INTEGRAL Publications of Russian Scientists

INTEGRAL Publications of Russian Scientists

Astronomers's Telegrams and IAU Circulars

2003 (25) | 2004 (20) | 2005 (17) | 2006 (6) | 2007 (7) | 2008 (6) | 2009 (4) | 2010 (7) |
2011 (1) | 2012 (4) | 2013 (5) | 2014 (5) | 2015 (2) | 2016 (2) | 2017 (4) | 2018 (8) |
2019 (21) | 2020 (10) | 2021 (9) | 2022 (5) | 2023 (3) | 2024 (3) |


  1. T. J.-L. Courvoisier, T. J.-L., Walter, R., Rodriguez, J., Bouchet, L., Lutovinov, A.A. ``IGR J16318-4848'', IAU Circ., 2003, 8063 (citations)

  2. Revnivtsev, M., Tuerler, M., Del Santo, M., Westergaard, N. J., Gehrels, N., Winkler, C. ``IGR J16358-4726'', IAU Circ., 2003, 8097 (citations)

  3. Dubath, P., Revnivtsev, M., Goldoni, P., von Kienlin, A., Lund, N., Grebenev, S., Kuulkers, E. ``XTE J1550-564'', IAU Circ., 2003, 8100 (citations)

  4. Revnivtsev, M., Lutovinov, A., Ebisawa, K., ''IGR J16358-4726 in archival data of ASCA and BeppoSAX'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003, 131 (citations)

  5. Revnivtsev, M., Chernyakova, M., Capitanio, F., Westergaard, N.J., V. Shoenfelder, V., Gehrels, N., Winkler, C. ''IGR J17464-3213'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003, 132 (citations)

  6. Lutovinov, A., Kretschmar, P., Budtz-Joergensen, C., Domingo, A., Schoenfelder, V., Palumbo, G., Winkler, C. ``INTEGRAL observation of SLX1746-331'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003, 145 (citations)

  7. Kuulkers, E., Lutovinov, A., Parmar, A., Capitanio, F., Mowlavi, N., Hermsen, W. ``IGR J17091-3624'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003, 149(citations)

  8. Revnivtsev, M., Gilfanov, M., Churazov, E., Sunyaev, R. ``IGR J17091-3624 in archival data of MIR/KVANT/TTM'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003, 150(citations)

  9. Lutovinov, A., Rodriguez, J., Produit, N., Lund, N., Hermseni, W., Much, R. ``IGR J18539+0727'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003, 151 (citations)

  10. Goldoni P., Goldwurm, A., Kuulkers, E., Parmar, A., Budtz-Joergensen, C., Palumbo, G., Roques, J.P., Sunyaev, R., Favre, P. ``INTEGRAL detection of Hard X-ray emission from XTE J1720-318'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003, 153 (citations)

  11. Lutovinov, A., Shaw, S., Foschini, L., Paul, J. ``IGR J18325-0756'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003, 154 (citations)

  12. Lutovinov, A., Walter, R., Belanger, G., Lund, N., Grebenev, S., Winkler, C. ``IGR17597-2201 and AX1820.5-1434'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003, 155 (citations)

  13. Chernyakova, M., Lutovinov, A., Capitanio, F., Lund, N., Gehrels, N. ``IGR J18483-0311'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003, 157 (citations)

  14. Cherepashchuk, A.M., Molkov, S., Foschini, L., Orlandini, M., Grebenev, S., Palazzi, S. ``An X-ray outburst of GS1843+009 detected with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003, 159 (citations)

  15. Molkov, S., Mowlavi, N., Goldwurm, A., Strong, A., Lund, N., Paul, J., Oosterbroek, T. ``IGR J16479-4514'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003, 176 (citations)

  16. Lutovinov, A., Revnivtsev, M., Molkov, S. ``INTEGRAL Detection and Improved Position of EXO 1722-363'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003, 178 (citations)

  17. Kretschmar, P., Chenevez, J., Capitanio, F., Orr, A., Palumbo, G., Grebenev, S. ``INTEGRAL observes IGR J17464-3213 in the soft state'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003, 180 (citations)

  18. Sunyaev, R., Lutovinov, A., Molkov, S. ``Possible new source IGR J17391-3021 or an outburst from XTE J1739-302'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003, 181 (citations)

  19. Sunyaev, R.A., Zheleznyakov, V.V., Cherepashchuk, A.M., Varshalovich, D.A., Molkov, S.V., Lutovinov, A.A., Grebenev, S.A. ``Burst activity of SGR1806-20'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003, 183 (citations)

  20. Sunyaev, R., Lutovinov, A.i, Molkov, S., ``GRS 1758-258'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003, 185 (citations)

  21. Sunyaev, R., Molkov, S., Lutovinov, A. ``Hard X-ray Outburst from Rapid Burster MXB1730-335'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003, 187 (citations)

  22. Grebenev, S.A., Lutovinov, A.A., Sunyaev, R.A. ``Reactivation of IGR J17464-3213 in hard X-rays'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003, 189 (citations)

  23. Sunyaev, R.A., Grebenev, S.A., Lutovinov, A.A., Rodriguez, J., Mereghetti, S., Gotz, D., Courvoisier, T., and the shift team ``New source IGR J17544-2619 discovered with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003, 190 (citations)

  24. Grebenev, S.A., Lutovinov, A.A., Sunyaev, R.A. ``New outburst of IGR J17544-2619'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003, 192 (citations)

  25. Krivonos, R., Produit, N., Kreykenbohm, I., Staubert, R., von Kienlin, A., Winkler, C., Gehrels, N. ``A very intense X-ray outburst of Vela X-1 detected with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2003, 211 (citations)


  26. Zurita, J., Bazzano, A., Brandt, S., Domingo, A., Winkler, C., Grebenev, S. ``The LMXRB GX354-0 is flaring in the hard X-rays'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 248 (citations)

  27. Chernyakova, M., Shtykovsky, P., Lutovinov, A., Revnivtsev, M., Courvoisier, T., Walter, R., Shaw, S., Cocco, G., Attie, D., Budtz-Jorgensen, C., Hermsen, W., Much, R. ``Transition to a hard state of 1RXP J130159.6-635806'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 251 (citations)

  28. Grebenev, S.A., Rodriguez, J., Westergaard, N.J., Sunyaev, R.A., Oosterbroek, T. ``New outburst of IGR J17544-2619 detected with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 252 (citations)

  29. Deluit, S., Bazzano, A., Nowlavi, N.,Grebenev, S., Roques, J.-P., Schoenfelder, V., Palumbo, G., Brandt, S. ``INTEGRAL detection of the X-ray outburst of SAX J1747.0-2853'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 256 (citations)

  30. Grebenev, S.A., Revnivtsev, M.G., Sunyaev, R.A. ``1E1740.7-2942 and KS1741-293'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 257 (citations)

  31. Molkov, S.V., Lutovinov, A.A., Cherepashchuk, A.M., Sunyaev, R.A. ``Detection of Aql X-1 in Hard X-Ray State'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 259 (citations)

  32. Grebenev, S.A., Goldoni, P., Schoenfelder, V., Roques, J.-P., Sunyaev, R.A., Courvoisier, T., Winkler, C. ``INTEGRAL observes A1744-361 (XTE J1748-361) in hard X-rays'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 266 (citations)

  33. Molkov, S.V., Cherepashchuk, A.M., Revnivtsev, M.G., Lutovinov, A.A., Postnov, K.A., Kretschmar, P., Sunyaev, R.A. ``A new outburst from XTE J1858+034. Improving the source position'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 274 (citations)

  34. Grebenev, S.A., Ubertini, P., Chenevez, J, Orr, A., Sunyaev, R.A. ``New X-ray transient IGR J01363+6610 discovered by INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 275 (citations)

  35. Molkov, S., Hurley, K., Lutovinov, A., Sunyaev, R. ``SGR 1806-20'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 325

  36. Lutovinov, A., Budtz-Jorgensen, C., Turler, M., Kretschmar , P., Hermsen, W., Kuulkers, E. ``New outburst from 4U0115+634'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 326 (citations)

  37. Lutovinov, A., Cadolle Beli, M., Belangeri, G., Goldwurmi, A., Budtz-Jorgensen, C., Mowlava, N., Pauli, J., Orri, A ``IGR J17331-2406'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 328 (citations)

  38. Lutovinov, A., Rodrigues, J., Budtz-Jorgensen, C., Grebenev, S., Winkler, C. ``INTEGRAL discovered a new transient source IGRJ16465-4507'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 329 (citations)

  39. Zurita Heras, J.A., Shaw, S.E., Kreykenbohm, I., Kretschmar, P., Gotz, D., Mereghetti, S., Lutovinov, A., Palumbo, G., Oosterbroek, T., Budtz-Joergensen, C., Ubertini, P. ``INTEGRAL detects increased activity from 4U 0115+63'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 331 (citations)

  40. Grebenev, S.A., Sunyaev, R.A. ``High actvity of XTE J1743-363 detected with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 332 (citations)

  41. Rodriguez, J., Domingo Garau, A., Grebenev, S., Parmar, A., Roques, J.-P., Schoenfelder, V., Ubertini, P., Walter, R., Westergaard, N.-J. ``INTEGRAL discovery of a possible new source IGR J18410-0535'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 340 (citations)

  42. Grebenev, S.A., Sunyaev, R.A. ``New X-ray transient IGR J17507-2856 discovered with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 342 (citations)

  43. Grebenev, S.A., Ubertini, P., Chenevez, J., Mowlavi, N., Roques, J.-P., Gehrels, N., Kuulkers, E. ``New X-ray transient IGR J11435-6109 discovered with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 350 (citations)

  44. Gotz, D., Zurita Heras, J.A., Winkler, C., Gehrels, N., Martinez-Nunez, S., Bazzano, A., Lutovinov, A. ``Outburst from EXO 2030+375 detected with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 367 (citations)

  45. Turler, M., di Cocco, G., Diehl, R., Maisala, S., Mas-Hesse, M., Mowlavi, N., Orr, A., Paul, J., Sunyaev, R.A. ``INTEGRAL hard X-ray observation of V0332+53'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2004, 372 (citations)


  46. Grebenev, S.A., Molkov, S.V., Sunyaev, R.A. ``New X-ray transient IGR J17098-3628 discovered with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2005, 444 (citations)

  47. Grebenev, S.A., Molkov, S.V., Sunyaev, R.A. ``An outburst of the accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar XTE J1751-305 detected with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2005, 446 (citations)

  48. Grebenev, S.A., Molkov, S.V., Revnivtsev, M.G., Sunyaev, R.A. ``Spectral evolution of IGR J17098-3628 observed by INTEGRAL and RXTE'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2005, 447

  49. Grebenev, S.A., Belanger, G., Bodaghee, A., Lund, N., Hermsen, W., Parmar, A., Roques, J.-P., Mas-Hesse, M. ``INTEGRAL detected Aql X-1 in hard X-rays'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2005, 452 (citations)

  50. Soldi, S., Brandt, S., Domingo Garau, A., Grebenev, S.A., Kuulkers, E., Palumbo, G.G.C., Tarana, A. ``Discovery of a new X-ray transient IGR J16283-4838 with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2005, 456 (citations)

  51. Grebenev, S.A., Bird, A.J., Molkov, S.V., Soldi, S., Kretschmar, P., Diehl, R., Budz-Joergensen, C., McBreen, B. ``IGR J16493-4348 - a radiopulsar or a new X-ray binary'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2005, 457 (citations)

  52. Molkov, S.V., Grebenev, S.A., Sunyaev, R.A. ``New X-ray outburst from Rapid Burster'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2005, 462

  53. Grebenev, S.A., Molkov, S.V., Sunyaev, R.A. ``New X-ray transient IGR J17473-2721 discovered with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2005, 467 (citations)

  54. Leyder, J.-C., Chenevez, J., Fiocchi, M.T., Revnivtsev, M., Paul, J., Oosterbroek, T., Mas-Hesse, M., Strong, A. ``Hard X-ray brightening of Ginga 1843+009 seen by INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2005, 472

  55. Kennea, J.A., Burrows, D.N., Nousek, J.A., Chester, M., Barthelmy, S., Gehrels, N., Grebenev, S., Beckmann, V. ``Swift-XRT detection of IGR J17098-3628'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2005, 476

  56. Chernyakova, M., Courvoisier, T.J.-L., Rodriguez, J, Lutovinov, A. ``INTEGRAL discovery of the new source IGR J12349-6434'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2005, 519 (citations)

  57. Revnivtsev, M., Molkov, S., Grebenev, S. ``New outburst of accreting X-ray pulsar IGR J11435-6109'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2005, 531 (citations)

  58. Krivonos, R., Molkov, S., Revnivtsev, M., Grebenev, S., Sunyaev, R., Paizis, A. ``New INTEGRAL source IGR J11321-5311'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2005, 545 (citations)

  59. Grebenev, S.A., Molkov, S.V, Sunyaev, R.A. ``New X-ray transient IGR J17419-2802 discovered with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2005, 616 (citations)

  60. Brandt, S., Kuulkers, E., Bazzano, A., Courvoisier, T.J.-L., Domingo, A., Ebisawa, K., Gehrels, N., Kretschmar, P., Krivonos, R., Lund, N., Markwardt, C., Mowlavi, N., Oosterbroek, T., Orr, A., Paizis, A., Roques, J.-P., Shaw, S.E., Wijnands, R. ``Type-I X-ray bursts from XTE J1739-285'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2005, 622 (citations)

  61. Turler, M., Cadolle Bel, M., Diehl, R., Westergaard, N.-J., McBreen, B., Williams, O.R., Grebenev, S.A., Lutovinov, A. ``New X-ray transient IGR J17269-4737 discovered with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2005, 624 (citations)

  62. Grebenev, S.A., G. De Cesare, J. Chenevez, A. Paizis, W. Hermsen, C. Winkler, R. Diehl, A. Domingo Garau ``New outburst of the transient X-ray pulsar GRO J1008-57 detected by INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2005, 647 (citations)


  63. Kreykenbohm, I., Staubert, R., von Kienlin, A., Martinez-Nunez, S., Mas-Hesse, M., Sanchez, C., Palumbo, G.G.C., Sunyaev, R.A. ``Vela X-1 in a highly active state'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2006, 711 (citations)

  64. Grebenev, S.A., Molkov, S.V., Sunyaev, R.A. ``Renewed X-ray activity of IGR J17419-2802 and GRS 1736-297 observed with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2006, 744 (citations)

  65. Kennea, J., Pavlov, G.G., Bykov, A.M., Krassilchtchikov, A.M., Uvarov, Yu.A., Lebrun, F., Bloemen, H., Hermsen, W., Kaastra, J. ``Swift XRT detection of the Integral ISGRI source IGR J2018+4043'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2006, 788

  66. Burenin, R., Mescheryakov, A., Revnivtsev, M., Bikmaev, I., Sunyaev, R. ``Optical identification of four INTEGRAL sources'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2006, 880 (citations)

  67. Burenin, R., Mescheryakov, A., Sazonov, S., Revnivtsev, M., Bikmaev, I., Sunyaev, R. ``Two more nearby AGNs among INTEGRAL sources'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2006, 883 (citations)

  68. Turler, M., Zdziarski, A.A., Laurent, P., Foschini, L., Roques, J.-P., Lund, N., McBreen, B., Kretschmar, P., Gehrels, N., Revnivtsev, M. ``INTEGRAL observation of Cyg X-1 at a historic hard X-ray maximum'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2006, 911 (citations)


  69. Galis, R., Beckmann, V., Bianchin, V., Grebenev, S., McBreen, S., Mereghetti, S., Revnivtsev, M., Sanchez, C., Strong, A., Westergaard, N.J. for the INTEGRAL Science Working Team ``SAX J2103.5+4545 in outburst'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2007, 1063

  70. Chelovekov, I.V., Grebenev, S.A. ``First detection of a type I X-ray burst from AX J1754.2-2754'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2007, 1094 (citations)

  71. Karasev, D., Tsygankov, S., Lutovinov, A., Churazov, E., Sunyaev, R. ``Discovery of X-ray pulsations from the HMXB AX J1749.1-2733'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2007, 1245 (citations)

  72. Revnivtsev, M., Sunyaev, R., Lutovinov, A., Sazonov, S. ``Identification of two INTEGRAL sources with SWIFT/XRT'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2007, 1253 (citations)

  73. Burenin, R., Revnivtsev, M., Mescheryakov, A., Bikmaev, I., Pavlinsky, M., Sunyaev, R. ``INTEGRAL source IGR J16562-3301 - a new BL Lac object'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2007, 1270

  74. Kreykenbohm, I., Shaw, S.E., Bianchin, V., Diehl, R., Brandt, S., Mas-Hesse, M., Parmar, A., Hermsen, W., Krivonos, R. ``INTEGRAL detects a new outburst of MXB 0656-072'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2007, 1281
  75. Grebenev, S.A, Revnivtsev, M.G., Sunyaev, R.A. ``Discovery of the new fast X-ray transient IGRJ18462-0223 with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2007, 1319 (citations)


  76. Bikmaev, I., Revnivtsev, M., Burenin, R., Sazonov, S., Sunyaev, R., Pavlinsky, M., Galeev, A., Sakhibullin, N. ``Optical identification of two INTEGRAL sources'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2008, 1363 (citations)

  77. Grebenev, S.A., Sunyaev, R.A. ``Increasing X-ray activity of SAX J1818.6-1703 detected by INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2008, 1482 (citations)

  78. Kniazev, A., Revnivtsev, M., Sazonov, S., Burenin, R., Tekola, A. ``IGR J08390-4833 is a new cataclysmic variable from the INTEGRAL all-sky survey'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2008, 1488

  79. Dubner, G., Giacani, E., Bykov, A.M., Krassilchtchikov, A.M., Uvarov, Yu.A. ``Discovery of the radio counterpart for 2MASX J20183871+4041003 within the error-box of IGR J2018-4043 and of the AGILE variable gamma-ray source in the Cygnus region'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2008, 1518

  80. Trejo, A., Giacani, E., Paragi, Z., van Langevelde, H.J., Dubner, G., Bykov, A.M. ``VLBI observations of the radio counterpart of IGR J20187+4041/2MASX J20183871+4041003 in the error box of the gamma-ray source AGL2021+4029/3EG J2020+4017'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2008, 1597

  81. Manousakis, A., Beckmann, V., Bianchin, V., Brandt, S., Chenevez, J., Hermsen, W., von Kienlin, A., Krivonos, R., Mas-Hesse, M., Parmar, A., Reglero, V. ``INTEGRAL hard X-ray detection of HMXB GX 304-1 and H 1417-624'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2008, 1613 (citations)


  82. Mescheryakov, A., Burenin, R., Sazonov, S., Revnivtsev, M., Bikmaev, I., Pavlinsky, M., Sunyaev, R. ``Optical identification of INTEGRAL sources IGRJ17476-2253 and IGRJ12107+3822 as Seyfert 1 galaxies'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2009, 2132

  83. Produit, N., Beckmann, V., Manousakis, A., Bianchin, V., Budtz-Jorgensen, C., Domingo, A., Kuulkers, E., Lutovinov, A., Mandrou, P., Paul, J., and 2 coauthors ``INTEGRAL observes outburst from 1A 0535+262'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2009, 2146

  84. Krivonos, R., Tsygankov, S., Sunyaev, R., Melnikov, S., Bikmaev, I., Pavlinsky, M., Burenin, R. ``Two new hard X-ray sources IGR J18151-1052 and IGR J17009+3559 discovered with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2009, 2170

  85. Burenin, R., Makarov, D., Uklein, R., Revnivtsev, M., Lutovinov, A. ``Optical identification of a hard X-ray source IGR J18151-1052'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2009, 2193


  86. Manousakis, A., Revnivtsev, M., Krivonos, R., Bozzo, E. ``INTEGRAL observations of U Sco'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2010, 2412 (citations)

  87. Kniazev, A., Revnivtsev, M., Burenin, R., Tkachenko, A. ``IGR J13168-7157 is a Seyfert 1 active galactic nucleus'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2010, 2457 (citations)

  88. Grebenev, S.A., Lutovinov, A.A. ``New X-ray source IGR J05414-6858 discovered with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2010, 2695 (citations)

  89. Lutovinov, A., Grebenev, S. ``Swift follow-up observations of a new transient source IGRJ05414-6858'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2010, 2696 (citations)

  90. Lutovinov, A., Burenin, R., Sazonov, S., Revnivtsev, M., Moiseev, A., Dodonov, S. ``Identification of the new INTEGRAL hard X-ray source IGR J03249+4041 with interacting Seyfert 2 galaxies'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2010, 2759

  91. Krivonos, R., Lutovinov, S., Tsygankov A., Turler, M., Bozzo, E. ``The continued flaring activity of LS V +44 17/RX J0440.9+4431'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2010, 2828

  92. Bikmaev, I., Irtuganov, E., Sakhibullin, N., Burenin, R., Sazonov, S., Pavlinsky, M., Sunyaev, R. ``Optical identification of the INTEGRAL source IGR J21565+5948 as Sy1 AGN'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2010, 3072 (citations)


  93. Krivonos, R., Tsygankov, S., Burenin, R., Revnivtsev, M., Lutovinov, A. ``Identification of two new INTEGRAL hard X-ray sources IGR J19491-1035 and IGR J04221+4856'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2011, 3382 (citations)


  94. Bodaghee, A., Popp, A., Grinberg, V., Manousakis, A., Turler, M., Bozzo, E., Ferrigno, C., Tomsick, J.A., Duro, R., Hell, N., Miskovicova, I., Obst, M., Wilms, J., Lohfink, A., Marcu, D., Pottschmidt, K., Cadolle Bel, M., Kuulkers, E., Rodriguez, J., Krivonos, R., Chenevez, J., Paizis, A., Kennea, J., Romano, P., den Hartog, P.R., Barriere, N., Beckmann, V., Soldi, S. ``INTEGRAL detects the hard X-ray brightening of 4U 1630-47'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2012, 3945 (citations)

  95. Bodaghee, A., Bozzo, E., Tomsick, J.A., Kuulkers, E., Rodriguez, J., Barriere, N., Beckmann, V., Cadolle Bel, M., Chenevez, J., den Hartog, P.R., Grinberg, V., Kennea, J., Krivonos, R., Paizis, A., Pottschmidt, K., Romano, P., Soldi, S., Wilms, J. ``INTEGRAL detects Swift J1910.2-0546 (= MAXI J1910-057) in the hard X-rays'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2012, 4328 (citations)

  96. Bodaghee, A., Kuulkers, E., Tomsick, J.A., Rodriguez, J., Barriere, N., Beckmann, V., Cadolle Bel, M., Chenevez, J., den Hartog, P.R., Grinberg, V., Kennea, J., Krivonos, R., Paizis, A., Pottschmidt, K., Romano, P., Soldi, S., Wilms, J. ``Hard X-ray detection of the black hole candidates 4U 1630-47 and IGR J17091-3624 up to 200 keV with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2012, 4360

  97. Grebenev, S.A., Sunyaev, R.A. ``X-ray brightening and softening of SWIFT J174510.8-262411'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2012, 4401 (citations)


  98. Pozanenko, A., Minaev, P., Volnova, A. ``GRB 130427A: SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL observations'', GCN, 2013, 14484 (citations)

  99. Krivonos, R., Lutovinov, A., Molkov, S., Revnivtsev, M., Tsygankov, S., Sunyaev, R. ``INTEGRAL/IBIS detects a new hard X-ray transient IGR J17446-2948 in the Galactic Center region'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2013, 4924 (citations)

  100. Tsygankov, S., Krivonos, R., Sazonov, S., Lutovinov, A., Sunyaev, R.``INTEGRAL sees brightening of NGC 2617'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2013, 5103 (a citations)

  101. Filippova, E., Kuulkers, E., Sanchez-Fernandez, C., Wilms, J., Grinberg, V., Cadolle-Bel, M., Chenevez, J., Wijnands, R., Del Santo, M., Tarana, A., Capitanio, F., Bozzo, E., Ferrigno, C., Rodriguez, J., Paizis, A., Beckmann, V., Pottschmidt, K., Watanabe, K. ``INTEGRAL detection of hard X-ray emission from MAXI J1828-249'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2013, 5476 (citations)

  102. Krivonos, R. Tsygankov A. ``INTEGRAL/IBIS and Swift/XRT follow up softening of MAXI J1828-249'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2013, 5492 (citations)


  103. Pozanenko, A., Minaev, P., Vybornov, V., Volnova, A., Mazaeva, E. ``GRB 141121A: SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL observations'', GCN, 2014, 17110 (citations)

  104. Filippova, E., Kuulkers, E., Skadt, N.M., Alfonso-Garzon, J., Beckmann, V. , Bird, A.J., Brandt, S., Chenevez, J., Del Santo, M., Domingo, A., Ebisawa, K., Jonker, P.G., Kretschmar, P., Markwardt, C.B., Oosterbroek, T., Paizis, A., Pottschmidt, K., Sanchez-Fernandez, C., Wijnands, R., Bozzo, E., Ferrigno, C. ``INTEGRAL observation of GRS 1739-278 in outburst'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2014, 5991 (citations)

  105. Churazov, E., Sunyaev, R., Grebenev, S., Isern, J., Jean, P., Knodlseder, J., Lebrun, F., Renaud, M., Bravo, E., Diehl, R., Kuulkers, E., on behalf of a larger collaboration ``Detection of the 847 keV gamma-ray line of radio-active Co-56 from the Type Ia Supernova SN2014J in M82 with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2014, 5992 (citations)

  106. Isern, J., Knoedlseder, J., Jean, P., Lebrun, F., Renaud, M., Bravo, E., Churazov, E., Grebenev, S., Sunyaev, R., Soldi, S., Domingo, A., Kuulkers, E., Hoeflich, P., Elias-Rosa, N., Hartmann, D.H., Hernanz, M., Badenes, C., Dominguez, I., Garcia-Senz, D., Jordi, C., Lichtii, G., Vedrenne, G., Von Ballmoos, P. ``Early gamma-ray emission from SN 2014J during the optical maximum as obtained by INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2014, 6099

  107. Tomsick, J.A., Rahoui, F., Krivonos, R., Rodriguez, J. Bodaghee, A. Chaty, S. ``Refined X-ray Position and Spectrum and Near-IR Identification of IGR J14091-6108'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2014, 6793 (citations)


  108. Cherepashchuk, A.M., Molkov, S.V., Lutovinov, A.A., Postnov, K.A. ``New hard X-ray source IGRJ19566+0326 discovered with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2015, 7506 (citations)

  109. Prosvetov, A.V., Grebenev, S.A. ``QPO and VLFN in the power spectrum of V404 Cyg detected with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2015, 7726 (citations)


  110. Grebenev, S.A., Krivonos, R.A., Molkov, S.V., Sunyaev, R.A. ``Hard X-ray activity from the direction to Sgr A* revealed by INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2016, 9000 (citations)

  111. Mereminskiy, I., Krivonos, R., Grebenev, S., Filippova, E., Sunyaev, R. ``INTEGRAL sees a rising flux from the historical X-ray nova GRS 1739-278'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2016, 9517


  112. Mereminskiy, I.A., Grebenev, S.A., Krivonos, R.A. ``The new X-ray outburst of GRO J1744-28 detected with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2017, 10073

  113. Mereminskiy, I.A., Grebenev, S.A., Krivonos, R.A., Chelovekov, I.V., Sunyaev, R.A. ``First detection of a thermonuclear X-ray burst from IGR J17445-2747 (with INTEGRAL/JEM-X)'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2017, 10256

  114. Mereminskiy, I.A., Grebenev, S.A., Krivonos, R.A., Chelovekov, I.V., Sunyaev, R.A. ``Discovery of SWIFT J174429.9-274557 - a soft X-ray counterpart of the X-ray burster IGR J17445-2747 '', Astronomer's Telegram, 2017, 10272

  115. Mereminskiy, I.A., Grebenev, S.A. ``Detection of the low-frequency QPOs in MAXI J1535-571'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2017, 10734


  116. Grebenev, S.A., Mereminskiy, I.A., Prosvetov, A.V., Ducci, L., Bozzo, E., Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C. ``INTEGRAL observations of the new X-ray transient Swift J1658.2-4242 '', Astronomer's Telegram, 2018, 11306 (citations)

  117. Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Bozzo, E., Kuulkers, E., Sanchez, C., Mereghetti, S., Rodi, J., Bazzano, A., Ubertini, P., Natalucci, L., Chenevez, J., Brandt, S., Diehl, R., von Kienlin, A., Gotz, D., Laurent, P., Hanlon, L., Martin-Carrillo, A., Roques, J.-P., Jourdain, E., Lutovinov, A., Sunyaev, R. ``INTEGRAL observations of the events in the GWTC-1 catalog'', GCN Circular, 2018, 23517

  118. Mereminskiy, I.A., Grebenev, S.A., Molkov, S.V., Zaznobin, I.A., Khorunzhev, G.A., Burenin, R.A., Eselevich, M.V. ``Low-frequency QPOs in MAXI J1820+070 as seen by INTEGRAL/SPI'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2018, 11488 (citations)

  119. Mereminskiy, I.A., Grebenev, S.A., Krivonos, R.A., Sunyaev, R.A. ``New X-ray outburst of accreting millisecond pulsar SWIFT J1756.9-2508 detected by INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2018, 11497 (citations)

  120. Ferrigno, C., Kuulkers, E., Goetz, D., Savchenko, V., Bozzo, E., Ducci, L., Beckmann, V., Hermsen, W., Sanchez-Fernandez, C., Belanger, G., Ubertini, P., Diehl, R., Malizia, A., Lutovinov A. ``INTEGRAL hard X-ray spectroscopy of AT2018cow: preliminary detection of a cutoff at 40 keV'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2018, 11788 (citations)

  121. Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Kuulkers, E., Goetz, D., Bozzo, E., Ducci, L., Beckmann, V., Hermsen, W., Sanchez-Fernandez, C., Belanger, G., Ubertini, P., Diehl, R., Malizia, A., Lutovinov, A. ``INTEGRAL observations of decaying hard X-ray emission from AT2018cow'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2018, 11843 (citations)

  122. Kuiper, L., Tsygankov, S., Falanga, M., Galloway, D., Poutanen, J., Mereminskiy, I. ``Deep INTEGRAL, NuSTAR and Swift ToO observations of accretion-powered millisecond pulsar IGR J17591-2342: a peculiar outburst profile showing a re-brightening onset on Aug. 18, 2018'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2018, 12004 (citations)

  123. Grebenev, S.A., Mereminskiy, I.A. ``INTEGRAL detected the beginning of a new X-ray outburst of BHC IGR J17464-3213'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2018, 12007 (citations)


  124. Mereminskiy, I.A., Grebenev, S.A., Sunyaev, R.A., Kuulkers, E. ``INTEGRAL identified with SAX J1747.0-2853 a source of the X-ray outburst in the Galactic center region detected by MAXI'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2019, 12578

  125. Rodriguez, J., Mereminskiy, I., Grebenev, S.A., Cangemi, F., Clavel, M., Coleiro, A., Egron, E., Grinberg, V., Pottschmidt, K., Remillard, R., Steiner, J., Tomsick, J., Wilms, J. ``INTEGRAL detects renewed activity from the microquasar XTE J1908+094'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2019, 12628 (citations)

  126. Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Bozzo, E., Courvoisier, T., Kuulkers, E., Sanchez, C., Mereghetti, S., Rodi, J., Bazzano, A., Natalucci, L., Panessa, F., Ubertini, P., Chenevez, J., Brandt, S., Diehl, R., von Kienlin, A., Gotz, D., Laurent, P., Goldwurm, A., Coleiro, A., Hanlon, L., Martin-Carrillo, A., Roques, J.-P., Jourdain, E., von Ballmoos, P., Garau, A.D., Hesse, M.M., Lutovinov, A., Sunyaev, R. ``INTEGRAL observation of IceCube-190104A'', GCN Circular, 2019, 23689

  127. Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A. ``GRB 190114C: SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL extended emission detection'', GCN Circular, 2019, 23714

  128. Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Bozzo, E., Courvoisier, T., Kuulkers, E., Sanchez, C., Mereghetti, S., Rodi, J., Bazzano, A., Natalucci, L., Panessa, F., Ubertini, P., Chenevez, J., Brandt, S., Diehl, R., von Kienlin, A., Gotz, D., Laurent, P., Goldwurm, A., Coleiro, A., Hanlon, L., Martin-Carrillo, A., Roques, J.-P., Jourdain, E., von Ballmoos, P., Domingo, A., Mas-Hesse, J.M., Lutovinov, A., Sunyaev, R. ``INTEGRAL observation of IceCube-190124A'', GCN Circular, 2019, 23807

  129. Rodi, J., Bazzano, A., Natalucci, L., Panessa, F., Ubertini, P., Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Bozzo, E., Courvoisier, T., Kuulkers, E., Sanchez, C., Mereghetti, S., Chenevez, J., Brandt, S., Diehl, R., von Kienlin, A., Gotz, D., Laurent, P., Goldwurm, A., Coleiro, A., Hanlon, L., Martin-Carrillo, A., Roques, J.-P., Jourdain, E., von Ballmoos, P., Domingo, A., Mas-Hesse, J.M., Lutovinov, A., Sunyaev, R. ``INTEGRAL observation of IceCube-190221A'', GCN Circular, 2019, 23927

  130. Lutovinov, A., Molkov, S., Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Bozzo, E., Courvoisier, T., Kuulkers, E., Sanchez, C., Mereghetti, S., Gotz, D., Laurent, P., Schanne, S., Cordier, B., Antier, S., Coleiro, A., Goldwurm, A., Rodi, J., Bazzano, A., Natalucci, L., Panessa, F., Onori, F., Ubertini, P., Chenevez, J., Brandt, S., Diehl, R., von Kienlin, A., Domingo, A., Mas-Hesse, J.M., Hanlon, L., Martin-Carrillo, A., Doyle, M., Sunyaev, R., Roques, J.-P., Jourdain, E., von Ballmoos, P. ``LIGO/Virgo S190408an: INTEGRAL follow-up observations'', GCN Circular, 2019, 24139

  131. Gotz, D., Lutovinov, A., Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Rodi, J., Coleiro, A., Mereghetti, S. ``LIGO/Virgo S190421ar: INTEGRAL prompt observation'', GCN Circular, 2019, 24152

  132. Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A., Grebenev, S., Chelovekov, I., on behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``LIGO/Virgo S190425z: INTEGRAL SPI-ACS prompt observation'', GCN Circular, 2019, 24170

  133. Chelovekov, I., Pozanenko, A., Minaev, P., Grebenev, S., on behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``LIGO/Virgo S190425z: INTEGRAL IBIS prompt observation'', GCN Circular, 2019, 24181

  134. Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A., Grebenev, S., Chelovekov, I., on behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``LIGO/Virgo S190602aq: upper limit in INTEGRAL SPI-ACS prompt observations'', GCN Circular, 2019, 24727

  135. Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A., Chelovekov, I., Grebenev, S., on behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``LIGO/Virgo S190727h: possible counterpart candidate in SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL'', GCN Circular, 2019, 25171

  136. Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A., Chelovekov, I., Grebenev, S., on behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``LIGO/Virgo S190728q: SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL data analysis'', GCN Circular, 2019, 25189

  137. Molkov, S., Mereghetti, S., Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Rodi, J., Coleiro, A. ``IceCube-190819A: No counterpart candidates in INTEGRAL SPI-ACS prompt observation'', GCN Circular, 2019, 25403

  138. Molkov, S., Mereghetti, S., Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Rodi, J., Coleiro, A. ``LIGO/Virgo S190814bv: No counterpart candidates in INTEGRAL SPI-ACS prompt observation'', GCN Circular, 2019, 25323

  139. Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Molkov, S., Rodi, J., Coleiro, A., Mereghetti, S. ``Fermi GBM-190816: Location-dependent upper limits from INTEGRAL/SPI-ACS prompt observation'', GCN Circular, 2019, 25407

  140. Mereminskiy, I.A., Grebenev, S.A.``New outburst of XTE J1739-285 detected by INTEGRAL/JEM-X'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2019, 13138 (citations)

  141. Grebenev, S.A., Mereminskiy, I.A., Bozzo, E., Ferrigno, C., Savchenko, V. ``INTEGRAL has identified MAXI J1749-310 to GRS 1747-312'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2019, 13155 (citations)

  142. Chelovekov, I., Pozanenko, A., Minaev, P., Grebenev, S., on behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``ZTF19abvizsw/AT2019pim, search for GRB in SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL data'', GCN Circular, 2019, 25686

  143. Molkov, S., Doyle, M., Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Rodi, J., Coleiro, A., Mereghetti, S. ``LIGO/Virgo S191109d: No counterpart candidates in INTEGRAL SPI-ACS,prompt observation'', GCN Circular, 2019, 26207

  144. Molkov, S., Doyle, M., Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Rodi, J., Coleiro, A., Mereghetti, S. ``LIGO/Virgo S191110af: No counterpart candidates in INTEGRAL SPI-ACS, prompt observation'', GCN Circular, 2019, 26225


  145. Onori, F., Molkov, S., Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Rodi, J. Coleiro, A., Mereghetti, S. ``LIGO/Virgo S200129m: No counterpart candidates in INTEGRAL SPI-ACS prompt observation'', GCN Circular, 2020, 26928

  146. Molkov, S., Coleiro, A., Mereghetti, S. ``LIGO/Virgo S200208q: No counterpart candidates in INTEGRAL SPI-ACS prompt observation'', GCN Circular, 2020, 27019

  147. Mereminskiy, I., Grebenev, S., Krivonos, R., Sunyaev, R., Wilms, J., Kuulkers, E. ``INTEGRAL/JEM-X detection of X-ray activity from V4641 Sgr'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2020, 13547

  148. Mereminskiy, I., Lutovinov, A., Sunyaev, R., Grebenev, S., Krivonos, R., Molkov, S. ``INTEGRAL detection of a bright X-ray transient in Terzan 1 and a flare from IGR J17407-2808'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2020, 13630

  149. Lutovinov, A., Enrico B., Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Rodi, J., Coleiro, A., Mereghetti, S. ``IceCube-200421A: No counterpart candidates in INTEGRAL SPI-ACS and IBIS prompt observation'', GCN Circular, 2020, 27613

  150. Pozanenko, A., Minaev, P., Chelovekov, I., Grebenev, S., on behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``GRB 200415A (possible magnetar Giant Flare in Sculptor Galaxy): INTEGRAL observations'', GCN Circular, 2020, 27627

  151. Pozanenko, A., Minaev, P., Chelovekov, I., Grebenev, S., on behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``GRB 200415A correction to GCN 27627 (possible magnetar Giant Flare in Sculptor Galaxy): INTEGRAL observations'', GCN Circular, 2020, 27629

  152. Gotz, D., Lutovinov, A., Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Rodi, J., Coleiro, A., Mereghetti, S.I. ``IceCube-200425A: No counterpart candidates in INTEGRAL SPI-ACS prompt observation '', GCN Circular, 2020, 27652

  153. Minaev, P., Chelovekov, I., Pozanenko, A., Grebenev, S., on behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``GRB 200422A: INTEGRAL observations'', GCN Circular, 2020, 27694

  154. Mereminskiy, I., Lutovinov, A., Semena, A., Molkov, S., Kuulkers, E., Caballero, I., Lapshov, I., Tkachenko, A., Krivonos, R., Arefiev, V. ``INTEGRAL, Swift and SRG/ART-XC joint observation of SRGA J043520.9+552226/AT2019wey'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2020, 14100


  155. Grebenev, S.A., Mereminskiy, I.A. ``New X-ray transient IGR J17533-2928 discovered by INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2021, 14425

  156. Mereminskiy, I.A., Grebenev, S.A., Lutovinov, A.A., Krivonos, R.A., Kuulkers, E., on behalf of the Galactic bulge monitoring team ``INTEGRAL/JEM-X observes the new outburst of the eclipsing 518 Hz AMXP SWIFT J1749.4-2807'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2021, 14427 (citations)

  157. Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A., Chelovekov, I., Grebenev, S., on behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``GRB 210619B: SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL observations'', GCN Circular, 2021, 30304

  158. Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A., Chelovekov, I., Grebenev, S., on behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``GRB 210704A: INTEGRAL observations'', GCN Circular, 2021, 30444

  159. Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A., Chelovekov, I., Grebenev, S., on behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``GRB 210704A: classification as long GRB and redshift estimating'', GCN Circular, 2021, 30452

  160. Chelovekov, I., Pozanenko, A., Minaev, P., Grebenev, S., on behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``SGR 1935+2154: SPI INTEGRAL observations on 2021 August 5'', GCN Circular, 2021, 30631

  161. Grebenev, S.A. ``4U 1730-22 (CXOU J173357.5-220156) was detected in outburst by INTEGRAL for the first time since 1972'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2021, 14870

  162. Ferrigno, C., Savchenko, V., Bozzo, E., Grebenev, S.A., Wilms J., Ducci, L., Kuulkers, E. ``INTEGRAL follow-up of the 4U 1730-22 outburst'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2021, 14896

  163. Pozanenko, A., Minaev, P., Grebenev, S., Chelovekov, I., on behalf of the IKI GRB FuN collaboration ``GRB 211023A: classification and SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL registration'', GCN Circular, 2021, 31081


  164. Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A. ``GRB 211211A: redshift estimation and SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL detection'', GCN Circular, 2022, 31230

  165. Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A.``GRB 210919A: SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL observation and evaluation of Ep'', GCN Circular, 2022, 31566

  166. Grebenev, S.A., Krivonos, R.A. ``Reactivation of IGR J17091-3624 in hard X-rays visible with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2022, 15283

  167. Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A., Mozgunov, G. ``GRB 220521A: classification and detection by SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL'', GCN Circular, 2022, 32105

  168. Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A., Chelovekov, I. ``GRB 221009A: Analysis of the initial episode using data of GBM/Fermi and SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL'', GCN Circular, 2022, 32819


  169. Grebenev, S.A., Bryksin, S.S., Sunyaev, R.A. ``X-ray activity of the transient burster IGR J17498-2921 detected with INTEGRAL'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2023, 15996

  170. Egron, E., Rodriguez, J., Trushkin, S.A., Pellizzoni, A., Pilia, M., Melis, A., Righini, S., Bouchet, T., Cangemi, F., Coleiro, A., Chenevez, J., Grinberg, V., Loru, S., Petrucci, P.O., Pottschmidt, K., Steiner, J., Tomsick, J., Wilms, J., Zhang, Shu, Zhang, Sh., Tao, L. ``A bright radio flare observed in GRS 1915+105 with the Medicina and RATAN radio telescopes with no X-ray counterpart in the INTEGRAL energy range'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2023, 16008

  171. Sunyaev, R.A., Mereminskiy, I.A., Molkov, S.V., Semena, A.N., Arefiev, V.A., Krivonos, R.A., Levin, V.V., Lutovinov, A.A., Shtykovsky, A.E., Tkachenko, A.Yu. ``INTEGRAL and SRG/ART-XC observations of the rise of Swift J1727.8-1613'', Astronomer's Telegram, 2023, 16217


  172. Minaev, P., Pozanenko, A., Chelovekov, I., Grebenev, S. (IKI GRB FuN team) ``Transient EPW20240219aa: upper limit in gamma-ray range from SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL observations'', GCN Circular, 2024, 35786

  173. Svinkin, D., Frederiks, D., Lysenko, A., Ridnaia, A., Cline, T. (Konus-Wind Team), Goldstein, A., Briggs, M.S., Wilson-Hodge, C., Burns, E. (Fermi GBM Team), Bozzo, E., Ferrigno, C. (INTEGRAL SPI-ACS GRB Team), Barthelmy, S., Cummings, J., Krimm, H., Palmer, D., Tohuvavohu, A. (Swift-BAT Team) ``IPN triangulation of GRB 240514B (short)'', GCN Circular, 2024, 36507

  174. Kozyrev, A.S., Golovin, D.V., Litvak, M.L., Mitrofanov, I.G., Sanin, A.B. (Hend/Mars Odyssey Team), Svinkin, D., Frederiks, D., Ridnaia, A., Lysenko, A., Cline, T. (Konus-Wind Team), Goldstein, A., Briggs, M.S., Wilson-Hodge, C., Burns, E. (Fermi GBM Team), Bozzo, E., Ferrigno, C. (INTEGRAL SPI-ACS GRB Team), Barthelmy, S., Cummings, J., Krimm, H., Palmer, D., Tohuvavohu, A. (Swift-BAT team), Boynton, W., Fellows, C., Harshman, K., Enos, H., Starr, R., Gardner, A.S. (GRS-Odyssey GRB team) ``IPN triangulation of GRB 240615A (short)'', GCN Circular, 2024, 36726