Astronomy Letters, Volume 10
Volume 10, 1984, Issue 1
- Experiment RELIC. Preliminary results
I.A.Strukov and D.P.Skulachev (pp.PAZh: 3-13;
AstL: 1-2)
- The three-mode interaction of spiral density waves
V.I.Korchagin and P.I.Korchagin (pp.PAZh: 14-18;
AstL: 1-2)
- Determination of star formation rate by using integral spectrum of a stellar system
O.K.Sil'chenko (pp.PAZh: 19-26;
AstL: 1-2)
- Diffuse component of gamma-radiation with
> 5 MeV
measured by high altitude balloons
A.F.Iyudin, V.G.Kirillov-Ugryumov, Yu.D.Kotov, Yu.V.Smirnov, V.G.Tyshkevich,
V.N.Yurov, L.V.Kurnosova, and M.I.Fradkin (pp.PAZh: 27-34;
AstL: 1-2)
- Ionic composition of cooling interstellar gas
Al.A.Suchkov and Yu.A.Shchekinov (pp.PAZh: 35-41;
AstL: 1-2)
- Interpretation of the light curve of SS433
S.N.Fabrika (pp.PAZh: 42-50;
AstL: 1-2)
- Resonance oscillations in sunspots
Yu.D.Zhugzhda (pp.PAZh: 51-59;
AstL: 1-2)
- On the role of plasma wave induced scattering by ions in the process of Solar
type III radio burst generation
B.N.Levin, A.M.Lerner, and V.O.Rapoport (pp.PAZh: 60-66;
AstL: 1-2)
- On the 1983, May 4 observation of the occultation of the star AGC 3+181844 by the minor
planet 2 Pallas
V.B.Kapkov (pp.PAZh: 67-70;
AstL: 1-2)
- On the fragmentation of meteoroids. Quasi-continuous fragmentation
G.G.Novikov, V.N.Lebedinets, and A.V.Blokhin
(pp.PAZh: 71-75;
AstL: 1-2)
- The equilibrium radiation of a low-density optically-thick plasma
S.R.Kel'ner and E.S.Shikhovtseva
(pp.PAZh: 76-80;
AstL: 1-2)
Volume 10, 1984, Issue 2
- Observations of the spectrum of the quasar OQ172
[V.B.Nebelitskij], A.F.Fomenko, S.A.Levshakov and D.A.Varshalovich
(pp.PAZh: 83-89;
AstL: 1-2)
- Observations of 15 radio galaxies from the Bologna Survey with the
radiotelescope RATAN-600
V.G.Malumyan (pp.PAZh: 90-93;
AstL: 1-2)
- Cosmic-ray intensity during the past 30000 years
A.N.Konstantinov and G.E.Kocharov (pp.PAZh: 94-97;
AstL: 1-2)
- On the correlated observations of supernovae and their young
remnants in our Galaxy
V.S.Berezinskij, V.L.Ginzburg, and O.F.Prilutskij
(pp.PAZh: 98-103;
AstL: 1-2)
- The observations of Crab nebula gamma-radiation in the 5-100 MeV
energy range
A.F.Iyudin, V.G.Kirillov-Ugryumov, Yu.D.Kotov, Yu.V.Smirnov, B.N.Yurov, L.V.Kurnosova,
M.F.Fradkin, S.V.Damle, G.S.GokhaIe, P.K.Kunte, and B.V.Sreekantan
(pp.PAZh: 104-110;
AstL: 1-2)
- Study of the Crab nebula region at 21-cm wavelength
L.I.Matveenko (pp.PAZh: 111-115;
AstL: 1-2)
- The decametric observations of the Lunar occultation of Crab nebula on
December 2, 1982
V.P.Bovkun and I.N.Zhuk (pp.PAZh: 116-121;
AstL: 1-2)
- Observations of the thin filamentary nebula Simeiz 22
T.A.Lozinskaya, T.G.Sitnik, M.S.Toropova, and A.Yu.Klement'eva
(pp.PAZh: 122-129;
AstL: 1-2)
- 9 Boo - a K-giant with high abundance of lithium
L.Hanni (pp.PAZh: 130-134;
AstL: 1-2)
- Abundances of some s-process elements in the atmosphere of M giant
M.Ya.Orlov and A.V.Shavrina (pp.PAZh: 135-137;
AstL: 1-2)
- Orientation of the Moon's axes of inertia by the Earth-based observations
N.G.Rizvanov and E.M.Shchukin (pp.PAZh: 138-142;
AstL: 1-2)
- Peculiarities in behaviour of orientation parameters of the Pulkovo
horizontal meridian circle
T.R.Kir'yan, G.I.Pinigin, and G.M.Timashkova
(pp.PAZh: 143-148;
AstL: 1-2)
- Solar flares and laboratory experiments on magnetic reconnection in current sheets
S.V.Bulanov, V.A.Dogiel, and A.G.Frank
(pp.PAZh: 149-153;
AstL: 1-2)
- Are there time variations of the 37Ar production rate
in the Davis experiment?
V.N.Gavrin and A.V.Kopylov (pp.PAZh: 154-160;
AstL: 1-2)
Volume 10, 1984, Issue 3
- The ultraviolet telescope of the astrophysical station ASTRON
A.A.Boyarchuk, R.E.Gershberg, L.V.Granitskij, V.M.Kovtunenko, M.N.Krmoyan,
P.Cruvellier, G.Courtes, V.I.Pronik, A.B.Severnyj, G.M.Tovmasyan,
Yu.M.Khodzhyants, and S.T.Hua (pp.PAZh: 161-174;
AstL: 1-2)
- On the large-scale distribution of blue galaxies
I.D.Karachentsev (pp.PAZh: 175-180;
AstL: 1-2)
- Rotation of the galaxies in binaries taking into account the tidal forces
G.S.Bisnovatyj-Kogan (pp.PAZh: 181-183;
AstL: 1-2)
- Large-scale bubble structure of the interstellar medium and properties
of the Local Spiral Arm
N.G.Bochkarev (pp.PAZh: 184-190;
AstL: 1-2)
- Statistics of faint Galactic radiosources at the 7.6-cm wavelength from
RATAN-600 observations
T.B.Pyatunina (pp.PAZh: 191-198;
AstL: 1-2)
- Rotation measure of the H2O maser outburst region in Orion KL
L.I.Matveenko (pp.PAZh: 199-202;
AstL: 1-2)
- New data on the open cluster NGC7092 (M39)
I.K.Platais (pp.PAZh: 203-209;
AstL: 1-2)
- Chirality of neutrino and space velocities of pulsars
N.N.Chugai (pp.PAZh: 210-213;
AstL: 1-2)
- Magnetic field amplification and particle acceleration in the radio supernova
V.N.Fedorenko (pp.PAZh: 214-218;
AstL: 1-2)
- Once more about the spectrum of FG Sge in 1980
T.A.Kipper (pp.PAZh: 219-222;
AstL: 1-2)
- On the existence of an extended atmosphere in the
Sct-type star VZ Cnc
G.A.Garbuzov and A.S.Mitskevich (pp.PAZh: 223-228;
AstL: 1-2)
- Digital speckle interferometry of binary stars
Yu.Yu.Balega and V.P.Ryadchenko (pp.PAZh: 229-234;
AstL: 1-2)
- 160-min period in the hard X-ray solar bursts (analysis of the SMM data)
V.V.Kasinskij and V.A.Kotov (pp.PAZh: 235-240;
AstL: 1-2)
Volume 12, 1986, Issue 12