of radiotelescopes and
first results
R.Preston, R.Z.Sagdeev, J.Blamont, L.I.Matveenko, V.M.Linkin, V.V.Kerzhanovich,
A.B.Severnyj, G.Laurans, C.Hildebrand, G.Purcell, S.Finley, Ch.Stelzried, J.Ellis,
G.Petit, L.Boloh, A.Ortega-Molina, L.Rosolen, A.Boichat, F.Biraud, and D.Collin
(pp.PAZh: 25-29;
AstL: 10-12)
- Meteorological measurements of VEGA 1 and VEGA 2 balloons along their
R.Z.Sagdeev, V.M.Linkin, J.Blamont, R.Preston, V.V.Kerzhanovich, A.N.Lipatov,
A.A.Shurupov, A.Ingersoll, D.Crisp, A.V.Terterashvili, N.A.Armand, R.V.Bakit'ko,
A.S.Selivanov, B.Ragent, C.Malique, A.Seiff, Yu.N.Aleksandrov, L.Elson, J.Urech,
J.Morales, and R.Young (pp.PAZh: 30-35;
AstL: 12-15)
- Termal structure of the Venus atmosphere in the middle cloud layer
V.M.Linkin, J.Blamont, A.N.Lipatov, A.A.Shurupov, C.Malique, S.P.Ignatova,
G.A.Frank, L.I.Hlyustova, A.V.Terterashvili, A.Seiff, V.V.Kerzhanovich, B.Ragent,
R.Young, E.Elson, R.Preston, A.Ingersoll, and D.Crisp
(pp.PAZh: 36-40;
AstL: 15-17)
- VEGA balloon experiment: mean zonal wind velocity in the atmosphere of Venus
from Doppler measurements of the balloons
R.A.Andreev, V.I.Altunin, N.A.Armand, E.L.Akim, R.V.Bakit'ko, J.Blamont, L.Bolon,
A.S.Vyshlov, Yu.N.Gorshenkov, N.M.Ivanov, V.V.Kerzhanovich, V.I.Kostenko, L.R.Kogan,
V.D.Kustodiev, V.M.Linkin, G.Laurans, L.I.Matveenko, E.P.Molotov, J.Morales, R.Preston,
G.Petit, S.V.Pogrebenko, V.I.Puchkov, A.S.Selivanov, Ch.Stelzried, I.Ya.Tarnoruder,
V.F.Tikhonov, and C.Hildebrand (pp.PAZh: 41-45;
AstL: 17-19)
- VEGA balloon experiment: Small-scale turbulence in the middle cloud
layer of Venus
V.V.Kerzhanovich, Yu.N.Aleksandrov, R.A.Andreev, N.A.Armand, R.V.Bakit'ko, J.Blamont,
L.Bolgoh, V.A.Vorontsov, A.S.Vyshlov, S.P.Ignatov, A.Ingersoll, A.L.Zaitsev, V.P.Lysov,
B.I.Mottsulev, K.M.Pichkhadze, R.Preston, C.Hildebrand, G.Petit, and R.Young
(pp.PAZh: 46-51;
AstL: 20-22)
- VEGA balloon experiment: preliminary analysis of measurements in application to
the dinamics of the atmosphere of Venus
J.Blamont, R.Z.Sagdeev, V.M.Linkin, G.S.Golitsyn, V.N.Ivanov, A.Ingersoll, V.V.Kerzhanovich,
D.Crisp, R.Preston, B.Ragent, A.Seiff, L.Elson, and R.Young
(pp.PAZh: 52-58;
AstL: 22-25)
- VLBI network at 18 cm wavelength
L.I.Matveenko, R.Z.Sagdeev, V.M.Balebanov, V.I.Shevchenko, V.I.Kostenko,
V.A.Grishmanovskij, V.E.Velikhov, S.P.Ignatov, B.Z.Kanevskij, L.R.Kogan, A.N.Kozlov,
G.D.Kopelyanskij, A.P.Molodyanu, E.P.Molotov, A.H.Papatsenko, A.M.Romanov, I.A.Strukov,
V.V.Timofeev, A.V.Shevchenko, A.B.Severnyj, I.G.Moiseev, R.L.Sorochenko, A.P.Tsivilev,
R.M.Martirosyan, A.M.Aslanyan, A.G.Gulyan, Ya.S.Yatskiv, and M.V.Golovnya
(pp.PAZh: 59-65;
AstL: 25-28)
- Study of the Venus rock composition in the northern part of Land Aphrodita on the
lander of VEGA 2
Yu.A.Surkov, L.N.Moskalyeva, O.P.Shcheglov, A.D.Dudin, V.P.Kharyukava, O.S.Manvelyan,
and G.G.Smirnov (pp.PAZh: 66-72;
AstL: 28-31)
- Water vapor concentration in the Venus atmosphere from VEGA 1, VEGA 2
Yu.A.Surkov, O.P.Shcheglov, M.L.Ryvkin, N.A.Davydov, D.M.Shejnin, and D.E.Zhitnokov
(pp.PAZh: 73-77;
AstL: 31-33)
- Study of ultraviolet absorption in the atmosphere of Venus by means of the active
spectrometry method
J.-L.Bertaux, A.P.Ekonomov, B.Mege, V.I.Moroz, V.I.Gnedykh, A.V.Grigor'ev, A.Abergel,
A.Houchecorne, J.-P.Pommereau, P.Rigaud, and S.B.Sergeeva
(pp.PAZh: 78-84;
AstL: 33-36)
- Preliminary results of the VEGA 1 and VEGA 2 optical investigation of aerosol in the
atmosphere of Venus at 30-60 km
B.E.Moshkin, V.I.Moroz, V.I.Gnedykh, A.V.Grigor'ev, L.V.Zasova, and A.P.Ekonomov
(pp.PAZh: 85-93;
AstL: 36-39)
Volume 12, 1986, Issue 3
- Dynamics of the small perturbations in a multicomponent cosmological medium
I.S.Nurgaliev (pp.PAZh: 179-186;
AstL: 73-76)
- Discovery of the optical variability of the nucleus of M33
V.M.Lyutyj and A.S.Sharov (pp.PAZh: 187-193;
AstL: 76-79)
- Estimation of the angular pattern of radiation of double radio sources at the
frequency 1400 MHz
V.R.Amirkhanyan (pp.PAZh: 194-197;
AstL: 79-81)
- Is there any radio shell around the Crab nebula?
S.A.Trushkin (pp.PAZh: 198-204;
AstL: 81-83)
- On short- and long-period variations in radial velocities of SS433 relativistic lines
T.A.Somova (pp.PAZh: 205-211;
AstL: 84-86)
- Masses of the components of the strongly interacting binary system RX Cas
V.Ya.Alduseva (pp.PAZh: 212-218;
AstL: 87-89)
- UBV photometry of dwarf nova at minimum light. II. The change of accretion
disk dimension in SS Cygni
I.B.Voloshina (pp.PAZh: 219-228;
AstL: 89-93)
- Simulated populations of Asymptotic Giant Branch of globular clusters in the
Magellanic Clouds
Yu.L.Frantsman (pp.PAZh: 229-237;
AstL: 94-97)
- On the interpretation of the 160-min oscillation of the Sun
A.G.Kosovichev and A.B.Severnyj (pp.PAZh: 238-246;
AstL: 97-101)
- Multifrequency polarization observations of the Moon with RATAN-600
M.N.Naugol'naya and V.S.Soboleva (pp.PAZh: 247-252;
AstL: 102-104)
- Comparison of the Earth rotation parameters demermined different methods,
during the international experiment MERIT
V.D.Krajchev and V.V.Nesterov (pp.PAZh: 253-254;
AstL: 105-105)
Volume 12, 1986, Issue 4
- Study of the cosmological evolution of extragalactic radio sources
observed in decimetric range
K.P.Sokolov (pp.PAZh: 259-265;
AstL: 102-104)
- Anisotropy of radio source distribution from a deep sky survey
V.A.Korolev and L.A.Yakubtsev (pp.PAZh: 266-269;
AstL: 102-104)
- Do local sources of a slowly varying component of decameter band
solar radio emission exist?
L.L.Bazelyan (pp.PAZh: 270-274;
AstL: 102-104)
- Radio image of the Crab nebulae at 750 MHz
M.I.Agafonov, A.M.Aslanyan, A.G.Gulyan, V.P.Ivanov, R.M.Martirosyan,
O.A.Podvojskaya, and K.S.Stankevich
(pp.PAZh: 275-280;
AstL: 102-104)
- The ages of globular clusters in the Magellanic Clouds
Ju.L.Frantsman (pp.PAZh: 281-285;
AstL: 102-104)
- The ratio of the luminosities of the boundary layer and the disk in the case
of disk accretion onto a neutron star with weak magnetic field
R.A.Syunyaev and N.I.Shakura (pp.PAZh: 286-292;
AstL: 102-104)
- The relative abundance of nitrogen and oxygen in the Type lI supernovae
N.N.Chugai (pp.PAZh: 293-299;
AstL: 102-104)
- Observations of the IR emission peak of the HZ Her/Her X-1 system
near the phase of an X-ray eclipse
Yu.N.Gnedin, V.V.Kirian, A.V.Krat, M.A.Pogodin, and A.E.Tarasov
(pp.PAZh: 300-303;
AstL: 102-104)
- On spectral duplicity of the "runaway" star
S.K.Zejnalov and F.A.Musaev (pp.PAZh: 304-310;
AstL: 102-104)
- On the origin of solar s-type radio burst trains
V.V.Zajtsev and E.Ya.Zlotnik (pp.PAZh: 311-317;
AstL: 102-104)
- Formation of detonation in degenerate stars
S.I.Blinnikov and A.M.Khokhlov (pp.PAZh: 318-324;
AstL: 102-104)
- Gas in a cosmic voId: properties and origin
L.M.Ozernoy and V.V.Chernomordik
(pp.PAZh: 325-336;
AstL: 102-104)
Volume 12, 1986, Issue 5
- Expected source counts for microwave radiation sources associated with rich
clusters of galaxies
V.A.Korolev, R.A.Syunyaev, and L.A.Yakubsev
(pp.PAZh: 339-352;
AstL: 102-104)
- Faint galactic radiosources and the spiral structure in the solar neighborhoud
T.B.Pyatunina (pp.PAZh: 353-360;
AstL: 102-104)
- Unusual burst of OH maser emission in the source VY CMa
N.A.Yudaeva (pp.PAZh: 361-365;
AstL: 102-104)
- Peculiar supernova type I as a result of explosive helium burning
in accreting white dwarf
A.M.Khokhlov and E.V.Ergma (pp.PAZh: 366-372;
AstL: 102-104)
- The Wolf-Rayet star with strengthened oxygen lines HD16523
D.N.Hustamov and A.M.Cherepashchuk
(pp.PAZh: 373-379;
AstL: 102-104)
- The relation between the brightness and B-V, U-B colour indicies for RY Tauri
G.V.Zajtseva (pp.PAZh: 380-382;
AstL: 102-104)
- Two-dimensional numerical model of a rotating neutron star with
pion condensation
Yu.A.Berezin and B.G.Mukanova
(pp.PAZh: 383-387;
AstL: 102-104)
- On the possibility of radio echo at plasma frequency in the solar corona
A.B.Eremin (pp.PAZh: 388-392;
AstL: 102-104)
- On solar faculae heating by electric current
Eh.V.Kononovich, I.V.Mironova, and B.E.Serebryakov
(pp.PAZh: 393-397;
AstL: 102-104)
- An integral analogous to the Jacobi's one in the circular restricted
problem of three rigid bodies
L.Yu.Khorseva (pp.PAZh: 398-401;
AstL: 102-104)
- Radiation of ultra-relativistic electrons moving through the dense medium
in the presence of a strong magnetic field
Yu.D.Kotov, S.R.Kel'ner, and S.V.Bogovalov
(pp.PAZh: 402-409;
AstL: 102-104)
- The differential rotation problem for the Sun: inhomogeneity instead
of anisotropy
L.L.Kichatinov (pp.PAZh: 410-416;
AstL: 102-104)
Volume 12, 1986, Issue 6
- Large-scale anisotropy of the relic background radiation in cosmological
models with unstable particles
L.A.Kofman, D.Yu.Pogosyan, and A.A.Starobinsky
(pp.PAZh: 419-428;
AstL: ??-??)
- The closed world and gravitational field
L.P.Grishchuk and A.N.Petrov (pp.PAZh: 429-433;
AstL: ??-??)
- The resolution of star-like objects in the Arp ring around M81
Yu.N.Efremov, I.D.Karachentsev, and V.E.Karachentseva
(pp.PAZh: 434-439;
AstL: ??-??)
- Photoionisation luminescence and dispersion of abundances models
in the Crab nebula filaments
V.V.Golovatyj and B.S.Novosyadlyj (pp.PAZh: 440-445;
AstL: ??-??)
- Spectroscopic determination of the metallicity of the
F-dwarfs in open clusters
V.G.Klochkova and V.E.Panchuk (pp.PAZh: 446-451;
AstL: ??-??)
- On the long-periodical oscillations of gamma-ray source Cyg X-3
Yu.I.Neshpor and Yu.L.Zyskin (pp.PAZh: 452-457;
AstL: ??-??)
- Optical outburst of HDE245770 - A0535+26 near the expected
X-ray maximum
K.L.Maslennikov (pp.PAZh: 458-460;
AstL: ??-??)
- What makes the peculiar type I supernovae differ from the normal ones?
N.N.Chugai (pp.PAZh: 461-467;
AstL: ??-??)
- Spectral investigation of the AM Herculis-type binary system E2003+225
N.F.Vojkhanskaya (pp.PAZh: 468-474;
AstL: ??-??)
- An interesting young star Lk H
324: the 1983-1985 observations
E.A.Kolotilov (pp.PAZh: 475-479;
AstL: ??-??)
- The orbits of ten visual and interferometric binaries
A.A.Tokovinin (pp.PAZh: 480-485;
AstL: ??-??)
- VLBI-experiment on radiocculation of near-solar plasma from signals
of the VENERA-15
V.A.Alekseev, V.I.Altunin, A.V.Biruykov, E.D.Gatelyuk, A.F.Dementyev,
I.A.Knorin, N.A.Knyazev, A.E.Kryukov, B.N.Lipatov, V.A.Rudakov, and A.S.Sizov
(pp.PAZh: 486-492;
AstL: ??-??)
- The results of observations of Venus occultation by the Sun of 15 June 1984
V.P.Mikhajlutsa (pp.PAZh: 493-496;
AstL: ??-??)
Volume 12, 1986, Issue 7
- On the emission of pancakes in rotational lines of HD
Yu.A.Shchekinov (pp.PAZh: 499-503;
AstL: 211-212)
- Prediction of the whirl gas motion between galactic spiral arms from
the laboratory modelling
M.V.Nezlin, V.L.Polyachenko, E.N.Snezhkin, A.S.Trubnikov, and A.M.Fridman
(pp.PAZh: 504-521;
AstL: 213-219)
- The helical structure of radiojets and active cores of galaxies
S.G.Gestrin and V.M.Kontorovich (pp.PAZh: 522-528;
AstL: 220-222)
- Narrow-band photometry of M32
O.K.Sil'chenko and I.A.Trifalenkov (pp.PAZh: 529-534;
AstL: 223-225)
- Depression variability at
5200 in the
Lyr and
Sgr spectra
V.I.Burnashev and M.Yu.Skulskij (pp.PAZh: 535-540;
AstL: 225-227)
- Radial velocity variations in the spectrum of O-star 68 Cygni
U.Hiinni and J.Pelt (pp.PAZh: 541-545;
AstL: 228-230)
- On the one potential model of a magnetic arcade
B.B.Mikhalyaev (pp.PAZh: 546-550;
AstL: 230-231)
- The self-consistent gas dynamic model of the solar wind flow around the comet
ionosphere with the "mass-loading" effect
V.B.Baranov and M.G.Lebedev (pp.PAZh: 551-556;
AstL: 232-234)
- On the integrabillity of the N-body problem
L.L.Sokolov and K.V.Kholshevnikov (pp.PAZh: 557-561;
AstL: 235-237)
- The distribution function of the force acting on a star for powerful interaction
I.V.Petrovskaya (pp.PAZh: 562-565;
AstL: 237-238)
- The periodic motions generated by the short-periodic librations in the vicinity
of Lagrangian solutions
S.R.Karimov and A.G.Sokol'skij (pp.PAZh: 566-574;
AstL: 239-242)
Volume 12, 1986, Issue 9
- First observatons of energetic particles near comet Halley
A.J.Somogyi, K.I.Gringauz, K.Szego, L.Szabo, Gy.Kozma, A.P.Remizov, J.Eroe,
l.N.Klimenko, I.-T.Szucs, M.I.Verigin, J.Windberg, T.Cravens, A.V.Dyachkov, G.Erdos,
M.Farago, T.Gombosi, K.Kecskemety, E.Keppler, T.Kovacs, A.Kondor, Yu.I.Logachev,
L.Lohonyai, R.Marsden, R.Redl, A.Richter, V.G.Stolpovskii, J.Szabo, I.Szentpetery,
A.Szepesvary, M.Tatrallyay, A.Varga, K.Wenzel, G.A.Vladimirova, and A.Zarandy
(pp.PAZh: 659-664;
AstL: 277-279)
- First in-situ plasma and neutral gas measurements at comet Halley
K.I.Gringauz, T.I.Gombosi, A.P.Remisov, I.Apathy, T.Szemerey, M.I.Verigin,
L.I.Denshchikova, A.V.Dyachkov, E.Keppler, I.N.Klimenko, A.Richter, A.Somogyi,
K.Szego, S.Szendro, M.Tatrallyay, A.Varga, and G.A.Vladimirova
(pp.PAZh: 665-674;
AstL: 279-282)
- Dual-frequency radiosounding of Halley comet using the spacecrafts
N.A.Savich, V.I.Altunin, V.E.Andreev, Iu.F.Basos, N.-E.E.Boguslavskaia, A.S.Vyshlov,
A.L.Gavrik, O.N.Doroshchuk, M.M.Kruchkovich, V.I.Liaskovskaia, E.P.Molotov, I.M.Morskoy,
A.S.Nabatov, M.A.Ovsiannikova, V.V.Seleznev, K.G.Sukhanov, and A.S.Sheverdicev
(pp.PAZh: 675-682;
AstL: 283-286)
- Observatons of electric fields and plasma in the comet Halley environnent
R.Grard, C.Beghin, M.Mogilevsky, Y.Mikhailov, O.Molchanov, A.Pedersen,
J.Trotignon, and V. Formisrmo (pp.PAZh: 683-687;
AstL: 286-288)
- ELF plasma waves in surroundings of Halley comet
S.Klimov, S.Savin, Ja.Alecsevich, G.Avanesova, B.Balebanov, M.Balikkin, A.Galeev, B.Gribov,
M.Nozdrachev, V.Smirnov, A.Sokolov, O.Vaisberg, P.Oberc, Z.Krawczyk, S.Grzedzielski,
J.Juchniewicz, K.Novak, D.Orlowski, G.Parfianowicz, Z.Zbyszynski, Ja.Volta, and P.Triska
(pp.PAZh: 688-695;
AstL: 288-291)
- Model of the gaseous coma of the Halley comet based on the ultraviolet
observations with the ASTRON station
A.A.Boyarchuk, V.P.Grinin, A.M.Zvereva, P.P.Petrov, and A.I.Sheikhet
(pp.PAZh: 696-706;
AstL: 291-296)
- DUMAND: detector of neutrinos and gamma-quanta?
V.S.Berezinsky, G.T.Zatsepin, V.A.Kudryavtsev, O.G.Ryazhskaya, and G.Cini-Castagnoli
(pp.PAZh: 707-715;
AstL: 296-300)
- The estimation of the electron density of local interstellar medium of the basis
of VOYAGER heliospheric shock observation
V.B.Baranov (pp.PAZh: 716-721;
AstL: 300-302)
- Stability of the complanar libration points of the photogravitational
three-body problem
A.T.Tyreshbaev (pp.PAZh: 722-725;
AstL: 303-304)
- On compact astrophysical objects from the coherent oscillations of scalar field
I.I.Tkachev (pp.PAZh: 725-733;
AstL: 305-308)
Volume 12, 1986, Issue 10
- Observations of M33 at the frequency of 102 MHz
V.S.Artyukh and V.H.Malumian (pp.PAZh: 739-744;
AstL: 309-311)
- Preliminary results of the SIGNE-2MP9
-ray bursts experiment
A.V.Kouznetsov, R.A.Syunyaev, O.V.Terekhov, L.A.Yakubtsev, C.Barat, B.Boer,
G.Vedrenn, M.Niel, and K.Hurley (pp.PAZh: 745-754;
AstL: 311-315)
- Powerful
-ray burst GRB830801b. SIGNE-2MP9 experimental data
A.V.Kouznetsov, R.A.Syunyaev, O.V.Terekhov, L.A.Yakubtsev, C.Barat, B.Boer,
G.Vedrenn, M.Niel, and K.Hurley (pp.PAZh: 755-762;
AstL: 315-318)
- The galactic deuterium synthesis in hot accretion disks
B.V.Vainer (pp.PAZh: 763-769;
AstL: 319-321)
- Black hole as a collider
V.I.Dokuchaev (pp.PAZh: 770-777;
AstL: 322-325)
- Frequency dependance of the dispersion measure and the extra dispersion
time delay of the pulses for radiopulsars
A.D.Kuz'min (pp.PAZh: 778-783;
AstL: 326-328)
- The light curve of peculiar supernova 1985f in NGC4618
D.Yu.Tsvetkov (pp.PAZh: 784-788;
AstL: 328-329)
- On the energy release rate in a turbulent current sheet on the Sun
V.M.Bardakov (pp.PAZh: 789-794;
AstL: 330-332)
- Preliminary estimation of color inhomogeneities on Venus surface
based on TV images obtained by VENERA-13 and VENERA-14
Yu.G.Shkuratov, M.A.Kreslavsky, and A.T.Basilevsky
(pp.PAZh: 795-800;
AstL: 332-334)
- Spectrometry of the minor planets. Spectral curve of the
3 Juno in the 0.44-0.56
m spectral region
L.F.Golubeva (pp.PAZh: 801-805;
AstL: 335-336)
- 180Ta production in (p,n)-reaction
V.G.Batij, E.A.Skakun, Yu.N.Rakivnenko, and D.A.Rastrepin
(pp.PAZh: 806-810;
AstL: 337-338)
- On the humidity and the submillimeter transparency of the atmosphere
above the Antarctic station VOSTOK
L.P.Burova, V.D.Gromov, N.I.Lukjanchikova, and G.B.Sholomitskij
(pp.PAZh: 811-815;
AstL: 339-341)
Volume 12, 1986, Issue 11
- Molecules at early cosmological epochs. A search for CO toward PHL 61
F.H.Chaffee (Jr.), C.B.Foltz, and J.H.Black (pp.PAZh: 819-828;
AstL: 343-346)
- Spectral observations of the quasar PHL 61
S.A.Levshakov and D.A.Varshalovich (pp.PAZh: 829-830;
AstL: 347-347)
- The origin of cosmic-ray positrons and
-ray galactic emission in the frame of diffusion model
V.A.Dogiel and A.V.Uryson (pp.PAZh: 831-841;
AstL: 348-352)
- Instability in a shock propagating in gas with cosmic-rays
E.G.Berezhko (pp.PAZh: 842-847;
AstL: 352-354)
- The helium abundance in the source Orion A
A.P.Tsivilev, A.A.Ershov, G.T.Smirnov, and R.L.Sorochenko
(pp.PAZh: 848-856;
AstL: 355-359)
- The radiation spectrum of X-ray bursters
R.A.Sunyaev and L.G.Titarchuk (pp.PAZh: 857-869;
AstL: 359-364)
- CH Cygni in 1984-1985: the brightness fall with simultaneous increase of radioemission
L.Luud, T.Tomov, J.Vennik, and L.Leedjarv
(pp.PAZh: 870-877;
AstL: 364-367)
- On the nature of CH Cygni radioburst
B.F.Yudin (pp.PAZh: 878-882;
AstL: 368-369)
- Nova PW Vulpeculae: photometric and spectral observations in 1984-1985
E.A.Kolotilov and R.I.Noskova (pp.PAZh: 883-889;
AstL: 370-372)
- A search for stellar wind evidence from the nucleus of YM 29 (A21)
V.P.Arkhipova, T.A.Lozinskaya, and E.I.Moskalenko
(pp.PAZh: 890-896;
AstL: 373-375)
Volume 12, 1986, Issue 12