INTEGRAL Publications of Russian Scientists
INTEGRAL Publications of Russian Scientists
Astronomers's Telegrams and IAU Circulars
2003 (25) | 2004 (20) |
2005 (17) | 2006 (6) |
2007 (7) | 2008 (6) |
2009 (4) | 2010 (7) |
2011 (1) | 2012 (4) |
2013 (5) | 2014 (5) |
2015 (2) | 2016 (2) |
2017 (4) | 2018 (8) |
2019 (21) | 2020 (10) |
2021 (9) | 2022 (5) |
2023 (3) | 2024 (3) |
- T. J.-L. Courvoisier, T. J.-L.,
Walter, R., Rodriguez, J., Bouchet, L., Lutovinov, A.A.
``IGR J16318-4848'', IAU Circ., 2003, 8063 (citations)
- Revnivtsev, M., Tuerler, M.,
Del Santo, M., Westergaard, N. J., Gehrels, N., Winkler, C.
``IGR J16358-4726'', IAU Circ., 2003, 8097 (citations)
- Dubath, P., Revnivtsev, M.,
Goldoni, P., von Kienlin, A., Lund, N., Grebenev, S., Kuulkers, E.
``XTE J1550-564'', IAU Circ., 2003, 8100 (citations)
- Revnivtsev, M., Lutovinov, A., Ebisawa, K., ''IGR
J16358-4726 in archival data of ASCA and
BeppoSAX'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003,
131 (citations)
- Revnivtsev, M., Chernyakova, M.,
Capitanio, F., Westergaard, N.J., V. Shoenfelder, V., Gehrels, N., Winkler, C.
''IGR J17464-3213'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003,
132 (citations)
- Lutovinov, A., Kretschmar, P., Budtz-Joergensen, C.,
Domingo, A., Schoenfelder, V., Palumbo, G., Winkler, C.
``INTEGRAL observation of SLX1746-331'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003,
145 (citations)
- Kuulkers, E., Lutovinov, A., Parmar, A., Capitanio, F.,
Mowlavi, N., Hermsen, W. ``IGR J17091-3624'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2003,
- Revnivtsev, M., Gilfanov, M., Churazov, E., Sunyaev, R.
``IGR J17091-3624 in archival data of MIR/KVANT/TTM'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2003,
- Lutovinov, A., Rodriguez, J., Produit, N., Lund, N.,
Hermseni, W., Much, R. ``IGR J18539+0727'', Astronomer's
Telegram, 2003,
151 (citations)
- Goldoni P., Goldwurm, A., Kuulkers, E., Parmar, A.,
Budtz-Joergensen, C., Palumbo, G., Roques, J.P., Sunyaev, R.,
Favre, P. ``INTEGRAL detection of Hard X-ray emission
from XTE J1720-318'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003,
153 (citations)
- Lutovinov, A., Shaw, S., Foschini, L., Paul, J.
``IGR J18325-0756'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003,
154 (citations)
- Lutovinov, A., Walter, R.,
Belanger, G., Lund, N., Grebenev, S., Winkler, C.
``IGR17597-2201 and AX1820.5-1434'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003,
155 (citations)
- Chernyakova, M., Lutovinov, A., Capitanio, F., Lund, N.,
Gehrels, N. ``IGR J18483-0311'', Astronomer's Telegram,
2003, 157
- Cherepashchuk, A.M., Molkov, S., Foschini, L., Orlandini,
M., Grebenev, S., Palazzi, S. ``An X-ray outburst of
GS1843+009 detected with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram,
2003, 159 (citations)
- Molkov, S., Mowlavi, N., Goldwurm, A., Strong, A., Lund,
N., Paul, J., Oosterbroek, T. ``IGR J16479-4514'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2003,
176 (citations)
- Lutovinov, A., Revnivtsev, M., Molkov, S. ``INTEGRAL
Detection and Improved Position of EXO 1722-363'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2003,
- Kretschmar, P., Chenevez, J.,
Capitanio, F., Orr, A., Palumbo, G., Grebenev, S. ``INTEGRAL observes
IGR J17464-3213 in the soft state'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003,
180 (citations)
- Sunyaev, R., Lutovinov, A., Molkov, S. ``Possible new
source IGR J17391-3021 or an outburst from XTE J1739-302'', Astronomer's
Telegram, 2003, 181
- Sunyaev, R.A., Zheleznyakov, V.V., Cherepashchuk, A.M.,
Varshalovich, D.A., Molkov, S.V., Lutovinov, A.A., Grebenev,
S.A. ``Burst activity of SGR1806-20'', Astronomer's
Telegram, 2003, 183
- Sunyaev, R., Lutovinov, A.i, Molkov, S., ``GRS
1758-258'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003, 185 (citations)
- Sunyaev, R., Molkov, S., Lutovinov, A.
``Hard X-ray Outburst from Rapid Burster MXB1730-335'', Astronomer's
Telegram, 2003, 187
- Grebenev, S.A., Lutovinov, A.A.,
Sunyaev, R.A. ``Reactivation of IGR J17464-3213 in hard X-rays'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2003, 189 (citations)
- Sunyaev, R.A., Grebenev, S.A., Lutovinov, A.A., Rodriguez,
J., Mereghetti, S., Gotz, D., Courvoisier, T., and the shift
team ``New source IGR J17544-2619 discovered with
INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003,
190 (citations)
- Grebenev, S.A., Lutovinov, A.A., Sunyaev, R.A. ``New
outburst of IGR J17544-2619'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003,
192 (citations)
- Krivonos, R., Produit, N., Kreykenbohm, I., Staubert, R.,
von Kienlin, A., Winkler, C., Gehrels, N. ``A very intense
X-ray outburst of Vela X-1 detected with INTEGRAL'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2003,
211 (citations)
- Zurita, J., Bazzano, A., Brandt, S., Domingo, A., Winkler,
C., Grebenev, S. ``The LMXRB GX354-0 is flaring in the hard
X-rays'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 248 (citations)
- Chernyakova, M., Shtykovsky, P., Lutovinov, A.,
Revnivtsev, M., Courvoisier, T., Walter, R., Shaw, S., Cocco,
G., Attie, D., Budtz-Jorgensen, C., Hermsen, W., Much, R.
``Transition to a hard state of 1RXP J130159.6-635806'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2004,
251 (citations)
- Grebenev, S.A., Rodriguez, J., Westergaard, N.J., Sunyaev,
R.A., Oosterbroek, T. ``New outburst of IGR J17544-2619
detected with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 252 (citations)
- Deluit, S., Bazzano, A., Nowlavi, N.,Grebenev, S., Roques,
J.-P., Schoenfelder, V., Palumbo, G., Brandt, S. ``INTEGRAL
detection of the X-ray outburst of SAX J1747.0-2853'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2004,
256 (citations)
- Grebenev, S.A., Revnivtsev, M.G., Sunyaev, R.A.
``1E1740.7-2942 and KS1741-293'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004,
257 (citations)
- Molkov, S.V., Lutovinov, A.A., Cherepashchuk, A.M.,
Sunyaev, R.A. ``Detection of Aql X-1 in Hard X-Ray State'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2004,
- Grebenev, S.A., Goldoni, P., Schoenfelder, V., Roques,
J.-P., Sunyaev, R.A., Courvoisier, T., Winkler, C. ``INTEGRAL
observes A1744-361 (XTE J1748-361) in hard X-rays'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 266
- Molkov, S.V., Cherepashchuk, A.M., Revnivtsev, M.G.,
Lutovinov, A.A., Postnov, K.A., Kretschmar, P., Sunyaev, R.A.
``A new outburst from XTE J1858+034. Improving the source
position'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 274
- Grebenev, S.A., Ubertini, P., Chenevez, J, Orr, A.,
Sunyaev, R.A. ``New X-ray transient IGR J01363+6610
discovered by INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 275
- Molkov, S., Hurley, K., Lutovinov, A., Sunyaev, R.
``SGR 1806-20'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 325
- Lutovinov, A., Budtz-Jorgensen, C., Turler, M., Kretschmar
, P., Hermsen, W., Kuulkers, E. ``New outburst from
4U0115+634'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 326
- Lutovinov, A., Cadolle Beli, M., Belangeri, G., Goldwurmi,
A., Budtz-Jorgensen, C., Mowlava, N., Pauli, J., Orri, A
``IGR J17331-2406'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 328
- Lutovinov, A., Rodrigues, J., Budtz-Jorgensen, C.,
Grebenev, S., Winkler, C. ``INTEGRAL discovered a new
transient source IGRJ16465-4507'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004,
- Zurita Heras, J.A., Shaw, S.E., Kreykenbohm, I.,
Kretschmar, P., Gotz, D., Mereghetti, S., Lutovinov, A.,
Palumbo, G., Oosterbroek, T., Budtz-Joergensen, C., Ubertini,
P. ``INTEGRAL detects increased activity from 4U
0115+63'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004,
- Grebenev, S.A., Sunyaev, R.A. ``High actvity of XTE
J1743-363 detected with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004,
- Rodriguez, J., Domingo Garau, A., Grebenev, S., Parmar, A.,
Roques, J.-P., Schoenfelder, V., Ubertini, P., Walter, R.,
Westergaard, N.-J. ``INTEGRAL discovery of a possible new
source IGR J18410-0535'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004,
- Grebenev, S.A., Sunyaev, R.A.
``New X-ray transient IGR J17507-2856 discovered with INTEGRAL'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2004,
- Grebenev, S.A., Ubertini, P., Chenevez, J., Mowlavi, N.,
Roques, J.-P., Gehrels, N., Kuulkers, E. ``New X-ray
transient IGR J11435-6109 discovered with INTEGRAL'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2004,
- Gotz, D., Zurita Heras, J.A., Winkler, C., Gehrels, N.,
Martinez-Nunez, S., Bazzano, A., Lutovinov, A. ``Outburst
from EXO 2030+375 detected with INTEGRAL'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2004,
- Turler, M., di Cocco, G., Diehl, R., Maisala, S.,
Mas-Hesse, M., Mowlavi, N., Orr, A., Paul, J., Sunyaev,
R.A. ``INTEGRAL hard X-ray observation of V0332+53'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2004,
- Grebenev, S.A., Molkov, S.V.,
Sunyaev, R.A. ``New X-ray transient IGR J17098-3628 discovered with
INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2005,
- Grebenev, S.A., Molkov, S.V.,
Sunyaev, R.A. ``An outburst of the accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar
XTE J1751-305 detected with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2005,
- Grebenev, S.A., Molkov, S.V.,
Revnivtsev, M.G., Sunyaev, R.A. ``Spectral evolution of IGR J17098-3628
observed by INTEGRAL and RXTE'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2005,
- Grebenev, S.A., Belanger, G., Bodaghee, A., Lund, N.,
Hermsen, W., Parmar, A., Roques, J.-P., Mas-Hesse,
M. ``INTEGRAL detected Aql X-1 in hard X-rays'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2005,
- Soldi, S., Brandt, S., Domingo Garau, A., Grebenev, S.A.,
Kuulkers, E., Palumbo, G.G.C., Tarana, A. ``Discovery of a
new X-ray transient IGR J16283-4838 with INTEGRAL'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2005,
- Grebenev, S.A., Bird, A.J., Molkov, S.V., Soldi, S.,
Kretschmar, P., Diehl, R., Budz-Joergensen, C., McBreen,
B. ``IGR J16493-4348 - a radiopulsar or a new X-ray
binary'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2005,
- Molkov, S.V., Grebenev, S.A.,
Sunyaev, R.A. ``New X-ray outburst from Rapid Burster'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2005,
- Grebenev, S.A., Molkov, S.V., Sunyaev, R.A. ``New X-ray
transient IGR J17473-2721 discovered with INTEGRAL'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2005,
- Leyder, J.-C., Chenevez, J., Fiocchi, M.T., Revnivtsev, M.,
Paul, J., Oosterbroek, T., Mas-Hesse, M., Strong, A. ``Hard
X-ray brightening of Ginga 1843+009 seen by INTEGRAL'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2005,
- Kennea, J.A., Burrows, D.N., Nousek, J.A., Chester, M.,
Barthelmy, S., Gehrels, N., Grebenev, S., Beckmann,
V. ``Swift-XRT detection of IGR J17098-3628'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2005,
- Chernyakova, M., Courvoisier, T.J.-L., Rodriguez, J,
Lutovinov, A. ``INTEGRAL discovery of the new source IGR
J12349-6434'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2005,
- Revnivtsev, M., Molkov, S., Grebenev, S. ``New outburst
of accreting X-ray pulsar IGR J11435-6109'', Astronomer's
Telegram, 2005,
- Krivonos, R., Molkov, S., Revnivtsev, M., Grebenev, S.,
Sunyaev, R., Paizis, A. ``New INTEGRAL source IGR
J11321-5311'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2005,
- Grebenev, S.A., Molkov, S.V, Sunyaev, R.A.
``New X-ray transient IGR J17419-2802 discovered with
INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2005,
- Brandt, S., Kuulkers, E., Bazzano, A., Courvoisier,
T.J.-L., Domingo, A., Ebisawa, K., Gehrels, N., Kretschmar,
P., Krivonos, R., Lund, N., Markwardt, C., Mowlavi, N.,
Oosterbroek, T., Orr, A., Paizis, A., Roques, J.-P., Shaw,
S.E., Wijnands, R. ``Type-I X-ray bursts from XTE J1739-285'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2005,
- Turler, M., Cadolle Bel, M., Diehl, R.,
Westergaard, N.-J., McBreen, B., Williams, O.R., Grebenev, S.A., Lutovinov, A.
``New X-ray transient IGR J17269-4737 discovered with INTEGRAL'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2005,
- Grebenev, S.A., G. De Cesare, J. Chenevez, A. Paizis,
W. Hermsen, C. Winkler, R. Diehl, A. Domingo Garau ``New
outburst of the transient X-ray pulsar GRO J1008-57 detected by
INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2005,
- Kreykenbohm, I., Staubert, R., von Kienlin, A.,
Martinez-Nunez, S., Mas-Hesse, M., Sanchez, C., Palumbo,
G.G.C., Sunyaev, R.A. ``Vela X-1 in a highly active
state'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2006, 711
- Grebenev, S.A., Molkov, S.V., Sunyaev, R.A. ``Renewed
X-ray activity of IGR J17419-2802 and GRS 1736-297 observed with
INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2006, 744
- Kennea, J., Pavlov, G.G., Bykov, A.M., Krassilchtchikov,
A.M., Uvarov, Yu.A., Lebrun, F., Bloemen, H., Hermsen, W.,
Kaastra, J. ``Swift XRT detection of the Integral ISGRI
source IGR J2018+4043'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2006,
- Burenin, R., Mescheryakov, A., Revnivtsev, M., Bikmaev, I.,
Sunyaev, R. ``Optical identification of four INTEGRAL
sources'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2006,
- Burenin, R., Mescheryakov, A., Sazonov, S., Revnivtsev, M.,
Bikmaev, I., Sunyaev, R. ``Two more nearby AGNs among
INTEGRAL sources'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2006,
- Turler, M., Zdziarski, A.A., Laurent, P., Foschini, L.,
Roques, J.-P., Lund, N., McBreen, B., Kretschmar, P., Gehrels,
N., Revnivtsev, M. ``INTEGRAL observation of Cyg X-1 at a
historic hard X-ray maximum'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2006,
- Galis, R., Beckmann, V., Bianchin, V., Grebenev, S., McBreen, S.,
Mereghetti, S., Revnivtsev, M., Sanchez, C., Strong, A., Westergaard, N.J. for the INTEGRAL Science Working
Team ``SAX J2103.5+4545 in outburst'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2007,
- Chelovekov, I.V., Grebenev, S.A. ``First detection of a
type I X-ray burst from AX J1754.2-2754'', Astronomer's
Telegram, 2007, 1094
- Karasev, D., Tsygankov, S., Lutovinov, A., Churazov, E.,
Sunyaev, R. ``Discovery of X-ray pulsations from the HMXB AX
J1749.1-2733'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2007,
- Revnivtsev, M., Sunyaev, R., Lutovinov, A., Sazonov, S.
``Identification of two INTEGRAL sources with
SWIFT/XRT'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2007,
- Burenin, R., Revnivtsev, M., Mescheryakov, A., Bikmaev, I.,
Pavlinsky, M., Sunyaev, R. ``INTEGRAL source IGR J16562-3301
- a new BL Lac object'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2007,
- Kreykenbohm, I., Shaw, S.E., Bianchin, V., Diehl, R.,
Brandt, S., Mas-Hesse, M., Parmar, A., Hermsen, W., Krivonos, R.
``INTEGRAL detects a new outburst of MXB 0656-072'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2007,
- Grebenev, S.A, Revnivtsev, M.G., Sunyaev, R.A.
``Discovery of the new fast X-ray transient IGRJ18462-0223
with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2007,
- Bikmaev, I., Revnivtsev, M., Burenin, R., Sazonov, S.,
Sunyaev, R., Pavlinsky, M., Galeev, A., Sakhibullin,
N. ``Optical identification of two INTEGRAL sources'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2008,
- Grebenev, S.A., Sunyaev, R.A.
``Increasing X-ray activity of SAX J1818.6-1703 detected by
INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2008,
- Kniazev, A., Revnivtsev, M., Sazonov, S., Burenin, R., Tekola, A.
``IGR J08390-4833 is a new cataclysmic variable from the
INTEGRAL all-sky survey'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2008,
- Dubner, G., Giacani, E., Bykov, A.M., Krassilchtchikov,
A.M., Uvarov, Yu.A. ``Discovery of the radio counterpart for
2MASX J20183871+4041003 within the error-box of IGR J2018-4043
and of the AGILE variable gamma-ray source in the Cygnus
region'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2008,
- Trejo, A., Giacani, E., Paragi, Z., van Langevelde, H.J.,
Dubner, G., Bykov, A.M. ``VLBI observations of the radio
counterpart of IGR J20187+4041/2MASX J20183871+4041003 in the
error box of the gamma-ray source AGL2021+4029/3EG
J2020+4017'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2008,
- Manousakis, A., Beckmann, V., Bianchin, V., Brandt, S.,
Chenevez, J., Hermsen, W., von Kienlin, A., Krivonos, R.,
Mas-Hesse, M., Parmar, A., Reglero, V. ``INTEGRAL hard
X-ray detection of HMXB GX 304-1 and H 1417-624'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2008,
- Mescheryakov, A., Burenin, R., Sazonov, S., Revnivtsev, M.,
Bikmaev, I., Pavlinsky, M., Sunyaev, R. ``Optical identification of INTEGRAL sources IGRJ17476-2253
and IGRJ12107+3822 as Seyfert 1 galaxies'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2009,
- Produit, N., Beckmann, V., Manousakis, A., Bianchin, V.,
Budtz-Jorgensen, C., Domingo, A., Kuulkers, E., Lutovinov, A.,
Mandrou, P., Paul, J., and 2 coauthors ``INTEGRAL observes
outburst from 1A 0535+262'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2009,
- Krivonos, R., Tsygankov, S., Sunyaev, R., Melnikov, S.,
Bikmaev, I., Pavlinsky, M., Burenin, R. ``Two new hard X-ray sources IGR J18151-1052 and
IGR J17009+3559 discovered with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2009,
- Burenin, R., Makarov, D., Uklein, R., Revnivtsev, M., Lutovinov, A. ``Optical identification
of a hard X-ray source IGR J18151-1052'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2009,
- Manousakis, A., Revnivtsev, M., Krivonos, R., Bozzo, E. ``INTEGRAL observations of
U Sco'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2010, 2412 (citations)
- Kniazev, A., Revnivtsev, M., Burenin, R., Tkachenko, A. ``IGR J13168-7157 is a Seyfert 1 active galactic nucleus'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2010,
- Grebenev, S.A., Lutovinov, A.A.
``New X-ray source IGR J05414-6858 discovered with INTEGRAL'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2010,
- Lutovinov, A., Grebenev, S. ``Swift follow-up observations of a new transient source IGRJ05414-6858'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2010,
- Lutovinov, A., Burenin, R., Sazonov, S., Revnivtsev, M.,
Moiseev, A., Dodonov, S. ``Identification of the new INTEGRAL
hard X-ray source IGR J03249+4041 with interacting Seyfert 2
galaxies'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2010, 2759
- Krivonos, R., Lutovinov, S., Tsygankov A., Turler, M., Bozzo, E.
``The continued flaring activity of LS V +44 17/RX J0440.9+4431'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2010,
- Bikmaev, I., Irtuganov, E., Sakhibullin, N., Burenin, R.,
Sazonov, S., Pavlinsky, M., Sunyaev, R. ``Optical identification
of the INTEGRAL source IGR J21565+5948 as Sy1 AGN'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2010,
- Krivonos, R., Tsygankov, S., Burenin, R., Revnivtsev,
M., Lutovinov, A. ``Identification of two new INTEGRAL hard X-ray
sources IGR J19491-1035 and IGR J04221+4856'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2011,
3382 (citations)
- Bodaghee, A., Popp, A., Grinberg, V., Manousakis, A.,
Turler, M., Bozzo, E., Ferrigno, C., Tomsick, J.A., Duro, R.,
Hell, N., Miskovicova, I., Obst, M., Wilms, J., Lohfink, A.,
Marcu, D., Pottschmidt, K., Cadolle Bel, M., Kuulkers, E.,
Rodriguez, J., Krivonos, R., Chenevez, J., Paizis, A., Kennea,
J., Romano, P., den Hartog, P.R., Barriere, N., Beckmann, V.,
Soldi, S. ``INTEGRAL detects the hard X-ray brightening of
4U 1630-47'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2012,
- Bodaghee, A., Bozzo, E., Tomsick, J.A., Kuulkers, E.,
Rodriguez, J., Barriere, N., Beckmann, V., Cadolle Bel, M.,
Chenevez, J., den Hartog, P.R., Grinberg, V., Kennea, J.,
Krivonos, R., Paizis, A., Pottschmidt, K., Romano, P., Soldi,
S., Wilms, J. ``INTEGRAL detects Swift J1910.2-0546 (= MAXI
J1910-057) in the hard X-rays'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2012, 4328
- Bodaghee, A., Kuulkers, E., Tomsick, J.A., Rodriguez, J.,
Barriere, N., Beckmann, V., Cadolle Bel, M., Chenevez, J., den
Hartog, P.R., Grinberg, V., Kennea, J., Krivonos, R., Paizis,
A., Pottschmidt, K., Romano, P., Soldi, S., Wilms, J. ``Hard
X-ray detection of the black hole candidates 4U 1630-47 and
IGR J17091-3624 up to 200 keV with INTEGRAL'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2012, 4360
- Grebenev, S.A., Sunyaev, R.A.
``X-ray brightening and softening of SWIFT J174510.8-262411'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2012, 4401
- Pozanenko, A., Minaev, P., Volnova, A.
``GRB 130427A: SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL observations'',
GCN, 2013, 14484 (citations)
- Krivonos, R., Lutovinov, A., Molkov, S., Revnivtsev, M.,
Tsygankov, S., Sunyaev, R. ``INTEGRAL/IBIS detects a new hard
X-ray transient IGR J17446-2948 in the Galactic Center
region'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2013,
- Tsygankov, S., Krivonos, R., Sazonov, S., Lutovinov, A.,
Sunyaev, R.``INTEGRAL sees brightening of NGC 2617'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2013,
5103 (a
- Filippova, E., Kuulkers, E., Sanchez-Fernandez, C., Wilms,
J., Grinberg, V., Cadolle-Bel, M., Chenevez, J., Wijnands, R.,
Del Santo, M., Tarana, A., Capitanio, F., Bozzo, E., Ferrigno,
C., Rodriguez, J., Paizis, A., Beckmann, V., Pottschmidt, K.,
Watanabe, K. ``INTEGRAL detection of hard X-ray emission from
MAXI J1828-249'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2013,
5476 (citations)
- Krivonos, R. Tsygankov A.
``INTEGRAL/IBIS and Swift/XRT follow up softening of MAXI J1828-249'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2013,
- Pozanenko, A., Minaev, P., Vybornov, V., Volnova, A., Mazaeva, E.
``GRB 141121A: SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL observations'', GCN, 2014, 17110 (citations)
- Filippova, E., Kuulkers, E., Skadt, N.M., Alfonso-Garzon, J.,
Beckmann, V. , Bird, A.J., Brandt, S., Chenevez, J., Del Santo, M.,
Domingo, A., Ebisawa, K., Jonker, P.G., Kretschmar, P., Markwardt,
C.B., Oosterbroek, T., Paizis, A., Pottschmidt, K., Sanchez-Fernandez,
C., Wijnands, R., Bozzo, E., Ferrigno, C. ``INTEGRAL observation of
GRS 1739-278 in outburst'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2014, 5991 (citations)
- Churazov, E., Sunyaev, R., Grebenev, S., Isern, J., Jean,
P., Knodlseder, J., Lebrun, F., Renaud, M., Bravo, E., Diehl,
R., Kuulkers, E., on behalf of a larger
collaboration ``Detection of the 847 keV gamma-ray line of
radio-active Co-56 from the Type Ia Supernova SN2014J in M82
with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2014,
5992 (citations)
- Isern, J., Knoedlseder, J., Jean, P., Lebrun, F., Renaud,
M., Bravo, E., Churazov, E., Grebenev, S., Sunyaev, R., Soldi,
S., Domingo, A., Kuulkers, E., Hoeflich, P., Elias-Rosa, N.,
Hartmann, D.H., Hernanz, M., Badenes, C., Dominguez, I.,
Garcia-Senz, D., Jordi, C., Lichtii, G., Vedrenne, G., Von
Ballmoos, P. ``Early gamma-ray emission from SN 2014J during
the optical maximum as obtained by INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's
Telegram, 2014,
- Tomsick, J.A., Rahoui, F., Krivonos, R., Rodriguez, J. Bodaghee, A. Chaty, S. ``Refined X-ray Position and Spectrum and Near-IR Identification of IGR J14091-6108'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2014, 6793 (citations)
- Cherepashchuk, A.M., Molkov, S.V., Lutovinov, A.A.,
Postnov, K.A. ``New hard X-ray source IGRJ19566+0326
discovered with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2015,
7506 (citations)
- Prosvetov, A.V., Grebenev, S.A. ``QPO and VLFN in the
power spectrum of V404 Cyg detected with INTEGRAL'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2015,
7726 (citations)
- Grebenev, S.A., Krivonos, R.A., Molkov, S.V., Sunyaev, R.A. ``Hard
X-ray activity from the direction to Sgr A* revealed by INTEGRAL'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2016,
9000 (citations)
- Mereminskiy, I., Krivonos, R., Grebenev, S., Filippova, E.,
Sunyaev, R. ``INTEGRAL sees a rising flux from the historical
X-ray nova GRS 1739-278'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2016,
- Mereminskiy, I.A., Grebenev, S.A., Krivonos, R.A.
``The new X-ray outburst of GRO J1744-28 detected with
INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2017,
- Mereminskiy, I.A., Grebenev, S.A., Krivonos, R.A.,
Chelovekov, I.V., Sunyaev, R.A. ``First detection of a
thermonuclear X-ray burst from IGR J17445-2747 (with
INTEGRAL/JEM-X)'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2017,
- Mereminskiy, I.A., Grebenev, S.A., Krivonos, R.A.,
Chelovekov, I.V., Sunyaev, R.A. ``Discovery of SWIFT
J174429.9-274557 - a soft X-ray counterpart of the X-ray burster
IGR J17445-2747 '', Astronomer's Telegram, 2017,
- Mereminskiy, I.A., Grebenev, S.A. ``Detection of the
low-frequency QPOs in MAXI J1535-571'', Astronomer's
Telegram, 2017,
- Grebenev, S.A., Mereminskiy, I.A., Prosvetov, A.V., Ducci,
L., Bozzo, E., Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C. ``INTEGRAL
observations of the new X-ray transient Swift J1658.2-4242
'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2018,
- Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Bozzo, E., Kuulkers, E.,
Sanchez, C., Mereghetti, S., Rodi, J., Bazzano, A., Ubertini, P.,
Natalucci, L., Chenevez, J., Brandt, S., Diehl, R., von Kienlin,
A., Gotz, D., Laurent, P., Hanlon, L., Martin-Carrillo, A.,
Roques, J.-P., Jourdain, E., Lutovinov, A., Sunyaev,
R. ``INTEGRAL observations of the events in the GWTC-1 catalog'',
GCN Circular, 2018, 23517
- Mereminskiy, I.A., Grebenev, S.A., Molkov, S.V.,
Zaznobin, I.A., Khorunzhev, G.A., Burenin, R.A., Eselevich, M.V.
``Low-frequency QPOs in MAXI J1820+070 as seen by INTEGRAL/SPI'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2018,
- Mereminskiy, I.A., Grebenev, S.A., Krivonos, R.A., Sunyaev, R.A.
``New X-ray outburst of accreting millisecond pulsar SWIFT
J1756.9-2508 detected by INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2018,
- Ferrigno, C., Kuulkers, E., Goetz, D., Savchenko, V.,
Bozzo, E., Ducci, L., Beckmann, V., Hermsen, W.,
Sanchez-Fernandez, C., Belanger, G., Ubertini, P., Diehl, R.,
Malizia, A., Lutovinov A. ``INTEGRAL hard X-ray spectroscopy
of AT2018cow: preliminary detection of a cutoff at 40 keV'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2018,
- Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Kuulkers, E., Goetz, D.,
Bozzo, E., Ducci, L., Beckmann, V., Hermsen, W.,
Sanchez-Fernandez, C., Belanger, G., Ubertini, P., Diehl, R.,
Malizia, A., Lutovinov, A. ``INTEGRAL observations of
decaying hard X-ray emission from AT2018cow'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2018,
- Kuiper, L., Tsygankov, S., Falanga, M., Galloway, D.,
Poutanen, J., Mereminskiy, I. ``Deep INTEGRAL, NuSTAR and
Swift ToO observations of accretion-powered millisecond pulsar
IGR J17591-2342: a peculiar outburst profile showing a
re-brightening onset on Aug. 18, 2018'', Astronomer's
Telegram, 2018, 12004 (citations)
- Grebenev, S.A., Mereminskiy, I.A. ``INTEGRAL detected
the beginning of a new X-ray outburst of BHC IGR
J17464-3213'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2018,
- Mereminskiy, I.A., Grebenev, S.A., Sunyaev, R.A., Kuulkers, E.
``INTEGRAL identified with SAX J1747.0-2853 a source of the
X-ray outburst in the Galactic center region detected by
MAXI'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2019,
- Rodriguez, J., Mereminskiy, I., Grebenev, S.A., Cangemi, F.,
Clavel, M., Coleiro, A., Egron, E., Grinberg, V., Pottschmidt,
K., Remillard, R., Steiner, J., Tomsick, J., Wilms,
J. ``INTEGRAL detects renewed activity from the microquasar
XTE J1908+094'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2019,
- Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Bozzo, E., Courvoisier, T.,
Kuulkers, E., Sanchez, C., Mereghetti, S., Rodi, J., Bazzano,
A., Natalucci, L., Panessa, F., Ubertini, P., Chenevez, J.,
Brandt, S., Diehl, R., von Kienlin, A., Gotz, D., Laurent, P.,
Goldwurm, A., Coleiro, A., Hanlon, L., Martin-Carrillo, A.,
Roques, J.-P., Jourdain, E., von Ballmoos, P., Garau, A.D.,
Hesse, M.M., Lutovinov, A., Sunyaev, R. ``INTEGRAL
observation of IceCube-190104A'', GCN Circular, 2019,
- Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A. ``GRB 190114C:
SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL extended emission detection'', GCN Circular, 2019,
- Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Bozzo, E., Courvoisier, T.,
Kuulkers, E., Sanchez, C., Mereghetti, S., Rodi, J., Bazzano,
A., Natalucci, L., Panessa, F., Ubertini, P., Chenevez, J.,
Brandt, S., Diehl, R., von Kienlin, A., Gotz, D., Laurent, P.,
Goldwurm, A., Coleiro, A., Hanlon, L., Martin-Carrillo, A.,
Roques, J.-P., Jourdain, E., von Ballmoos, P., Domingo, A.,
Mas-Hesse, J.M., Lutovinov, A., Sunyaev, R. ``INTEGRAL
observation of IceCube-190124A'', GCN Circular, 2019,
- Rodi, J., Bazzano, A., Natalucci, L., Panessa, F.,
Ubertini, P., Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Bozzo, E.,
Courvoisier, T., Kuulkers, E., Sanchez, C., Mereghetti, S.,
Chenevez, J., Brandt, S., Diehl, R., von Kienlin, A., Gotz, D.,
Laurent, P., Goldwurm, A., Coleiro, A., Hanlon, L.,
Martin-Carrillo, A., Roques, J.-P., Jourdain, E., von Ballmoos, P.,
Domingo, A., Mas-Hesse, J.M., Lutovinov, A., Sunyaev,
R. ``INTEGRAL observation of IceCube-190221A'', GCN
Circular, 2019,
- Lutovinov, A., Molkov, S., Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C.,
Bozzo, E., Courvoisier, T., Kuulkers, E., Sanchez, C.,
Mereghetti, S., Gotz, D., Laurent, P., Schanne, S., Cordier,
B., Antier, S., Coleiro, A., Goldwurm, A., Rodi, J., Bazzano,
A., Natalucci, L., Panessa, F., Onori, F., Ubertini, P., Chenevez,
J., Brandt, S., Diehl, R., von Kienlin, A., Domingo, A.,
Mas-Hesse, J.M., Hanlon, L., Martin-Carrillo, A., Doyle, M.,
Sunyaev, R., Roques, J.-P., Jourdain, E., von Ballmoos,
P. ``LIGO/Virgo S190408an: INTEGRAL follow-up
observations'', GCN Circular, 2019,
- Gotz, D., Lutovinov, A., Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C.,
Rodi, J., Coleiro, A., Mereghetti, S. ``LIGO/Virgo
S190421ar: INTEGRAL prompt observation'', GCN
Circular, 2019,
- Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A., Grebenev, S., Chelovekov, I., on
behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``LIGO/Virgo
S190425z: INTEGRAL SPI-ACS prompt observation'', GCN
Circular, 2019,
- Chelovekov, I., Pozanenko, A., Minaev, P., Grebenev, S., on
behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``LIGO/Virgo
S190425z: INTEGRAL IBIS prompt observation'', GCN Circular,
2019, 24181
- Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A., Grebenev, S., Chelovekov, I., on
behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``LIGO/Virgo
S190602aq: upper limit in INTEGRAL SPI-ACS prompt
observations'', GCN Circular, 2019,
- Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A., Chelovekov, I., Grebenev, S., on
behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``LIGO/Virgo
S190727h: possible counterpart candidate in
SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL'', GCN Circular, 2019,
- Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A., Chelovekov, I., Grebenev, S., on
behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``LIGO/Virgo
S190728q: SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL data analysis'', GCN Circular,
2019, 25189
- Molkov, S., Mereghetti, S., Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C.,
Rodi, J., Coleiro, A. ``IceCube-190819A: No counterpart
candidates in INTEGRAL SPI-ACS prompt observation'', GCN Circular,
2019, 25403
- Molkov, S., Mereghetti, S., Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C.,
Rodi, J., Coleiro, A. ``LIGO/Virgo S190814bv: No counterpart
candidates in INTEGRAL SPI-ACS prompt observation'', GCN Circular,
2019, 25323
- Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Molkov, S., Rodi, J., Coleiro,
A., Mereghetti, S. ``Fermi GBM-190816: Location-dependent
upper limits from INTEGRAL/SPI-ACS prompt observation'', GCN Circular,
2019, 25407
- Mereminskiy, I.A., Grebenev, S.A.``New outburst of XTE
J1739-285 detected by INTEGRAL/JEM-X'', Astronomer's
Telegram, 2019, 13138
- Grebenev, S.A., Mereminskiy, I.A., Bozzo, E., Ferrigno,
C., Savchenko, V. ``INTEGRAL has identified MAXI J1749-310 to
GRS 1747-312'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2019,
- Chelovekov, I., Pozanenko, A., Minaev, P., Grebenev, S., on
behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``ZTF19abvizsw/AT2019pim,
search for GRB in SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL data'', GCN Circular, 2019,
- Molkov, S., Doyle, M., Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Rodi,
J., Coleiro, A., Mereghetti, S. ``LIGO/Virgo S191109d: No
counterpart candidates in INTEGRAL SPI-ACS,prompt
observation'', GCN Circular, 2019, 26207
- Molkov, S., Doyle, M., Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Rodi,
J., Coleiro, A., Mereghetti, S. ``LIGO/Virgo S191110af: No
counterpart candidates in INTEGRAL SPI-ACS, prompt
observation'', GCN Circular, 2019, 26225
- Onori, F., Molkov, S., Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Rodi,
J. Coleiro, A., Mereghetti, S. ``LIGO/Virgo S200129m: No
counterpart candidates in INTEGRAL SPI-ACS prompt
observation'', GCN Circular, 2020, 26928
- Molkov, S., Coleiro, A., Mereghetti, S. ``LIGO/Virgo
S200208q: No counterpart candidates in INTEGRAL SPI-ACS prompt
observation'', GCN Circular, 2020,
- Mereminskiy, I., Grebenev, S., Krivonos, R., Sunyaev, R.,
Wilms, J., Kuulkers, E. ``INTEGRAL/JEM-X detection of X-ray
activity from V4641 Sgr'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2020,
- Mereminskiy, I., Lutovinov, A., Sunyaev, R., Grebenev, S.,
Krivonos, R., Molkov, S. ``INTEGRAL detection of a bright
X-ray transient in Terzan 1 and a flare from
IGR J17407-2808'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2020,
- Lutovinov, A., Enrico B., Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C.,
Rodi, J., Coleiro, A., Mereghetti, S. ``IceCube-200421A: No
counterpart candidates in INTEGRAL SPI-ACS and IBIS prompt
observation'', GCN Circular, 2020,
- Pozanenko, A., Minaev, P., Chelovekov, I., Grebenev, S., on
behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``GRB 200415A
(possible magnetar Giant Flare in Sculptor Galaxy): INTEGRAL
observations'', GCN Circular, 2020,
- Pozanenko, A., Minaev, P., Chelovekov, I., Grebenev, S., on
behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``GRB 200415A
correction to GCN
(possible magnetar Giant Flare in Sculptor Galaxy): INTEGRAL
observations'', GCN Circular, 2020, 27629
- Gotz, D., Lutovinov, A., Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Rodi,
J., Coleiro, A., Mereghetti, S.I. ``IceCube-200425A: No
counterpart candidates in INTEGRAL SPI-ACS prompt observation
'', GCN Circular, 2020, 27652
- Minaev, P., Chelovekov, I., Pozanenko, A., Grebenev, S., on
behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``GRB 200422A:
INTEGRAL observations'', GCN Circular, 2020,
- Mereminskiy, I., Lutovinov, A., Semena, A., Molkov, S.,
Kuulkers, E., Caballero, I., Lapshov, I., Tkachenko, A.,
Krivonos, R., Arefiev, V. ``INTEGRAL, Swift and SRG/ART-XC
joint observation of SRGA J043520.9+552226/AT2019wey'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2020, 14100
- Grebenev, S.A., Mereminskiy, I.A. ``New X-ray transient
IGR J17533-2928 discovered by INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's
Telegram, 2021,
- Mereminskiy, I.A., Grebenev, S.A., Lutovinov, A.A.,
Krivonos, R.A., Kuulkers, E., on behalf of the Galactic bulge
monitoring team ``INTEGRAL/JEM-X observes the new outburst of
the eclipsing 518 Hz AMXP SWIFT J1749.4-2807'', Astronomer's
Telegram, 2021,
- Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A., Chelovekov, I., Grebenev, S., on
behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``GRB 210619B:
SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL observations'', GCN Circular, 2021,
- Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A., Chelovekov, I., Grebenev, S., on
behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``GRB 210704A:
INTEGRAL observations'', GCN Circular, 2021,
- Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A., Chelovekov, I., Grebenev, S., on
behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``GRB 210704A:
classification as long GRB and redshift estimating'', GCN
Circular, 2021,
- Chelovekov, I., Pozanenko, A., Minaev, P., Grebenev, S., on
behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``SGR 1935+2154:
SPI INTEGRAL observations on 2021 August 5'', GCN
Circular, 2021,
- Grebenev, S.A. ``4U 1730-22 (CXOU J173357.5-220156) was
detected in outburst by INTEGRAL for the first time since
1972'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2021,
- Ferrigno, C., Savchenko, V., Bozzo, E., Grebenev, S.A.,
Wilms J., Ducci, L., Kuulkers, E. ``INTEGRAL follow-up of
the 4U 1730-22 outburst'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2021,
- Pozanenko, A., Minaev, P., Grebenev, S., Chelovekov, I., on
behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``GRB 211023A:
classification and SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL registration'', GCN
Circular, 2021,
- Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A. ``GRB 211211A: redshift
estimation and SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL detection'', GCN
Circular, 2022,
- Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A.``GRB 210919A: SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL
observation and evaluation of Ep'', GCN
Circular, 2022,
- Grebenev, S.A., Krivonos, R.A. ``Reactivation of
IGR J17091-3624 in hard X-rays visible with INTEGRAL'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2022,
- Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A., Mozgunov, G. ``GRB 220521A:
classification and detection by SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL'', GCN
Circular, 2022, 32105
- Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A., Chelovekov, I. ``GRB 221009A:
Analysis of the initial episode using data of GBM/Fermi and
SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL'', GCN Circular, 2022, 32819
- Grebenev, S.A., Bryksin, S.S., Sunyaev, R.A. ``X-ray
activity of the transient burster IGR J17498-2921 detected
with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2023,
- Egron, E., Rodriguez, J., Trushkin, S.A., Pellizzoni, A.,
Pilia, M., Melis, A., Righini, S., Bouchet, T., Cangemi, F.,
Coleiro, A., Chenevez, J., Grinberg, V., Loru, S., Petrucci,
P.O., Pottschmidt, K., Steiner, J., Tomsick, J., Wilms, J.,
Zhang, Shu, Zhang, Sh., Tao, L. ``A bright radio flare
observed in GRS 1915+105 with the Medicina and RATAN radio
telescopes with no X-ray counterpart in the INTEGRAL energy
range'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2023,
- Sunyaev, R.A., Mereminskiy, I.A., Molkov, S.V., Semena,
A.N., Arefiev, V.A., Krivonos, R.A., Levin, V.V., Lutovinov,
A.A., Shtykovsky, A.E., Tkachenko, A.Yu. ``INTEGRAL and
SRG/ART-XC observations of the rise of Swift J1727.8-1613'',
Astronomer's Telegram, 2023,
- Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A., Chelovekov, I., Grebenev,
S. (IKI GRB FuN team) ``Transient EPW20240219aa: upper
limit in gamma-ray range from SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL observations'',
GCN Circular, 2024, 35786
- Svinkin, D., Frederiks, D., Lysenko, A., Ridnaia, A.,
Cline, T. (Konus-Wind Team), Goldstein, A., Briggs, M.S.,
Wilson-Hodge, C., Burns, E. (Fermi GBM Team), Bozzo, E.,
Ferrigno, C. (INTEGRAL SPI-ACS GRB Team), Barthelmy, S.,
Cummings, J., Krimm, H., Palmer, D., Tohuvavohu, A. (Swift-BAT
Team) ``IPN triangulation of GRB 240514B (short)'',
GCN Circular, 2024,
- Kozyrev, A.S., Golovin, D.V., Litvak, M.L., Mitrofanov,
I.G., Sanin, A.B. (Hend/Mars Odyssey Team), Svinkin, D.,
Frederiks, D., Ridnaia, A., Lysenko, A., Cline, T. (Konus-Wind
Team), Goldstein, A., Briggs, M.S., Wilson-Hodge, C., Burns,
E. (Fermi GBM Team), Bozzo, E., Ferrigno, C. (INTEGRAL SPI-ACS
GRB Team), Barthelmy, S., Cummings, J., Krimm, H., Palmer, D.,
Tohuvavohu, A. (Swift-BAT team), Boynton, W., Fellows, C.,
Harshman, K., Enos, H., Starr, R., Gardner, A.S. (GRS-Odyssey
GRB team) ``IPN triangulation of GRB 240615A (short)'',
GCN Circular, 2024, 36726