Astronomy Letters, Volume 1
Volume 1, 1975, Issue 1
- From the Editors (pp.3-4)
- The component masses and inclination of binary systems with a
pulsar, determined from the relativistic effects
V.A.Brumberg, Ya.B.Zeldovich, I.D.Novikov, N.I.Shakura
- Deuterium of cosmological origin and the mean density of the
Ya.B.Zeldovich (pp.10-13)
- Flux density measurements of some radio sources in 1-5 mm
wavelength range
V.F.Zabolotnyj, V.I.Kostenko, N.Y.Nikoloev, V.I.Slysh,
V.A.Soglosnova (pp.14-17)
- On the possibility of a false detection of pulsar
I.V.Choshej, V.I.Shishov
- On the model of outburst of U Gem star
V.G.Gorbatskij (pp.23-28)
- Fluctuations of interstellar medium - the cause of difference
between optical and X-ray velocities of supernovae
K.V.Bychkov, S.B.Pikel'ner
- On a general drift of magnetic fields in the solar
V.A.Krat (pp.35-37)
- On the possible atmosphere on Pluto
G.S.Golitsyn (pp.38-42)
- Programming system OPAL for analytical theories of celestial
A.L.Kutuzov (pp.43-46)
- Information for authors
Volume 1, 1975, Issue 2
- Nine new enigmatic objects
- On determination of distances to the Abell clusters of
M.Kalinkov, L.Stovrev, I.Kaneva
- Rejection of the hypothesis on disintegration of galaxy groups
due to a continuous mass loss
L.M.Ozernoy (pp.9-14)
- Spectra and colors of bright irregular variables in M31 and
A.S.Sharov, V.F.Esipov, V.M.Lyutyj
- Bursts of hard X-ray radiation on June 25 and 26, 1971
O.P.Babushkina, L.S.Bratolyubova-Tsulukidze, M.I.Kudryavtsev,
A.S.Melioranskij, I.A.Savenko, B.Y.Yushkov
- Revision of the expansion velocity of IC443
T.A.Lozinskaya (pp.25-28)
- Study of statistical properties of emission of OH maser
E.E.Lekht, G.M.Rudnitskij, O.Franquelin, J.-P.Drouhin
- On the pulsational stability of supermassive magnetic
V.V.Usov (pp.33-35)
- Hellas and dust storms on Mars
G.A.Lejkin, and E.V.Zabalueva
- Use of computer literal programs to solve the main problem in
satellite theory
A.L.Kutuzov (pp.39-43)
- Limit transformation of the complete integral of the two fixed
centers problem
Yu.N.Isaev (pp.44-47)
Volume 1, 1975, Issue 3
- On the nature of coronae around spiral galaxies
B.V.Komberg, and I.D.Novikov
- On the infrared radiation of clusters of galaxies
S.A.Pustil'nik (pp.8-11)
- On the emission line variability in nuclei of Seyfert galaxies
and quasars
N.G.Bochkarev, and S.P.Pudenko
- Gravitational lenses and "superluminal" velocities
L.E.Ingel' (pp.18-20)
- Upper limit of electron concentration in the vicinity of the
pulsar PSR1913+16 in the binary system
L.M.Ozernoy, and V.I.Shiskov
- On the variability of Cyg X-3 gamma-ray radiation
B.M.Vladimirskij, A.M.Galper, V.G.Kirillov-Ugryumov,
A.V.Eurochkin, B.I.Luchkov, Yu.I.Neshpor, A.A.Stepanyan,
V.P.Fomin, and Yu.T.Yurkin
- The UBV-photometry of V1357 Cyg (Cyg X-1)
Kh.F.Khaliullin (pp.30-35)
- On the structure of envelopes of He stars
V.G.Gorbatskij (pp.36-38)
- The structure of surface magnetic fields Ap-stars
I.A.Aslanov (pp.39-42)
- Periodic orbits in Hill's problem
E.A.Wagner (pp.43-44)
- Determination of coordinates for Helsinki and Riga-stations
based on observation of GEOS-B flashes
N.A.Sorokin, and V.I.Krylov
Volume 1, 1975, Issue 4
- Photoelectric photometry of star clusters in the Andromeda
A.S.Sharov, V.M.Lyutyj, and V.F.Esipov
- Generation of galactic magnetic field by spiral shocks
Yu.N.Mishurov, V.M.Peftiev, and A.A.Suchkov
- X-ray variability by matter accretion onto a black hole in a
detached binary system
A.F.Illarionov, and R.A.Sunyaev
- On the nature of the companion of the radiopulsar PSR1913+16
in the binary system
L.M.Ozernoy, and M.Reinhardt
- The magnetic field measurement of the
CrB star
I.A.Aslanov, and U.S.Rustamov
- Solar observations at 1.4 and 4.1 mm wavelengths with the
angular resolutions of 13 and 40 arcsec
A.G.Kislyakov, Yu.Yu.Kulikov, L.I.Fedoseev, and V.I.Chernyshev
- On the possibility of experimental test for solar
wind-interstellar medium interaction model
V.B.Baranov, K.V.Krasnobaev, and O.G.Onishchenko
- The relationship between the solar (corpuscular) activity and
fast global variations of atmospheric pressure
V.E.Chertoprud (pp.33-38)
- Equations of figures of planets
V.P.Trubitsyn, and V.N.Zharkov
- Meteorite matter in the impactites of Popigaian crater
V.L.Masajtis, and A.G.Sysoev
Volume 1, 1975, Issue 5
- A group of galaxies containing five Markarian galaxies
I.D.Karachentsev, and V.E.Karachentseva
- Nonsingular Friedman cosmology
E.B.Gliner, and I.G.Dimnikova
- Collisionless generation of galaxy rotation
A.A.Ruzmajkin (pp.10-14)
- On the luminosity source of the northern part of the nebula
N.V.Voshchinnikov (pp.15-18)
- X-ray binaries and asymmetry of supernova outbursts
P.R.Amnuel', O.H.Gusejnov, and Sh.Yu.Rakhamimov
- Interferometric observations of the supernova remnant CTB 1
T.A.Lozinskaya, and G.P.Pustovojt
- On the ionization zones around flaring stars
V.M.Tomozov (pp.31-33)
- Construction of the first approximation of the quasi-periodic
solution of the three bodies problem by computer
T.A.Tolmacheva (pp.34-38)
- On the determination of absolute declinations of equatorial
A.A.Mikhailov (pp.39-42)
- A radioastronomical inertial coordinate system based on
measurement of arcs between radio sources
A.F.Dravskich, G.A.Krasinskij, and A.M.Finkel'shtejn
Volume 1, 1975, Issue 6
- Large-scale magnetic field and global structure of the
D.D.Sokolov (pp.3-5)
- Hard X-ray bursts in the energy range of 40-290 keV
O.P.Babushkina, L.S.Bratolyubova-Tsulukidze, B.N.Izrailovich,
M.I.Kudryavtsev, A.S.Melioranskij, I.A.Savenko, and
V.M.Shamolin (pp.6-11)
- Effect of ellipticity and the parameters of X-ray binaries Cyg
X-1 and Cen X-3
N.G.Bochkarev, E.A.Karitskaya, and N.I.Shakura
- On dynamics and cosmogony of galactic coronae
V.A.Antonov, and A.D.Chernin
- Radioobservations of the Lunar occultation of the Crab nebula
on September 10, 1974
V.S.Artyukh, Yu.V.Volodin, G.I.Dobysh, B.E.Izvekov,
V.I.Kostenko, L.I.Matveenko, S.A.Sukhodol'skij, and
A.P.Timofeev (pp.23-27)
- Some correlations between abundance anomalies of elements in the
atmospheres of Ap-stars
V.L.Khokhlova (pp.28-31)
- Investigation of transitional region above solar spots based on
the polarization radio observations
G.B.Gel'frejkh, and V.P.Nefed'ev
- Argon in the Martian atmosphere: are the results of MARS-6
in argeement with the optical and radio refraction measurements ?
V.I.Moroz (pp.36-41)
- On the problem of three fixed centers
G.T.Arazov (pp.42-45)
- Information for authors
Volume 1, 1975, Issue 7
- Is the Galactic nucleus a black hole?
I.S.Shklovskij (pp.3-7)
- On the energy source of active galactic nuclei and
E.Ya.Vil'koviskij (pp.8-12)
- On some peculiarities of the Crab nebula radio emission
L.I.Matveenko (pp.13-16)
- The polarization of optical radiation from close binary systems
with X-ray sources
Yu.N.Gnedin, and N.A.Silant'ev
- Peculiarities of light and polarization variations of the
infrared carbon star CIT 6
A.K.Alksnis, and G.V.Khozov
- Analysis of the light curve of HZ Her
N.E.Kurochkin (pp.27-33)
- On the decay of type III radio bursts in the solar
N.N.Gerasimova, and I.M.Gordon
- Helium in the Martian atmosphere - some hypothetical
V.I.Moroz (pp.39-41)
- Solution of the internal variant of three fixed centers
G.T.Arazov (pp.42-46)
- The new comet Smirnova-Chernykh (1975e)
G.R.Kastel' (pp.47-48)
Volume 1, 1975, Issue 8
- Luminosity and mass functions of stars in the open cluster
V.N.Frolov (pp.3-5)
- Thermal instability of disc accretion onto a black hole
R.A.Sunyaev and N.I.Shakura
- Investigation of OH absorption in the Trifid nebula
V.I.Slysh (pp.12-15)
- Infrared radiation and surface brightness of planetary
nebulae; effects of evolution
G.S.Khromov (pp.16-21)
- Quantitative spectral classification of M-giants based on low
resolution spectra
L.D.Frishberg (pp.22-26)
- Fluctuations of solar radio emission in the noise storm on May
21, 1973
A.A.Gnesdilov, and T.S.Podstrigach
- On the mechanism of sound pulses generation in the solar
N.S.Petrukhin, and S.M.Fajnstejn
- Determination of limits for the seismic velocity structure of
the outer layers of the Moon by the Tau-method
E.N.Bessonova, G.A.Sitnikova, M.N.Toksoz, and V.M.Fishman
- On deduction of the absolute catalogue of right ascensions of
stars for the whole sky
V.S.Gubanov (pp.43-47)
Volume 1, 1975, Issue 9
- Models of disk systems of gravitating point masses with power
distribution of surface density
G.S.Bisnovatyi-Kogan (pp.3-7)
- Fermion pair creation near the Friedman singularity
S.C.Mamaev, V.M.Mostepanenko, and V.M.Frolov
- Inverse bremsstrahlung in a strong magnetic field
G.G.Pavlov, and A.D.Kaminker
- Visible distribution of radio sources
A.G.Gorshkov, M.G.Larionov, and M.V.Popov
- Vibration regime for expansion of a gas cloud into
O.I.Bogoyavlenskiy (pp.22-25)
- On the electron density of cometary nebulae NGC2261
J.L.Greenstein, M.A.Kazaryan, and E.E.Khachikyan
- Observations of hydrogen radio line
in several HII regions
I.I.Berylis, G.T.Smirnov, and R.L.Sorochenko
- Circular polarization of radiation at accretion onto a star with
strong magnetic field
Yu.N.Gnedin, and G.G.Pavlov
- Wavelengths of the OVI resonance lines
A.N.Ryabtsev (pp.40-41)
- On the cause of difference of bright and dark crater
streaks on Mars
R.O.Kuz'min (pp.42-44)
- On the secular evolutions of planet's orbit in a binary star
S.L.Ziglin (pp.45-47)
Volume 1, 1975, Issue 10
- Hydrogen recombination lines of cosmological origin
V.K.Dubrovich (pp.3-4)
- Accuracy of space densities of galaxies calculated from
rotation curves
V.G.Metlov (pp.5-10)
- On a probabilistic model of fragmentation
E.A.Tropp, and A.D.Chernin
- Spectrophotometric study of compact planetary nebulae
L.E.Kondrat'eva (pp.14-19)
- On mixing and angular momentum transfer in stars
Yu.V.Vandakurov (pp.20-24)
- Detection of the microwave solar "chromospheric net"
V.M.Bogod, and D.V.Korol'kov
- On induced scattering of plasma waves during generation of solar
high frequency type III radio bursts
V.V.Zajtsev (pp.28-33)
- On the latitudinal change of the Jovian cloud cover top
V.G.Tejfel' (pp.34-38)
- Method to construct the analytical theory of Pluto
N.I.Lobkova (pp.39-40)
- Stability of planar solutions in the restricted circular
twice-averaged three body problem
A.I.Nejshtadt (pp.41-45)
- On the evaluation of astronomical refraction
A.A.Mikhajlov (pp.46-48)
Volume 1, 1975, Issue 11
- Interacting galaxies and tidal theory of intergalactic
- Expected distribution of "hidden mass" inside rich clusters of
N.A.Bobrova, and L.M.Ozernoy
- Rotation, mass, and density of the galaxy NGC4096
V.G.Metlov (pp.15-18)
- Relativistic effect of variability of the pulsar rotation on
elliptical orbit
Ya.B.Zeldovich, and N.I.Shakura
- X-ray pulsar 3U0900-40 with long period - a neutron star with
anomalously high magnetic field
N.I.Shakura (pp.23-28)
- Evolutionary variations of helium abundance in the atmospheres
of early type stars
L.S.Lyubimkov (pp.29-31)
- On the possible observational tests for some results of
the theory of binary stars evolution
Z.T.Krajcheva (pp.32-37)
- On quasi-linear relaxation of electron streams in solar wind
V.V.Zajtsev, and V.O.Rapoport
- Some iterative methods of construction of the three-body problem
solution and its realization by computer
Yu.A.Ryabov, and T.A.Tolmacheva
- On the abundance of NO2 in the Martian atmosphere
N.B.Ibragimov, and V.A.Bronshten
Volume 1, 1975, Issue 12
- Centaurus A: Observations of the central region at
cm-wavelengths by radio telescope RATAN-600
A.B.Berlin, V.Ya.Gol'nev, N.A.Esepkina, Yu.E.Zverev,
A.V.Ipatov, N.L.Kajdanovskij, D.V.Korol'kov, A.P.Lavrov,
Yu.N.Parijskij, N.S.Soboleva, A.A.Stotskij, G.M.Timofeeva, and
O.N.Shivris (pp.3-8)
- Observations of hard X-ray emission from 3U1700-37 by the
satellite COSMOS-428
L.S.Bratolyubova-Tsulukidze, M.I.Kudryavtsev, A.S.Melioranskij,
I.A.Savenko, and B.Yu.Yushkov
- The parameters of the binary X-ray system 3U0900-40
N.G.Bochkarev, E.A.Karitskaya, and N.I.Shakura
- Effect of induced Compton scattering on radiobursts of X-ray
source Cyg X-3
M.V.Popov (pp.18-22)
- 18-cm observations of OH source in W44
M.I.Pashchenko (pp.23-25)
- Anomalies in abundances in Am-stars and their relation to
anomalies in Ap-stars
V.L.Khokhlova, and D.A.Ptitsyn
- On the directivity of solar flares X-ray emission
O.M.Kovrizhnykh, I.A.Savenko, and L.M.Chupova
- Possibility to study the interplanetary magnetic field structure
using data on circular polarization of the zodiacal
A.Z.Dolginov, and I.G.Mitrofanov
- On the equalizing of the Moon's principal mechanical
G.A.Meshcheryakov, and P.M.Zazulyak
- On the selection of the Lunar satellite orbits to determine the
spherical harmonics of the Moon's gravitational potential
N.G.Babaeva (pp.48-51)
- Author Index for vol.1, 1975
(pp. 52-58)
- Subject Index for vol.1, 1975 (pp. 59-63)