In accordance to plan of the Acceptance Tests for Flight Models which was agreed in March 2000 in Moscow, the Acceptance Test of SIXA FM was carried out between 28 August and 2 September at VTT Automation, Finland.
Special test equipment of IKI was used during the Acceptance Tests. The sequence of test is listed below.
Inspection of SIXA Documentation was carried out. Following documents
were given by the Finnish team to the Russian specialists:
- External Cabling Plan for SIXA EBOX
- TCU Board Specification
- TCU Circuit Diagram
- SIU Circuit Diagram
- SIXA GSE User’s Manual
- GOUCH for electronics box of SIXA-FM, Remark: not updated after changes
made in 1994.
- SIXA-FM passport,
- GSE SIXA-FM passport,
- SIXA-FM technical description, Remark: not updated after modifications
of Electronics Block
- GSE SIXA-FM technical description,
- SIXA-FM user manual,
- GSE SIXA-FM user manual,
- Ground Test Program of SIXA-FM.
Visual inspection of SIXA Electronics Box. Some remarks were made.
Checking of 7HA and 8HA connectors signals: Isolation tests, 27V, RC
750-757, 1Hz, Analog-, Contact and Temperature TM-parameters. No remarks.
Checking of SIXA-FM and GSE SIXA documentation. No remarks.
Autonomous test of SIXA-FM + GSE SIXA was performed according to Technical
Description and User Manual for SIXA-FM.
SIXA Interface Box - board service systems simulator for the autonomic tests
Preparation of cyclogram "Normal observation mode" with 4 different
targets: ON-sot-fot-sot-fot-sot-fot-sot-fot-BGC-Dump-OFF.
Results of "Normal observation mode" cyclogram work:
- Test data were written to MPMI, DSS-F, DSS-S and GSE SIXA-FM,
- Scientific blocks received: SIXA A = 5712, SIXA B = 854, (indeed
on the contrary, SIXA-A gave 854, and SIXA-B 5712, see Remark below)
Connectors of SRG-bus A and B are mistakably marked by the labels
of each other. This leads to misunderstanding of what SIXA, A or B data
are received from.
Temporarily connectors 54H (on SB4) and 59H (on SB8) of SRG-bus
were reconnected to the places of each other in order to avoid further
misunderstandings in tests.
Emergency test
Preparation of cyclogram "Emergency test" with 3 different Dumps: ON-sot-fot-ERB-BGC-DUMP1-sot-BAT-BGC-DUMP2-sot-ECO-BGC-DUMP3-OFF
Note: DC/DC2 and Hard Disk 2 operated in this test.
Results of "Emergency test" cyclogram work:
- Test data were written to MPMI, DSS-F, DSS-S and GSE SIXA-FM,
- Scientific blocks received: SIXA A = 115, SIXA B = 2042,
- Power consumption was less than in previous test 1,4A in Observation
time and 1,0A in Ground Contact. This depends on different mode of work.
- No indication of SIXA "On" (CC2) contact parameter, because this
parameter goes only from DC/DC1 (Russian) converter and is missing in DC/DC2
(American). No further actions are needed, this remains so.
Normal observation with 1 target with 10 minutes single exposition,
while in 000883002 test with 4 targets there were 10 of 1-minute expositions
in order to see variability of the target. One minute is too short for
some pixels to begin data collection in that concrete situation.
- DC/DC1 and Hard Disk 1 operated in this test.
- This test was provided without test pauses (STOPs) between commands.
- Data were written to MPMI, DSS-F, DSS-S and GSE SIXA-FM.
- Scientific blocks collected: SIXA-A: 20 blocks, SIXA-B: 2042 blocks.
- Power consumption in Observation mode: 1.8A, in Ground contact: 1.4A
No remarks.
The results of the SIXA FM Acceptance Tests confirmed good functioning
of the instrument and good compatibility with the SRG spacecraft service
systems in general.