Russian-Turkish 1.5-m Telescope |
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System of quick search through RTT150 data archiveThis search system is designed for generating the necessary information on series of pointings (observations of each source consist of sets of exposures with different filters and sometimes with different exposure times) for observed sources. Search results appear at the separate page as a table with the following data: DATE - real (not evening!) observations date (in YYYY-MM-DD format); Time - Universal Time (UT) at the beginning of the first and the last exposure in this series of observations (in HH:MM format); Tobs/Ne - overall exposure time (in seconds) / number of exposures made (exposure times may vary within a set); CCD - imaging CCD used during observations (see focal instruments); System - optical system of the telescope (see technical description); Bin - minimal CCD binning mode (may vary during the observations); Source - name of the source; RA, DEC - equatorial coordinates of the pointing (epoch 2000.0); Filters - filters used during the set of observations; Info - additional information - link to the text file containing headers of the all FITS-files of this night; Download - link to the directory in the data archive where FITS files with observations during the specified month are stored, but this directory can only be accessed with a password (see description of data archive). |
In source name mode search system looks for the given word, several words of fragments (no less than 2 characters in at least one of them) separated by blank spaces. Two search modes are available: "OR" and "AND". In the "OR" mode those of records are listed which contain at least one of given fragments. "AND" mode finds all records containing every search word or fragment. For example, if you need to find all observations of cl1823+5658 cluster of galaxies during 2001, type "2001 1823+5658" in the search line.
Search by equatorial coordinates of telescope pointing during observations. Input the needed values of right ascension and declinations in a and d fields (in hh:mm:ss & o:':'' format at the upper line or o & o format at the bottom line). Declination sign in o:':'' format should be given in degree field even if it is equal to 0. As a result you will get the list of observations with telescope pointing (center of CCD field of view) within angular distance r from given coordinates.
Search by observation date. Date should be specified in YYYY-MM-DD format (always 10 characters). As additional parameters one can select data ownership by any of three project participants (IKI, KSU or TUG), one of CCD detectors and one of binning modes.