CosmoMC module for CCCP cluster mass function cosmological dataset The likelihood for Chandra Cluster Cosmology Project (CCCP) galaxy cluster mass function cosmological data (Vikhlinin et al., ApJ 2009a, 692, 1033, ApJ 2009b, 692, 1060) is calculated at arbitrary point in cosmological parameters space using interpolation on precalculated likelihood grids. If you use this module, please, cite also Burenin, Vikhlinin (2012). To install the module: 1) Download and save CCCP clusters likelihoods grids, e.g.: cd /tmp wget (108Mb) cd /my/cosmomc/data tar xvf /tmp/cccp_data.tar 2) Copy clusters_cccp.f90 to cosmomc/source directory. 3) Add calculation of CCCP clusters likelihood to calclike.f90: - in the beginning of the calclike.f90 add: use clusters_cccp - in the appropriate place of the code add also, e.g.: if (Use_Clusters .and. GetLogLikePost /= LogZero) then GetLogLikePost = GetLogLikePost + clusters_cccp_LnLike(CMB,Info) end if 4) Edit Makefile: - Add reference to libcfitsio, e.g.: LINKFLAGS += -lcfitsio - Add clusters_cccp.o to OBJFILES before calclike.o: OBJFILES= ... clusters_cccp.o calclike.o ... 5) make 6) If you put cccp likelihood data to the place other than cosmomc/data, you can add to your params.ini file: clusters_cccp_data = /my/path/to/cccp_data/